Woot, unwanted buff problem solved?




Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Agreed on the silly injoke aspect. I was assuming this was just the devs messing in the uStream chat. Are they actually intending this to be controlled via talking to a seagull?

I though the Null the Gull thread was worth a chuckle and all, but this is just daft.
That might be what the Devs think about folks who don't want SB.

They could have stuck Baby New Year there instead with dialogue about how he's going to teach you how to take baby steps.

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I really wish they add Cold Domination auras to that list. I really really hate looking like an ice cube...

I'd rather lose 15% Defense Buff than to look like an ice cube. I'm serious!



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Shh don't tell anyone, but I would do a lot more than go talk to an NPC to avoid this problem. I would fight Trapdoor, Ebil Honoree and that Vanguard punk Honoree pals around with in the Incarnate arc all at once, to turn that **** off.

Take a jaunt to turn that off? Hell, I'd Walk from under the Atlas statue to the far end of the Storm Palace WITH NO JETPACK to turn it off. I'm down with it, no complaints here. Thanks Devs.
ya know, when i read the news last night, you were the first person to hop to mind. "somebody's going to be happy"

just had a very silly thought, but i see a sudden meta-logic in this. to indicate that you want no effects, you have to be unable to disprove null's hypothesis



Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post
I really wish they add Cold Domination auras to that list. I really really hate looking like an ice cube...

I'd rather lose 15% Defense Buff than to look like an ice cube. I'm serious!
I think they'll get around to that eventually - an option to decline the ugly buffs would eb nice.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post
I really wish they add Cold Domination auras to that list. I really really hate looking like an ice cube...

I'd rather lose 15% Defense Buff than to look like an ice cube. I'm serious!
I really hate those ice shields worse than SB, esp. since everyone seems to be coloring them pink now.

I am not sure why everyone is assuming that we're going to be talking to an actual *bird*. Is Ghost Falcon in Peregrine an actual bird? I doubt it.



It's probably easier and at the very least safer to code a new NPC to handle per character settings than modify a system like the store NPCs that has been bug free for years. Players who aren't interested in altering these movement oriented buffs never need to see the option while those who are interested can seek them out.

In one way it streamlines the experience of a player who isn't interested in some of the new content that's been added to the game over the years.

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Null is the well :P



So have Nul the gul hand out some any level can do missions and then have him give us his cel after 1 or 2 tops. How'd that be?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
"Null the Gull is my master now."

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



From Ashley McKnight's Midnight's Hand arc:

As you defeat the last of the two enemies, this object drops from one of their hands. It looks like a mask, sculpted from gold. As you hold it up to your face and look through the eyes, you see the cavern you are in transform into a massive underground city. Ancient columns push up into the darkness and as you breathe in you smell the sea air. You look to a nearby rock and see a raven looking back at you. All around you are statues of heroes, caught in the midst of battle.
You stole the mask and when you looked through it you saw the cave around you transform into something ancient. The room was filled with heroes who had been turned to stone and a single raven looked down upon you squawking in laughter.

I think these should be changed to a seagull now.




Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Agreed on the silly injoke aspect. I was assuming this was just the devs messing in the uStream chat. Are they actually intending this to be controlled via talking to a seagull?

I though the Null the Gull thread was worth a chuckle and all, but this is just daft.
For what it's worth, they indicated that the actual NPC wasn't set in stone; it might very well change. I have to say, though, that I agree. I don't mind humor in the game, but this just seems over the top silly to me. Mind you, if it goes through, I won't be seething mad or anything, not even miffed. It's mildly amusing, but I just think that the joke will wear off quickly and we'll be left with an immersion-shattering non sequitur, and new players without the background will be like, "What the--!!?"

I won't be posting complaints or petitioning to get him removed or anything. I'd just rather them use a more plausible contact.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I'd just rather them use a more plausible contact.
Well, with the new animal pack bird head, they could make a bird-man contact called Null, who used to be a normal bird until he got transformed in some mysterious way

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
For what it's worth, they indicated that the actual NPC wasn't set in stone; it might very well change. I have to say, though, that I agree. I don't mind humor in the game, but this just seems over the top silly to me. Mind you, if it goes through, I won't be seething mad or anything, not even miffed. It's mildly amusing, but I just think that the joke will wear off quickly and we'll be left with an immersion-shattering non sequitur, and new players without the background will be like, "What the--!!?"

I won't be posting complaints or petitioning to get him removed or anything. I'd just rather them use a more plausible contact.
You are of course welcome to your own opinion, but take a look at your very own signature quoting Jay. The devs have never treated the game as srs bsns.

Even Marvel and DC roll out Howard the Duck and Plastic Man in their mainstream titles.

As to your main argument, 'new players' are unlikely to even get to Ouroboros (which I'm pretty sure is where they said the contact would be) and being new, I'd think that makes them even less likely to question anything they see, especially given the context of it being on a flying trans-dimensional time ship operated by steampunks. Once they see the giant, blue, bearded guy in the toga, all bets are off.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
As to your main argument, 'new players' are unlikely to even get to Ouroboros (which I'm pretty sure is where they said the contact would be) and being new, I'd think that makes them even less likely to question anything they see, especially given the context of it being on a flying trans-dimensional time ship operated by steampunks. Once they see the giant, blue, bearded guy in the toga, all bets are off.

I figured they'd put him in Pocket D somewhere. It's easy for everyone to get to, and you'll only need one of him. It's also where he manifested himself into existance in the first place, so it fits.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Or instead of introducing yet another npc to solve a meta-game issue they could use meta-game tools like the options menu to let us choose these things. I will never understand the devs' reasons for adding tons of unnecessary npcs to the world to deal with something that our characters shouldn't have anything to do with. Like difficulty settings, or merit vendors.

Existing stores in the game, or the trainers, could have handled these merits as well. Or just like we can craft and convert Incarnate stuff within the UI we could have done the same with merits and alignment merits. But no, we get a new npc which we have to go talk to whenever we want to change a setting that could just as well have been reached through the regular options.

Just like the difficulty setting npcs - why not put the difficulty settings right there in the mission menu? Why do we have to do an immersion-breaking runaround and go talk to some impersonal npc to change what is a meta-game setting? I will never understand it and I will probably never stop complaining because it seems like the devs will never stop adding more of these meta-npcs to the game.

I'd rather have a Go to Menu>Click on Auction House than an actual auction house as well!

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Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
As to your main argument, 'new players' are unlikely to even get to Ouroboros (which I'm pretty sure is where they said the contact would be) ...
I hope not. That contact will be one of the first places every new character of mine will be seeking, or at least within the first few levels.

Possible places for such a contact could be King's Row's police HQ plaza, near Dr. Creed in Mercy, and.. I don't care about Praetoria , but I think we already know where that gull is sitting .



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
For what it's worth, they indicated that the actual NPC wasn't set in stone; it might very well change. I have to say, though, that I agree. I don't mind humor in the game, but this just seems over the top silly to me. Mind you, if it goes through, I won't be seething mad or anything, not even miffed. It's mildly amusing, but I just think that the joke will wear off quickly and we'll be left with an immersion-shattering non sequitur, and new players without the background will be like, "What the--!!?"

I won't be posting complaints or petitioning to get him removed or anything. I'd just rather them use a more plausible contact.
Quoted for agreement.

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Keep Null the Gull.

I mean, how serious are we going to be about this if the seagull left his mark on Cole's throne and for all intents and purposes it's canon?

It's a fun in-joke, very much what the Devs are into and it's no more ridiculous than Tarantulas who sound like Valley Girls, redside contacts that are fanboys and toboggan rides for superheroes.


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.....Well, every game deserves its Squirrel Girl.......

I actually love this idea :P

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Look To The Stars,
For Hope Burns Bright!!"

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Well 'if' the contact was 'Null the Gull' then there is no reason they couldn't place him/her/it or one of it's counterparts on various maps...

Somewhere like: Atlas Park Town hall roof, Top of Atlas' globe, On Atlas' Heel, On top of buildings (With fire exit ladders), Top of Kings row Paragon Coin (Behind Blue Steel), etc.

You get the idea, standard contacts tend to be stood around, they ought to have some seated and some like Null sitting almost anywhere.

And I think the reason it would be an NON callable contact is to prevent players toggling it as rapidly as the options version would allow.

If you set it and later decide to change it you have to go find the/another NPC.

These NPC's would mean AE farmers would have to leave the AE building to change settings.
(Unless they fixed the AE lift to give you the option of going to the Lobby/Hospital/Main Floor/Vendor/Roof, and put an NPC like 'Null' there, or even on one of the Main AE Floor outside ledges.)

Nuff Said...
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AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.