Powers We Like Too Much




Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Propel. Yes, it needs some work on cast time. But still, bouncing a forklift off someone's head never gets old.
I just like smacking people in a head with a toilet with propel! And from the description of Propel you are essentially nabbing it from somewhere else - just imagine if someone was in the middle of using it!!!!

I also love:
* Chain Induction
* Lightning Rod
* Tornado
* Lightning Storm
* Wormhole
* Rise of the Phoenix
* Soul Transfer
* Rain of Arrows
* Oil Slick Arrow
* Singularity
* Fault
* Seismic Smash
* Freezing Rain
* Dark Pit

Ok better stop there - I like way to many powers!

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Dark Extraction

Suppression (crab spiders just LOOK cool doing it)

And, really a combo- Shield Charge THEN Lightning Rod THEN Ion Judgement... ahhh the carnage!



Sniper Rifle: Because too many time's I've managed to take aim and drop that last runner JUST as he jumps over a wall.

Cloak of Fear: Nothing like a horde of tanked-up Freakshow cowering.

Rise of the Phoenix: Every Blaster should have a self-rez. That does damage. AND Stun. In a 25' radius. Makes the whole 'dying' thing seem kinda trite.

Wormhole: If timed well all of those nearly dead guys in Cim on the bridge will BE dead when then hit the bottom. It's not the fall...it's the stop that hurts.

Ninja Running: Never felt so much like SpiderMan/Daredevil/Name your non-flying comic book character here.

Fallout: All the fun of Vengeance wrapped into a mushroom cloud and packed inside a deam teammate. Like a radioactive pinata of fun.

Oh and DJKyo's comment above about blowing the contagious Confused guy into the next mob? I'll team with her any time. It's combinations like that that turn two otherwise mediocre powers into pure win!

"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"



My favorite power to abuse would have to be static field. I have waaaay too much fun with that one.



I love the sound the baseball bat temp power makes...BONK!

Some of the Kinetic Melee attacks make really satisfying THWACK! noises, too.

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
My favorite power to abuse would have to be static field. I have waaaay too much fun with that one.
I thought it'd be [Delete Post] or [Thread Lock]?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Seven years in, and I STILL catch myself go "Wheeee!" when I jump off a tall building and hit Fly.

Assassin's Blade
POSE! Wait for it... Wait for it... *SPCHLOOOORT* "Tee hee hee hee..." The sound is just perfect.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



I'm with McNum on Fly... That's just fun. ^_^

I also love pretty much the entire Dual Blade set, Burst from Kin Melee and almost everything my Peacebringer does.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Quicksand: I slow them fools so bad, I send them running *away*

Fire Breath: Just on one character, though. Make a Dragon, give him Fire Breath, unlock Mako patron and his breath really can kill

Blazing Bolt: HEAT BEAM GO!!

Assassin's Shock: Chidori!! (no, I don't have any Sasuke-homage characters but I still like saying it when I use it)

Gale (+Aim): The alpha is MINE

I have more, but they're kind of combos of two or more powers rather than a single power...but they combine for a kinda bigger power.

Kinda makes me wish there was a Power combo system that let you combine two powers to execute them together. Oh, and an option to 'name' the combo which would pop up in Red Letters above your head. Man, that sounds interesting



Lightning Rod. Nearly deleted my elec/elec brute at 31 because I was getting bored with the rather average looking powers. I figured I'd at least go to 32 and check out this 'Lightning Rod'. *ding!* *KER-BLAMMO!* O_O I still giggle maniacally when I fire it off.

Also, Short Circuit. My first REAL experience with it was on a ff/elec defender during the Faultline arcs. I tell ya, an elite boss can't do jack when they have no endurance.

Another would be Rain of Arrows. Sure it's not as powerful as other tier 9s but I can fire it 3x more often with NO END CRASH. It turns Carnies into wonderful pincushions too!

The rest of my favorites are combos. Rain of Fire + Freezing Rain. Love that one, almost makes entire spawns go away. Same with Rain of Fire + Tar Patch.

"And yes, it worries me that people know how many pipelines their graphics cards have and the bus speed of a PCIe-16x, yet don't know how to convert between bordering time zones."

[COLOR="Yellow"]Avatar by Dragonberry, coloring by Bubbawheat[/COLOR]



Addicted to the various Burn Patches in the game. They all do crazy damage.

Anything that does -res. Freezing Rain, Tar Patch, Acid Mortar, Sleet, Disruption Arrow, etc.

The new chain confuse in electric is fun to watch.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Dark Servant
Dark Extraction
Lightning Rod
Energy Absorption
Soul Drain
FF Generator
Crashless Nukes, especially RoA
Thunder Clap
Conductive Aura
Fearsome Stare
And more.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Fly. Flying is fun. Wheeeee
Super Jump. There's something thrilling about leaping around and trying to aim for bits of the environment. Ledges, power cables, etc.
Carrior Creepers. Spikey death!
Stalagmites. Stomp and spikes everywhere!
X-Ray Eyes. Because laservision rocks.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



i'm with bill on propel, not the best on paper, but when you put a statue into somebody's face, it just feels good.

also agreed on the snipe for radiation, snipes are also kind of underwhelming, mechanics wise, but the blast just sounds amazing.

also, crane kick is just a beautiful thing, its a standing front-leg side-kick, one of my favorite techniques in real life, and the sound makes it seem like you had a shotgun in your leg.



My list is dull...and Im biased towards Controllers.

Propel - Pulling mobs with a Urinal, a sink or a couch is awesome! Nothing says come get meh like a soiled mattress!

Force Bubble

Gravity Distortion Field combined with Psionic Tornado and Diamagnetic Interface. As a Bubbler...this is win sauce!

Ice Slick...cuz hello

Personal Forcefield...I know it sounds boring...but hamsterball travel power is awesome!

Those Tenticles in Dark Blast, the name eludes me. But when fighting GM's thats some big tenticles.

Widows Dart Burst and Poison Dart...only because of the wicked sound effect.

Phantasmal Terror, because it's scary looking.


I really like all of Trick Arrow. All of it...not one single power in it sucks.



There are a number of powers in this game that I like, but I feel that I am fully justified in liking them. The one that I may like just a tad too much would be Power Burst. Just something about that animation combined with the knockback... Especially if it finishes off the enemy. I've had some really cinematic ragdoll scenes result from it, and I find myself trying to set up others, which is why I say that I am probably too enamored with it

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!" Adam Savage from Mythbusters



Singularity, crushing field, crush, gravity displacement, propel and Dimensional Shift.

Handclap, lightning clap.


All of Energy ranged slotted for knockback.

Forcefields slotted for knockback.

Power Boost.

Transference and transfusion.



I have too many powers I freaking love:

Psychic wail (Fortunatas)
Lightning rod
Soul storm
Water spout
Shield charge
Foot stomp
Rain of fire
Crane kick

I also love powers that make our life easier and we rarely see them:

Indomitable will
Mind link
Accelerate metabolism



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
Taser Dart




In no particular order.

Stalagmites: stomp -> spikes -> whole spawn walking around groggy

Soulstorm: Coolest looking hold in the game. It's just beautiful.

Wormhole: Most fun on outdoor maps, where you can make it rain badguys.

Fearsome stare: My favourite power in my favourite support set.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Omega Maneuver. It's not the best damage, but it is the best nova animation in my opinion.



In no particular order...

Propel. I have taken out Nosferatu with a coffin, Jurassik with a biohazard barrel, Countess Crey with a photocopier...

Wormhole. Bampf them in at ground level... bampf them out 400 ft off the ground. Has led to our SG's favorite pasttime... Council Skeet Shooting.

Energy Torrent. Bowling for villains. STRIKE! This is especially fun when you have a bunch of Rikti monkeys go splatting into one of the outdoor forcefield walls to become Rorschach art.

The Gravity single target hold. Few things are more insulting to an AV than getting caught with that... and then having the rest of the heroes on the team whip out the St. Louis Slugger temp power and go to town pinata-style.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)




Executioner's shot: Looks epic, underwhelming power, but its looks bleed awesome.

Crane Kick: One of the best powers in the game to use as a finishing move
"And im" *kick* "Done with you..."

Siphon Life: Same reason as Crane Kick except it has soul stealing goodness.

Photon Volley: The trek dork in me geeks out whenever I hear that power go off.

Propel: "You? you get hit in the face with a car. And you? you get a couch to the groin."

50Soulsunder: DM/Regen Scrapper
50Limitshift: EM/WP Brute
Victoria Nox: Dark/Dark Dominator
And about 5 others that change constantly...