Issue 20 - Patch Notes for build 2010.201104210057.1

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
There's no way that could cause the game to crash. Disconnect, certainly, but crash? Nope.
It's quite possible, if the router is corrupting data and CoH isn't properly sanitizing the network input. If the router is recomputing the UDP checksum (which it will do if it's performing NAT), the corrupted data will have a valid checksum, giving no indication that it's corrupted.




Removed checks on the number of players present in Lambda Sector's first two stages.

Removed the check for the number of players alive and present in Lambda Sector’s first two stages. This check could inadvertently cause the event to trigger a failure due to too few players when it should not do so.

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Originally Posted by Flower View Post
I think the Jury is still out on that one.

MM's were mentioned in the developer post but it didn't acknowledge a problem just noted they were aware of the complaints.

Nothing in the patch notes specifically addresses them, just says they adjusted the tables based on data collected.
I will say that my MM issues are limited to λ. I have yet to get anything other than threads in it in about 8 runs. I have yet to get threads in BAF. So either I am mysteriously very very terrible in λ without being terrible in BAF (2 uncommons, 1 rare and 1 common iirc) or somethings not counting right.




The command "/league" can now be used as an alias to send chat to the League channel.
Does that mean the shortcut, /l ,will work, too?

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



Originally Posted by BackFire View Post
Does that mean the shortcut, /l ,will work, too?
As far as I know, that's still only for Local chat.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by BackFire View Post
Does that mean the shortcut, /l ,will work, too?
The shortcut for league chat is /lc as /l is already taken by "local".

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by LongStryder View Post
I will say that my MM issues are limited to λ. I have yet to get anything other than threads in it in about 8 runs. I have yet to get threads in BAF. So either I am mysteriously very very terrible in λ without being terrible in BAF (2 uncommons, 1 rare and 1 common iirc) or somethings not counting right.
The results I’m getting would suggest the problem is quite obvious; when it comes to the rewards either pets actions are (hopefully that’s now “where”) not counted at all or only what pets you have active at the very end of the trail are considered.

I’ve done around 50 Lambda’s and BAFs with my MM, I’ve never gotten the Threads reward on a BAF but get Threads about 30% of the time for Lambda. The main difference between the two is that during a Lambda my pets die a lot (especially during the warehouse/lab phase) however my pets often survive a whole BAF without dying once.

The other issue is that I crash more often on a Lambda (due mainly to a 5 year old PC). On my other characters I can crash and come back and still get on the reward table fairly easy. On my MM I’ve been only able to get on the rewards table once after an disconnection (most likely because that time half the league got disconnected).



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Patch notes for build 2010.201104210057.1.


[*]The following powers can now be used during Incarnate Trials and other instances where Temporary Powers were disabled
  • Event Costume Powers
  • Halloween Costume Powers
  • Travel-Only Temp Powers such as the Raptor Pack (these are still unavailable during Arena matches)
Thank the Gods!



Originally Posted by saipaman1 View Post
Thank the Gods!
Sorry, it's more broke than ever. All temps get locked out now(that includes Ninja & Beast Run). It occasionally unlocks them, but it's entirely unreliable. They'll lock again before long.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Originally Posted by Badaxe View Post
The results I’m getting would suggest the problem is quite obvious; when it comes to the rewards either pets actions are (hopefully that’s now “where”) not counted at all or only what pets you have active at the very end of the trail are considered.

I’ve done around 50 Lambda’s and BAFs with my MM, I’ve never gotten the Threads reward on a BAF but get Threads about 30% of the time for Lambda. The main difference between the two is that during a Lambda my pets die a lot (especially during the warehouse/lab phase) however my pets often survive a whole BAF without dying once.

The other issue is that I crash more often on a Lambda (due mainly to a 5 year old PC). On my other characters I can crash and come back and still get on the reward table fairly easy. On my MM I’ve been only able to get on the rewards table once after an disconnection (most likely because that time half the league got disconnected).
I'd suggest its more complex than that. We know that participation at various stages matter. How does your MM fare in the "gathering the temp powers" stage? I'd imagine that keeping pets out as everyone runs from mob to mob would get messy....



Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post
Sorry, it's more broke than ever. All temps get locked out now(that includes Ninja & Beast Run). It occasionally unlocks them, but it's entirely unreliable. They'll lock again before long.
I was also about to report that not only was my Raptor Pack not available when I started a trial, my previously-available Jump Pack was off. I also saw them change status back and forth a couple of times during that trial.

Also, I see no Animated Cat Tail 2, although I did have to pay to change to Animated Cat Tail 1, which replaced the one I had.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Still no explanation on what participation is. And, stupid still abounds, the timer on the hospital door, still one of the worst ideas ever. I'm sure the game would be completely unplayable if that was removed.

The lag, absolutely no correlation between what powers are shown available and what powers will activate.



Originally Posted by ResplendentMs View Post
Still no explanation on what participation is. And, stupid still abounds, the timer on the hospital door, still one of the worst ideas ever. I'm sure the game would be completely unplayable if that was removed.
Worse, it sometimes never lets you out at all.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



What the HELL did you do to the BAF, devs?!

The server side lag is five times worse now!

The temps you said would work are in a worse state now than when they were just locked all the time!

Uncommons are *still* the only things dropping after a Lambda and 3 BAFs for me!

Please, please, please roll this one back, it's so bad in BAF even after turning off all group buffs/numbers that night/seige are constantly rezzing due purely to lag! Horrid!

whiny woman: "don't you know that hundreds of people are killed by guns every year?!"
"would it make ya feel better, little girl, if they was pushed outta windows?" -- Archie Bunker



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
I'd suggest its more complex than that. We know that participation at various stages matter. How does your MM fare in the "gathering the temp powers" stage? I'd imagine that keeping pets out as everyone runs from mob to mob would get messy....
It's about as easy as staying alive as everyone runs from mob to mob.

At least for me.

Oh wait.

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by reiella View Post
It's about as easy as staying alive as everyone runs from mob to mob.

At least for me.

Oh wait.
Ah, my pet peeve.

Tonight, in my Lambda "grenade" team, the only tank did the typical "run off" skipping over every other foe in the halls. The Dom, controller, and mastermind couldn't survive the straggler aggro.... so my scrapper gathered them all up and the four of us fought our way through the halls with relatively good speed (we had 7 minutes left by the time all 10 were gathered) and the only deaths we had was when said tanker came barrelling out of a room we were entering, pulling the whole damn room's contents on top of us.

The MM commented it was the first time he ever dared pull his pets OUT in that map.

I still believe that if everyone just stuck together and defeated the foes that they passed, collecting all 10 would have been easily possible, with little to no deaths and every player earning participation credit. I just can't convince others (particularly the archetype that is supposed to be the key aggro-managers out there) to try it out.

EDIT: In the interest of full disclosure, usually that scrapper's just as bad. With stealth and superreflexes, she isn't a good tank, but she is quick at getting to different places, hitting hard, and getting away. I never figured she'd survive long as the primary tank, so never tried this. (the missus was the controller, so I couldn't leave HER behind to die...)



Originally Posted by Todd_3465 View Post
What the HELL did you do to the BAF, devs?!

The server side lag is five times worse now!


Please, please, please roll this one back, it's so bad in BAF even after turning off all group buffs/numbers that night/seige are constantly rezzing due purely to lag! Horrid!
QFT. I ran one BAF earlier, half the league was complaining about the lag. It was THE WORST I've seen in-game since building my new computer a year or so ago.

On the other hand, the lag seemed to make the participation metric easier to understand -- quite a few of us who were lagging badly got the "common" table at the end, possibly because we couldn't DO much!

In just a few days, I've gone from a disappointed "I don't want to do trials any more until they fix them" to an even more disappointed "I don't even want to play CoX tonight" for the second night in a row.

"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner

30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04



have to add my voice to the list of "this patch is a turkey"

According to the in-game clock a BAF I was on spent around 16 minutes fighting Nightstar and Seige. According to the real-time clock on the wall, we actually spent closer to 35 minutes on that fight, a near two to one timing change caused by extreme server side lag.

Lag aside, I also question whether or not the rewards were actually reworked. I've still yet to see anything greater than an un-common drop on my stalker. Out of all of the Lambda's I've been able to run since the patch hit, only 3 players total have pulled a Rare. Nobody I've teamed with has seen a very-rare since the patch.

Now, I will grant this sampling is a really small percentage of the player base, and only represents a relative handfull of lambda trials across only a couple servers... It also only represents two separate avatars on my part, a brute and a stalker, hardly enough data to draw any realistic conclusions from.

Realistic conclusions aside, it still feels like something is REALLY borked with the rewards system when a player solos 8, 9, or all 10 of either the acids or weapons crates, then gets a common drop as an end-event reward.

The system also feels really borked when after a grueling lag-fueled Baf fight, numerous players received the 10-thread reward option... As best as I can figure the server-side lag allowed Nighstar and Seige to stack the sequestering power 3 times before the players were ever notified, causing the very real problem where players would be fighting with no red-rings, and suddenly there would be red-rings and everybody in melee range was held. the general idea was that the combination of the server-side lag and the sudden sequestrations caused the reward system to conclude that numerous players were not present, and thus contributed nothing to the event.

Okay, I realize that this patch only got shoved out with a minimum of testing... but I find myself agreeing with other players that it should probably be rolled-back until the lag and reward issues can actually be fixed.



AS well it was said the reward tables have been adjusted. I play an Invuln/Energy tank and my participation is always high but apparently there is something wrong with my particular AT I guess as I have everything crafted and ready for tier 4 with exception of my very rares I played him all morning and nothing. Again I don't expect to get them all 4 back to back but I have played this toon since Day one and lead both BAF and Lambda alike I have ran many Master BAF runs. And all Successful Lambdas, pulled AV's I have nuked my brains out and even try minimal participation just in case, but nothing.

I have not received very rare for any level of participation. And now with no one wanting to have anything to do with the BAF do to LAG it only makes it harder. I think the reward table needs another look see.



Yep, BAF is currently unplayable as far as I am concerned. Just failed one as the AVs repowered twice. All experienced players, but could not keep AVs at even levels of damage to finish them together.

The Lambda I did this morning was barely ok. I was greatly handicapped as my Teleport bind was useless. The reticle would just freeze in place for many seconds at a time. When finally positioned the click to activate would not register for even longer periods.

The WST I did tonight was fair. The lag was still more than it should be, which for me on normal content lately has been nil, except in extreme situations like ship raids and the Valley of Lag in ITF. The TP bind was usable most of the time.

So it is not just in the trials that there is a lag problem. It seems to scale sharply with the size of the groups.

Hope to see the fix soon.




Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
I'd suggest its more complex than that. We know that participation at various stages matter. How does your MM fare in the "gathering the temp powers" stage? I'd imagine that keeping pets out as everyone runs from mob to mob would get messy....
Short answer - I survive ok but my pet don't (PFF helps). Well I survive as much as the next person in that I may die once or twice if I'm unlucky. But if everone splits up and runs in all directions I'll most likly die more. I normally try to keep as close to a tank as possible during this stage (that really goes for any low defence AT I guess).



Another +1 for increased lag since the patch.

Cracking team last night on a BAF, but we had to kill both AVs twice each before we got them down at the same time. Personally, I was watching my power activation button spin for anything up to 5 seconds before the power activated, then another 3-5 seconds afterwards before I could do anything else.

No more trials for me until this is fixed. It was an exercise in frustration.




Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
According to the in-game clock a BAF I was on spent around 16 minutes fighting Nightstar and Seige. According to the real-time clock on the wall, we actually spent closer to 35 minutes on that fight, a near two to one timing change caused by extreme server side lag.
While I agree the server slowdown in the BAF has gotten bad during the AV fights, I am unaware that the in-game clock slows down. As an example, I had a blizzard that lasted 32 seconds, based on the in-game clock tonight. The in-game clock seems to keep accurate (or at least reasonably accurate) time. That can be a blessing during the escapee phase, but it can be a curse on a MoLam (6 minutes of unstoppable, enraged Marauder is pretty hard to beat).

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
So, is it intentional that temp travel powers (i.e. Ninja Run, Raptor Pack) are now disabled in PvP? Not seeing anything about those in notes.

For the record, that would be a bad decision, particularly in regards to the powers that people payed real money to get.
It isn't just PvP. They are permanently-greyed out in Ouroboros, too. Not sure how that happened. Is making them (occasionally) available in Incarnate Trials a zero sum thing, somehow? That has me shaking my head.

Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
There's no way that could cause the game to crash. Disconnect, certainly, but crash? Nope.
It possibly could. Since late 2009, if you encounter a situation where the network traffic exceeds what your connection can handle for a certain length of time, you will crash, rather than disconnect. A failing modem or router could potentially strangle your connection enough to cause that kind of crash.

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