Conversation Between Marketing Drones




Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Yeah, I agree with this, too. It's not that the OP isn't mildly amusing, it's just that there's still a lot of crap going on around this stuff, and it comes off as needlessly antagonistic.

Or it could be that we're really tired of this argument, we're tired of umpteen threads being created and even more being hijacked, and it's long past time to move on. The humor in the OP is based upon the premises that 1) the developers and marketing people don't care about us and only marginally care about the game 2) most people hate the trials, and 3) that the way it is will be set in stone forever, never to change. All of these are outright false, so it just doesn't really strike me as laugh-out-loud funny as it apparently does others who must think these premises are true.


Trying to get the thread locked? Politics, religion, and gender issues in in one paragraph.
Or trying to troll the flames further?

Maybe you could use your ignore button, or avoid threads that make you react this way.

Amazing how you can complain about thread jacking, yet come ranting with others into this thread for what reason again?

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Yeah, I agree with this, too. It's not that the OP isn't mildly amusing, it's just that there's still a lot of crap going on around this stuff, and it comes off as needlessly antagonistic.

Or it could be that we're really tired of this argument, we're tired of umpteen threads being created and even more being hijacked, and it's long past time to move on.
That's right, folks! If you have a problem with something - MOVE ON! Stop complaining and suck it up!




You have to wonder if all the ones so adamant about complaining about the complainers were to avoid the threads that bother them so much if those threads would be getting so large.

As it is we have a portion of the forum upset over certain issues and the other half of the forum getting sick of hearing about it. I say, quit antagonizing them if you want it to stop.

If every thread on the subject was nothing but the same few posters all high fiving each other for being in complete agreement... The thread wouldn't last that long.

Then you have to add your voice to the chorus which in turn invites them to try and hammer their point home even further, dragging out the same reasons back and forth ad naseum.

If you don't like the thread, don't read it. There is no need to fan the flames after your intital /disagree post.

*This isn't singling anyone particular out, just a trend I'm seeing.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



I found Gale's post slightly closer to the truth but both gave me a chuckle.

There is not much I can say about the trials other than I refuse to do them. If I want to play 'end-game' ill go play WoW and, due to all the years i've played MMO's, thats no longer what I want. But, even with my uninspired opinion on 'trials' I find it disheartening that the Devs gave the players a generic 'end-game' system that exists in nearly every other MMO yet wasn't received as well. It's strange really. People are fickle.

Perhaps after the 'Omega' trial we can hopefully see old content revamped. The Devs HATE visiting old content. H.A.T.E. This can go back to the 'cottage rule' , the Shadow Shard, reviewing old powersets, revemping old mission content etc etc etc. They simply don't want to do it. I think that if they did revamp this older content we'd see less farmers (thus more people playing in other zones thus more vitality and easier team building), less boredom from older, experienced players and possibly a better reason for people to return to city of heroes.

'end-game' isn't very appealing after the first 'instance' or 'trial' or 'raid' because the rest after that are essentially the same. This game's combat and overall engine hasn't aged well and isn't very flexible unless your very savvy with it (luckily our devs are!), so these 'trials' are all going to work and operate the same anyway.

Whining about everything since 2006.

Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
If you don't like the thread, don't read it. There is no need to fan the flames after your intital /disagree post.

Though there's not even the need for a "/disagree" post.



Wow, humour's clearly become a serious business around these parts for some folk.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
If you don't like the thread, don't read it. There is no need to fan the flames after your intital /disagree post.
If you don't like end game, do the same? :P I kid, I kid.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
What was posted here has been said in countless other threads started by the same people responding with LOL SO FUNNY. Except I guess this is funny instead of just forum ranting because it's in the form of a play?

But I guess since it's written as a play, we're forced to ignore reality and play by the vocal minorities beliefs here, right?
Hey, I disagreed with the OP, and nobody's complaining about me. Maybe you should write your counter-point in the form of a play.

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Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
Man, Disaster Movie said the words Iron Man! I've seen Iron Man! That was hilarious... even though the movie didn't do anything funny with Iron Man. Just because I agree with knowing that Iron Man is a thing it's HILARIOUS! COMEDY GOLD!

This thread is the Epic Movie of forum threads.
Yo dog! We put a complaint in the complainin', so you can complain about the complainin' with a complaint!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Um, you folks DO realize that I haven't played a single Trial yet, right? I don't have a 50th level character so I haven't experience one with the Incarnate content. I haven't unlocked an Alpha Slot... I wouldn't know an Alpha Slot if it walked up, cocked a leg on my shoe and howled in victory over the fact.

I'm not normally in the habit of defending my posts because I so very rarely try to make a point with them or I just bury my point in a deep pile of subtle or irony.

But, since everyone seems to be polarizing over this little "comedic" playlet, I'll give 'er a go.

1) I did NOT mock the Incarnate Trials or System. I have not actually played any of it, so I don't feel qualified to make judgments or accusations about it.

2) This was NOT a negative post. People, the gaming industry is a BUSINESS. Their primary objective is to stay alive in a highly competitive field. Yes, I believe that some of their marketing people had a similar discussion to what I wrote, but I don't necessarily think that is a BAD thing. If it keeps the game I love around a little longer, then I am all for it.

3) I am at least 90% grinder. The guy I described playing the same room of an RPG for months and months in order to get the main character from 10th to 83rd level early in the game was ME. I've done this many times. Heck, I even do this to some extent with CoH. With all the times I've restarted my tournament I've practically memorized early content. So, when I say the marketing team has targeted grinders it's with some pride... I rarely get that kind of attention from game designers.

4) When I wrote the post it was more in the nature of "Why would the marketing department choose this strategy for keeping players?" than "I hate the Incarnate System and want to write an inflamatory post about it." Like I said... I haven't played the Incarnate stuff yet, though with a 42nd level character I'm closing in on it. I would suggest that perhaps some of you (not all) have been projecting your own feelings about the system into what I wrote.

Now, if you'll excuse me I need to go take a shower. I HATE the oily, itchy feeling I get from being neck-deep in a serious post.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Wow, humour's clearly become a serious business around these parts for some folk.
Apparently so.

I do disagree with the sentiment of, "Stop complaining, you've complained enough, it's boring."

Sorry but if people do have legitimate complaints and when people like Arcanville have complaints about the current rewards, there's something to atleast be heard for those complaints, especially from Arcanville because she tends to be the most level headed and fair when it comes to these things, unlike some of us (*cough*me*cough*) who tend to be driven more by emotions and thus are far more biased.

Plus you've kind of shot yourself in the foot.

If you'd not posted and simply let the thread go, it would have done what Steelclaw lists usually do, everybody would have gone 'Lol' 'Funny' etc. and after a couple of days it would have slid into obscurity down the topics list. By complaining about it your making sure that this 'moaning and [censored]' is kept near the top of the list.

So perhaps you are right, that people should stop complaining, in this case it probably would have helped your cause...

That and, unlike Silver, who did an alternate take because she disagreed with Steelclaw, which was both humorous and provided counterpoints to each of Steelclaw's points, you just came in and went "Waaaahhhh dis shizzle is so unfunny it causes a black hole of unfunny!' which just makes you look like a moaning, miserable sod (to the level of Venture, who I swear is mostly just trolling these days) instead of, you know, saying that you simply disagree with the points being made and providing counterpoints.

Heck I LIKE the Trials but having 1 Incarnate character and looking at the rewards I'm going "none of that apart from 1 aura is something I want..." which completely nullifys the purpose of adding those rewards, they're designed to get people like me, who only have 1 character Incarnating and who have all tier 4 slots (including Alpha) to run the trials again.

For me the purpose of those rewards has failed utterly. I'm use to grinding crap, infact I've been through grinds that are a lot worse than anything the Incarnate system has (try killing Goblins, lots of them for eight hours solid every day for three days to earn yourself a hat and non-combat pet...yeah THAT was a grind) but I see the rewards that they're using neither fit the theme of being an Incarnate (aside from Ascenscion armour, which does fit) nor look like they should be gated behind Incarnate content.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Or it could be that we're really tired of this argument, we're tired of umpteen threads being created and even more being hijacked, and it's long past time to move on.
And we're tired of people complaining about our complaining. See the pattern?
Plus, it rubs me the wrong way that it's taking some cheap shots at people who are working extremely hard to make this a cool game.
It comes with the territory. If you put something out for public consumption, expect it to be criticized and outright mocked. If you can't deal with that, don't put stuff out for public consumption. As for mocking the creators themselves, these posts paint them in a better light than many of the actual serious complaints...especially the part about the terrible writing.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
I am at least 90% grinder.
Isn't that a sandwich?
It's more like a hero.



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post

4) When I wrote the post it was more in the nature of "Why would the marketing department choose this strategy for keeping players?" than "I hate the Incarnate System and want to write an inflamatory post about it." Like I said... I haven't played the Incarnate stuff yet, though with a 42nd level character I'm closing in on it. I would suggest that perhaps some of you (not all) have been projecting your own feelings about the system into what I wrote.
I thank you for your candor, but this point is where 99.9% of my problem with this play is.

It wasn't the marketing department's decision to include raids and end game. It was the player's decision when, even in CoH's beta, these things were ASKED for. REPEATEDLY. Next to power customization, crafting, flashback, and side switching (all of which we got first), it was one of the most requested things.

And no matter what you posted, it would be projected upon by the 6 or 7 anti-raid posters on this board and taken as their own. It's what they do. It's just sad that this small group of people don't realize that what they are doing is just as annoying and futile as the same amount of people constantly threadjacking and spamming the boards against crafting. And against PvP. And against Capes at 20. And against auras at 30. And against Hamidon.

It's not like there's a set quota of complaining they must do before the devs go "Wow, 7 people really don't like raids, I guess we'll just rip that out of the game entirely and waste years of development time to give them more solo story arcs they can solo in an afternoon." But that won't stop the vocal minority from trying to reach that mythical quota in their heads.

Current Badge Hunter: Plot Device (Rad/Thermal/Dark) - 1,268 Xbox Live: Friggin Taser

King of Electricity, Lead Inmate running the Carl and Sons asylum, the "Man" behind the Establishment, Given Honor in Hat Form By Paragon City (Favorite Forum Poster 2006!), Master of Ceremonies of the Fair Use Law podcast



Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
It's not like there's a set quota of complaining they must do before the devs go "Wow, 7 people really don't like raids, I guess we'll just rip that out of the game entirely and waste years of development time to give them more solo story arcs they can solo in an afternoon." But that won't stop the vocal minority from trying to reach that mythical quota in their heads.
Oh right, because everyone who doesn't like something is always insisting it get ripped out of the game.

It's not like there's a set quota of thinly veiled troll posts the "shut up and raid" crowd must do before people who don't like the raid grind stop asking for alternatives either. In fact, that vocal minority only makes the other side more vocal. Although lately it seems like the real minority is the "well I like raids, I understand that some people don't like them and I hope they get an alternative, but I personally like them" crowd.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
It's not like there's a set quota of complaining they must do before the devs go "Wow, 7 people really don't like raids, I guess we'll just rip that out of the game entirely and waste years of development time to give them more solo story arcs they can solo in an afternoon." But that won't stop the vocal minority from trying to reach that mythical quota in their heads.
However, there *is* a set quota of complaining about the complaining that'll trigger everyone to realise the futility of their fight and just drop the issue and move on.

We're getting close, I'm sure.

Any post now.



Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
But that won't stop the vocal minority from trying to reach that mythical quota in their heads.
Try to ally yourself as the "majority" all you want, it remains fact that people that feel like you either apparently feel no need to speak up, or don't exist. We might be a minority, but you're even more so of one.

The only real majority anyone can claim on the forums is the majority of folks who think "Forums? What forums? Why would I want to mess around with forums?"



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Oh right, because everyone who doesn't like something is always insisting it get ripped out of the game.

It's not like there's a set quota of thinly veiled troll posts the "shut up and raid" crowd must do before people who don't like the raid grind stop asking for alternatives either. In fact, that vocal minority only makes the other side more vocal. Although lately it seems like the real minority is the "well I like raids, I understand that some people don't like them and I hope they get an alternative, but I personally like them" crowd.
People who are quietly ambivalent about new changes are sadly under-represented in forum discussion. I feel like I should start a campaign.

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Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
People who are quietly ambivalent about new changes are sadly under-represented in forum discussion. I feel like I should start a campaign.
"Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter."

(Yes, "quietly ambivalent" sums up my position quite well.)



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Although lately it seems like the real minority is the "well I like raids, I understand that some people don't like them and I hope they get an alternative, but I personally like them" crowd.
This is pretty much my attitude. I enjoy the raids. I think they are enough of a grind to prevent it from being trivial but not so much that they dominate all other content.

I have no real objection to other methods being implemented as long as the rule is maintained that the more people required for a task the higher the reward:time ratio. Now I don't say this because I hate soloers and want to force people to run trials but because I feel it is something that should be incorporated into the reward system of any MMO. Running team content is logistically more problematic than running solo content and as such you tend to spend a larger portion of your time not running content than you do while soloing. I tend to feel that the rewards for group content should reflect that. In fact my primary concern about solo incarnate content is not it's effect on soloers but that it will become the preferred incarnate group content as well. I don't think this is an insurmountable problem but it's something that needs to be addressed.

I will admit a certain level of frustration regarding the number of threads complaining about the incarnate system but for the most part I'm just ignoring it and simply enjoying the game.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Try to ally yourself as the "majority" all you want, it remains fact that people that feel like you either apparently feel no need to speak up, or don't exist. We might be a minority, but you're even more so of one.

The only real majority anyone can claim on the forums is the majority of folks who think "Forums? What forums? Why would I want to mess around with forums?"
You know what? You are right. I am in the minority here.

I'm in the minority on these forums that realize that you, Eva, and the rest of your anti-raid crusade are just posting the exact same thing that was said anytime any change ever was added to this game. I'm in the minority of people who realize how completely narcissistic it is for the handful of you to continue to spam these boards with your views as if they are new or even warranted. I'm in the minority of people who feel sorry for you, since you can't seem to realize that you can take any one of your anti raid posts, remove the word raid, and Mad Libs a rant against any other change ever in this game.

If your majority is full of ostriches with their heads so far in the sand that they think their own personal disagreement with the game is more relevant or more important than any other issue anyone has ever had with this game and that the devs are forming a huge conspiracy to force them to *gasp* team, then I'm glad I'm not part of the petulant, clueless majority here.

If we add up all the time Eiko or Eva have posted against raiding, we would find that someone playing solo in the exact amount of time using merits and the auction house could have a fully formed incarnate by now. But it's more fun to pretend this addition to the game is the one that will TOTALLY RUIN THE GAME FOREVER and act like victims.

Current Badge Hunter: Plot Device (Rad/Thermal/Dark) - 1,268 Xbox Live: Friggin Taser

King of Electricity, Lead Inmate running the Carl and Sons asylum, the "Man" behind the Establishment, Given Honor in Hat Form By Paragon City (Favorite Forum Poster 2006!), Master of Ceremonies of the Fair Use Law podcast



And you say I go off on tangents. The only majority I talked about was the majority of people that don't use the forums. I'm not sure where the rest of that tangent came from; it certainly wasn't from anything I wrote.

Also, I'm not sure what Incarnate system you're using that has anything to do with the Markets or Merits; it's certainly not the one I've seen. I used Markets and Merits to get some nice Inventions, though. That was cool.



Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
It wasn't the marketing department's decision to include raids and end game. It was the player's decision when, even in CoH's beta, these things were ASKED for. REPEATEDLY. Next to power customization, crafting, flashback, and side switching (all of which we got first), it was one of the most requested things.
I really do wonder where all these posts were screaming repeatedly for raid content over the years, because quite frankly I don't remember seeing them. Now what I do recall seeing was the occasional post by someone saying they were quitting and citing lack of endgame as one of the reasons. I completely agree that having no endgame has probably cost CoH a few players over the years. But a hotly requested feature? No, sorry, I'm just not seeing that.

Now this could be a matter of perspective. Since raiding doesn't interest me, I may have overlooked threads about it.



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
I really do wonder where all these posts were screaming repeatedly for raid content over the years, because quite frankly I don't remember seeing them. Now what I do recall seeing was the occasional post by someone saying they were quitting and citing lack of endgame as one of the reasons. I completely agree that having no endgame has probably cost CoH a few players over the years. But a hotly requested feature? No, sorry, I'm just not seeing that.
You are entirely correct. However a lack of threads about it doesn't necessarily mean it wasn't wanted by at least some portion of the population. There will always be a portion of the population that wants more and more challenge and power. The thing is that prior to the Incarnate system this desire expressed itself in other ways. There is a portion of the player base that has amused itself by engaging in self-made challenges such as soloing AVs, Pylons and task forces, or experimenting with AE challenge arcs. The reason you never really saw many threads requesting it is that the people who wanted it either found something else to amuse themselves with or moved onto other games. It's the same reason you see so few "fix PvP" threads nowadays, it isn't that nobody wants PvP fixed it's that the people who were vocal about it moved on. In general you tend not to see threads asking for major system changes (such as adding a raid system) simply because the people who are vocal about asking for it are unlikely to play a game that doesn't have it.

Personally my view is that the Incarnate content is something new to do with my level 50s that doesn't involve exemplaring them down. I enjoy playing my 50s so more content for them is something I really like.