What's your badger?




I'm looking to make an alt to collect badges with, and was wondering what some strong or fun combos were. The obvious choice (to me) is something like Ill/Rad or Ill/Cold for soloing GMs and AVs, but on the other hand I play on Virtue so it's not that hard to find a team to take down these hard targets. I'd probably want room in my build to fit in a travel power, to cut down time spent getting exploration badges. It should exemp well for doing TFs or arcs in Ouro. I'm not sure what other considerations are important beyond the obvious that it should be something I enjoy playing. Things like taking lots of damage or getting mezzed frequently or whatever only account for a handful of badges out of more than a thousand, so they shouldn't be big concerns.. right?



Mine is a Fire/Fire/Pyre tank, but he's only sitting at 1014 badges or so.

If you get a chance to do so, take a look at the CoH Titan networks site, specifically the City Info Tracker. There you'll see who are the top badge toons that use the site, and what power sets/ATs they're using. Look under Character-Leader board. There are a very large group of folks with over 1200 badges. The current top badgers are in the 1225+ range. Quite the variety of ATs and Powersets amongst them.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



I use a Stone/Stone brute..sitting at 1210+ badges (missing alot of the vet badges, Bug Hunter, Passport...the ones you can not really control )

Got all of the others though



Picking something with a heal and/or rez makes the healing badges easier. Earning credit with the Medicine Pool, Incarnate Powers, or Pets is painfully slow, and I don't know if heal farming in the arena works any more.

I don't know If Ill/Rad is the best, but it's at least a good candidate.




Mine is a Gravity/Storm/Stone Controller. Currently have about 920 badges give or take. I've invested a fair amount of inf into his build and is a good solid toon that solos well and can contribute on teams as well.

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Back when I was badging, I was using a stalker - great for getting into dangerous areas without being seen. Then I spent the time to get the Toy Collector badge (had to do it SOLO) and just got burned out on badging all together; that was like three years ago.



Mine is an Ice/Storm controller. Not optimum by any means. O2 Boost painfully got me the heal badges.

Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)



Mind/Psi/Soul dominator, with the stealth+stealth io for invisibility. The healing is the real trick, but being able to manipulate from invisibility and lock down most anything is a huge boon for most content.



All of my characters. The only badges I try to get are the accolade powers and I try for those on all my characters I find worth playing.

I have asked this elsewhere but what makes badging fun for badgers ?

Just looking at it as an outsider, it seems a pretty nasty situation. If you haven't been playing the game from day 1 there is no way to complete. There are badges that just aren't available unless you are willing to prostitute yourself in odd , and any badges that you do go to considerable effort to obtain seem to get nerfed in random ways.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Just looking at it as an outsider, it seems a pretty nasty situation. If you haven't been playing the game from day 1 there is no way to complete. There are badges that just aren't available unless you are willing to prostitute yourself in odd , and any badges that you do go to considerable effort to obtain seem to get nerfed in random ways.
And a lot of the badges that have straightforward requirements tend to be grind-y kill-100-grey-bosses sorts.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Palrah is my badge-monkey (Badge-canary? Badge budgie? o_0)... He's a flying Dual Blade/Willpower tank. I didn't set out to make a badge collector with him, it just turned out that having a very mobile, very tough, reasonably stabby toon in that role was a good fit.

Why collect them at all? I started out just collecting them for the titles, but after getting five or six hundred of them it became more of a completionist-thing. I'm still a casual collector by badger standards (I won't make Pally a villain just to get the red-side badges, for instance-), but looking at his list still makes me grin. Having all of the crafting and Oro badges, for instance, is something I'm mildly proud of. Those took some work.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
I have asked this elsewhere but what makes badging fun for badgers ?
Completionism, for myself. It's a sub-goal of the game for me that I try to complete, or at least complete a sub-set of them to my satisfaction. There are some badges that, simply due to my life, I will never obtain, such as the Dr. Quaterfield task force. I will never have a coincidental chance to a) be online for 6-10 hours and b) find 7 other people to do it with.

However, reading up on the Keyes Island badges, I am actually considering abandoning my badging efforts. Some of those badges just do not promote a single ounce of fun to me, just in reading them.

Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)



I went on a big badging kick for a little bit on my Invulnerability/Ice Melee Tanker. He was my first character and my first 50 so naturally I spend some extra time on him. I'm not nearly as accomplished as some of the more hardcore badge collectors though... I'm in the 600s somewhere right now... though I still haven't gotten a lot of the new exploration badges so I might do that soon.

Really any AT/Powerset combo can pull off badging, some more than others of course. The real question is what can YOU stick with because getting serious about badges takes up a lot of playtime, especially if you want to get up into the 1200s.

Wild Streak - Lv. 50(+3) Beast Mastery/Sonic Resonance Mastermind, Amnesty - Lv. 50 Staff Fighting/Dark Armor Stalker



Mind/Kin for me. Great control, decent damage plus one of the best area heals in the game makes badging pretty easy. However, I should note that ANY Character can kill 100 skulls, or wander around zones for exploration badges, or sit in a room for 20 days, or take damage and pay off debt. The vast majority of badges are just as easy for character A to get as Character B. The only exceptions would be some exploration badges if you can't fly, or trying an all-blaster Master TF run (which HAS been done, but i figure Blasters would have the hardest time of it. Maybe Stalkers?). Also, you don't have to solo an AV or GM for badge credit. Though if that's what you wanna do, more power to ya. I should mention that anything that's def-capped and has a decent attack chain can solo a GM... AVs might be a bit trickier.

I think the main thing you want to be aware of when badging is this: try to farm damage badges before getting any +HP accolades. Otherwise enemies will do damage to you that won't count towards your badge total. For instance, if you have +50 HP above your base HP, an enemy that hits you for 75 damage will only count for 25 points of badge credit.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



My main is a Kinetics/Rad. Blast Defender

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



DB/DA scrap here.



My badger is a large black-and-white member of the weasel family.




my badger is a near 5 year old ninja/dark mm, the only really tough badges he had to get were the dmg badges since mm cant take a lot of dmg



Inv/SS tanker, 1214 badges at present (just got 72 months); missing 5 masters of...

@Doctor Density
A respectable lvl 50 INV/SS tank
Currently "Rogue"



My badger is my Shield/Elec tanker, mainly because he's my favourite guy to play with.

My Badger is a 2 year old pure black Turkish Angora that I rescued a couple years ago and brought back to Canada.



The best badger, is the badger you have fun playing regardless of badging

Some may be harder to get badges on, but there are ways. Started working on my healing badges on my DB/WP with the use of Rebirth (but that was more just luck of picking that as the concept fitting, awesome for the build, Destiny pick).

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Mind/Kin for me. Great control, decent damage plus one of the best area heals in the game makes badging pretty easy. However, I should note that ANY Character can kill 100 skulls, or wander around zones for exploration badges, or sit in a room for 20 days, or take damage and pay off debt. The vast majority of badges are just as easy for character A to get as Character B. The only exceptions would be some exploration badges if you can't fly, or trying an all-blaster Master TF run (which HAS been done, but i figure Blasters would have the hardest time of it. Maybe Stalkers?). Also, you don't have to solo an AV or GM for badge credit. Though if that's what you wanna do, more power to ya. I should mention that anything that's def-capped and has a decent attack chain can solo a GM... AVs might be a bit trickier.

I think the main thing you want to be aware of when badging is this: try to farm damage badges before getting any +HP accolades. Otherwise enemies will do damage to you that won't count towards your badge total. For instance, if you have +50 HP above your base HP, an enemy that hits you for 75 damage will only count for 25 points of badge credit.
I also use a Mind/Kin.

The +HP problem is no longer an issue. It apparently got quietly fixed sometime between the middle of last year and early this year. I didn't post it in there, but I did my last damage farming at around the same time that that thread came up, and my results coincided with what was reported in that thread.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
I have asked this elsewhere but what makes badging fun for badgers ?

Just looking at it as an outsider, it seems a pretty nasty situation. If you haven't been playing the game from day 1 there is no way to complete. There are badges that just aren't available unless you are willing to prostitute yourself in odd , and any badges that you do go to considerable effort to obtain seem to get nerfed in random ways.
Ummmm, to be honest, I am not sure what makes it fun exactly, it's not just one thing, nor is it really limited to the things I am about to mention. I think part of it is being 'forced' to do everything on a single character. I like that I can say "been there, done that" about things in this game. I think, for me, it comes down to learning about the game. I enjoy being the fountain of knowledge in my play-group... and badging helps that. Further, it's about accomplishment. Every time I earn a badge it is like a mini-victory. When I was FINALLY able to get on a team to earn the CoP badge, I was SOOO stoked. And with Incarnatehood requiring so much playtime on my main character, badging offers a diversion WHILE likely allowing me extra Shard drops!

Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
The best badger, is the badger you have fun playing regardless of badging
This! I actually switched my villain main due to this very reason. I essentially abandoned progress on one of my characters to move over to my Elec/Nin Stalker.

And to answer the actual question in the OP: my main badger is Wylde-Fire who is a Grav/FF/Primal [Nerve T3, Ion T3, Polar Lights T3, Gravitic T3, Clarion T3] Troller.