New content can't come soon enough

Adeon Hawkwood



Having 15 level 50s and knowing others probably have double that on two accounts or even one on two servers. I am getting pretty bored and disgusted doing these 2 incarnate Trials repeatedly just to get stuff unlocked.

I have tried looking around to get some TF going but that hasn't been as solid as it used to be before this new incarnate stuff came out.

I decided to work on lower level toons but yet again these Trials have players working to unlock stuff so not many on lower level toons.

I am not saying that at every turn everything I do ends up being a bust, but it is taking much longer to get something other then incarnates going compared to prior to this new stuff. So everything seems likes it dragging. I am really spending much more time trying to get a team going for something other then Incarnates then actually playing.

It is really coming to the point of just moving on and un-subbing to something old but new or just something really new just for a change.

I just don't know why we can't unlock the new incarnates while doing other TF as well.

Further the BAF cut scene. OMG I would pay real life money just to have an options NOT to have that cut scene.

It takes you 10 to 15 minutes just to get a BAF forming then you have to spend what now feels like an eternity seeing that cut scene over and over. It has made me hate full figured women and Issac Asimov and robots with skinny arms and big hands. So for the love of all that is sacred please give us the option just not to see the cut scene. I don't care if we are stuck just hanging around while others look at it. I would rather chat with other players for several minutes then seen that thing anymore.

I know I'm not the only one. I heard some players complain about it today as well. Trust me I love pizza and ice cream, but even I can't eat that stuff all day.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:



Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
Further the BAF cut scene. OMG I would pay real life money just to have an options NOT to have that cut scene.
I like the cut scene. Gives me time to smoke, refill my beer, pee, and lots of other things.



I've found something of an amusing game - open the team seek window and count the number of players playing level 50 characters vs. those playing a character of any other level. I tend to end up with something like 40 level 50 players to 10 non-50s, and 5 of those 10 non-50s are in their high 40s, two more on lowibies and only one within two levels of me.

I don't really have much use for those statistics, it's just something interesting to keep an eye on.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



You're complaining when you have 15 level 50s?

I have 35 (working on 36 and 37). I've looked at the availability of Incarnate Experience and said "To Hell with that."

A few of my characters are going to get effort put into them for any appreciable level of "Incarnate." The rest are getting the minor tweaks and they'll get what they can afterward.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The Anti-Matter reactor Trial will be going into closed beta in May, and will be released separately from I21.
What's the point spread of people doing that ten times in one day then coming back here to complain they have nothing more to do the instant that comes out?

I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.



Plainguy, I have to ask: What server are you on? My primary server, by a long shot, is Pinnacle. I admit, I ran into this problem for maybe the first 2 weeks following the release of the trials. But now? I've been able to find groups of at least 3 or 4 on a regular basis.

I also took some initiative and started a project group. I found a group of people who, like me, wanted little to do with the trials, and we started up our own group of new toons and have been teaming together.

So there's my advice: find some people of your mindset and start something new, or come over to Pinnacle and I'll team with ya, haha!

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I've found something of an amusing game - open the team seek window and count the number of players playing level 50 characters vs. those playing a character of any other level. I tend to end up with something like 40 level 50 players to 10 non-50s, and 5 of those 10 non-50s are in their high 40s, two more on lowibies and only one within two levels of me.

I don't really have much use for those statistics, it's just something interesting to keep an eye on.
My results have been similar if not slightly worse than yours Sam. Probably has something to do with me leveling red side at the moment. At this point I'm extremely thankful for the weekly task force, as it allows me to get groups pretty quickly when I start feeling like some company.



Am I the only one who feels no need to Incarnate (nevermind T4'ing) all of my lvl 50 characters?

I mean, since T4ing my Brute, I've been having a blast testing my new abilities against challenges that I never thought I'd be able to accomplish otherwise. (soloing AVs, Master runs, pylons, etc).

I don't see the point in rushing through these trials with all my character - most of which I really don't even PLAY anymore.

Actions speak louder than Vets.



Originally Posted by KianaZero View Post
What's the point spread of people doing that ten times in one day then coming back here to complain they have nothing more to do the instant that comes out?
The same reason that we don't just have 2 TFs in the game, or only 2 story arcs.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



ive got almost 3 toons with tier 3s in everything and i dont run all that many trials anymore, but i have spent prolly close to a billion inf just converting threads to xp and shards to threads (and even a few rare components to get tier 3s)

if you convert threads to xp you can unlock all 4 slots in about 6-8 trial runs, of course it will take longer to slot them, but i can get usually 16-24 threads per run + the random drop table for completion



It's pretty sad to have just these 2 trials at this time. You would think they would provide the iXP and rewards on the Tin Mage and Apex as well and maybe even other level 50 TFs/SFs. These very non-epic trials are fun but not so awesome that they should be the only source of making significant strides towards our incarnate abilities. It is also sad that, to become incarnates, we need to go through Praetoria and that content. Not cool.

When do we get to fight some crazy awesome enemy that is going to destroy the world? Where is our Galactus? Our Dr. Doom? Etc. etc. etc.



Our Dr. Doom is Nemesis and we fight him quite regularly in normal content. Galactus? That's Rularuu.... and we can't fight him yet.



Here's a thought: take a break for 6 months. Come back at Thanksgiving, maybe Christmas.

Adding yet another type of money in the game isn't keeping people from tearing through the L50 content, so they might as well add ways to get whatever this Incarnate stuff is via regular TFs. Just go ahead and flip that switch. Make it so people have to do the Lambda and BAF *first* (maybe even successfully rather than just show up) in order to unlock access to the bits via regular TFs and Raids. Then make it so you can only do one TF and Raid per week per character. Slower than you overachievers would like, but ten times faster and more interesting than what you have now.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Our Dr. Doom is Nemesis and we fight him quite regularly in normal content. Galactus? That's Rularuu.... and we can't fight him yet.
I can see those comparisons but I am not exactly sure about them... In any event, my main issue is we are building our 'incarnate' heroes and not really doing anything too epic. The two trials really lack an epic feeling. We fight around a research facility and a weapons depot. We fight a few AVs and a bunch of robots - we see all of this on various other areas of the game. Nothing unique, epic, special or too memorable about these two trials. Ah well.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
if you convert threads to xp you can unlock all 4 slots in about 6-8 trial runs, of course it will take longer to slot them, but i can get usually 16-24 threads per run + the random drop table for completion
Marketeers withstanding...2.5 million inf per thread is nothing to sneeze at, even w/ IXP you earn per run.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Here's a thought: take a break for 6 months. Come back at Thanksgiving, maybe Christmas.

Adding yet another type of money in the game isn't keeping people from tearing through the L50 content, so they might as well add ways to get whatever this Incarnate stuff is via regular TFs. Just go ahead and flip that switch. Make it so people have to do the Lambda and BAF *first* (maybe even successfully rather than just show up) in order to unlock access to the bits via regular TFs and Raids. Then make it so you can only do one TF and Raid per week per character. Slower than you overachievers would like, but ten times faster and more interesting than what you have now.

One per *week*? I'll leave the "more interesting" bit alone as that's subjective, but there's *no* way that would be faster, much less 10x faster.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Originally Posted by Magnarsh View Post
Am I the only one who feels no need to Incarnate (nevermind T4'ing) all of my lvl 50 characters?
Agreed. I ran Mender Ramiel's arc on all 8 of my level 50s but I'm only actually playing 3 of them.



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
Marketeers withstanding...2.5 million inf per thread is nothing to sneeze at, even w/ IXP you earn per run.
yeah it does add up, between the 3 toons ive done this on i spent roughly 200-350 mil inf per toon to unlock all 4 slots

counting the 2 rare components i bought for 100 mil a piece im looking at have thrown almost a billion info into the virtual graveyard for the incarnate stuff lol



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Agreed. I ran Mender Ramiel's arc on all 8 of my level 50s but I'm only actually playing 3 of them.

Same here.. I have more than twenty 50 levels actually closer to 25 but I picked out a few from each of the SG(s) I belong to and those are my INCARNATES! The rest are semi retired. When I get tired or frustrated with the trials I pull out one of my lower levels and play..This past week I got my KM/Reg Scrapper from 30 to 33, my AR/RAD Corrupter from 15 to 18 and my SD/DM Tank from 41 to 44.

I realize a lot of players think so but really guys and girls there is NO LAW that says once new content arrives the old must immediately be forsaken for all time! LOL Golden Girl mentioned that Anti-Matter's Trial will be out prior to issue 21 and I am sure we will see at least one if not more new trials once issue 21 goes live. Sure its a little mind numbing at times only having 2 ways to advance a character but considering the bugs, lag and problems they are still working on with the BAF and LAM would you REALLY have wanted them to try and give us more than that at once? I shudder to imagine the nightmare of 3 or 4 new trails going live all at once.

{does best imitation of Mr. Rogers she can} "Can you say server crash boys and girls? .... I thought that you could!"

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
My results have been similar if not slightly worse than yours Sam. Probably has something to do with me leveling red side at the moment. At this point I'm extremely thankful for the weekly task force, as it allows me to get groups pretty quickly when I start feeling like some company.
You also have to remember that the new search window as a greatly truncated list compared to what it was before the 'update'. I've actually been playing quite a bit of lower level content lately, between the 1-30 level range.



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
You also have to remember that the new search window as a greatly truncated list compared to what it was before the 'update'. I've actually been playing quite a bit of lower level content lately, between the 1-30 level range.
OK, I just did a search.
I limited the range to 21-30 and got 3 people, including myself. I then searched for 41-50 and got 20 people. Only 2 of those are not 50. Those results are pretty typical for what I've been seeing lately. During primetime the number of lowbies is about the same as right now, and the number of 50's is double what I'm seeing at the moment. I get what you're saying about the list truncating itself when you get a lot of results, but I don't think that's what's happening.

<shrug> It is what it is. The Incarnate system is the new shiny, and the majority of people are doing that. I get that. I don't like it, but I get it.



I feel your pain. I've managed to unlock all four new slots on just one character, and i'm actually dreading starting another. I can't wait for a little more variety.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
How long has GR been out now?

Even better, how long has I20 been out?

God damn, have some patience or develop content yourself.
That would be a nice feature for AE.

I think it would require a bit of a massive undertaking though for it to structurally support league-size content. And would honestly need to be made more robust to be anything more than challenge fests.

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