Players experiencing crashing issues with the City of Heroes client




I will throw my hat in the ring here. Been playing since a week after go-live. Never experienced chronic crashing like this in all that time. Mainly memory leak, but occasionally, application fault. Happens frequently, but more so in Praetoria, than in the classic areas.

I will PM the devs with the requested info. I have to say I miss the days of being able to play for hours on end, with no issues. I am hoping that Freedom brings some "nuts and bolts" level fixes to the game, to restore stability. The new stuff is great, but stability is the foundation that all else rests upon. Without that, all the cool stuff in the world won't increase membership, at least not for long.

22 Heroes at L50, and counting!



Originally Posted by Abraxus2 View Post
I will throw my hat in the ring here. Been playing since a week after go-live. Never experienced chronic crashing like this in all that time. Mainly memory leak, but occasionally, application fault. Happens frequently, but more so in Praetoria, than in the classic areas.

I will PM the devs with the requested info. I have to say I miss the days of being able to play for hours on end, with no issues. I am hoping that Freedom brings some "nuts and bolts" level fixes to the game, to restore stability. The new stuff is great, but stability is the foundation that all else rests upon. Without that, all the cool stuff in the world won't increase membership, at least not for long.
Same here, I been playing a long time and I am a 87 veteran. When I recently came back I experience non-stop crashing. I've tried updating my drivers, etc to no avail.

I literally *ALWAYS* crash after exiting a mission in Praetoria. Sometimes I don't immediately crash but once I start walking around I crash. I get both the memory leak and application fault like the above. I wonder if its because I run Windows Vista? Does the above guy use Vista?

In the COH / COV worlds I can play a few missions before I crash. Its VERY annoying.

Here's an example screenshot:

Uploaded with



I run Windows 7, but Vista and Win7 are pretty closely related. That being said, I have been doing some experimenting while awaiting some official solution. I started pondering the other things that might be running, or monitoring files as I play. The two things that popped into my mind were my back-up utility (which monitors files that change, so they can be backed-up later), and the Anti-Virus software (in this case McAfee VirusScan Enterprise).

So, I tried playing with the back-up utility turned-off. It did no good. I then found an updated version of the AV software, and installed it. I played for a couple of hours last night in Peregrine Island, with no crashes. That might not have been long enough to really put it to the test though, as I could typically play that long in the "classic" areas before crashing. A better test would be to attempt the Incarnate Trials. If I could do THAT for a couple of hours, with no crashes, then I would be satisfied that I have made a difference.

If that still does not provide satisfactory results, the next step is to just disable the AV scanner while playing, and attempt the Trials with that scenario as well.

22 Heroes at L50, and counting!



Originally Posted by Abraxus2 View Post
I run Windows 7, but Vista and Win7 are pretty closely related. That being said, I have been doing some experimenting while awaiting some official solution. I started pondering the other things that might be running, or monitoring files as I play. The two things that popped into my mind were my back-up utility (which monitors files that change, so they can be backed-up later), and the Anti-Virus software (in this case McAfee VirusScan Enterprise).

So, I tried playing with the back-up utility turned-off. It did no good. I then found an updated version of the AV software, and installed it. I played for a couple of hours last night in Peregrine Island, with no crashes. That might not have been long enough to really put it to the test though, as I could typically play that long in the "classic" areas before crashing. A better test would be to attempt the Incarnate Trials. If I could do THAT for a couple of hours, with no crashes, then I would be satisfied that I have made a difference.

If that still does not provide satisfactory results, the next step is to just disable the AV scanner while playing, and attempt the Trials with that scenario as well.
Thing is I don't run virus scan. I know we have the same graphics card so I wonder if it is related to the GTX 460?

What drivers are you using? I was experiencing crashing with drivers from like Dec of 2010 but then upgraded to the most recent and still have more crashing.



I should also note I experience most of my crashing when on a team with the exception of Praetoria where I crash literally everytime exiting a mission.



I don't have any suggestions to help, I'm sorry to say.
But I am curious: Abraxus2 and Ultimus, are you running 64 bit Windows by chance?



Originally Posted by Morgan Reed View Post
I don't have any suggestions to help, I'm sorry to say.
But I am curious: Abraxus2 and Ultimus, are you running 64 bit Windows by chance?
32 Bit.



Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Server: UnKnown

Non-authoritative answer:




32-bit here as well. I played for a couple of hours again last night, but it was in Peregrine Island again, so not a great test. I am planning on running some Incarnate Trials this weekend. If I can make it through a few of those without crashing, then I am on to something.

Ultimus' assertion that he does not run AV makes me think I could be chasing the wrong ghost. But, I gotta give it a shot, just to be sure.

22 Heroes at L50, and counting!



I renewed my subscription on the 10th and have not been able to stay on the game more
than 5 min without my screen going to black and my computer locking up to the point I
have to just kill power and restart. Last night I uninstalled and re-installed the game and
launcher and am still experiencing this issue.
I have the nslookups for both old and new installs as well as the NCApplication.log files in a .rar.

"The Internet is a series of Tubes!"
Deities, Please bless the stupid...
Otherwise they just start arguments on Forums...



Error Message:

Error Code: 8 (DownloadFileCorruption):

Corruption detected in a downloaded file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes_Main_2060.201108180101.1.0To21 00.201109080039.1.0.ncpatch'.

Attempt To Repair:

Current File 1/41: Thirdpartysoftware.txt <Freezes at this file>

Error Code: 58 (FileGroupApplicationErrorRollbackNotAttempted):

Errors occurred while applying the patch,

and a rollback was not attempted.

The product is likely in an inconsistent state and should be repaired or reinstalled.

The patch application errors are as follows:

The server did not return the file size. The URL might point to dynamic content. The Content-Length header is not available in the server's HTTP reply.


Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Server: UnKnown

DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds.
Non-authoritative answer:

NSApplication Log 9/14/11 12:07

2011-09-14 12:07:06.6051 : 1 : Error : Creating ErrorState

Summary For :
--> MachineName: STEVE
--> TimeStamp: 9/14/2011 7:07:06 PM
--> FullName: NC.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
--> AppDomainName: StubDomain
--> WindowsIdentity: STEVE\Owner

Exception Information Details:
Exception Type: NC.Patcher.UserFriendlyException
ErrorId: FileGroupApplicationErrorRollbackNotAttempted
Message: Error Code: 58 (FileGroupApplicationErrorRollbackNotAttempted):
Errors occurred while applying the patch,
and a rollback was not attempted.
The product is likely in an inconsistent state and should be repaired or reinstalled.
The patch application errors are as follows:
The server did not return the file size. The URL might point to dynamic content. The Content-Length header is not available in the server's HTTP reply.

DetailedMessage: Error Code: 58 (FileGroupApplicationErrorRollbackNotAttempted):
Errors occurred while applying the patch,
and a rollback was not attempted.
The product is likely in an inconsistent state and should be repaired or reinstalled.
The patch application errors are as follows:
The server did not return the file size. The URL might point to dynamic content. The Content-Length header is not available in the server's HTTP reply.

Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: System.Object CheckForExceptionAndReturnResult()
HelpLink: NULL
Source: _Launcher

StackTrace Information Details:
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.Apply()
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupOperationPerformer.Perform()
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.PerformApplicationSteps(Fi leGroupApplicationSettings applicationSettings)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.InternalApplyManifest(Mani festApplicationInfo manifestInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties, Boolean isResume)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.InternalApplyPatch(PatchAp plicationInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.ApplyPatch(PatchApplicatio nInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalApplyPatch(PatchApplica tionInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalApplyPatches(PatchAppli cationInfo[] patches)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.DownloadAndApplyPatches(Downloa dablePatchApplicationInfo[] patches)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalRepair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.Repair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalRepair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.Repair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalRepair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)

Exception Information Details:
Exception Type: NC.Downloaders.BitsException
Error: SharpBits.Base.BitsError
Message: The server did not return the file size. The URL might point to dynamic content. The Content-Length header is not available in the server's HTTP reply.

Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: Void DownloadFile(NC.Downloaders.DownloadTask, NC.Downloaders.DownloadOperationState, NC.Downloaders.UriInfo, NC.Downloaders.FileManifest[], Int32)
HelpLink: NULL
Source: _Launcher

StackTrace Information Details:
at NC.Downloaders.BasicBitsDownloader.DownloadFile(Do wnloadTask overallTask, DownloadOperationState overallProgress, UriInfo uriInfo, FileManifest[] internalFileList, Int32 fileIndex)
at NC.Downloaders.BasicBitsDownloader.InternalDownloa d(DownloadTask task)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Downloaders.BasicBitsDownloader.Download(Downlo adTask task)
at NC.Downloaders.DownloadTask.Download(String sProductID)
at NC.Patcher.BasicFileRepairer.DownloadFiles(List`1 filesToDownload)
at NC.Patcher.BasicFileRepairer.RepairQueuedTargetFil es()
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.DownloadRepairFiles()
at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.Apply()

Why don't you just convince the Devs to make you Level 55, that way, you'll never have a reason to actually PLAY the game? -To The "Oh No I've Been Nerfed" Folks.



Error Code: 8 (DownloadFileCorruption):

Corruption detected in a downloaded file 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\city of heroes going rogue\CityOfHeroes_Main_2060.201108180101.1.0To210 0.201109080039.1.0.ncpatch'.

I have the same exact problem. Bought on Steam by chance?

so far support has suggested that I remove app protection from my PC and run their utility to show if the computer can run COH. Of course it ran perfectly up until this update...

64 bit here.

WHen I try to repair:
Error Code: 58 (FileGroupApplicationErrorRollbackNotAttempted):

Errors occurred while applying the patch,

and a rollback was not attempted.

The product is likely in an inconsistent state and should be repaired or reinstalled.

The patch application errors are as follows:

Error Code: 57 (ErrorRepairingTargetFile):

File could not be repaired: c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\city of heroes going rogue\piggs\texWorldSW.pigg.

proud member of the LEGION, SISTERHOOD
@Doctor Photon



Nothing like spending 10 minutes filling up a sewer trial, locking your team, and then crashing as you teleport. Then upon re-entry it gives you a rejoin the last event button...which doesn't work.

This problem is crippling my entertainment of the game. I cannot provide essential team roles of an active player outside of my friends because I could crash out at any time :/. Game is fun, i just want to be able to play it.



Well, I keep getting the same crash message that Ulitimus posted a pic of above. The exact pigg file varies, but it's otherwise the same error. I've deleted all of the "stage#" piggs (since those are the only pigg files listed in the messages), and had them Repaired, just in case that was the issue.

On the first day of i21, I was able to play for a few hours before crashing. Tonight, however, I crashed within minutes after logging in, then crashed immediately after logging right back in after that.


Non-authoritative answer:

2011-09-16 21:12:24.3133 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-09-16 21:12:24.3853 : 1 : Info : Starting:
D:\Games\NCSoft\Launcher\_Launcher.exeD:\Games\NCS oft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe /LaunchGame=CityOfHeroes
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-09-16 21:12:24.3853 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 6.0.6002.131072 (Vista)
2011-09-16 21:12:24.3853 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-09-16 21:12:24.3913 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-09-16 21:12:24.4693 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-09-16 21:12:24.4693 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-09-16 21:12:24.5153 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-09-16 21:12:24.5153 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-09-16 21:12:24.6133 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-09-16 21:12:24.6133 : 1 : Info : --- Not Still Running, Setting Up IPC ---
2011-09-16 21:12:24.6133 : 1 : Info : --- Attemping Register IPC ---
2011-09-16 21:12:24.6493 : 1 : Info : --- Handle First Instance ---
2011-09-16 21:12:24.7323 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Configuration Group ---
2011-09-16 21:12:24.9453 : 1 : Info : --- Initalizing Language And Region ---
2011-09-16 21:12:24.9773 : 1 : Info : --- Creating Splash Screen ---
2011-09-16 21:12:25.8883 : 1 : Info : --- First Run Initialization ---
2011-09-16 21:12:25.9083 : 1 : Info : --- Update Self ---
2011-09-16 21:12:26.5713 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:12:26.5943 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:12:26.6113 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-09-16 21:12:26.6473 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Mintz\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp6DFC.tmp ".
2011-09-16 21:12:41.5613 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-09-16 21:12:41.5643 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-09-16 21:12:41.5783 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-09-16 21:12:41.5803 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Mintz\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp6DFC.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-09-16 21:12:41.5803 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-09-16 21:12:41.5853 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:12:41.5993 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:12:41.5993 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-09-16 21:12:41.6033 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:12:41.8463 : 1 : Info : --- Evaluating Registry ---
2011-09-16 21:12:42.0323 : 1 : Info : --- Creating LauncherApplication ---
2011-09-16 21:12:42.0343 : 1 : Info : --- LauncherApplication Run ---
2011-09-16 21:12:46.3733 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CityOfHeroes
2011-09-16 21:12:46.7893 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : 2510 bytes.
2011-09-16 21:12:46.7893 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "D:\games\ncsoft\launcher\Config\Default\TempInsta llManifest.xml".
2011-09-16 21:12:46.9633 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-09-16 21:12:46.9633 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-09-16 21:12:46.9633 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-09-16 21:12:46.9633 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'D:\games\ncsoft\launcher\Config\Default\TempInsta llManifest.xml' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = 2510
2011-09-16 21:12:46.9643 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length matches, and there is no hash to test against.
2011-09-16 21:12:46.9973 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CoHTest
2011-09-16 21:12:59.7193 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-09-16 21:12:59.7213 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 0 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-09-16 21:12:59.7333 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CoHTest) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-09-16 21:12:59.7333 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 1 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-09-16 21:12:59.7353 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:12:59.7363 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:12:59.7363 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-09-16 21:12:59.7363 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Mintz\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpEF7B.tmp ".
2011-09-16 21:12:59.7373 : 7 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:12:59.7383 : 7 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:12:59.7383 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-09-16 21:12:59.7383 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Mintz\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpEF7C.tmp ".
2011-09-16 21:12:59.9053 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-09-16 21:12:59.9053 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-09-16 21:12:59.9053 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-09-16 21:12:59.9053 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Mintz\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpEF7B.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-09-16 21:12:59.9063 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-09-16 21:12:59.9063 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:12:59.9063 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:12:59.9063 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-09-16 21:12:59.9073 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:13:00.0183 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-09-16 21:13:00.0183 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-09-16 21:13:00.0183 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-09-16 21:13:00.0183 : 7 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Mintz\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpEF7C.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-09-16 21:13:00.0183 : 7 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-09-16 21:13:00.0193 : 7 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:13:00.0193 : 7 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:13:00.0213 : 7 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:13:00.0213 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-09-16 21:13:00.0213 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Mintz\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpF096.tmp ".
2011-09-16 21:13:00.2033 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-09-16 21:13:00.2033 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-09-16 21:13:00.2313 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-09-16 21:13:00.2323 : 7 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Mintz\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpF096.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-09-16 21:13:00.2323 : 7 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-09-16 21:13:00.2323 : 7 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:13:00.2393 : 7 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:13:00.2763 : 7 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:13:00.2763 : 7 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 40%
2011-09-16 21:13:00.8563 : 7 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:13:01.0883 : 1 : Error : Creating ErrorState

Summary For :
--> MachineName: HOME-PC
--> TimeStamp: 9/17/2011 1:13:01 AM
--> FullName: NC.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
--> AppDomainName: StubDomain
--> WindowsIdentity: Home-PC\Mintz

Exception Information Details:
Exception Type: NC.Patcher.UserFriendlyException
ErrorId: PatchPathNotFound
Message: Error Code: 3 (PatchPathNotFound):
There was no way found to patch from version '1800.201006040036.3.1' to version: '2100.201109080039.1.0'.
The patch servers are most likely in the process of being updated.
Please try again in a few minutes.
DetailedMessage: Error Code: 3 (PatchPathNotFound):
There was no way found to patch from version '1800.201006040036.3.1' to version: '2100.201109080039.1.0'.
The patch servers are most likely in the process of being updated.
Please try again in a few minutes.

Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: System.Object CheckForExceptionAndReturnResult()
HelpLink: NULL
Source: _Launcher

StackTrace Information Details:
at NC.Patcher.PatchServerConnectionFlatFile.InternalG etPatchPath(PatcherProductID productID, Version64 fromVersion, Version64 targetVersion, PatchTypes patchType)
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.PatchServerConnectionFlatFile.GetPatchP ath(PatcherProductID productID, Version64 fromVersion, Version64 targetVersion, PatchTypes patchType)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.GetPatchPathToLatest(PatchServe rConnection patchServer)
at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalCheckForPatches()
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.CheckForPatches()
at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalCheckForPatche s()
<--Saving Stack Frame-->
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.CheckForPatches()
at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalCheckForPatche s()

Exception Information Details:
Exception Type: NC.Patcher.PatchServerException
Message: Could not find a valid list of patches to get from version '1800.201006040036.3.1' to the target version '2100.201109080039.1.0'.
If there is not a single patch from version '1800.201006040036.3.1' to the version '2100.201109080039.1.0', there must be at least a chain of patches that can get from one version to the next.
Also, remember that only a single patch is allowed from every version!
Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: NULL
HelpLink: NULL
Source: NULL

2011-09-16 21:13:01.2633 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition Run.
2011-09-16 21:13:01.2633 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-09-16 21:13:01.2673 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:13:01.2683 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:13:01.2683 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-09-16 21:13:01.2683 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Users\Mintz\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpF577.tmp ".
2011-09-16 21:13:01.3763 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-09-16 21:13:01.3763 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-09-16 21:13:01.3763 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-09-16 21:13:01.3763 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\Mintz\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpF577.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-09-16 21:13:01.3773 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-09-16 21:13:01.3773 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:13:01.3773 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:13:01.3773 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-09-16 21:13:01.3783 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-09-16 21:13:02.2233 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll - 6.0.6002.18005)
2011-09-16 21:13:02.2233 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.
2011-09-16 21:13:03.1613 : 1 : Info : --- Closing Splash Screen ---
2011-09-16 21:13:03.2073 : 1 : Info : Exiting with code: 0

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



Yeah, I crashed three times yesterday, getting that same pigg failed memory allocation error. Tried repairing it after the second time, but that apparently didn't correct the issue.

And, for some strange reason, I can't view page 1 of this thread. My current settings are linear with 100 posts per page, but I've tried hybrid and less posts per page. *shrugs*

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



im an 84 month vet and before i21 dropped, i havent crashed hardly at all.
but since i21 dropped i crash with the memory leak, the zoning bug and the picture that ultimus showed.
sometimes i can stay for an hour, but like an earlier poster said when i leave a mission in praetoria i crash too.
i think the servers cant handle all the traffic imo.

@Eternal Twilight
Friends don't let friends buy an NCSoft controlled project.
Save Paragon one more time!,4877.0.html

Petition to end shutting down CoH:



I've posted about it before, but add me to the list of peeps getting the failed memory allocation error.

It started happening to me after Issue 20. It only happened once an evening so I wasn't so bothered by it, except that it had a nasty habit of happening right near the end of Lambda Trials, which once caused me to miss out on the final reward about 6 times in a row. Never in a BAF though.

I'm pretty sure the error happens when some texture you haven't viewed yet runs right past your screen (like a boot texture on one of your friend sin an Inc Trial) and the game can't resolve it due to memory leakage, causing the whole aplication to crash.

Since Issue 21, I've been getting a new type of crash where I zone out of a mission and into a graphics-intensive zone (either Port Oakes or any Praetorian zone). Not always, but noticably frequent.

I'm on Vista 32 and Nvidia. Not on my home machine atm so can' post more details.

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



If you're experiencing the crash issue recently on a 32 bit OS, could you confirm the following?:

Does disabling shadows and restarting cause your client to not crash for longer periods of time?


Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios




Are there any updates for ATI video cards + 64 bit operating systems?

FWIW, I have the "leaked" 11.9 drivers installed, as clean as possible (uninstall, reboot into safe, driver cleaner, CCcleaner, reboot, new drivers) and ... still crashing. I've also tried the 11.8, 11.7, and 11.4 with loads of crashing. Supposedly 11.3 might be better ... but, well, you get the picture.



I have to do more tests but right now it looks like it really works better for me without the shadows. I never have big problems with the game and I play this game since many years but with I21 I have this memory crash every 5-10 Minutes and Atlas Park is an abolutly Horror Trip for me. Even a ship raid works much better then traveling over the center there...



for the 1st time since i21 has dropped, i turned off my shadows option and holy crap. i was actually able to play for bout 2 and a half hours without crashing. man that was such a blast not having to worry bout moving 2ft and crashing. lol. definitely turning shadows off helped a whole lot.

thanx Zwillinger

@Eternal Twilight
Friends don't let friends buy an NCSoft controlled project.
Save Paragon one more time!,4877.0.html

Petition to end shutting down CoH:



I have been freezing/crashing intermittently/often since recently returning to the game with I21.

My system specs are:

Windows 7 64 bit
ATI Radeon HD 5850, Driver Version 8.881.0.0 (7/28/2011)

Edit: FYI, turning off shadows did not work for me; I still froze/crashed.



This is my first time on a game's technical forum in probably 5 years. Went back to an old toon and he crashed 5 times in less than 30 mins. Straight to nothing, no error, hard reboot. I just cancelled my account until the bugs are worked-out. Quad core Falcon NW, Intel 2.66ghz, 2.67G Ram, Creative X-Fi, Geforce GTX 295 latest drivers. Shadows or not. Quality or not. No difference.

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.


Non-authoritative answer:


2011-09-21 14:12:59.4687 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-09-21 14:12:59.5156 : 1 : Info : Starting:
C:\Program Files\NCsoft\Launcher\_Launcher.exeC:\Program Files\NCsoft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe /LaunchGame=CityOfHeroes
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-09-21 14:12:59.5156 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 5.1.2600.196608 (WinXP)
2011-09-21 14:12:59.5156 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-09-21 14:12:59.5156 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-09-21 14:12:59.5468 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-09-21 14:12:59.5468 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-09-21 14:12:59.5468 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-09-21 14:12:59.5468 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-09-21 14:12:59.5468 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-09-21 14:12:59.5468 : 1 : Info : --- Not Still Running, Setting Up IPC ---
2011-09-21 14:12:59.5468 : 1 : Info : --- Attemping Register IPC ---
2011-09-21 14:12:59.5468 : 1 : Info : --- Handle First Instance ---
2011-09-21 14:12:59.6093 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Configuration Group ---
2011-09-21 14:13:00.0312 : 1 : Info : --- Initalizing Language And Region ---
2011-09-21 14:13:00.0781 : 1 : Info : --- Creating Splash Screen ---
2011-09-21 14:13:02.0781 : 1 : Info : --- First Run Initialization ---
2011-09-21 14:13:02.1406 : 1 : Info : --- Update Self ---
2011-09-21 14:13:03.6718 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-09-21 14:13:03.6875 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-09-21 14:13:03.7343 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-09-21 14:13:03.7343 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\sc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp7.tmp".
2011-09-21 14:13:04.2187 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-09-21 14:13:04.2187 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-09-21 14:13:04.2343 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-09-21 14:13:04.2343 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\sc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp7.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-09-21 14:13:04.2343 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-09-21 14:13:04.2343 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-09-21 14:13:04.2656 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-21 14:13:04.2656 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-09-21 14:13:04.2812 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-09-21 14:13:04.7031 : 1 : Info : --- Evaluating Registry ---
2011-09-21 14:13:04.9375 : 1 : Info : --- Creating LauncherApplication ---
2011-09-21 14:13:04.9375 : 1 : Info : --- LauncherApplication Run ---
2011-09-21 14:13:09.1562 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CityOfHeroes
2011-09-21 14:13:09.6250 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-09-21 14:13:09.6250 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 0 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-09-21 14:13:09.6406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-09-21 14:13:09.6406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-09-21 14:13:09.6406 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-09-21 14:13:09.6406 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\sc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp8.tmp".
2011-09-21 14:13:10.1250 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-09-21 14:13:10.1250 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-09-21 14:13:10.1250 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-09-21 14:13:10.1406 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\sc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp8.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-09-21 14:13:10.1406 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-09-21 14:13:10.1406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-09-21 14:13:10.1406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-21 14:13:10.1406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-09-21 14:13:10.1406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-09-21 14:13:10.5000 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition Run.
2011-09-21 14:13:10.5000 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-09-21 14:13:10.5000 : 7 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-09-21 14:13:10.5000 : 7 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-09-21 14:13:10.5000 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-09-21 14:13:10.5000 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\sc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp9.tmp".
2011-09-21 14:13:10.5625 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-09-21 14:13:10.5625 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-09-21 14:13:10.5625 : 7 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-09-21 14:13:10.5625 : 7 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\sc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp9.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-09-21 14:13:10.5625 : 7 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-09-21 14:13:10.5625 : 7 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-09-21 14:13:10.5625 : 7 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-21 14:13:10.5625 : 7 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-09-21 14:13:10.5625 : 7 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-09-21 14:13:11.8750 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll - 5.3.2600.5512)
2011-09-21 14:13:11.8750 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.

2011-09-20 18:11:02.4843 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
2011-09-20 18:11:02.7343 : 1 : Info : Starting:
C:\Program Files\NCsoft\Launcher\_Launcher.exeC:\Program Files\NCsoft\Launcher\NCLauncher.exe /LaunchGame=CityOfHeroes
Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2011-09-20 18:11:02.7656 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 5.1.2600.196608 (WinXP)
2011-09-20 18:11:02.7656 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
2011-09-20 18:11:02.9531 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
2011-09-20 18:11:03.1250 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
2011-09-20 18:11:03.1250 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
2011-09-20 18:11:03.1718 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
2011-09-20 18:11:03.1718 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
2011-09-20 18:11:03.4375 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
2011-09-20 18:11:03.4375 : 1 : Info : --- Not Still Running, Setting Up IPC ---
2011-09-20 18:11:03.4375 : 1 : Info : --- Attemping Register IPC ---
2011-09-20 18:11:03.4687 : 1 : Info : --- Handle First Instance ---
2011-09-20 18:11:03.6250 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Configuration Group ---
2011-09-20 18:11:04.0156 : 1 : Info : --- Initalizing Language And Region ---
2011-09-20 18:11:04.0781 : 1 : Info : --- Creating Splash Screen ---
2011-09-20 18:11:05.4375 : 1 : Info : --- First Run Initialization ---
2011-09-20 18:11:05.5000 : 1 : Info : --- Update Self ---
2011-09-20 18:11:07.2656 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:07.2812 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:07.3281 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-09-20 18:11:07.3437 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\sc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp43E4.tmp".
2011-09-20 18:11:07.8125 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-09-20 18:11:07.8125 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-09-20 18:11:07.8125 : 1 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-09-20 18:11:07.8125 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\sc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp43E4.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-09-20 18:11:07.8125 : 1 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-09-20 18:11:07.8125 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:07.8437 : 1 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:07.8437 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
2011-09-20 18:11:07.8593 : 1 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:08.1718 : 1 : Info : --- Evaluating Registry ---
2011-09-20 18:11:08.4218 : 1 : Info : --- Creating LauncherApplication ---
2011-09-20 18:11:08.4218 : 1 : Info : --- LauncherApplication Run ---
2011-09-20 18:11:12.2656 : 1 : Info : Getting Pathch Server for GameID: CityOfHeroes
2011-09-20 18:11:12.8906 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition CheckForUpdates.
2011-09-20 18:11:12.8906 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition - 0 other operations are currently taking up low bandwidth.
2011-09-20 18:11:12.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:12.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:12.8906 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-09-20 18:11:12.9062 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\sc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp43E5.tmp".
2011-09-20 18:11:13.0781 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-09-20 18:11:13.0781 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-09-20 18:11:13.0781 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-09-20 18:11:13.0781 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\sc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp43E5.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-09-20 18:11:13.0781 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-09-20 18:11:13.0781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:13.0781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:13.0781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:13.0781 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-09-20 18:11:13.0781 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\sc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp43E6.tmp".
2011-09-20 18:11:13.1718 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-09-20 18:11:13.1718 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-09-20 18:11:13.1875 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-09-20 18:11:13.1875 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\sc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp43E6.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-09-20 18:11:13.1875 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-09-20 18:11:13.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:13.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:13.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:13.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 80%
2011-09-20 18:11:13.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:14.0156 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition DownloadUpdates.
2011-09-20 18:11:14.0156 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-09-20 18:11:14.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:14.1093 : 13 : Info : CoInitializeSecurity has already been called, as expected.
2011-09-20 18:11:14.1875 : 13 : Info : BITS Test: Starting...
2011-09-20 18:11:14.1875 : 13 : Info : BITS Test: Downloading using an HTTPWebRequest...
2011-09-20 18:11:14.2031 : 13 : Info : BITS Test: Success downloading with a HTTPWebRequest...
2011-09-20 18:11:14.5156 : 13 : Info : BITS Test: Downloading in foreground...
2011-09-20 18:11:14.5781 : 5 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : 211 bytes.
2011-09-20 18:11:14.5781 : 5 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading (Pri:Foreground) from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\sc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp43E7.tmp".
2011-09-20 18:11:14.5937 : 5 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: The file is too short, but we'll assume it's right so far, so now we'll see if we can resume. (Actual Length =0)
2011-09-20 18:11:14.5937 : 5 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: This task supports resume: 'True'. This uri supports resume: 'True'
2011-09-20 18:11:15.5312 : 5 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: File size of downloaded file: 211
2011-09-20 18:11:15.5312 : 5 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\sc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp43E7.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = 211
2011-09-20 18:11:15.5312 : 5 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length matches, and there is no hash to test against.
2011-09-20 18:11:15.5312 : 13 : Info : BITS Test: BITS is usable
2011-09-20 18:11:15.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading 1 files. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:15.5312 : 13 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : 38565579 bytes.
2011-09-20 18:11:15.5468 : 13 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: Downloading (Pri:Foreground) from " 09170227.1.0.ncpatch" to "C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To21 00.201109170227.1.0.ncpatch".
2011-09-20 18:11:15.5468 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Downloading file 1/1: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0.ncpatch. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:36.0937 : 13 : Info : BasicBitsDownloader: File size of downloaded file: 38565579
2011-09-20 18:11:36.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining downloaded file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0.ncpatch : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:36.1093 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To21 00.201109170227.1.0.ncpatch' Expected Hash = 'C1BC9203D6B2A39F4DD5331719DDB03A' Expected Length = 38565579
2011-09-20 18:11:36.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:36.3125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:11:36.3125 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-09-20 18:11:36.3125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining downloaded file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0.ncpatch : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:11:36.3125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading file 1/1: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0.ncpatch. : (36.21 MB / 36.78 MB (00:00 remaining at 1.79 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-09-20 18:11:36.3437 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Downloading 1 files. : (36.78 MB / 36.78 MB (00:00 remaining at 1.78 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-09-20 18:11:36.3437 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:11:36.5625 : 1 : Info : Checking to see if the game (CityOfHeroes) can apply transition ApplyUpdates.
2011-09-20 18:11:36.5625 : 1 : Info : Attempting transition...
2011-09-20 18:11:36.5781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying 1 patch(es). : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:36.5781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:36.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:36.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting patch manifest. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:37.0312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:37.0312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:37.0468 : 13 : Info : Unrar (stderr): CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\PatchManifest.xml - use current password ?
2011-09-20 18:11:37.0625 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\PatchManifest.xml
2011-09-20 18:11:37.0781 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:37.0781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:37.0781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:37.0781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting patch manifest. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:37.1718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:37.1718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting patch files. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:37.1718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting all files : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:37.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:37.1875 : 13 : Info : Unrar (stderr): CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\PatchManifest.xml - use current password ?
2011-09-20 18:11:37.1875 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Creating C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS
2011-09-20 18:11:37.1875 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:37.1875 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Creating C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P
2011-09-20 18:11:37.1875 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:37.1875 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Creating C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1 .0To2100.201109170227.1.0
2011-09-20 18:11:37.1875 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:37.1875 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1 .0To2100.201109170227.1.0\PatchManifest.xml
2011-09-20 18:11:37.2031 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:37.2031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\PatchManifest.xml : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:37.2031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\bin.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:37.2031 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Creating C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1 .0To2100.201109170227.1.0\ProductFiles
2011-09-20 18:11:37.2031 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:37.2343 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Creating C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1 .0To2100.201109170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs
2011-09-20 18:11:37.2343 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:37.2343 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1 .0To2100.201109170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\bin.p igg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-09-20 18:11:38.5312 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:38.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\bin.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : (CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.201 109170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\bin.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A) : 84%
2011-09-20 18:11:38.5625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\cityofheroes.exe.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:38.5625 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1 .0To2100.201109170227.1.0\ProductFiles\cityofheroe s.exe.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-09-20 18:11:38.7031 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:38.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\cityofheroes.exe.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:38.7500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\client.chksum.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:38.7500 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1 .0To2100.201109170227.1.0\ProductFiles\client.chks um.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-09-20 18:11:38.7500 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:38.7500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\client.chksum.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:38.7812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geom.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:38.7812 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1 .0To2100.201109170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geom. pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-09-20 18:11:38.7812 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:38.7968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geom.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:38.7968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomBC.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:38.7968 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1 .0To2100.201109170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomB C.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-09-20 18:11:38.7968 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:38.7968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomBC.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:38.8281 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:38.8281 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1 .0To2100.201109170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV 1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-09-20 18:11:38.8281 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:38.8281 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:38.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:38.8750 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1 .0To2100.201109170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV 2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-09-20 18:11:38.8750 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:38.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\geomV2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:38.9062 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:38.9062 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1 .0To2100.201109170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsM issions.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-09-20 18:11:38.9687 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:38.9687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\misc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.0000 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1 .0To2100.201109170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\misc. pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-09-20 18:11:39.0000 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:39.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\misc.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\stage1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.0156 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1 .0To2100.201109170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\stage 1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-09-20 18:11:39.0156 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:39.0156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\stage1.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.0468 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\stage1b.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.0468 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1 .0To2100.201109170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\stage 1b.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-09-20 18:11:39.0625 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:39.0625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\stage1b.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.0937 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\stage2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.0937 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1 .0To2100.201109170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\stage 2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-09-20 18:11:39.0937 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:39.0937 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\stage2.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.1406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\stage3.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.1406 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1 .0To2100.201109170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\stage 3.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-09-20 18:11:39.1562 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:39.1562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\stage3.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.1562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg .X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.1562 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1 .0To2100.201109170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texFx GuiItems.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-09-20 18:11:39.1562 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:39.1562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg .X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texts.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.1875 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1 .0To2100.201109170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texts .pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-09-20 18:11:39.1875 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:39.2031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\piggs\texts.pigg.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.2343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\version.ini.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.2343 : 13 : Info : Unrar: Extracting C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\~PS\P\CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1 .0To2100.201109170227.1.0\ProductFiles\version.ini .X-D-E-L-T-A
2011-09-20 18:11:39.2343 : 13 : Info : Unrar: OK
2011-09-20 18:11:39.2343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting file: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0\ProductFiles\version.ini.X-D-E-L-T-A : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.2343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting all files : () : 84%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.2500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Extracting patch files. : () : 84%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.3281 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.3437 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Performing 1 application step(s). : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.3437 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.3593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Examining patch. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.4687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Examining patch. : () : 93%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.5937 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying file group: ProductFiles. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.5937 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Updating files. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.5937 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.5937 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:39.5937 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:46.6875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (39.01 MB / 45.37 MB (00:01 remaining at 6.07 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-09-20 18:11:46.6875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:11:46.6875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:46.7031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:46.7031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:46.7031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:46.8593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:11:46.8593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:11:46.8593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:46.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\stage1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:46.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\stage1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:46.9062 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:51.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (61.00 MB / 72.46 MB (00:00 remaining at 14.50 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-09-20 18:11:51.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\stage1.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:11:51.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\stage1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:51.7812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:51.7812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:51.7812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:51.8281 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:11:51.8281 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:11:51.8281 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:51.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\stage3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:51.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\stage3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:51.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:59.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (98.00 MB / 116.53 MB (00:01 remaining at 15.88 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-09-20 18:11:59.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\stage3.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:11:59.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\stage3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:59.1562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:59.1562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:11:59.1562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:21.2031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (127.00 MB / 131.73 MB (00:00 remaining at 5.95 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-09-20 18:12:21.2031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:12:21.2031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:21.2500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:21.2500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:21.2500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:21.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:12:21.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: client.chksum. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:12:21.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:21.3125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\stage1b.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:21.3125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\stage1b.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:21.3125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:31.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (119.18 MB / 123.96 MB (00:00 remaining at 12.79 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-09-20 18:12:31.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\stage1b.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:12:31.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\stage1b.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:31.0468 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:31.0468 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:31.0468 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:31.0781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:12:31.0781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: version.ini. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:12:31.0781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:31.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:31.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:31.1093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:32.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (14.00 MB / 22.74 MB (00:00 remaining at 14.00 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-09-20 18:12:32.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:12:32.6093 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:32.6562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:32.6562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:32.6562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:32.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:12:32.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:12:32.7500 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:32.7812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\stage2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:32.7968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\stage2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:32.7968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:37.8593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (66.00 MB / 80.31 MB (00:00 remaining at 15.68 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-09-20 18:12:37.8593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\stage2.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:12:37.8593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\stage2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:37.9062 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:37.9062 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:37.9062 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:46.8281 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (89.00 MB / 96.24 MB (00:00 remaining at 10.93 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-09-20 18:12:46.8281 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:12:46.8281 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:46.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:46.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:46.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:48.3750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:12:48.3750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:12:48.3750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:48.4218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:48.4531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:48.4531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:50.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (4.00 MB / 5.83 MB (00:00 remaining at 3.23 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-09-20 18:12:50.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:12:50.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:50.2343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:50.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Applying patch: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:12:50.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.0937 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : (102.00 MB / 110.11 MB (00:00 remaining at 9.93 MB/s)) : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.0937 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.0937 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Preparing to update file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.0937 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Updating files. : () : 93%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.2187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing and verifying changes to files. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\bin.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.2656 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\bin.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '9E7745695276AD434A13721D75DA7A11' Expected Length = 47575191
2011-09-20 18:13:01.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.2656 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-09-20 18:13:01.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\bin.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.2656 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\bin.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.3437 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.3437 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geomV1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.3437 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geomV1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '570A07990A0460D64E6017EADB9F769D' Expected Length = 3030914
2011-09-20 18:13:01.3437 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.3437 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.3437 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-09-20 18:13:01.3437 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geomV1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.3437 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.3437 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.3593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geomV1.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.3906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\stage1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.3906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\stage1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.3906 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\stage1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '19A603BDE0BF6158796C0A535ED9F675' Expected Length = 75980862
2011-09-20 18:13:01.3906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.4062 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.4062 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-09-20 18:13:01.4062 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\stage1.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.4062 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\stage1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.4218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\stage1.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.4218 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\stage1.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.4687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.4687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\texts.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.4687 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texts.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '37F7FEADD03C1A820DF014EEFE4921E1' Expected Length = 1166789
2011-09-20 18:13:01.4687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.4687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.4687 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-09-20 18:13:01.4687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\texts.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.4687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.4843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.4843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\texts.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\stage3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\stage3.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.5312 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\stage3.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'CD2893A5C23D4249C9C78B15646F69D6' Expected Length = 122187023
2011-09-20 18:13:01.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.5312 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-09-20 18:13:01.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\stage3.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.5312 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\stage3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.5781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\stage3.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.5781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\stage3.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.6250 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.6250 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.6250 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\mapsMissions.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'BE7EE85611F969BD642BE80AB0111623' Expected Length = 138126871
2011-09-20 18:13:01.6250 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.6250 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.6250 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-09-20 18:13:01.6250 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.6250 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.8906 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\mapsMissions.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.9375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.9375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: client.chksum.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.9375 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\client.chksum.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'C36E7B710979B90F745A1F9C2B03F902' Expected Length = 11847
2011-09-20 18:13:01.9375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.9375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.9375 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-09-20 18:13:01.9375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: client.chksum.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.9375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.9375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: client.chksum. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.9375 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: client.chksum. : () : 80%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\stage1b.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\stage1b.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.9843 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\stage1b.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '83BE2714D0F817720274BEFB5CDFA46D' Expected Length = 129984790
2011-09-20 18:13:01.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:01.9843 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-09-20 18:13:01.9843 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\stage1b.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\stage1b.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\stage1b.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.0000 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\stage1b.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.0625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.0625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geomV2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.0625 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geomV2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '16B703B28A64A954CB1D5EBBDA1416BE' Expected Length = 23848175
2011-09-20 18:13:02.0625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.0625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.0625 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-09-20 18:13:02.0625 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geomV2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.0781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.0781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.0781 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geomV2.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.1250 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.1406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\misc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.1406 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\misc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '0992378CC8F8BB3ACB6231B3D3CB1149' Expected Length = 383143
2011-09-20 18:13:02.1406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.1406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.1406 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-09-20 18:13:02.1406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\misc.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.1406 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.1562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.1562 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\misc.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\stage2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.1875 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\stage2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.1875 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\stage2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'A273D4FECEAD8BED16D53E18CBBEA9FA' Expected Length = 84215907
2011-09-20 18:13:02.2031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.2031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.2031 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-09-20 18:13:02.2031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\stage2.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.2031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\stage2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.2031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\stage2.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.2031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\stage2.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.2812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.2812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geom.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.2812 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geom.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = 'B725B58306CD6EB84F348ABCF7244C06' Expected Length = 100912029
2011-09-20 18:13:02.2812 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.2968 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-09-20 18:13:02.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geom.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.2968 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.3125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.3125 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geom.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.3593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.3593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: cityofheroes.exe.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.3593 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\cityofheroes.exe.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '6F44EE6AED529622DD66D4E4F88D8EB1' Expected Length = 8937472
2011-09-20 18:13:02.3593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.3593 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.3593 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-09-20 18:13:02.3750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: cityofheroes.exe.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.3750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.4062 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.4062 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: cityofheroes.exe. : () : 80%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.4531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.4531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.4531 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '6D89BC4506FEF492CA6AA2C30EAAF5AA' Expected Length = 6111108
2011-09-20 18:13:02.4531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.4531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.4531 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-09-20 18:13:02.4531 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.4687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.4687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.4687 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\texFxGuiItems.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.5156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.5156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geomBC.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.5156 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\piggs\geomBC.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '5FE33D444D2ED411811497265DDADDCA' Expected Length = 115460747
2011-09-20 18:13:02.5156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.5156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.5156 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-09-20 18:13:02.5156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: piggs\geomBC.pigg.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.5156 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.6718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.6718 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: piggs\geomBC.pigg. : () : 80%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.7031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finalizing changes to file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.7031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Verifying patched file: version.ini.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.7031 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Program Files\NCsoft\City of Heroes\version.ini.P-A-T-C-H-E-D' Expected Hash = '2E7C532C6FE00882B92722B2E4FF120C' Expected Length = 41
2011-09-20 18:13:02.7031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.7187 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: Length and hash matches.
2011-09-20 18:13:02.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Verifying patched file: version.ini.P-A-T-C-H-E-D. : () : 100%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Writing target file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Writing target file: version.ini. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing changes to file: version.ini. : () : 80%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finalizing and verifying changes to files. : () : 93%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying file group: ProductFiles. : () : 97%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 97%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.7187 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Performing 1 application step(s). : () : 97%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.7343 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 96%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying patch: CityOfHeroes_Main_2100.201109140228.1.0To2100.2011 09170227.1.0. : () : 96%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 96%
2011-09-20 18:13:02.8750 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 96%
2011-09-20 18:13:03.2031 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Applying 1 patch(es). : () : 96%
2011-09-20 18:13:03.3125 : 17 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:03.3125 : 17 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:03.3125 : 17 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
2011-09-20 18:13:03.3281 : 17 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "" to "C:\Documents and Settings\sc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp43EC.tmp".
2011-09-20 18:13:04.1406 : 17 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 0 =
2011-09-20 18:13:04.1406 : 17 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "" IP 1 =
2011-09-20 18:13:04.1562 : 17 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "" completed successfully.
2011-09-20 18:13:04.1562 : 17 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Documents and Settings\sc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp43EC.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
2011-09-20 18:13:04.1562 : 17 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
2011-09-20 18:13:04.1562 : 17 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:04.1562 : 17 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
2011-09-20 18:13:04.1562 : 17 : Info : Patcher: En