Villain Announced for New Superman Movie




Warner Brothers has just announced who the villain in the new Superman movie will be and who'll be playing him.

It's General Zod.

And Michael Shannon

Also, the movie's title is now simply "Man of Steel".



Glad they decided to rebooted the franchise so they can avoid rehashing the old movies like they did in Superman Returns.

So I'm personally excited that they decided to use the Parasite as he has a pretty easy origin and yet can be formidable to Superman in that he can just take his powers and beat him to death with it....

...Wait, it's General Zodd? Not Parasite? Not Brainiac? Not Bizzaro? Not Mxyzptlk? They went with Zodd?

Bat...Credit... Card.



Interesting choice in actor, not so much in character.

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Looks like it's time for Superman to bust out the cellophane S!

Goodbye, I guess.

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Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Warner Brothers has just announced who the villain in the new Superman movie will be and who'll be playing him.

It's General Zod.

And Michael Shannon

Also, the movie's title is now simply "Man of Steel".
i have to admit that i'm not familiar with Zod outside of the movies. While i've occasionally picked up a Superman comic i've never been a regular reader. Is Zod a significant character outside of the movies?

Dr. Todt's theme.
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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
i have to admit that i'm not familiar with Zod outside of the movies. While i've occasionally picked up a Superman comic i've never been a regular reader. Is Zod a significant character outside of the movies?
I don't know how many appearances he's made, but he's right up with Luthor in terms of menace and threat level. Much is made of Darkseid, but I think Zod has shown up far more often and plays a larger role overall in Superman's mythology.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Zod as the villain for the first movie in a franchise reboot makes a lot of sense, because there's a lot of opportunity for the creative team to explore what separates Superman from Zod, in the sense that we're lucky that it was Kal-El that came to Earth and Ma and Pa Kent found and raised him in addition to the contrast of motivations and values.

- CaptainFoamerang

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Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Aaaah Zod. As much as I love the Terrence Stamp portrayal, I hate it too. The character (much like the rest of Superman 2) was too damn goofy. Even the Richard Donner cut couldn't remove all of Richard Lester's farcical direction.

That being said, the pathological arrogance of Zod was one of the things that made him interesting. I hope that this new take on the character keeps that aspect, but allows for more depth and dimension.

EDIT: Oh yeah, regardless of the movies final quality, if there isn't a "Kneel before Zod" line, I'm asking for my money back ;p

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Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
Zod as the villain for the first movie in a franchise reboot makes a lot of sense, because there's a lot of opportunity for the creative team to explore what separates Superman from Zod, in the sense that we're lucky that it was Kal-El that came to Earth and Ma and Pa Kent found and raised him in addition to the contrast of motivations and values.
If we can get away from the Superman as Christ figure allegory and get back to him as the ultimate immigrant, i know id be happier.



It feels like Zod has been done to death... Especially with his season long stint on Smallvile (misspelled on purpose).

I can tolerate it so long as they do another movie with someone else. Part of me would like to see Superman deal with a lesser villain while Mxyzptlk messes with him.



Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
It feels like Zod has been done to death... Especially with his season long stint on Smallvile (misspelled on purpose).

I can tolerate it so long as they do another movie with someone else. Part of me would like to see Superman deal with a lesser villain while Mxyzptlk messes with him.
What I would have liked to see is Brainiac in the first film, Metallo or Zod in the second, and Darkseid in the third, with Luthor maintaining a presence throughout.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
What I would have liked to see is Brainiac in the first film, Metallo or Zod in the second, and Darkseid in the third, with Luthor maintaining a presence throughout.



I'll go back and rehash the idea that to the general public at large, the two villains most people know are Luthor and Zod because of the original movies.

The problem with Superman, and let's include Wonder Woman and GL into this, is their powers are simply too great compared to 99.999% of the bad guys out there. Sure a bad guy with a piece of Kryptonite, a bondage fetish or dressing as a banana can level the playing field and ruin their respective day but you aren't going to see a meaty punch to the face of some criminal scum like you do in Batman. And when you decide that the big bad is a planetary scale problem, it's tough to build a movie franchise on that level of threat sequel after sequel.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I'll go back and rehash the idea that to the general public at large, the two villains most people know are Luthor and Zod because of the original movies.

The problem with Superman, and let's include Wonder Woman and GL into this, is their powers are simply too great compared to 99.999% of the bad guys out there. Sure a bad guy with a piece of Kryptonite, a bondage fetish or dressing as a banana can level the playing field and ruin their respective day but you aren't going to see a meaty punch to the face of some criminal scum like you do in Batman. And when you decide that the big bad is a planetary scale problem, it's tough to build a movie franchise on that level of threat sequel after sequel.
Plus Kryptonite is about as Tropish as you can get. Heck its replacing the term "Achilles Heel" in modern language because of it.

Yes superman's powers surpasing most of his foes is just plain stupid, the fact Lex stands a chance sometimes is absurd, but down mostly to his ownership of what seems to be a planetsized collection of radioactive chunks of Kyrpton... which in Superman 1 Supes just happens to tell Lois Lane he's allergic too.

I mean honestly how stupid can you get.

Whats even worse is his constant ability to overcome these Kryptonite based obstacles, Superman Returns being the most ludacrous of them all, hes been stabbed with Kryptonite, yet he lifts a half/half Kryptonite/Kryptoquartz micro-contient off of the earth and into space.

Having a villain that can stand toe to toe with him on raw power while still occupying that mad brilliant mind niche Lex also occupies will allow for a bit of thrills and waht not, but saying that, the nearest thing to a fight scene between 2 equally powerful entities in Superman 2 was the canteen... and Clark got owned.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
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I hoped for something better for this movie, seeing as Christopher Nolan is involved. Hearing this news, I now expect the Superman/Lois love story to take up about 49.9% of the movie. Another 49.9% will be devoted to retelling the origin story. The remaining 0.2% will be "action".


Lame...villain. Interest...dropping.



Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
Plus Kryptonite is about as Tropish as you can get. Heck its replacing the term "Achilles Heel" in modern language because of it.
Personally, this is why I think (one of) the movies should introduce a little magic. It might be hard to have Mxyzptlk without making it ultra silly... But at the very least... show Superman does have another weakness.



Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
Plus Kryptonite is about as Tropish as you can get. Heck its replacing the term "Achilles Heel" in modern language because of it.

Yes superman's powers surpasing most of his foes is just plain stupid, the fact Lex stands a chance sometimes is absurd, but down mostly to his ownership of what seems to be a planetsized collection of radioactive chunks of Kyrpton... which in Superman 1 Supes just happens to tell Lois Lane he's allergic too.

I mean honestly how stupid can you get.

Whats even worse is his constant ability to overcome these Kryptonite based obstacles, Superman Returns being the most ludacrous of them all, hes been stabbed with Kryptonite, yet he lifts a half/half Kryptonite/Kryptoquartz micro-contient off of the earth and into space.

Having a villain that can stand toe to toe with him on raw power while still occupying that mad brilliant mind niche Lex also occupies will allow for a bit of thrills and waht not, but saying that, the nearest thing to a fight scene between 2 equally powerful entities in Superman 2 was the canteen... and Clark got owned.
It was established sometime back that when exposed to kryptonite that if Superman is exposed to a greater source of solar energy then the kryptonite he can charge up and hold off the effects of Kryptonite poisoning. Also tossing that mountain into space took everything he had and then some as he came crashing back to Earth. By all rights he should have perished from the impact due to kryptonite poisoning and power depletion.



Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
Personally, this is why I think (one of) the movies should introduce a little magic. It might be hard to have Mxyzptlk without making it ultra silly... But at the very least... show Superman does have another weakness.
His main weaknesses these days are:

1. Kryptonite in all its colors with the possible exception of Blue.

2. Magic

3. Mind control either my brainwashing, magic or psionic

4. Cut him off from the yellow sun rays and he will run out of power.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post

4. Cut him off from the yellow sun rays and he will run out of power.

Note to self: Build underground lairs!

*whistful sigh* If only it was that easy. A villain's job is never done.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Note to self: Build underground lairs!

*whistful sigh* If only it was that easy. A villain's job is never done.
The problem is that normally it takes him awhile to power down when cut from the sun.

When he first fought The sorry I meant DOOMSDAY, after Superman was restored it was explained that during that fight Superman was expending solar energy faster then his body was absorbing it hence why he was killed. However even as he collapsed in Lois arms his body was still absorbing solar power which contributed to his revival.



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
What I would have liked to see is Brainiac in the first film, Metallo or Zod in the second, and Darkseid in the third, with Luthor maintaining a presence throughout.
Sigh...... if only they can hear your words. Superman we all know is the most hardest character to put on flim. The writers will only go with what worked in the past. sad.



I've always hated Superman because he's stupidly overpowered. There's no challenge to a guy who is godmoding the world. Superman Returns went from "bad" to "idiotic" when it came to his abilities. The flying close to light speed, the ability to recover from a kidney stab with a radioactive rock to then picking up an entire mini-continent of the stuff... bleh.

I mean, there's no such thing as a credible threat for anyone who can move near lightspeed. The fight is over before anyone knows it's started. Superman compounds the problem with being ridiculously strong and ludicrously tough. If he's moving at lightspeed, he could've disarmed Luthor's gang, tied them all up and deposited them on the steps of the police station in less than a second. They would've been vaporized by the experience, but that's beside the point. Heck, even if you take away the "moving almost as fast as light" power, he's still got all this other stuff he can do. Telescopic vision and a handful of pebbles and he can disarm anyone from 5 miles away.

The only good thing about the first Superman movie back in '78 was Luthor's plan to launch two missiles in opposite directions. That problem would've been easy to solve for Singer's powered-up Superman, but at least in the original film they pointed out that he couldn't stop both. beat him at the mental game. Who knew he could time travel?

So for me, Braniac is the only real threat to Superman. he can upload his consciousness into a distributed network, so to quote Gertrude Stein, "There's no there, there." As much as we would like to some days, you just can't punch the internet. Taking out Braniac should be equally as difficult, because even if you smash one node, the guy remains undamaged. That's a much harder movie to write, of course, but it can be done.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Great! Singer remade Superman I and now this guy is remaking Superman II.

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Originally Posted by Sonwukong View Post
Sigh...... if only they can hear your words. Superman we all know is the most hardest character to put on flim. The writers will only go with what worked in the past. sad.
Heh, it was just the way I was outlining my trilogy when I started a Superman script.

It was Brainiac in the first film as the villain, with the movie drawing on Johns' Brainiac arc through the climax, except Superman would have to choose between restoring a shrunken Metropolis and a shrunken Kandor. He would chose the former and when Zod, who would show up later in the franchise, would then be motivated by what he saw as a betrayal against his people. The second movie would have Luthor starting his campaign for presidency and Lex would work in the background against Superman while the physical threat (most likely Metallo) took on Supes head to head. I was thinking of drawing on what was done in the animated series with the police officer who became enhanced through a suit and blend that with Metallo's background so we'd have someone who was convinced by Luthor that Superman was a threat. The third movie would have elements of the Apokolips Now episodes from Superman:TAS and include Darkseid as the villain. Using this storyline as a basis would also make use of an expanded supporting cast that went beyond the Daily Planet to include folks like Dr. Emil Hamilton, Maggie Sawyer, and Dan Turpin.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405