Random thoughts on my 50's.
Heh. Haven't looked at that.
... though I could run the I20 trials on my own with the 50s. I'd be very buff/debuff/control heavy. Only two tanks at 50 (third close, 47,) one scrapper, one brute, one stalker, one of each VEAT...
Looking at Virtue, I would have:
Rock Leatherneck, stone/stone Tank
Stormy Devereaux, ss/shield tank
Winter Comet, ice/ice tank
Justyn Thyme, ice/ice defender
Terragon-X, stone/kin controller
Crash Cassidy, fire/fire/and more FIRE! Blaster
Jackie Quickfire, dual pistols/fire blaster
Grave Chiller, ice/Rad corruptor
Too many tanks :-) ... but they could handle just about anything out there.
My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question
Since most of my crew are not only members of the same SG, but also members of the same (very low population/very small area of origin) non-Primal species... and in several cases, are also members of the same few family groups... I just start out with the assumption that many of them knew each other and worked together long before starting their "careers" as player characters, and continue to do the same "off screen" now.
The entire group numbers about two dozen at this point, and would probably be a fairly frightening force if they all showed up together. Given their usual habits, though, an 'average' flight encountering trouble out on patrol would be no more than two or three, and there are a lot of established duos/trios among them.
Ty'ree and Ash (DB Tank and DB Scrap), for instance, are pretty close in age and grew up together. They've been best friends since before either of them fledged their first set of flight feathers. While you'll never actually see the two of them tag-teaming a GM or AV together in-game (They're both on the same account-), it's the kind of thing I can easily imagine them doing on a regular basis out-of-play. Likewise Winter Sky (KM Tank) and Summer Night (Elec Stalker), who are a couple, or Keiranen (Archery Blaster), Khaemon (Ax Tank), Khalanis (Dark Defender) and Ke'khali (DB Scrap) who are all siblings.
Some smaller groupings would be scarier than others, but I suspect any given roatation of eight would do well enough. They'd probably be very melee-heavy, the collective's only defenders being a Dark (Lan), a FF/Rad (Suzume) and a Trick Arrow (Zhen), and the closest thing to a controller being a lowbie Mind/Psi dom (Asa'Davi)... but none of them are push-overs. They'd make it a hell of a fight. XD
As for the NON-birdbrains? They'd be pretty scary, too.
A Night Widow, a Sonic Defender and a Rad Defender... Plus a Bane, an Ill/Kin controller, a claws stalker, a Warshade and a Ninja/FF Mastermind, if they side-kicked in the under-50's. They'd make a mess.
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
8 Brutes, 2 Tanks, 1 Stalker, an an Ill/Rad Controller
I believe things would die very very quickly as all those Brutes fight to steal aggro from each other.
I've lost count of how many 50s I had, what with so many deleted and rerolled. They're all Scrappers and Brutes (and one Mastermind) at this point, though, so not too "team-like" of a team.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
By a strange coincidence I've also got 8 50s so here's my team:
Adeon Hawkwood: AR/Dev (T4 Alpha)
Adeon Hawkwood MK2: Traps/AR (T4 Alpha)
Adeon Hawkwood MK3: Bots/Traps (T4 Alpha)
Lyonette: Invulnerability/Axe (T1 Alpha)
Duncan Halleck: Sword/Shield
Blackhawk Quasar: Warshade
Marcus Taldari: Trick Arrow/Archery
Empedocles Mastrik: Earth Control/Storm (T1 Alpha)
Overall I'd say that's a pretty well balanced team. Adeon 3 and Lyonette would presumably handle aggro management, there's 2 trappers, a trick archer and a controller to stop anyone from getting hurt through debuffing enemies into oblivion while Adeon 1, Duncan, Blackhawk and John (Adeon 3's Assault Bot) mop up the survivors.
Of course this would raise the question of how exactly Adeon is operating all three suits of power armor at the same time. Presumably time travel is involved.
I don't have enough 50s to round out a good team, but if I can "call up" some of my 40s, I'd have:
50+1 Invul/En Tank T4
50+1 Widow T4
50+1 Crab T3
50+1 Fire/Dark Corr T3
50+1 Bots/Traps MM T3
50 Bane (EDIT- just made 50 with Huntsman Beorn)
45 Warshade
43 Peacebringer
(alternate 41 Elec/Shield Scrap)
The triple x2 tactical training, perma mind link and souped-up Kheldian one-two punch plus the -regen and healing/rezzing from the corr would make this a really formidable team. The bots are extra team members just for fun, and if the MM can set up a control station, there will be caltrops, poison traps, and trip mines everywhere.
The crab is an AoE monster, the Bane is a ST nightmare and the widow has a good mixture of both. The tank holds aggro very well and with light form and eclipse running at near perma levels (plus 2 dwarfs in case) means aggro will be managed very effectively.
And, if... just IF I have to go with the scrapper, the combo of shield charge and lightning rod will devastate entire hordes.
I could see the tank standing in the center of the room, the widow and bane on either side, the novas floating on the flanks with the crab a bit behind to be within range of suppression, venom grenade+bile spray and all of HIS pets plus the MM and all HIS pets. Finally the corr bringing up the rear for tar patch + rain of fire and fear for control plus the 2 holds for Lts or bosses (with hasten they'd be stacked to 3 or 4) and his dark servant adding additional holds/immobs/heals and general spooky-inky goodness.
Dang, now I wish there was a way to actually DO this...
I can field a team of 8 scrappers. What more do I need?
Okay, if necessary... I have an invul tank, I have a ill/rad troller for the debuffs, I have a bubble defender for defense and an empath or dark/arrow if needed... and a fire/fire blaster for ranged damage....
Nah. I'll take 6 scrappers, my warshade, and my night widow!

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Well I have 20+ 50s (one of each AT, on both sides too)....so I could make a good team with my toons Granted, some-to-most of my toons still have empty enhancement slots waiting for me to craft common IOs for them but....that's beside the point
Probably my 'best' team I could put together with my toons would be:
Kin/Rad Defender (my main EI)
Cold/Sonic Defender
DA/DM Tanker
Dark/Rad Corruptor
Fire/Earth Dominator (perma-hasten/dom )
Mind/Emp Controller
Claws/SR Brute
Night Widow VEAT
My eighth slot is a toss-up; I could add more buffs/debuffs with my grav/thermal Controller or more damage...etc....but...I think that'd be a nice team
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Edit - nice idea for a thread!
I actually prefer what my wife could put together with her 5 lvl 50's.
Dark/Electric Brute
Sonic/Sonic Defender (A3)
Ice/EM Tank (A1)
Grav/Kin Controller (A2)
Earth/Rad Controller (A -hmm, not sure)
The tank is amazing at aggro control. The Earth controller can handle spawns herself, wit the grav and sing as backup control. The Sonic will cap the Brute to most stuff.
I initially thought the group was low on damage, but nope. The Brute will be in heaven with sonic buffs, Fulcrum shift, AM and Speed Boost. Tack on a resist debuff toggle....
Mmmmm - very nice. Only real complaint is AOE damage.
I've got 7 lvl 50's.
Bots/Dark MM
Fire/Shield Scrapper (A3)
Fire/EM Tank (A3)
BS/WP Scrapper (A3)
Bane Spider
MA/Regen Scrapper (A2)
Ice/Energy Blaster
Well, I don't have to worry much about damage! Fortunately, I build my scrappers to be self-sufficient, so the SOA buffs and dark should be able to handle things. The Ice blaster is a nice single target controller. The big thing is between the Fire Tank, the Fire scrapper and the BS scrapper, spawns would melt.
Last week I dinged my fifth 50 -- my namesake character and second-oldest: Ironik, MA/Regen Scrapper. So I can't even field a full team.
Photon X - NRG/NRG Blaster
Tommi Gunn - AR/Dev Blaster
Future Shock - Elec/Elec Brute
Monster Child - Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster
I should get another Blaster up to 50 and call them The Breakables.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction

If I was trying to put together an optimal team out of my 50s, I'd probably go with:
SS/Invul Brute
AR/Fire Blaster
DM/SD Scrapper
AR/Dark Corruptor
Ice/Rad Corruptor
Fire/Elec Blaster
Sonic/Thermal Corruptor
The last spot would be a toss-up...either Fire/Storm or Fire/Traps Corruptor. It would depend on what we're doing. Yes, all my level 50 support characters are Corruptors.
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
Hmm, For me it would end up.
Celtech Overlord - Bot/FF/Mace MasterMind
Aspect of War - Dark/Inv/Soul Brute
John Graham - Katana/WP/Body Scrapper
Fissure - Grav/Kin/Mental Controller
Shadow Ops - Merc/Dark/Soul MasterMind
C4NN-0N - AR/Dev/Munitions Blaster
Archmage Reilus - Fire/Storm/Dark Corrupter
Celtech Shocktank - Elec/Elec/Mu brute
I would say this team is pretty tough, for a variety of reasons. Least of which is the Kin and the combo of FF + Dark. Two main brutes is a good balance, they both get plenty of foes for fury-fuel while being enough to generally stay outside of aggro cap issues, and they have plenty of support to keep them going.

Celtech Main Site
My DA Profile
Damzs Team Noob!
- Ultimate Damz - ill/rad/fire controller
- Noob buster - fire/dark/fire scrapper
- EU damz - super strength/willpower/fire brute
- Lord Lightman - assault rifle/energy/elec[i think] blaster
- Shadow Waster - warshade

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
(in order of creation date)
Fire/Fire Blaster
Kat/SR Scrapper
Ill/Emp Controller
Inv/DB Tanker
Rad/Sonic Defender
Ice/Cold Corruptor
Fire/SD Scrapper
Fire/Kin Controller
Yes, that would be one hell of a team.
It's funny how the powersets go from relatively normal at the top to gamebreaking FotM builds at the bottom.
Let's see... I've got thirteen of 'em. Just for the hell of it, let's put the first eight together.
Empathy/Electric Defender
Claws/Invulnerability Scrapper
Mercenaries/Poison Mastermind
Stone/Stone Tanker
Fire/Radiation Controller
Ice/Ice Dominator
Energy/Energy Stalker
Triform Warshade
I think that team would work just fine... then again, most teams of eight work pretty damn well. Tanking with the Tanker, with backup from the Warshade and Scrapper. Damage from the Scrapper, Stalker, Dom, MM... the Controller and Dom for mezzes, the Controller and MM for debuffs and the Defender and Controller for buffs.
What the hell, I'll add my next highest characters to the rest to make a second team.
Stone/Willpower Brute
Earth/Sonic Controller
Illusion/Trick Arrow Controller
Spines/Regeneration Scrapper
Night Widow
46 Radiation/Kinetics Corruptor
42 Dark/Dark Tanker
41 Gravity/Storm Controller
I don't think it'd be as traditionally sturdy at the first group, but still... Tank, Brute, Scrapper on aggro duty. With Kinetics, pretty much everyone on damage. Triple Controllers for mezzing, buffing, debuffing... It'd definitely work just fine.
Proud member of Everyday Heroes (Infinity Heroes), Dream Stalkers (Infinity Villains), Devil Never Cry (Freedom Heroes), Enclave of EVIL (Pinnacle Villains), Phobia (Infinity Villains), Les Enfant Terribles (Freedom Villains), Gravy Train (Virtue Heroes), and more!
Full, detailed character list
I've only got 3 50s, but I'll count my Dominator in on this since he's 48.
-Elite Dreadnaught, Dual Blades/Elec Brute (T4 Alpha, Soft capped S/L Defense)
-Webmistress Elhaym, Crab Spider (No alpha, common IOs)
-Dread Fey, Necromancer/Trick Arrow (T3 Alpha, a few +Rchg bonuses)
-Rikis, Gravity Control/Ice Assault (No alpha, 60% global +Rchg so far)
I think they'd make a solid half a team. A good mix of AoE damage and single target damage (Brute and MM are a mix of both, Crab is AoE and Dominator is single target). The MM brings on the debuffage (with some minor buffs via leadership) while the Crab adds buffage (and Venom Grenade). And the only truly squishy character there is the Dominator.
And my next project is a Radiation Blast/Sonic Resonance corruptor.
I always thought how well two or three of my characters would go together, but never thought of a full team before, so I liked the idea behind this thread. Then I just couldn't decide who I'd pick for the team! I think any combination of 8 of them would work, but I'd pick (in this order):
1) Dr.Gamma (Rad/Rad/Dark Def): for the debuffs, AM, leadership and some AoE
2) Mr.Volkano (Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker): MOAR AoE, HPs and a good self heal
3) Vibror (FF/Son/Psy Def): to make the tank godly, the team very tough, tasty -res (AoE and ST) and an AoE KD
4) Amanda Savoie (Crab): MOAR (crazy) AoE, MOAR buffs, pets, debuffs, tough gal
5) Addler. (Ill/Kin/Earth Troller): for the pet Chaos. And capped damage for all. And a great AoE heal
6) Shadowfists (Dark/SR/Body Stalker): Great ST Damage
7) Andromeda Huntress (Spines/Dark/Body Scrapper): Damn I like AoE, and she's very tough too (with all these buffs and debuffs, she could certainly tank the psi baddies when needed)
Last spot was the toughest to pick, very tough to decide between the Warshade for his versatile damage/toughness/control options, the blaster or the claws/regen for more damage (plus regen+FF is delicious!) or the MM for more debuffs, control, healing, mass rez and damage from the pets. In the end, the idea of lots of pets with all this extra defense and buffs (most of these characters picked from the leadership pool either before or after inherent stamina) was too good to pass up, so:
8) Justicer (Dark/Mercs/Soul MM): debuffs, control, heal, rez, buffed-up pets, more psi resist.
I'd really like to play in that team. Just the ammount of stacked assault (mostly unecessary most of the time with FS, but still good for lonely AVs and the like) and defense (looks like it's above the cap even versus Apex and Tin Mage Praetorians) makes me drool. The AoE would melt mobs. Lots of moderately tough people with self heals (and a couple of aggressive self rezzes) made much tougher with FF. Debuffs, controls, pets, heal, even a (likely unnecessary) rez power... Pity my Fire/Cold blaster and my DP/Sonic Corr aren't close to 50 yet to join that team, though.
Hmmm... Maybe I should trade the spines/dark for the warshade after all... GAH... picking this team is hard! I'll just stop now and leave the scrapper there, telling myself it's for her anti-psi goodness!
Playing CoH with Gestures

It's funny how the powersets go from relatively normal at the top to gamebreaking FotM builds at the bottom.
![]() |
What are you doing tonight?
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
hmm interesting thoughts, my 50s right now wouldnt make a full team (i alt, therefore i am) but they wouldnt make a bad group, they are
rian frostdrake ma/sr/body mastery scrapper
seraph blue emp/lit/lit defender
atomic angel rad/rad/energy defender
and violet tendencies, rogue plant/thorn/scorp dominator.
that has buffs, debuffs, control and damage. next up is space robot 5- an ice/ice/ice tanker, currently 48 and a half. and pax, a peacebringer.that would add some more crowd control and ranged damage to the mix.
I have uh, 23 level 50's on two accounts so uh, there are many potential combinations.
The Balanced Team aka Content Chewing Team
Euthanasist - 50+1 WM/SHD Brute
Raging Wacko - 50+1 SS/SR Brute
Sunder Thigh - 50+1 Claws/Invul Brute
Prickly Terror - 50+1 Plant/Psi Dom
Les Fembot - 50+1 AR/Kin Corr
Lady Chillista - 50+1 Ice/Rad Corr
Psyko Neko - 50+1 Thugs/Traps MM
Lord Phthirus Pubis - 50+1 Crab Spider
Hordes of AoE with solid ST damage. Tons of debuffs and decent amount of buffs. Only potential problem is the Dom pissing off the Brutes due to fighting over aggro.
The Melee Happy Team
Corpulent Mass - 50+1 SM/Stone Brute
Baron Inferno - 50+1 FM/DA Brute
Great Pink Menace - 50+1 ELM/ELA Brute
Turbo Hussy - 50+1 Night Widow
Mistress Silhouette - 50+1 DB/WP Stalker
Bushi Doh - 50+1 NB/Nin Stalker
Crag Hag - 50+1 Earth/Thorns Dom
Super Emo Man - 50+1 Sonic/Pain Corr
Bunch of self sufficient melee goons running around doing their own thing, leaving the Dom and Corr staring at eachother wondering "WTF?". Hmm, I guess the same could be said for the first team too.
I don't know how well I could do using my 50s as a team, I have no level 50 melee at all, though I suppose my Warshade could gimp along as the tank (he's not built for it, but I have enough support it could work).
Lets see:
FF/Psi/Psi Defender
Fire/Psi/Mu Dominator
Fire/Storm/Fire Controller
Dark/Ice Defender
Huh. Thought I had more 50s, apparently not (I have loads of them in their 40s though, I should really get to work on that).

Looking at my dozen lvl 50 types, my strongest team probably looks like this:
Ice/FF Controller
Elec/Fire Blaster
Ill/Rad Controller
Ice/Ice Blaster
Earth/Storm Controller
Plant/Storm Controller
Elec/Elec Blaster
TA/Arch Defender
Plenty of Buffs, Debuffs, Pets, Controls and Nukes. Phantom Army and Rocky to Tank when I need it and bubbles for everyone.
It would certainly be cool if they could all team together and play. It would certainly be a great comic book.
"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"
"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."
Ok I was making a list of my 50's across my two accounts and I am up to exactly 8 (with a few more mid-40's getting close). 8 being the size of a full team, I thought to myself "I wonder what kind of team those 8 would make". Now I know some will argue about what is a 'perfect' team, and almost any team of 8 50's would be a 'great' team, but I thought it worked out well that these 8 would make a great, well-rounded team.
Inv/Eng Tank (Alpha - Tier 3)
DM/INV Scrap (A-T4)
Ill/Rad Cont (A-T3)
Fire/Kin Cont (A-T4)
Emp/Dark Def (A-T3)
Storm/Elec Def
Thugs/Pain MM
Arch/Elec Blast
Heals, Buffs, Debuffs. Meatshields, Damage. I kinda like it. I know its kinda random but just thought I would share.