I'm a superhero
If I'm reading it right. According to this I'm a Time Traveler

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
That's... strangely appropriate.
Thought for the day:
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
I'm a stuporhero too!
I'm an astronaut, even born in the signature year for that sign.
Having said that, I hardly fit the profile.
I'm a "Ninja / Samurai".
I'm not sure why they paired those. It's kind of like saying "Cowboy / Indian".
I'm a "Ninja / Samurai".
I'm not sure why they paired those. It's kind of like saying "Cowboy / Indian". |
That is not to say that Ninja and Samurai are the same, only that they tend to appear around the same time and show in often in the same stories. And yes, Jedi Knight falls under this category (and depending on your reading, Han Solo would be either Pirate or Treasure Hunter). |

Says I'm an undead.
Robot. Somehow, I like that.
The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games
I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
Because "desenrascanço" is my middle name.
Alien here.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
I am a robot...Yeah it fits me too.

Time Traveler according to my birth year, but I am neither punctual, nor cosmopolitan.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
Pirate. Arrrrrrrr!
Est sularis oth Mithas
Wizard. Do remote controls count as wands?
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online
nightblade7295@gmail.com if you want to stay in touch
Ok, usually these horoscopes come equipped with a "compatible/incompatible signs" list... anyone want to take the effort to create one?
Combining this with the western zodiac and chinese zodiac:
A treasure-hunting iron-pig archer (Sagittarius) married to twin (Gemini) wood-tiger alien(s?).Something like that really requires "Together, they fight crime." at the end... no?

The year numbers are too small and I can't find my glasses.
Ok, usually these horoscopes come equipped with a "compatible/incompatible signs" list... anyone want to take the effort to create one?
Combining this with the western zodiac and chinese zodiac: A treasure-hunting iron-pig archer (Sagittarius) married to twin (Gemini) wood-tiger alien(s?).Something like that really requires "Together, they fight crime." at the end... no? |
so ...
opposed =
Superhero - Astronaut
Undead - Ninja/Samurai
Pirate - Treasure Hunter
Daikaiju - Robot
Time traveler - Wizard
Spy - Alien
First is Attracted to second =
Superhero - Daikaiju
Undead - Time Traveler
Pirate - Spy
Daikaiju - Astronaut
Time Traveler - Ninja/Samurai
Spy - Treasure Hunter
Astronaut - Robot
Ninja/Samurai - Wizard
Treasure Hunter - Alien
Robot - Superhero
Wizard - Undead
Alien - Pirate
Oh and I be a wizard...
Something like that really requires "Together, they fight crime." at the end... no? |
And this is a great one...
"He's a war-weary neurotic jungle king in drag. She's a warm-hearted kleptomaniac nun descended from a line of powerful witches. They fight crime!"
"He's a war-weary zombie romance novelist who must take medication to keep him sane. She's an orphaned snooty lawyer who dreams of becoming Elvis. They fight crime!"
Cool, I always wanted to be an astronaut. Turns out I've been one the whole time. (also born in the signature year for that sign)
I've never yet taken a hit from a bad guy skidding across the floor on his keister.
~~/ /
Learn the knockback, live the knockback, love the knockback!
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Thelonious Monk