Players experiencing crashing issues with the City of Heroes client




11.6 ATI drivers were crashing about every 20-30 minutes for me.

Downgraded to 11.3, been stable since.



I have tried everything- Reinstalling the whole game, screwing with different versions of ATI drivers, different settings in the catalyst center, I even tried XP mode on my windows 7 system. This problem freezes my whole system, not just the NCsoft launcher and it's really getting old. It works fine on my laptop which is nvidia, just not the desktop which is ATI. It must have something to do with the difference between ATI and Nvidia, or 32 bit and 64 bit systems becaue those are the only differences between my laptop and my desktop. Unfortunately the command prompt line that was given isn't working for some reason. I'm not going to cancel my account or anything extreme, but if this lasts much longer I'd like a free month and I'm sure everyone else who's having this issue would as well.



Originally Posted by Derbieshyre View Post
This problem freezes my whole system, not just the NCsoft launcher and it's really getting old.
Twice in the last couple of days I've tried to exit to character selection, but my system just hangs. The game freezes, and when I press CTRL+ALT+DEL and bring up the Task Manager it refuses to end the game, and eventually Windows hangs completely. The only solution is to power off the computer. Once I had been running trials, the other time I had run and edited AE missions.

I'm running Windows XP Home with an nVidia GTX 460 SE, latest drivers.



Originally Posted by phenom44 View Post
Now, for a minute after the patch update on Monday, I was playing longer, but eventually crashed. I've done all I can on my end of switching, cleaning drivers, updating and rolling back drivers, ensuring directx functionality etc, etc,etc.

Now, I'm still crashing and essentially avoiding gameplay as a result for roughly two weeks now. Curious to know if there will be a prorated/adjusted bill for your customers as a result of services not being rendered in exchange for monthly payments as agreed upon per digital signatures?

I know you guys are working on this, but this is now treading into other areas as indicated above.

yeah, i'm gonna have to agree on this one. i had mega problems with issue 4 being unplayable so i stopped playing for a year and a half while checking out other games. looks like i need to go dust off some other titles and see what's going on there until i can actually play this game again.

Dai-San: "You Not true Mu, you fake Mu. Me want Mu Mu, not you Mu." ~in response to I7
Dai-San: "You point, me smash." Brutz rulz 101
Sig Truncated



Running Win 7 64-bit Home here, and I'm getting a MONSTER of a memory leak that leads to CoH crashing once it hits 1,945,XXX Kilobytes in use.

More accurately, it freezes up and nothing short of ending the process from the task manager will close the window.

Not sure if it's related to the goings-on here or not, but here's the data you asked for in the first post:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds.
Server: UnKnown

Non-authoritative answer:

2011-07-11 16:45:12.7129 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-07-11 16:45:12.7769 : 1 : Info : Starting:
C:\program files (x86)\ncsoft\launcher\_Launcher.exeC:\program files (x86)\ncsoft\launcher\NCLauncher.exe /LaunchGame=CityOfHeroes
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-07-11 16:45:12.7769 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 6.1.7601.65536 (Vista)
2011-07-11 16:45:12.7769 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-07-11 16:45:12.7779 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-07-11 16:45:12.7899 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-07-11 16:45:12.7899 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-07-11 16:45:12.7909 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-07-11 16:45:12.7909 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-07-11 16:45:12.8769 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-07-11 16:45:12.8769 : 1 : Info : --- Not Still Running, Setting Up IPC ---
2011-07-11 16:45:12.8769 : 1 : Info : --- Attemping Register IPC ---
2011-07-11 16:45:12.8789 : 1 : Info : --- Handle First Instance ---
2011-07-11 16:45:12.8919 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Configuration Group ---
2011-07-11 16:45:12.9779 : 1 : Info : --- Initalizing Language And Region ---
2011-07-11 16:45:12.9869 : 1 : Info : --- Creating Splash Screen ---
2011-07-11 16:45:13.4009 : 1 : Info : --- First Run Initialization ---
2011-07-11 16:45:13.4039 : 1 : Info : --- Update Self ---
2011-07-11 16:45:13.4959 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-11 16:45:13.5039 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-11 16:45:13.5179 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-11 16:45:13.5219 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8875.tmp" .
2011-07-11 16:45:16.5861 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-11 16:45:16.5871 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-11 16:45:16.5871 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 2 =
2011-07-11 16:45:16.5871 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 3 =
2011-07-11 16:45:16.5871 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 4 =
2011-07-11 16:45:16.5871 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 5 =
2011-07-11 16:45:16.5871 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 6 =
2011-07-11 16:45:16.5941 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-11 16:45:16.5961 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8875.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-11 16:45:16.5961 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-11 16:45:16.5981 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-11 16:45:16.6071 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-11 16:45:16.6081 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-11 16:45:16.6111 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-11 16:45:17.7392 : 1 : Info : --- Evaluating Registry ---
2011-07-11 16:45:18.1012 : 1 : Info : --- Creating LauncherApplication ---
2011-07-11 16:45:18.1032 : 1 : Info : --- LauncherApplication Run ---
2011-07-11 16:45:19.9083 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CityOfHeroes
2011-07-11 16:45:20.0163 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CoHBeta
2011-07-11 16:45:20.4553 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-07-11 16:45:20.4553 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 0 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-07-11 16:45:20.4663 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-07-11 16:45:20.4663 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 1 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-07-11 16:45:20.4693 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-11 16:45:20.4703 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-11 16:45:20.4703 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-11 16:45:20.4703 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpA3B3.tmp" .
2011-07-11 16:45:20.4763 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-11 16:45:20.4773 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-11 16:45:20.4773 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-11 16:45:20.4773 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpA3C4.tmp" .
2011-07-11 16:45:20.9513 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-11 16:45:20.9513 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-11 16:45:20.9513 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-11 16:45:20.9513 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpA3B3.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-11 16:45:20.9523 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-11 16:45:20.9523 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-11 16:45:20.9523 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-11 16:45:20.9523 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-11 16:45:20.9533 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-11 16:45:21.2754 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-11 16:45:21.2754 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-11 16:45:21.2754 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-11 16:45:21.2764 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpA3C4.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-11 16:45:21.2764 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-11 16:45:21.2764 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-11 16:45:21.2774 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-11 16:45:21.2774 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-11 16:45:21.2774 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-11 16:45:21.8654 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition Run.
2011-07-11 16:45:21.8654 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-07-11 16:45:21.8694 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-11 16:45:21.8704 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-11 16:45:21.8704 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-11 16:45:21.8704 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpA931.tmp" .
2011-07-11 16:45:22.0674 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-11 16:45:22.0674 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-11 16:45:22.0674 : 15 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-11 16:45:22.0684 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpA931.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-11 16:45:22.0684 : 15 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-11 16:45:22.0684 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-11 16:45:22.0694 : 15 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-11 16:45:22.0694 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-11 16:45:22.0694 : 15 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-11 16:45:23.0085 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll - 6.1.7601.17514)
2011-07-11 16:45:23.0085 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.
2011-07-11 21:15:27.4163 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-11 21:15:27.4183 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-11 21:15:27.4183 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-11 21:15:27.4183 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpF016.tmp" .
2011-07-11 21:15:29.4574 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-11 21:15:29.4584 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-11 21:15:29.4584 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-11 21:15:29.4584 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpF016.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-11 21:15:29.4594 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-11 21:15:29.4594 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-11 21:15:29.4604 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-11 21:15:29.4604 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-11 21:15:29.4604 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-11 21:15:31.2305 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition Run.
2011-07-11 21:15:31.2315 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-07-11 21:15:31.2445 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-11 21:15:31.2465 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-11 21:15:31.2465 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-11 21:15:31.2465 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFF15.tmp" .
2011-07-11 21:15:34.2327 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-11 21:15:34.2327 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-11 21:15:34.2327 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-11 21:15:34.2337 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Eric\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFF15.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-11 21:15:34.2337 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-11 21:15:34.2337 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-11 21:15:34.2347 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-11 21:15:34.2347 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-11 21:15:34.2357 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-11 21:15:35.1057 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll - 6.1.7601.17514)
2011-07-11 21:15:35.1057 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.

I'm also getting a TON of graphical corruption shortly before the game ends up completely locking up on me. I've had entire maps with all wall, floor, and body textures replaced with inspiration or archetype icon textures, enemies rendered invisible to vision, but able to be targetted by tabbing because their textures fail to load...

It's becoming very annoying.



Lady I am have the exact same problem. I am at work so I can't pull the log. runnig win 7 64 pro and an ATI saphire 5700 series card.

Runnning an Itrial almost always generates a memory leak crash. If I can run /unloadgfx in time that seems to help.



Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Non-authoritative answer:

and most recent log file do i need all 9?
2011-07-08 14:29:51.3556 : 19 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-08 14:29:51.3556 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-08 14:29:51.3556 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Björn Granholm\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp732.tmp".
2011-07-08 14:29:53.3887 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-08 14:29:53.3897 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-08 14:29:53.3897 : 19 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-08 14:29:53.3907 : 19 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Björn Granholm\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp732.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-08 14:29:53.3907 : 19 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-08 14:29:53.3907 : 19 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-08 14:29:53.3937 : 19 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-08 14:29:53.3937 : 19 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-08 14:29:53.3947 : 19 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-08 14:29:54.2878 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll - 6.1.7601.17514)
2011-07-08 14:29:54.2878 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.
2011-07-08 16:25:48.9926 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-08 16:25:48.9966 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-08 16:25:48.9976 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-08 16:25:48.9976 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Björn Granholm\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp3180.tmp".
2011-07-08 16:25:50.2356 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-08 16:25:50.2366 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-08 16:25:50.2366 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 2 =
2011-07-08 16:25:50.2366 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 3 =
2011-07-08 16:25:50.2366 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 4 =
2011-07-08 16:25:50.2366 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 5 =
2011-07-08 16:25:50.2366 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 6 =
2011-07-08 16:25:50.2366 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 7 =
2011-07-08 16:25:50.2366 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 8 =
2011-07-08 16:25:50.2366 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-08 16:25:50.2376 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Björn Granholm\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp3180.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-08 16:25:50.2376 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-08 16:25:50.2386 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-08 16:25:50.2406 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-08 16:25:50.2406 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-08 16:25:50.2416 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-08 16:25:51.4957 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition Run.
2011-07-08 16:25:51.4957 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-07-08 16:25:51.4997 : 22 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-08 16:25:51.5007 : 22 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-08 16:25:51.5007 : 22 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-08 16:25:51.5007 : 22 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Björn Granholm\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp3B41.tmp".
2011-07-08 16:25:52.8758 : 22 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-08 16:25:52.8768 : 22 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-08 16:25:52.8768 : 22 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-08 16:25:52.8778 : 22 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Björn Granholm\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp3B41.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-08 16:25:52.8778 : 22 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-08 16:25:52.8778 : 22 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-08 16:25:52.8798 : 22 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-08 16:25:52.8808 : 22 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-08 16:25:52.8808 : 22 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-08 16:25:53.7088 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll - 6.1.7601.17514)
2011-07-08 16:25:53.7088 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.

My crashes are memory related though.



Here's my feedback:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Server: UnKnown

Non-authoritative answer:


2011-07-09 20:19:03.5546 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-07-09 20:19:03.5706 : 1 : Info : Starting:
C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\_Launcher.exeC:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-07-09 20:19:03.5706 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 6.1.7601.65536 (Vista)
2011-07-09 20:19:03.5706 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-07-09 20:19:03.5716 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-07-09 20:19:03.5796 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-07-09 20:19:03.5796 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-07-09 20:19:03.5806 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-07-09 20:19:03.5806 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-07-09 20:19:03.5926 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-07-09 20:19:03.5926 : 1 : Info : --- Not Still Running, Setting Up IPC ---
2011-07-09 20:19:03.5926 : 1 : Info : --- Attemping Register IPC ---
2011-07-09 20:19:03.5936 : 1 : Info : --- Handle First Instance ---
2011-07-09 20:19:03.6086 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Configuration Group ---
2011-07-09 20:19:03.6256 : 1 : Info : --- Initalizing Language And Region ---
2011-07-09 20:19:03.6297 : 1 : Info : --- Creating Splash Screen ---
2011-07-09 20:19:03.9197 : 1 : Info : --- First Run Initialization ---
2011-07-09 20:19:03.9227 : 1 : Info : --- Update Self ---
2011-07-09 20:19:03.9937 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-09 20:19:03.9987 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-09 20:19:04.0077 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-09 20:19:04.0107 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Lynda\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpF89F.tmp ".
2011-07-09 20:19:05.0977 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-09 20:19:05.0977 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-09 20:19:05.1187 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-09 20:19:05.1247 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Lynda\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpF89F.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-09 20:19:05.1257 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-09 20:19:05.1287 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-09 20:19:05.1397 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-09 20:19:05.1407 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-09 20:19:05.1437 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-09 20:19:05.8968 : 1 : Info : --- Evaluating Registry ---
2011-07-09 20:19:06.9398 : 1 : Info : --- Creating LauncherApplication ---
2011-07-09 20:19:06.9418 : 1 : Info : --- LauncherApplication Run ---
2011-07-09 20:19:08.0339 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CityOfHeroesEU
2011-07-09 20:19:08.5839 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroesEU) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-07-09 20:19:08.5839 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 0 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-07-09 20:19:08.5959 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-09 20:19:08.5969 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-09 20:19:08.5969 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-09 20:19:08.5969 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Lynda\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpA9A.tmp" .
2011-07-09 20:19:09.9050 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-09 20:19:09.9060 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-09 20:19:09.9060 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-09 20:19:09.9070 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Lynda\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpA9A.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-09 20:19:09.9070 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-09 20:19:09.9070 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-09 20:19:09.9100 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-09 20:19:09.9100 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-09 20:19:09.9100 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-09 20:19:13.2462 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-09 20:19:13.2492 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-09 20:19:13.2502 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-09 20:19:13.2502 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Lynda\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp1CC4.tmp ".
2011-07-09 20:19:13.5952 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-09 20:19:13.5952 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-09 20:19:13.5962 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-09 20:19:13.5962 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Lynda\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp1CC4.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-09 20:19:13.5962 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-09 20:19:13.5972 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-09 20:19:13.5992 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-09 20:19:13.5992 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-09 20:19:13.5992 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-09 20:19:14.0722 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroesEU) can apply transition Run.
2011-07-09 20:19:14.0722 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-07-09 20:19:14.0792 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-09 20:19:14.0802 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-09 20:19:14.0802 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-09 20:19:14.0802 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Lynda\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp200F.tmp ".
2011-07-09 20:19:14.3653 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-09 20:19:14.3653 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-09 20:19:14.3653 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-09 20:19:14.3653 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Lynda\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp200F.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-09 20:19:14.3663 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-09 20:19:14.3663 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-09 20:19:14.3683 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-09 20:19:14.3683 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-09 20:19:14.3683 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-09 20:19:15.3103 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll - 6.1.7601.17514)
2011-07-09 20:19:15.3103 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.
2011-07-09 22:06:05.9909 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-09 22:06:05.9939 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-09 22:06:05.9939 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-09 22:06:05.9939 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Lynda\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpF693.tmp ".
2011-07-09 22:06:06.6570 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-09 22:06:06.6570 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-09 22:06:06.6580 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-09 22:06:06.6580 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Lynda\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpF693.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-09 22:06:06.6590 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-09 22:06:06.6590 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-09 22:06:06.6610 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-09 22:06:06.6610 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-09 22:06:06.6620 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-09 22:06:07.7920 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroesEU) can apply transition Run.
2011-07-09 22:06:07.7930 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-07-09 22:06:07.7960 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-09 22:06:07.7970 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-09 22:06:07.7970 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-09 22:06:07.7970 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Lynda\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFDA5.tmp ".
2011-07-09 22:06:08.9501 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-09 22:06:08.9501 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-09 22:06:08.9501 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-09 22:06:08.9511 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Lynda\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFDA5.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-09 22:06:08.9511 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-09 22:06:08.9511 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-09 22:06:08.9531 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-09 22:06:08.9531 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-09 22:06:08.9541 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-09 22:06:09.8721 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll - 6.1.7601.17514)
2011-07-09 22:06:09.8721 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.
2011-07-09 23:08:50.9551 : 1 : Info : --- Closing Splash Screen ---
2011-07-09 23:08:50.9561 : 1 : Info : Exiting with code: 0

Really hope this helps you guys find a way to fix this as I'm crashing on average four or five times during an evening's play.



Windows 7 64 catalyst 11.5 hd radeon 4850
Now i have started crashing after awhile and mem is locked at a static 1086 mb



I've been having frequent game crashing since I20.5 launched, I will try to describe the issue and then post specs to help in finding a solution. It happens on a timer, which isnt exact. I can play for so long untill the client crashes, which could be at any time. Busy fighting, standing still, loading into a tiny zone like ouro, it matters not. The crash is an instant screen freeze that I have to cntrl alt delete out of since I play in fullscreen, but it didn't stop my computer's normal functions. Lately (today) the crash has progressed to doing the same thing as usual then subsequently blue screening me.

I play other graphic intensive games on high and ultra settings just fine, including SC2 with it's horribly laggy engine that can't even handle it's own super high polygon count models. Only CoH is acting up, and only RECENTLY.

I ran the command in the OP, with this result:

Server: UnKnown

Non-authoritative answer:

Here are some computer specs...
Yes, I do have a six core processor, but I think for this issue only my graphics card is really important... I could be wrong.

Processor([= Six Core =] AMD Phenom™ II X6 1100T Black Edition Six-Core CPU)

Processor Cooling(Liquid CPU Cooling System [AMD] - Enermax Silent High Performance Fan Upgrade)

Memory(8 GB [2 GB X4] DDR3-1600 Memory Module - Corsair or Major Brand)

Video Card(AMD Radeon HD 6970 - 2GB - Single Card)

Motherboard(Gigabyte GA-870A-UD3 -- AMD 870 w/ 2x PCI-E 2.0 x16)

Sound Card(3D Premium Surround Sound Onboard)(In case it's somehow a sound issue, I dunno now I'm just guessing in the dark)

Operating System(Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium + Office Starter 2010 (Includes basic versions of Word and Excel) - 64-Bit)

Here are some logs, I have no idea if they will help...

03-17-2011 16:16:51 1004 1 WinMain: command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe"
03-17-2011 16:16:51 1004 2 WinMain: g_cmdline=
03-17-2011 16:16:51 1004 3 WinMain:
03-17-2011 16:16:52 2408 1 WinMain: command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe"
03-17-2011 16:16:52 2408 2 WinMain: g_cmdline=
03-17-2011 16:16:53 2408 3 WinMain:
03-17-2011 16:16:53 2408 4 WinMain: doing headless update
03-17-2011 16:16:53 2408 5 opening file C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe
03-17-2011 16:16:53 2408 6 opening file C:/Program Files (x86)/City of Heroes\CohUpdater_UI_Win.dll
03-17-2011 16:16:53 2408 7 checksum (multifile): 1410344 {0f4f5c4a 17626cbf 0cb8bea8 ba19ef2e}
03-17-2011 16:16:56 2584 1 WinMain: command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe"
03-17-2011 16:16:56 2584 2 WinMain: g_cmdline=
03-17-2011 16:16:57 2584 3 WinMain:
03-17-2011 16:16:57 2444 1 WinMain: command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe"
03-17-2011 16:16:57 2444 2 WinMain: g_cmdline=
03-17-2011 16:16:58 2444 3 WinMain:
03-17-2011 16:16:58 2444 4 WinMain: not server patch
03-17-2011 16:16:58 2444 5 WinMain: set motd web
03-17-2011 16:16:58 2444 6 xferStatsInit: mode=StatsConnecting #1,base=0,total=0
03-17-2011 16:16:58 2444 7 xferStatsInit: mode=StatsCheckingUpdater,base=0,total=0
03-17-2011 16:16:58 2444 8 opening file C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes\cohupdater.exe
03-17-2011 16:16:58 2444 9 opening file C:/Program Files (x86)/City of Heroes\CohUpdater_UI_Win.dll
03-17-2011 16:16:58 2444 10 checksum (multifile): 2676008 {f1c715fd d41549cb 2ac9c13d e3f194de}
03-17-2011 16:16:59 2444 11 WinMain: first_patch_idx=0, patch_count=1
03-17-2011 16:16:59 2444 12 patchClientProject: install dir from registry C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes
03-17-2011 16:16:59 2444 13 patchClientProject: default patch dir set to C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes
03-17-2011 16:16:59 2444 14 patchClientProject: Patching project: Coh Install Dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes
03-17-2011 16:16:59 2444 15 clientPatch: client_patch_name=C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes/Coh.patch major_patch_name=C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes/Coh.majorpatch
03-17-2011 16:16:59 2444 16 clientPatch: checksum_name=C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes/Coh.checksum
03-17-2011 16:16:59 2444 17 clientPatch: checksumLoad returned 0
03-17-2011 16:16:59 2444 18 clientPatch: the checksum load wasn't quite successful. checksumming the image
03-17-2011 16:16:59 2444 19 xferStatsInit: mode=StatsChecksumming,base=0,total=0
03-17-2011 16:16:59 2444 20 clientPatch: verifying checksum
03-17-2011 16:16:59 2444 21 xferStatsInit: mode=StatsVerifyingImage,base=0,total=0
03-17-2011 16:16:59 2444 22 clientPatch: isFreshInstall && isClientOnly
03-17-2011 16:16:59 2444 23 xferStatsInit: mode=StatsChecksumming,base=0,total=0
03-17-2011 16:16:59 2444 24 xferStatsInit: mode=StatsRequestingPatch,base=0,total=0
03-17-2011 16:16:59 2444 25 clientPatch: PATCHSERVER_REGKEYS
03-17-2011 16:16:59 2444 26 clientPatch: PATCHSERVER_FULL_MANIFEST_COMING
03-17-2011 16:16:59 2444 27 xferStatsInit: mode=StatsDownloadingFileManifest,base=0,total=0
03-17-2011 16:17:03 2444 28 clientPatch: PATCHSERVER_FULL_MANIFEST
03-17-2011 16:17:03 2444 29 clientPatch: Handling full manifest
03-17-2011 16:17:04 2444 30 xferStatsInit: mode=StatsFixingFiles,base=0,total=0
03-17-2011 17:48:13 2444 31 clientPatch: REPEATING LOOP
03-17-2011 17:48:13 2444 32 clientPatch: checksumLoad returned 1
03-17-2011 17:48:13 2444 33 clientPatch: verifying checksum
03-17-2011 17:48:13 2444 34 clientPatch: Checksum Verify succeeded, requesting patch
03-17-2011 17:48:13 2444 35 xferStatsInit: mode=StatsRequestingPatch,base=0,total=0
03-17-2011 17:48:13 2444 36 clientPatch: PATCHSERVER_REGKEYS
03-17-2011 17:48:13 2444 37 clientPatch: PATCHSERVER_UP_TO_DATE Client is up to date...
03-17-2011 17:48:13 2444 38 xferStatsInit: mode=StatsOK,base=0,total=0
03-17-2011 17:48:13 2444 39 patchClientProject: Patched successfully
03-17-2011 17:48:13 2444 40 patchClientProject: End of Patching: remaking checksum
03-17-2011 18:07:57 2588 1 WinMain: command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe"
03-17-2011 18:07:57 2588 2 WinMain: g_cmdline=
03-17-2011 18:07:58 2588 3 WinMain:
03-17-2011 18:07:58 2588 4 WinMain: not server patch
03-17-2011 18:07:58 2588 5 WinMain: set motd web
03-17-2011 18:07:59 2588 6 xferStatsInit: mode=StatsConnecting #1,base=0,total=0
03-17-2011 18:07:59 2588 7 xferStatsInit: mode=StatsCheckingUpdater,base=0,total=0
03-17-2011 18:07:59 2588 8 opening file C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes\cohupdater.exe
03-17-2011 18:07:59 2588 9 opening file C:/Program Files (x86)/City of Heroes\CohUpdater_UI_Win.dll
03-17-2011 18:07:59 2588 10 checksum (multifile): 2676008 {f1c715fd d41549cb 2ac9c13d e3f194de}
03-17-2011 18:07:59 2588 11 WinMain: first_patch_idx=0, patch_count=1
03-17-2011 18:07:59 2588 12 patchClientProject: install dir from registry C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes
03-17-2011 18:07:59 2588 13 patchClientProject: default patch dir set to C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes
03-17-2011 18:07:59 2588 14 patchClientProject: Patching project: Coh Install Dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes
03-17-2011 18:07:59 2588 15 clientPatch: client_patch_name=C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes/Coh.patch major_patch_name=C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes/Coh.majorpatch
03-17-2011 18:07:59 2588 16 clientPatch: checksum_name=C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes/Coh.checksum
03-17-2011 18:07:59 2588 17 clientPatch: checksumLoad returned 1
03-17-2011 18:07:59 2588 18 clientPatch: verifying checksum
03-17-2011 18:07:59 2588 19 clientPatch: Checksum Verify succeeded, requesting patch
03-17-2011 18:07:59 2588 20 xferStatsInit: mode=StatsRequestingPatch,base=0,total=0
03-17-2011 18:07:59 2588 21 clientPatch: PATCHSERVER_REGKEYS
03-17-2011 18:07:59 2588 22 clientPatch: PATCHSERVER_UP_TO_DATE Client is up to date...
03-17-2011 18:07:59 2588 23 xferStatsInit: mode=StatsOK,base=0,total=0
03-17-2011 18:07:59 2588 24 patchClientProject: Patched successfully
03-17-2011 18:07:59 2588 25 patchClientProject: End of Patching: remaking checksum
03-17-2011 18:11:36 3204 1 WinMain: command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe"
03-17-2011 18:11:36 3204 2 WinMain: g_cmdline=
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 3 WinMain:
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 4 WinMain: not server patch
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 5 WinMain: set motd web
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 6 xferStatsInit: mode=StatsConnecting #1,base=0,total=0
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 7 xferStatsInit: mode=StatsCheckingUpdater,base=0,total=0
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 8 opening file C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes\cohupdater.exe
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 9 opening file C:/Program Files (x86)/City of Heroes\CohUpdater_UI_Win.dll
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 10 checksum (multifile): 2676008 {f1c715fd d41549cb 2ac9c13d e3f194de}
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 11 WinMain: first_patch_idx=0, patch_count=1
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 12 patchClientProject: install dir from registry C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 13 patchClientProject: default patch dir set to C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 14 patchClientProject: Patching project: Coh Install Dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 15 clientPatch: client_patch_name=C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes/Coh.patch major_patch_name=C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes/Coh.majorpatch
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 16 clientPatch: checksum_name=C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes/Coh.checksum
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 17 clientPatch: checksumLoad returned 1
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 18 clientPatch: verifying checksum
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 19 clientPatch: Checksum Verify succeeded, requesting patch
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 20 xferStatsInit: mode=StatsRequestingPatch,base=0,total=0
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 21 clientPatch: PATCHSERVER_REGKEYS
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 22 clientPatch: PATCHSERVER_UP_TO_DATE Client is up to date...
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 23 xferStatsInit: mode=StatsOK,base=0,total=0
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 24 patchClientProject: Patched successfully
03-17-2011 18:11:37 3204 25 patchClientProject: End of Patching: remaking checksum

"Look, personally I just want a new issue to feature changes that don't cause a mass exodus of players..."
Issue 17: We Didn't Break Anything!
How to suck at CoX
Literally the Best Build Ever: Years in the Making



this is what it gave me

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\The User>nslookup
Server: UnKnown

Non-authoritative answer:

C:\Users\The User>


2011-07-16 19:39:20.4303 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-07-16 19:39:20.4459 : 1 : Info : Starting:
C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\_Launcher.exeC:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe /LaunchGame=CityOfHeroes
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-07-16 19:39:20.4459 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 6.1.7601.65536 (Vista)
2011-07-16 19:39:20.4459 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-07-16 19:39:20.4459 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-07-16 19:39:20.4615 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-07-16 19:39:20.4615 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-07-16 19:39:20.4615 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-07-16 19:39:20.4615 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-07-16 19:39:20.4615 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-07-16 19:39:20.4615 : 1 : Info : --- Not Still Running, Setting Up IPC ---
2011-07-16 19:39:20.4615 : 1 : Info : --- Attemping Register IPC ---
2011-07-16 19:39:20.4771 : 1 : Info : --- Handle First Instance ---
2011-07-16 19:39:20.4771 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Configuration Group ---
2011-07-16 19:39:20.4927 : 1 : Info : --- Initalizing Language And Region ---
2011-07-16 19:39:20.4927 : 1 : Info : --- Creating Splash Screen ---
2011-07-16 19:39:20.8047 : 1 : Info : --- First Run Initialization ---
2011-07-16 19:39:20.8047 : 1 : Info : --- Update Self ---
2011-07-16 19:39:20.9295 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-16 19:39:20.9451 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-16 19:39:20.9451 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-16 19:39:20.9607 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Timothy Holt\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpB130.tmp".
2011-07-16 19:39:21.1791 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-16 19:39:21.1791 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-16 19:39:21.1791 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-16 19:39:21.1947 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Timothy Holt\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpB130.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-16 19:39:21.1947 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-16 19:39:21.1947 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-16 19:39:21.2103 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-16 19:39:21.2103 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-16 19:39:21.2103 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-16 19:39:21.3507 : 1 : Info : --- Evaluating Registry ---
2011-07-16 19:39:21.6003 : 1 : Info : --- Creating LauncherApplication ---
2011-07-16 19:39:21.6003 : 1 : Info : --- LauncherApplication Run ---
2011-07-16 19:39:22.8795 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CityOfHeroes
2011-07-16 19:39:23.2851 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-07-16 19:39:23.2851 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 0 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-07-16 19:39:23.3007 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-16 19:39:23.3007 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-16 19:39:23.3007 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-16 19:39:23.3007 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Timothy Holt\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpBA65.tmp".
2011-07-16 19:39:23.4723 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-16 19:39:23.4723 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-16 19:39:23.4723 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-16 19:39:23.4723 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Timothy Holt\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpBA65.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-16 19:39:23.4723 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-16 19:39:23.4723 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-16 19:39:23.4879 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-16 19:39:23.4879 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-16 19:39:23.4879 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-16 19:39:23.5035 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition Run.
2011-07-16 19:39:23.5035 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-07-16 19:39:23.5035 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-16 19:39:23.5035 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-16 19:39:23.5035 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-16 19:39:23.5035 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Timothy Holt\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpBB31.tmp".
2011-07-16 19:39:23.5971 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-16 19:39:23.5971 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-16 19:39:23.5971 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-16 19:39:23.5971 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Timothy Holt\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpBB31.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-16 19:39:23.5971 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-16 19:39:23.5971 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-16 19:39:23.5971 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-16 19:39:23.5971 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-16 19:39:23.5971 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-16 19:39:24.4708 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll - 6.1.7601.17514)
2011-07-16 19:39:24.4708 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.
2011-07-16 20:09:51.7156 : 1 : Info : --- Closing Splash Screen ---
2011-07-16 20:09:51.7156 : 1 : Info : Exiting with code: 0



Wow, client went non responsive with all graphics settings on minimum, when all I did was log in and try to look at my player info. Obviously I don't dare try to actually play. Been this way about a month now...just happened one day, without even any patch to seemingly cause it.

Latest logfile, from the abovementioned crash:

2011-07-17 09:14:02.5576 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-07-17 09:14:02.5732 : 1 : Info : Starting:
D:\Program Files\NCSoft\Launcher\_Launcher.exeD:\Program Files\NCSoft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe /LaunchGame=CityOfHeroes /GameArgs="-renderthread" "1"
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-07-17 09:14:02.5732 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 5.2.3790.0 (Win2003)
2011-07-17 09:14:02.5732 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-07-17 09:14:02.5888 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-07-17 09:14:02.6044 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-07-17 09:14:02.6044 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-07-17 09:14:02.6044 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-07-17 09:14:02.6044 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-07-17 09:14:02.6044 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-07-17 09:14:02.6044 : 1 : Info : --- Not Still Running, Setting Up IPC ---
2011-07-17 09:14:02.6044 : 1 : Info : --- Attemping Register IPC ---
2011-07-17 09:14:02.6201 : 1 : Info : --- Handle First Instance ---
2011-07-17 09:14:02.6357 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Configuration Group ---
2011-07-17 09:14:02.6357 : 1 : Info : --- Initalizing Language And Region ---
2011-07-17 09:14:02.6513 : 1 : Info : --- Creating Splash Screen ---
2011-07-17 09:14:02.9326 : 1 : Info : --- First Run Initialization ---
2011-07-17 09:14:02.9482 : 1 : Info : --- Update Self ---
2011-07-17 09:14:03.0419 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-17 09:14:03.0419 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-17 09:14:03.0576 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-17 09:14:03.0732 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\tmpE9.tmp".
2011-07-17 09:14:03.6044 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-17 09:14:03.6044 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-17 09:14:03.6044 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-17 09:14:03.6201 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\tmpE9.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-17 09:14:03.6201 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-17 09:14:03.6201 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-17 09:14:03.6201 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-17 09:14:03.6201 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-17 09:14:03.6357 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-17 09:14:03.9169 : 1 : Info : --- Evaluating Registry ---
2011-07-17 09:14:04.1982 : 1 : Info : --- Creating LauncherApplication ---
2011-07-17 09:14:04.1982 : 1 : Info : --- LauncherApplication Run ---
2011-07-17 09:14:05.4638 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CityOfHeroes
2011-07-17 09:14:05.8857 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-07-17 09:14:05.8857 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 0 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-07-17 09:14:05.9013 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-17 09:14:05.9013 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-17 09:14:05.9013 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-17 09:14:05.9013 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\tmpEA.tmp".
2011-07-17 09:14:06.4638 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-17 09:14:06.4638 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-17 09:14:06.4638 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-17 09:14:06.4638 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\tmpEA.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-17 09:14:06.4638 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-17 09:14:06.4638 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-17 09:14:06.4638 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-17 09:14:06.4638 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-17 09:14:06.4638 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-17 09:14:06.9169 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition Run.
2011-07-17 09:14:06.9169 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-07-17 09:14:06.9169 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-17 09:14:06.9169 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-17 09:14:06.9169 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-17 09:14:06.9169 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\tmpEB.tmp".
2011-07-17 09:14:07.1357 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-17 09:14:07.1357 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-17 09:14:07.1357 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-17 09:14:07.1357 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\tmpEB.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-17 09:14:07.1357 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-17 09:14:07.1357 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-17 09:14:07.1357 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-17 09:14:07.1357 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-17 09:14:07.1357 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-17 09:14:08.1044 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll -
2011-07-17 09:14:08.1044 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.
2011-07-17 09:14:08.4169 : 1 : Info : --- Closing Splash Screen ---
2011-07-17 09:14:08.4169 : 1 : Info : Exiting with code: 0

Fire Imps: Summon Fire Imps will now spawn one Imp. The Imp melee attack was never intended to do damage, and has been replaced with emotes. Your summoned Imp will now alternate between /em teabag, /em backflip, and /em getsome.



I've been having irregular, but frequent crashes with the CoH client. After wrestling back control of my PC, I see a notification that the "Display Driver has stopped working".

All my drivers are up to date, as is my o/s. I don't even run CoH in Ultra Mode (although the game does suggest it). I run other more graphically intense applications for longer periods of time, without any similar issues.

It's making it hard to play - and means I'm unreliable for teaming - if I can't guarantee I won't crash out just when I'm needed....

I've logged a support call for this, but thought I'd post here as well...

Here's the trace and log info:

Server: api.home

Non-authoritative answer:


2011-07-17 16:50:58.2228 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-07-17 16:50:58.2384 : 1 : Info : Starting:
C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\_Launcher.exeC:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe /LaunchGame=CityOfHeroesEU
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-07-17 16:50:58.2384 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 6.0.6002.131072 (Vista)
2011-07-17 16:50:58.2384 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-07-17 16:50:58.2384 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-07-17 16:50:58.2540 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-07-17 16:50:58.2540 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-07-17 16:50:58.2696 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-07-17 16:50:58.2696 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-07-17 16:50:58.3320 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-07-17 16:50:58.3320 : 1 : Info : --- Not Still Running, Setting Up IPC ---
2011-07-17 16:50:58.3320 : 1 : Info : --- Attemping Register IPC ---
2011-07-17 16:50:58.3320 : 1 : Info : --- Handle First Instance ---
2011-07-17 16:50:58.4256 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Configuration Group ---
2011-07-17 16:50:58.4724 : 1 : Info : --- Initalizing Language And Region ---
2011-07-17 16:50:58.4880 : 1 : Info : --- Creating Splash Screen ---
2011-07-17 16:50:58.9560 : 1 : Info : --- First Run Initialization ---
2011-07-17 16:50:58.9560 : 1 : Info : --- Update Self ---
2011-07-17 16:50:59.1120 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-17 16:50:59.1120 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-17 16:50:59.1276 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-17 16:50:59.1276 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Alan\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp79A3.tmp" .
2011-07-17 16:51:00.0636 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-17 16:51:00.0636 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-17 16:51:00.0792 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-17 16:51:00.0792 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Alan\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp79A3.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-17 16:51:00.0792 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-17 16:51:00.0792 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-17 16:51:00.0948 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-17 16:51:00.0948 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-17 16:51:00.0948 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-17 16:51:00.5316 : 1 : Info : --- Evaluating Registry ---
2011-07-17 16:51:00.9840 : 1 : Info : --- Creating LauncherApplication ---
2011-07-17 16:51:00.9996 : 1 : Info : --- LauncherApplication Run ---
2011-07-17 16:51:03.0900 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CityOfHeroesEU
2011-07-17 16:51:03.6048 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroesEU) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-07-17 16:51:03.6048 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 0 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-07-17 16:51:03.6204 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-17 16:51:03.6204 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-17 16:51:03.6204 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-17 16:51:03.6204 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Alan\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8B41.tmp" .
2011-07-17 16:51:04.0728 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-17 16:51:04.0728 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-17 16:51:04.0728 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-17 16:51:04.1040 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Alan\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8B41.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-17 16:51:04.1040 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-17 16:51:04.1040 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-17 16:51:04.1040 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-17 16:51:04.1040 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-17 16:51:04.1040 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-17 16:51:04.8684 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroesEU) can apply transition Run.
2011-07-17 16:51:04.8684 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-07-17 16:51:04.8684 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-17 16:51:04.8684 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-17 16:51:04.8684 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-17 16:51:04.8684 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Alan\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp9022.tmp" .
2011-07-17 16:51:05.0244 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-17 16:51:05.0244 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-17 16:51:05.0244 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-17 16:51:05.0244 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Alan\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp9022.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-17 16:51:05.0244 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-17 16:51:05.0244 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-17 16:51:05.0244 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-17 16:51:05.0244 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-17 16:51:05.0244 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-17 16:51:05.9136 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll - 6.0.6002.18005)
2011-07-17 16:51:05.9136 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.
2011-07-17 16:51:06.3972 : 1 : Info : --- Closing Splash Screen ---
2011-07-17 16:51:06.3972 : 1 : Info : Exiting with code: 0

Cheers, @RoboTank

Robotank Inv Tank
Cloudwalker MA Scrapper
Shadowcall Dark Stalker
Stone Death Stone Controller
Solaise Fire Blaster
Confession Dark Blaster

Sent from my HAL 9000



There is something about the incarnate trials that makes me disconnect just about every time I run one.

Most other content runs fine and it is the rare occasion that I get booted. And when I do it is usually some other reason, like lightning in the area, or my router acting up.

But I almost universally get booted every time I join a BAF, Lambda, or Keyes. Sometimes it is zoning in, sometimes just as we are ending and I have been deprived of the end reward several times because of it. Grrrr! But usually it is somewhere in the middle.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Memory Leak still not fixed, and I rolled back my ATI catalyst control driver software as many had suggested. And I did it right too, I unstalled my graphics drivers completely first. And it's set to NOT auto update, so yes, I'm not running version 11.6 anymore. Guess what, I still crash.

"Look, personally I just want a new issue to feature changes that don't cause a mass exodus of players..."
Issue 17: We Didn't Break Anything!
How to suck at CoX
Literally the Best Build Ever: Years in the Making



Been getting frequent crashes, ran this after the game stopping upon 5 secs of a zone loading.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Server: UnKnown


Here's the NCApplication Log

2011-07-24 18:27:33.5820 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-07-24 18:27:33.6132 : 1 : Info : Starting:
C:\Program Files\NCsoft\Launcher\_Launcher.exeC:\Program Files\NCsoft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-07-24 18:27:33.6132 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 6.1.7601.65536 (Vista)
2011-07-24 18:27:33.6132 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-07-24 18:27:33.6132 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-07-24 18:27:33.6288 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-07-24 18:27:33.6288 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-07-24 18:27:33.6288 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-07-24 18:27:33.6288 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-07-24 18:27:33.6288 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-07-24 18:27:33.6288 : 1 : Info : --- Not Still Running, Setting Up IPC ---
2011-07-24 18:27:33.6288 : 1 : Info : --- Attemping Register IPC ---
2011-07-24 18:27:33.6444 : 1 : Info : --- Handle First Instance ---
2011-07-24 18:27:33.6444 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Configuration Group ---
2011-07-24 18:27:33.6600 : 1 : Info : --- Initalizing Language And Region ---
2011-07-24 18:27:33.6756 : 1 : Info : --- Creating Splash Screen ---
2011-07-24 18:27:34.0344 : 1 : Info : --- First Run Initialization ---
2011-07-24 18:27:34.0344 : 1 : Info : --- Update Self ---
2011-07-24 18:27:34.1280 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:34.1280 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:34.1436 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-24 18:27:34.1592 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Simon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp11ED.tmp ".
2011-07-24 18:27:35.3760 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-24 18:27:35.3760 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-24 18:27:35.3916 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-24 18:27:35.3916 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Simon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp11ED.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-24 18:27:35.3916 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-24 18:27:35.3916 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:35.4540 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:35.4540 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-24 18:27:35.4540 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:36.2340 : 1 : Info : --- Evaluating Registry ---
2011-07-24 18:27:37.0920 : 1 : Info : --- Creating LauncherApplication ---
2011-07-24 18:27:37.0920 : 1 : Info : --- LauncherApplication Run ---
2011-07-24 18:27:44.3772 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CityOfHeroesEU
2011-07-24 18:27:44.6112 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CoHTest
2011-07-24 18:27:44.6424 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CoHBeta
2011-07-24 18:27:45.6252 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : 2548 bytes.
2011-07-24 18:27:45.6252 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Program Files\NCsoft\Launcher\Config\Default\TempInstallMa nifest.xml".
2011-07-24 18:27:46.0308 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-24 18:27:46.0308 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-24 18:27:46.0308 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-24 18:27:46.0308 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\NCsoft\Launcher\Config\Default\TempInstallMa nifest.xml' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = 2548
2011-07-24 18:27:46.0308 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length matches, and there is no hash to test against.
2011-07-24 18:27:47.0448 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHBeta) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-07-24 18:27:47.0448 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 0 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-07-24 18:27:47.0604 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-07-24 18:27:47.0604 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 1 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-07-24 18:27:47.0604 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroesEU) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-07-24 18:27:47.0604 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 2 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-07-24 18:27:47.1072 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:47.1072 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:47.1072 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-24 18:27:47.1072 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Simon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp44A1.tmp ".
2011-07-24 18:27:47.1228 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:47.1228 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:47.1228 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-24 18:27:47.1228 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Simon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp44B2.tmp ".
2011-07-24 18:27:47.4816 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-24 18:27:47.4816 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-24 18:27:47.4816 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-24 18:27:47.4816 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Simon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp44A1.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-24 18:27:47.4816 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-24 18:27:47.4816 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:47.4816 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:47.4816 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-24 18:27:47.4816 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:47.5284 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:47.5284 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:47.5284 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-24 18:27:47.5284 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Simon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp4649.tmp ".
2011-07-24 18:27:47.9340 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-24 18:27:47.9340 : 8 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-24 18:27:47.9340 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Simon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp4649.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-24 18:27:47.9340 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-24 18:27:47.9340 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:47.9496 : 8 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:47.9496 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-24 18:27:47.9496 : 8 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:47.9496 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-24 18:27:47.9496 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-24 18:27:47.9496 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-24 18:27:47.9496 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Simon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp44B2.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-24 18:27:47.9496 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-24 18:27:47.9496 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:47.9496 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:47.9496 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:47.9496 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-24 18:27:47.9496 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Simon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp47EF.tmp ".
2011-07-24 18:27:48.2616 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-24 18:27:48.2616 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-24 18:27:48.2616 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-24 18:27:48.2772 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Simon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp47EF.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-24 18:27:48.2772 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-24 18:27:48.2772 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:48.2772 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:48.2772 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:48.2772 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 80%
2011-07-24 18:27:48.2772 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:49.2288 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-07-24 18:27:49.2288 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-07-24 18:27:49.2600 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:49.2600 : 13 : Info : CoInitializeSecurity has already been called, as expected.
2011-07-24 18:27:49.3380 : 13 : Info : BITS Test: Starting...
2011-07-24 18:27:49.3380 : 13 : Info : BITS Test: Downloading using an HTTPWebRequest...
2011-07-24 18:27:49.3848 : 13 : Info : BITS Test: Success downloading with a HTTPWebRequest...
2011-07-24 18:27:49.4472 : 13 : Info : BITS Test: Downloading in foreground...
2011-07-24 18:27:49.9152 : 8 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : 212 bytes.
2011-07-24 18:27:49.9620 : 8 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading (Pri:Foreground) from "" to "C:\Users\Simon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp4DC9.tmp ".
2011-07-24 18:27:49.9776 : 8 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: The file is too short, but we'll assume it's right so far, so now we'll see if we can resume. (Actual Length =0)
2011-07-24 18:27:49.9776 : 8 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: This task supports resume: 'True'. This uri supports resume: 'True'
2011-07-24 18:27:50.9194 : 8 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: File size of downloaded file: 212
2011-07-24 18:27:50.9194 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Simon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp4DC9.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = 212
2011-07-24 18:27:50.9194 : 8 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length matches, and there is no hash to test against.
2011-07-24 18:27:50.9350 : 13 : Info : BITS Test: BITS is usable
2011-07-24 18:27:50.9350 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading 1 files. : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:50.9350 : 13 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : 7639058 bytes.
2011-07-24 18:27:50.9350 : 13 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading (Pri:BackgroundHigh) from " 07131807.1.0.ncpatch" to "C:\Program Files\NCsoft\CohTest\CityOfHeroes_Main_2050.201106 290226.1.0To2050.201107131807.1.0.ncpatch".
2011-07-24 18:27:50.9350 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading file 1/1: CityOfHeroes_Main_2050.201106290226.1.0To2050.2011 07131807.1.0.ncpatch. : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:50.9506 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining existing file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2050.201106290226.1.0To2050.2011 07131807.1.0.ncpatch : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:50.9662 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:51.2626 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-07-24 18:27:51.2626 : 13 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: File hash and length match. This file has already been downloaded.
2011-07-24 18:27:51.2626 : 13 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: File already downloaded: " 07131807.1.0.ncpatch"
2011-07-24 18:27:51.2626 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining existing file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2050.201106290226.1.0To2050.2011 07131807.1.0.ncpatch : () : 100%
2011-07-24 18:27:51.2782 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading file 1/1: CityOfHeroes_Main_2050.201106290226.1.0To2050.2011 07131807.1.0.ncpatch. : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:51.2782 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading 1 files. : () : 100%
2011-07-24 18:27:51.2782 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-07-24 18:27:55.8958 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:55.8958 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:55.8958 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-24 18:27:55.8958 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Simon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp6705.tmp ".
2011-07-24 18:27:56.1298 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-24 18:27:56.1298 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-07-24 18:27:56.1298 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-24 18:27:56.1298 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Simon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp6705.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-24 18:27:56.1298 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-24 18:27:56.1298 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:56.1298 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:56.1298 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-24 18:27:56.1298 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:56.8006 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroesEU) can apply transition Run.
2011-07-24 18:27:56.8006 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-07-24 18:27:56.8162 : 16 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:56.8162 : 16 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:56.8162 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-07-24 18:27:56.8162 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Simon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp6A9E.tmp ".
2011-07-24 18:27:56.8630 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-07-24 18:27:56.8630 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-07-24 18:27:56.8630 : 16 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Simon\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp6A9E.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-07-24 18:27:56.8630 : 16 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-07-24 18:27:56.8630 : 16 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:56.8630 : 16 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:56.8630 : 16 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-07-24 18:27:56.8630 : 16 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-07-24 18:27:57.9706 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll - 6.1.7601.17514)
2011-07-24 18:27:57.9706 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.
2011-07-24 18:27:58.9954 : 1 : Info : --- Closing Splash Screen ---
2011-07-24 18:27:59.0154 : 1 : Info : Exiting with code: 0

Now @Eskimo-Spy

I'm not evil.



Edit: My hard drive crashed the very next day, so nevermind this, it's most probable totally unrelated.

Not sure if this is related, but I had a number of crashes today and since Eski pointed me to this thread (for his problems). I thought I should mention it.

When right clicked my the city of Heroes process in the Rescource manager (you find it under Preformance in the task manager) and selected "Analyze wait chain" there was always at least two threads (on the same pid) waiting when there was trouble, and none all other times.

Memory for the process seemed to stay steady at about 1.3GB, and the memory use for the comp stayed below three (out of eight).

Also as soon as I got a "Lost connection to map server" the dead lock disapreared. Not sure what was cause and what was effect, or if it was a coincidence though.

I will try and make debug logs, and send them on later if it reoccures but thought I should mention this while I still remembered.

Black Light, Electricity/Devices Blaster at Union
White Knight, Illusion/Radiation Controller at Union
Obscurum est absentis lux lucis. Ego sum lux lucis!



I have been having freezes for about a 1-1/2 weeks now.

I notice that once the game client reaches 1.8 to 1.9 gb ram used the client freezes.
After about 7 or 8 zone changes it freezes and since i have multi screens (might be a fluke) but its like some graphics are being cached by my graphics cards. Cause behind the crashed game I see a image of the last time I zoned into a zone.

(Example: I was in TV badge hunting, I got all the badges in the zone and game reached that 1.8ish GB ram useage and it freezes. I closed the client using the task manager and I get a 2 sec image of where I zoned into TV when I first got to the zone standing at the gate before I even got the first badge.)

Of the 4 crashes I had tonight all 4 did the same thing. All crashed at 1.8 to 1.9 GB ram useage from the client.

Win 7 SP1
Core i5 cpu
Latest ATI drivers
2 x 5770 running in Crossfire
8GB ram

I never had any of these problems untill a week and half ago.
I even went as far as reinstalling PC from scratch.
Reinstalling COH with fresh copy.
Took video out of Crossfire
Changed out all video cards with other 5770's I have
With all my efforts I'm still getting Crashes and the strange images of last time I zoned when I kill client in task manager.

I also noticed when client is first started its using 1.1 GB ram before i even accept the user agreement.

I hope this helps find whats going on with my and other users clients.



Have been crashing since getting this computer (as a gift <3!) for nearing two months now. A pattern I've noticed is a hard-crash or failure to load graphics at around 1,700,000k of total memory.

Here's the CoH Helper report, none the less. Video card drivers are not up to date due to trying to find a way around this, but seems to be a major memory leak issue and nothing I can do.

---System information gathered by CoH Helper version

DxDiag gathered at July 27, 2011 00:13 (-05:00)
Operating System: Windows Vista™ Home Premium (6.0, Build 6002) Service Pack 2 (6002.vistasp2_gdr.101014-0432)
System Manufacturer: Acer
System Model: Aspire M3100
BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
Central Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+ (2 CPUs), ~2.3GHz
Memory: 3198MB
.Net Memory Report: 1511MB out of 3198MB available
Page File: 4451MB (2192MB currently in use)
C Drive: (WDC WD3200AAJS-22RYA0 ATA Device) 74601MB out of 147487MB (50%) free
D Drive: (WDC WD3200AAJS-22RYA0 ATA Device) 141540MB out of 147761MB (95%) free
E Drive: (ATAPI iHAS324 B ATA Device) zero-size drive
Windows directory location: C:\Windows
DirectX: DirectX 11
DirectX Diag version: 7.00.6002.18107 (32-bit version)

Display Notes: No problems found.
Sound Notes: No problems found.

No problems found.
Input Notes: No problems found.

Monitor: Generic PnP Monitor
Monitor's Max Resolution: (blank)
Video Device Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450
Manufacturer / Chip: NVIDIA / GeForce GTS 450
Video Memory: 2337 MB
Driver Version: 8.17.0012.7061
Driver Date: 4/8/2011 12:14:00 AM
Driver Language: English

Sound Device Description: Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
Driver File: HdAudio.sys
Driver Version: 6.00.6002.18005
Driver Date: 4/11/2009 8:18:00 AM

Sound Device Description: Digital Output Device (SPDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)
Driver File: HdAudio.sys
Driver Version: 6.00.6002.18005
Driver Date: 4/11/2009 8:18:00 AM

WMI Information
Motherboard Manufacturer: Acer
Motherboard Model: (empty)
Motherboard Product: F690GVM
Motherboard Version:
BIOS Manufacturer: Phoenix Technologies, LTD
BIOS Name: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
BIOS Version: ACRSYS - 42302e31
BIOS Release: 20070625000000.000000+000

Registry Information for Current User
Resolution: 1440x880
3D Resolution: 1440x880 (Not using renderscale)
Full Screen: No
Maximized: Yes
Screen Position: 0, 0
Refresh Rate: 60Hz
Vertical Sync Enabled: Yes

Physics Quality: High
Maximum Particles: 5032
Max Particle Fill? 10.000
Physics Card Enabled: No

Anti-aliasing: Off
Anisotropic Filtering: 4x
Texture LOD Bias: Smooth
Water Effects: Low quality
Bloom: 1.000 (turned on)
Depth of Field Enabled: Yes
Desaturation Effects (Sepia) Enabled: Yes
Shader Detail: High

World Texture Level: Medium
Character Texture Level: Very High
World Detail Level (Vis_Scale): 1.000
Entity Detail Level: 1.000
Shadows Enabled: No
Shadow Mode: Shadow maps
Shadow Map Shader: Low quality
Environmental Reflections: Disabled
Advanced Occlusion Settings: No
Ambient Occlusion: Off
Occlusion Strength: Off
Blur: Bilateral
Ambient Resolution: Performance

Gamma Correction: 0.799
Geometry Buffers (VBOs) Enabled: Yes
Suppression of FX When Camera Close Enabled: No
Close Suppression Range: 3.000
Show Advertisements: Yes

Audio Mode: Performance
3D Audio: No
FX Sound Volume: 0.012
Music Sound Volume: 0.000

Show Advanced Graphics Options: Yes
Overall Graphics Quality: 1.000
Reverse Mouse Buttons: No
Save Login Username: Yes
Transfer Rate: Unknown bytes/second
Current Game Version: 2010.201105250125.1.0
Installation Directory: C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes

Mod files in the Data directory
No modifications found



Crashing has gotten worse since the latest patch for me.



At this point, our Support team should be able to resolve issues related to the NCsoft Launcher. Please get in touch with them if you haven't already! You'll find the links to our Support pages in my signature below.

It may require you to run several tools to generate specific reports but we have a great Tech Support team

Thank you all!

Support Centre for our English European players
Support Centre for our North American players
Plateforme d'assistance pour les francophones
Support-Center f�r deutschsprachige Spieler



K guys i downgraded to ATI drivers 11.2 and game is no longer crashing.

Both 11.6 and the newest 11.7 drivers were both causing my crashes.



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Note to self: never buy an AMD/ATI card, ever.
Pretty much. I always bought NVIDIA (from a GeForce 2 to a GeForce 9800gt) but then I had issues with the last card (I had to RMA it twice) so I got fed up and bought a Radeon 5770.

In any other game, it works great. COH just hates it, though. I've had no end of problems with COH and this card. Next upgrade I'm going back to NVIDIA, only because COH is the game I play the most, and it just doesn't play nice with ATI. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!