A Comic for New Players




Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Longbow are not vigilantes.

Oh, you're serious?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
PAGE 33, PANEL 3: The guy walking past in the background is Dr. Leo/Leandro, who asked me to put him in a comic somewhere – so I did
Indeed, and thank you!

Being a Natural Origin hero myself, I found hilarious the whole talk of "you can do (X) and you're a natural?" since I also fly, superjump, teleport, summon things from thin air, etc. Very nice comic!

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by PapaSlade View Post
Not too bad GG. Only did a quick look at the other responses so this might have been asked already but...where the heck does GG keep those fancy proto steel hand cuffs while wearing that outfit??
Hammerspace, same place all our characters pull their weapons and other assorted gadgets from. I'm quite certain that was intentional.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Great job, GG. I enjoyed your comic a lot; reminded me of when I first started playing this game many moons ago.



Looks great, love the artwork.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by PapaSlade View Post
where the heck does GG keep those fancy proto steel hand cuffs while wearing that outfit??
Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
Hammerspace, same place all our characters pull their weapons and other assorted gadgets from. I'm quite certain that was intentional.
Well, in GG's case, I think it would be the sub-category of Hammerspace: Victoria's Secret Compartment.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I liked this comic a lot. There were some great lines and references in there, not just to CoH etc. There was great attention to detail and I wish the Atlas Park Skyline in game looked a little more like the one in the comic.

I meant to post about this earlier while it was still fresh but got side tracked, so I can't remember all the lines I love, but as a GI Joe fan, I loved the "and knowing is half the battle" bit.

Nice job GG, fun comic to read!

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Enjoyed it very much, great work



Ok, I finally got a bit of time to answer most of the questions in this thread - so, in no particular order:

Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I'm not sure how you've drawn your comic, is it a mash-up of pencils, Photoshop, and 3D-generated graphics?
Originally Posted by Todogut View Post
You had mentioned before that you use Poser and Photoshop software to create your comics. But, can you tell more about your method? For the Paragon City backgrounds, did you take screen captures in CoH and import them into Poser or Photoshop? Or did you entirely draw the backgrounds? For figures (particularly, faces), do you use photo references?
I'm not sure if it's a real style or not, but I call it "drawn digital" - a sort of combination of a comicbook look, as that's the soruce of the game, and 3D models, as that's what the actual game-world is made of - so I'm using 3D models with quite a lot of postwork to create the look I want.
Everything in each panel is fully modelled - I don't use screenshots or background pictures, as these look flat, and don't blend with the actual character models, especially with the lighting and texturing.
Plus, using screenshots would not only be very hard to line up to get the perspective right, but I'd also needs loads of them to cover every angle I might need - it's simply easier in the long run, and looks better, to use fully modelled environments.

Originally Posted by Todogut View Post
Interesting forced depth perception in the last panel of page 33, where the war wall can be seen behind Atlas' statue. (Kind of like a scene from the Stanley Kubrick movie "Barry Lyndon", where the title character is running ahead of an oncoming army.) Intentional? Or just a happy accident?
An accident - I've never seen that movie

Originally Posted by Todogut View Post
The depiction of Ms. Liberty. Her facial features resembled photos I'd seen of the real-life model who played the role of Ms. Liberty at several CoH promotional functions. Did you use photo references of her?
Originally Posted by Todogut View Post
Did you use a celebrity model as the basis for Flash-Man? His facial features reminded me of Wil Wheaton in some panels.
Originally Posted by Todogut View Post
GG looks a bit like Scarlet Johansson in some images. Did you use ScarJo as a photo reference for GG?
I did base Ms. Liberty on the RL model from Hero Con and other promotional appearances, but I also tried to add a bit of the in-game look, plus a bit of her look from the official CoH comics.

Flash-Man is based on a friend from high school - although he doesn't know I've put him in a comic - yet

The reference for me is me

Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
And I have to ask what shirt Golden Girl is wearing - I figured out what almost all the rest of those costume pieces are, but the shirt is eluding me (does it actually exist in game?)
It's how I'd like my in-game outfit to look - but it's simply not possible, as the game has a weird way of showing our busts, so to get that look I'm going to have to wait until they give us a more relaistic look
My RL hair shown in the comic is also not available in the game yet - it's like a cross between the Shy and Shag styles - but more animated

The full-page image on page 2 shows GG in a confident stance with a facial expression that conveys--what? Beauty? Sophistication? Savviness? Sex appeal? The inset image shows Flash-Man's rather flabbergasted reaction. Is it meant to be funny that he looks so surprised to meet her because she's so beautiful and glamorous (wearing a costume with a short skirt and a rather healthy expanse of cleavage)?
Originally Posted by Todogut View Post
On page 6, Flash-Man asks, "And what way do you fight? Like do you have any weapons?" GG answers, "Just my body," in a panel showing a straight-on, head-to-toe view, in which she is looking forward while Flash-Man's head is turned to look at her. In the next panel, she explains, "Unarmed combat's my thing," and Flash-Man comments, "Oh," as if maybe he misunderstood her initial statement? Am I reading too much into the exchange? Or is the dialog supposed to be funny because of a possible double meaning?
I like to leave these kinds of things up to the reader to interpret for themselves - but generally, if something in the comic seems humorous, it's a pretty good guess that it was intentional

Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
And I'm guessing Golden Girl is an alien?
I don't actually RP, or even have a bio - when I first started playing the game, I just made my avatar as me, but with super powers - the way I act in the comic is the way I'd act if I really was in Paragon City - and if I was unaware that I was in a game

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Ms. Liberty: Knowing is half the battle.
Flash-Man: What's the other half?
Golden Girl: Punching villains in the face.

Dammit GG! You nearly owed me a new monitor!

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



That is a really fun read, and quality work too. Great job!



Add me to the chorus of folks who had fun reading it. Good job GG!



So many subtle details! Its great when you can go back and look at the panels again and again and think: "Wow didn't see that before. Oh wait . . . theres more!"

I Liked it a lot. Very well done.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Ms. Liberty: Knowing is half the battle.
Flash-Man: What's the other half?
Golden Girl: Punching villains in the face.
My favorite conversation in the comic.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Thumbs up GG!! Great work and a good read.

[B]Order of the Cruciform/Crucified Swords[/B] - [B]Defiant[/B]
50's - Tridento (claws/invul scrapper), Robo Medic MkIV (empath/rad defender), Entrino (dark/dark defender) & Captain Wombat (thugs/traps mastermind)




I like it!



Excellent. I presume the pictured Golden Girl has the [Distract.Cleavage] power.

I used to fiddle with my back feet music for a black onyx. My entire room absorbed every echo. The music was . . . thud like. The music was . . . thud like. I usually played such things as rough-neck and thug. Opaque melodies that would bug most people. Music from the other side of the fence.



I'm disappointed GG didn't manage to fit in the line

"Eyes up here"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I finally finished the comic I was making for new players as an introduction to the game world, which was intended to be done by the time GR came out - only I got distracted by various other things, including friends and family, college, my horse, and CoH slashpics

All 33 pages are here, and they can be flipped through with the "Next" button on the top left of the page, and expanded to full size by clicking on them - or use the gallery overview page.

The basic idea was to show a generic new hero arriving in Paragon City, so I used some of the low level Atlas Park missions as a base for it, with some tweaks to link them together - Praetoria and red side might be covered later
.. GG. Your character is stacked like breakfast at the waffle hut.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
I dunno, GG is up there with Eccentrica Gallumbits and Jordan on the intimidatingly oversized things that would have me running away to avoid their gravity...

EDIT: and now I have an idea for a gravity control character...
lemme guess the name: Golden Globes?




Good comic. Although I'll echo some comments re: GG's cleavage. I mean, sheesh lady, talk about the Uncanney Valley.



Originally Posted by PSLAnimal View Post
Excellent. I presume the pictured Golden Girl has the [Distract.Cleavage] power.
Pah-lease! We know thats not a power. Those are definately enhancements with a proc to stun!!!!



GG, thanks for answering questions. It's even more amazing to learn that you recreated all the familiar in-game locales as 3D models.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The reference for me is me
Will you be appearing in full GG costume at the next real-life CoH promotional event?

Keep on creating great 3D digital artwork, GG!



Originally Posted by SlyGuyMcFly View Post
Good comic. Although I'll echo some comments re: GG's cleavage. I mean, sheesh lady, talk about the Uncanney Valley.
Sandwiched between a pair of mountains?