Villain Announced for New Superman Movie




Seriously.....Man of Steel is NOT a movie version of Smallville. Simply because the character has been overplayed on some hokey tv show doesnt mean that he will be portrayed as such in the upcoming film. Geez this movie is in actor casting phase and people are already up in arms over which "villain" Supes will be pitted against. Why not Doomsday?.....why not Parasite?......why not Metallo?.....why not Brainiac?......why not Bizarro?.....why not Darkseid?...why not Eradicator?....why not Gog?.....why not Lobo?......why not Mongul?......why not Mr. Mxyzptlk?.... why not Superboy-Prime?.....why not Ultra-Humanite?......why not blah bleh blah blee dooo????

Ultra-Humanite was actually the first villain ever faced by Supes in the comics, so if we want to whine about villains dont go by the Timm-verse (there are those who know what I mean) rogues gallery.

Besides if everyone were keeping up on this film (and it appears that some havent) you would know that this is a complete RE-BOOT and is NOT connected to the other movies. Like it was said some where else, if you have to, think of it as Superman Begins......

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Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

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Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
Yes superman's powers surpasing most of his foes is just plain stupid, the fact Lex stands a chance sometimes is absurd, but down mostly to his ownership of what seems to be a planetsized collection of radioactive chunks of Kyrpton... which in Superman 1 Supes just happens to tell Lois Lane he's allergic too.
Newp. Didn't happen that way. Luthor just "figured out" that Superman was vulnerable to Kryptonite. Until Luthor tricked Superman into opening the box where the Kryptonite was hidden, Superman had never even heard of the stuff.

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



Wow. First it was "Give Supes a villain that he can trade puches with! Any villain!" now it's "No! Not that one!"

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Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
Zod as the villain for the first movie in a franchise reboot makes a lot of sense, because there's a lot of opportunity for the creative team to explore what separates Superman from Zod, in the sense that we're lucky that it was Kal-El that came to Earth and Ma and Pa Kent found and raised him in addition to the contrast of motivations and values.
So true, but...

it's been done.

The last Superman was OK, but lost my interest part way through when I realized it was essentially just a re-make of a previous movie... and now I hear the same coming with this.

My interest was shaky before. It is almost non-existent now.

If they want to re-invigorate this product and get it ringing the register like the Batman franchise they need to take a chance and get away from something that is going to be too familiar to much of the movie going audience.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
So true, but...

it's been done.

The last Superman was OK, but lost my interest part way through when I realized it was essentially just a re-make of a previous movie... and now I hear the same coming with this.

My interest was shaky before. It is almost non-existent now.

If they want to re-invigorate this product and get it ringing the register like the Batman franchise they need to take a chance and get away from something that is going to be too familiar to much of the movie going audience.
It wasn't really done, though. I mean they took a weird approach to it with Superman 2 by having Superman give up his powers for like over half of the movie while the world went to ****. Like the Fortress of Solitude doesn't have a TV to let him know that a few aliens came to town and made the president their *****. There was never really a time when Zod had anything appealing to say to Superman about his heritage or his relationship with his father. And you still had the campiness of Luthor's hench-folk and the stupidity of either the mindwipe kiss or Superman reversing time . . . again.

There's a lot of things different that they can do with this. And at least with Zod they don't have to go into how he got his powers or expend a lot of money on CGI merely for his physical apperance.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
I wonder why they just don't go off of Smallville (whenever the show ends) and just call the movie Metropolis?
Cuz Smallville has too much creative baggage.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Let's pretend we're a movie studio trying to update and modernize a prominent comics franchise for a new movie after a weakly-received "spiritual sequel" to the installments from the 70s and 80s. Having started fresh by casting an unknown in the role of the hero, we must choose an antagonist, but fortunately, there are a number of options.

Column A - Notable Superman Comics Villains Who Have Already Appeared in at Least Two Live-Action Theatrical Movies

  1. Lex Luthor
  2. General Zod

Column B - Notable Superman Comics Villains Who Have Never Appeared in a Live-Action Theatrical Movie
  1. Bizarro
  2. Braniac
  3. Kryptonite Man
  4. Metallo
  5. Mister Mxyzptlk
  6. Parasite
  7. Prankster
  8. Titano
  9. Toyman
  10. Ultra-Humanite
  11. Etc., etc., etc.

To heck with it, let's just file the serial numbers off Superman II and hope the fans don't notice. We'll just get a director who does mostly remakes and adaptations. His stuff makes for good trailers at least.



I actually have to wonder if this isn't intentionally misleading, with all the earlier press about Birthright being their inspiration. Zod could be a character either in the "past time viewing" device of Lex's, or he could be one of the fake Kryptonian's he employs to eff people up in the streets during the "invasion". As much as I love Zod, I'd love even more to see something new and interesting for the franchise reboot. Especially if it is going to lead into the JL movie.



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
It wasn't really done, though. I mean they took a weird approach to it with Superman 2 by having Superman give up his powers for like over half of the movie while the world went to ****. Like the Fortress of Solitude doesn't have a TV to let him know that a few aliens came to town and made the president their *****. There was never really a time when Zod had anything appealing to say to Superman about his heritage or his relationship with his father. And you still had the campiness of Luthor's hench-folk and the stupidity of either the mindwipe kiss or Superman reversing time . . . again.

There's a lot of things different that they can do with this. And at least with Zod they don't have to go into how he got his powers or expend a lot of money on CGI merely for his physical apperance.
Understood. But the audience of the film - broadly speaking - is targeted at the general moving going public not the superman fans and comic book lovers (to cash in big anyway), so I'd want a serious reset/fresh button to be pushed to get folks in the doors.

hhmmm, unless they figure it is straight forward and easy to explain, and the demographic audience isn't going to remember the old Superman 2 film anyway.....

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Originally Posted by Gaderath View Post
I actually have to wonder if this isn't intentionally misleading, with all the earlier press about Birthright being their inspiration. Zod could be a character either in the "past time viewing" device of Lex's, or he could be one of the fake Kryptonian's he employs to eff people up in the streets during the "invasion". As much as I love Zod, I'd love even more to see something new and interesting for the franchise reboot. Especially if it is going to lead into the JL movie.
That's an interesting idea. I hadn't heard they're using Birthright as a template, so that's good news. It was the first story that really made me see what Clark saw in Lois Lane, and I think that's important for the films going ahead.

The creative team might get flack for using Luthor as the main villain yet again, but if they draw from the comics and animated universe, they could silence all critics. We have to see who they cast as Luthor, though.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by Gaderath View Post
I actually have to wonder if this isn't intentionally misleading, with all the earlier press about Birthright being their inspiration. Zod could be a character either in the "past time viewing" device of Lex's, or he could be one of the fake Kryptonian's he employs to eff people up in the streets during the "invasion".
"As General Zod, Shannon will go toe-to-toe with Henry Cavill, who plays the new Clark Kent/Superman in the film," according to the Warner Brothers' announcement. That sounds more like a straightforward antagonist than a red herring.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
"As General Zod, Shannon will go toe-to-toe with Henry Cavill, who plays the new Clark Kent/Superman in the film," according to the Warner Brothers' announcement. That sounds more like a straightforward antagonist than a red herring.
Read the book

EDIT: But to be clear, I doubt that is the case as well. I was just being hopeful and trying to avoid all the "DOoooooom!"



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
Understood. But the audience of the film - broadly speaking - is targeted at the general moving going public not the superman fans and comic book lovers (to cash in big anyway), so I'd want a serious reset/fresh button to be pushed to get folks in the doors.

hhmmm, unless they figure it is straight forward and easy to explain, and the demographic audience isn't going to remember the old Superman 2 film anyway.....
Well I think there's a good start on that new take/look by having Snyder as the director and experienced comic folk handling the writing. I really hope they draw from the takes on Zod where he was Jor-El's friend and simply has a different take on what a Kryptonian's role on Earth is rather than the emotionless tyrant.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
the demographic audience isn't going to remember the old Superman 2 film anyway.....
And yet the demographic of the producing studio is exactly old enough to remember it from their childhoods, and judging from their choice of villain, they want to go back there.

Originally Posted by Gaderath View Post
Read the book
Please confirm where Birthright is explicitly revealed to be the basis for this movie. So far that rumor seems to have the basis only in this unattributed story that mentions only West Africa as one of the settings. Otherwise, it sounds like bits and pieces are coming from here and there (in much the same way Batman Begins drew on disparate comics for its script).

edit: It's also standard operating procedure for Hollywood to take a piecemeal approach to comics sources (Batman, X-Men, Daredevil) since this tactic gets around the byzantine adaptation rules of the Writers Guild.

EDIT: But to be clear, I doubt that is the case as well. I was just being hopeful and trying to avoid all the "DOoooooom!"
More like "meeeeh".



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
And yet the demographic of the producing studio is exactly old enough to remember it from their childhoods, and judging from their choice of villain, they want to go back there.
To be fair I would too if I were making the movie. I always felt they slightly missed the mark and it could have been better...

And it's so much easier from a film makers perspective it is almost lazy.

"We need someone super to fight superman... oh, look just as super for exactly the same reasons so we don't even have to explain it. And we get the ying-yang of what could have been if superman wasn't such a great guy."

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
As much as we would like to some days, you just can't punch the internet.
I dunno... the internet is small potatoes compared to the walls of reality.

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