Issue 20 - Patch Notes for build 2010.201104210057.1

Adeon Hawkwood



Patch notes for build 2010.201104210057.1.



  • The command "/league" can now be used as an alias to send chat to the League channel.
  • Attempting to invite a 7th team to your league should no longer spam an error message 6 times.
  • There is now a sound played when receiving messages on the League chat channel.
  • Corrected a debug message appearing when Leagues are broken up under certain circumstances.

  • Bidding the same items separately causing a sold stack to lock with greater than 2 billion INF should is no longer possible.
    • Contact Customer Service if you still have any such stacks locked in your Auction House UI


Animal Pack
  • Animal Fur texture is now available for Flat feet.
  • On Cat Claw feet, the claws themselves no longer inherit a color tinting.
  • A tintable striped version of the Animal Cat tail has been added as "Animated - Cat Tail 2".

  • Monstrous Fur texture is now available for Flat feet.

  • Reward Merits, Vanguard Merits, Architect Tickets, Astral & Empyrean Merits, Incarnate Components and Discount Coupons can no longer be deleted.

  • Reward tables for endgame events have been adjusted based upon collected data.
    • Players will now find their chance of being awarded higher tier rewards has been slightly increased.
  • The following powers can now be used during Incarnate Trials and other instances where Temporary Powers were disabled
    • Event Costume Powers
    • Halloween Costume Powers
    • Travel-Only Temp Powers such as the Raptor Pack (these are still unavailable during Arena matches)
  • The Objective section of an Incarnate Trial should now display When the Zone Event UI is minimized

Incarnate Trial - Lambda Sector
  • Removed the check for the number of players alive and present in Lambda Sector’s first two stages. This check could inadvertently cause the event to trigger a failure due to too few players when it should not do so.
  • Players should no longer be able to get stuck on the door leading to the interior of Lambda Sector.
  • The mini-map location inside Lambda Sector where player markers first appear should no longer be missing room graphics.
  • Lambda Sector's forces fixed a problem with their jump boots. IDF and Warworks forces will now be able to assist Marauder if he is fought on the roof of Lambda Sector.

Incarnate Trial – Behavioral Adjustment Facility
  • Grounded a pair of floating bivouac buildings

Incarnate Powers
  • Ion Judgement jumps are now properly set to ignore the effect of player buffs like the rest of the Judgement powers.
  • The ice shards in Judgement - Cryonic should now always aim in the same direction as the rest of the effect.
  • Pets should now apply the Reactive Interface DoT as expected.
  • All Lore support pets now provide positional defense as well as typed defense.
  • Mk. VI Essence attacks now appear in the Pets Combat Log.

Incarnate Components
  • Conversions have been added to the Incarnate Creation interface which allow the following:
    • Freely downgrade Incarnate Components into a component of lesser rank of your choice. (Very Rare->Rare, Rare->Uncommon, Uncommon->Common)
    • Side-grade Incarnate Components into a component of equal rank of your choice. This conversion requires expending 2 Incarnate Threads for a conversion between Common Components, 6 Incarnate Threads for a conversion between Uncommon Components, 30 Incarnate Threads for a conversion between Rare Components, and 150 Incarnate Threads for a conversion between Very Rare Components.
  • The previous Breakdown conversions have been reorganized into the new Common, Uncommon, Rare and Very Rare tabs in the crafting window to keep them together.


  • Today's Newspaper - Frostfire is now on trial for killing nearly an entire "detachment" of Longbow rather than a "dispatchment".
  • Recruitment Flyer - This mission should no longer complete prematurely.
  • A Strange Mystical Trinket - You now must defeat Raveshna and the other captors around Orsen Greenfield before you can talk to him.
  • A Strange Mystical Trinket - The epilogue window when you leave the mission now has appropriate text.
  • Wanted Poster with Your Face - Doppelgangers will no longer premature attack the Longbow holding them hostage on the Vigilante version of this mission.
  • Morality Mission \ With Honors - Doc Quantum will not converse with the player until he is rescued.

  • Players who are defeated when Bobcat is defeated will still receive the Kitty's Got Claws badge if the conditions have been met.
  • The 5th Column Gladiator badge is now also awarded to anyone who completes the Dr. Khan TF or Barracuda SF. This award will be retroactive

  • Fixed an issue where Malta gas swarm missiles were being created at inappropriate level ranges.
  • Midnight Squad Living Armor has made a return to the appropriate places in the game.
  • Rikti Pylons' Swarm Missiles now correctly check against AoE Defense, instead of Ranged Defense.

User Interface
  • The option to hide buff numbers will now function at the league level.
  • An internal debug menu has been edited so that it should no longer have a chance to randomly appear on the User Interface.

German Client
  • Corrected an error in the log message for receiving Incarnate XP.
  • Text should no longer get cut off from certain chat bubbles in the Behavioral Adjustment Facility, B.A.F., cut scenes.



Admiral Sutter Task Force
  • When you talk to Admiral Sutter he will immediately give you his cell phone.
  • Col. Duray's Air Strike should no longer target players in the buried section of Destroyed Skyway City.
  • Significantly increased the radius of Jane Temblor and Fusion's signature powers as well as properly adjusted their special mechanics which make knockback/knockup protection inapplicable under certain conditions.
  • Harbinger's Bombs now have much reduced HP as originally intended.
  • The target area has been increased for Praetorian Drones

Lady Grey Task Force
  • Penelope Yin cannot be attacked by players if left stranded or recaptured.

Dr. Kahn Task Force / Barracuda Strike Force
  • The merit rewards for the Dr. Khan Task Force and the Barracuda Strike Force had been mistakenly reversed. This is now corrected to the pre-I19 values.

Story Arcs
  • Roy Cooling - The longbow skiff is now replaced by a jump bot incinerator, which has an easier time navigating the environment than the skiff.
  • Roy Cooling - Mission 2: The mini map is now visible when exiting the office building.
  • Tina Macintyre - The Instant Army now gives out its proper souvenir clue.
  • Numina - Some text on The Unity Plague story arc has been restored to its original state.

  • Kheldians should no longer encounter Crey Nictus Hunters spawning at inappropriate levels.

  • Ice Mastery \ Ice Blast no longer incorrect states it accepts To-Hit Debuff and Accurate To-Hit Debuff sets.
  • Aid Other no longer uses the Nova animation when used twice from a combat stance.
  • Super Inspirations - Ultimate Super Inspiration now states in its description that its effects last for 180 seconds.
  • Blaze Mastery \ Char Scrapper crits now do the proper amount of damage in PVP.
  • Cold Mastery \ Frozen Armor now has correct toggle info text

  • The Energy Ring Toss power used by the Attendants of the Carnival of Shadows will now be checked against Ranged Defense rather than Melee Defense.


  • Arbiters will no longer refer to the old Lackey system in leveling up messages.


Ice Mistral Strike Force
  • On mission "Destroy the Crystals", all enemies now spawn above-ground, can be defeated, and allowing successful completion of the strike force.

Dr. Kahn Task Force / Barracuda Strike Force
  • The merit rewards for the Dr. Khan Task Force and the Barracuda Strike Force had been mistakenly reversed. This is now corrected to the pre-I19 values.

Silver Mantis Strike Force
  • Enemies in the Sky Raider ship interior during the final mission will no longer vanish when attacked.

Story Arcs
  • Diviner Maros - Legacy Chain which would randomly attack each other have settled their differences and stopped infighting.

  • Stalker Kinetic Melee \ Concentrated Strike now will automatically refresh Build Up as its critical effect when used from the Hidden state. In additional a Build Up message will be displayed over the player when this effect is triggered.
  • Mu Mastery \ Electric Shackles, Soul Mastery \ Soul Drain, Soul Storm, Levithan Mastery \ School of Sharks, Spirit Shark Jaws should no longer perform Scourge bonus damage when used by Defenders.
  • Dominator Ice Mastery \ Sleet is no longer affected by the no-phase timer.



Story Arcs
  • Transmuter Mission 3 Task 2 - This map no longer has a black occlusion wall separating a hallway from a room.
  • IVY – Task 2 - The option to Abandon Mission has been removed from the appropriate Neuron dialogue window.
  • (Praetorian) Dr. Hetzfeld - A door that players could fall through has been closed in the last mission.

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Before today, I got a TOTAL of one rare and one very rare table. I am very excited to have more of a chance...!

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers




EDIT: I may need to make a kinetic stalker.

Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I thought you were quoting the classic "!?!...!!..." from Tunnel Rat
I wanted to do the classic Metal Gear Solid "!" but I needed two characters. Hmm, maybe "" would have cut it... too late!

Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.



"Removed checks on the number of players present in Lambda Sector's first two stages."

What does this mean exactly?

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



sooo... this is supposed to fix the 34+ crashes I've had since i20 launched right? don't see that anywhere. And now the game just freezes since the update. Two freezes and counting so far. No White box asking what i did before the crash, just game freezes.

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Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
"Removed checks on the number of players present in Lambda Sector's first two stages."

What does this mean exactly?
Maybe something to do with the participation system?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by renfuuma View Post
sooo... this is supposed to fix the 34+ crashes I've had since i20 launched right? don't see that anywhere. And now the game just freezes since the update. Two freezes and counting so far. No White box asking what i did before the crash, just game freezes.
Wow. I haven't had any freezes or crashes since i20 launched.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
Wow. I haven't had any freezes or crashes since i20 launched.
lucky you, i20 pretty much killed my no crash streak.
i went from crashing once to maybe 4 times every other issue to none for several issues until i20 showed up

before this patch i'd login and crash like every 5 minutes, from just standing around to chatting to actually doing missions. no matter what i was doing in game i'd crash. and now since this update today I have experienced two game freezes.

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PS3 Trophies



Hm. Are Mastermind Pets now being counted toward 'participation'? IIRC, they were not.



I crash maybe once every two weeks. Have you checked to see if your videocard is overheating?

Hew in drag baby



Originally Posted by Furry_Saint View Post
Hm. Are Mastermind Pets now being counted toward 'participation'? IIRC, they were not.
I think the Jury is still out on that one.

MM's were mentioned in the developer post but it didn't acknowledge a problem just noted they were aware of the complaints.

Nothing in the patch notes specifically addresses them, just says they adjusted the tables based on data collected.



For what it's worth, and I don't care what anyone says, newest drivers aren't always the best. When I switched from XP to Vista, the newest drivers (at the time) caused so much lag and CoH crashes. I wound up using beta drivers from 2 releases prior and they worked without any issues.

One thing that you may want to check (if you haven't already) is your in-game graphic settings. I had heard from different people that sometimes their graphic settings magically change without them doing anything to them.

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
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Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post

One thing that you may want to check (if you haven't already) is your in-game graphic settings. I had heard from different people that sometimes their graphic settings magically change without them doing anything to them.
I was getting some extra terrible stuttering and lock ups and discovered that that had happened to me.

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



So, is it intentional that temp travel powers (i.e. Ninja Run, Raptor Pack) are now disabled in PvP? Not seeing anything about those in notes.

For the record, that would be a bad decision, particularly in regards to the powers that people payed real money to get.



My dumb advice would be to make certain your modem/router is working fine. I had major crashing problems a while back that was due to my router dying a slow, agonizing death.



Originally Posted by Knightward View Post
My dumb advice would be to make certain your modem/router is working fine. I had major crashing problems a while back that was due to my router dying a slow, agonizing death.
There's no way that could cause the game to crash. Disconnect, certainly, but crash? Nope.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
So, is it intentional that temp travel powers (i.e. Ninja Run, Raptor Pack) are now disabled in PvP? Not seeing anything about those in notes.

For the record, that would be a bad decision, particularly in regards to the powers that people payed real money to get.
Looks and smells like a bug to me. The intention seems to be to enable temp travel powers not disable them in the trials so I doubt this is WAI.



Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
For what it's worth, and I don't care what anyone says, newest drivers aren't always the best. When I switched from XP to Vista, the newest drivers (at the time) caused so much lag and CoH crashes. (
At work, we've had problems with the latest video drivers on the XP CAD workstations; the fix is to re-install old ones. The working theory is that the drivers weren't tested on XP properly before release, but I'm out of the loop on that one.



Fix the Char crits how exactly? I happen to have that on 4 pvp scrappers. The way the Char crits work are the same as Ring of Fire as far as i could tell, so why change one and not the other?

Anybody have an idea about this?

@Sentry4 @Sentry 4

PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.



Originally Posted by Sentry4 View Post
Fix the Char crits how exactly? I happen to have that on 4 pvp scrappers. The way the Char crits work are the same as Ring of Fire as far as i could tell, so why change one and not the other?

Anybody have an idea about this?
Have you looked at the crits for Scrapper Char? It critted for around 1300 damage.


Incarnate Powers

Ion Judgement jumps are now properly set to ignore the effect of player buffs like the rest of the Judgement powers.

It's great that they are not accepting damage buffs now, but they are still jumping to the same target multiple times. I just got hit for ~4000 damage in RV when it jumped 11 times. If this is WAI there doesn't seem to be any reason to take anything OTHER than Ion for PvP.



Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
Have you looked at the crits for Scrapper Char? It critted for around 1300 damage.


It's great that they are not accepting damage buffs now, but they are still jumping to the same target multiple times. I just got hit for ~4000 damage in RV when it jumped 11 times. If this is WAI there doesn't seem to be any reason to take anything OTHER than Ion for PvP.

No, it had 5 chances to crit for about 250 damage, which was it's total. That seems fine to me. It never critted for 1300, unless it crited all 5 times. Most i've seen was 3 at one time, and i've thrown it a lot.

So again, anyone know -exactly- what was changed?

@Sentry4 @Sentry 4

PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.