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  1. Valence_P

    Hybrid Slot

    I picked melee (currently have "Melee Core Embodiment" slotted) and found out the hard way that it breaks hide when active and in range of an enemy. Which makes it less than useful for a stalker.

    I'm guessing that because the powers effects are increased by the number of targets around is the reason. So now I'm trying to get incarnate components for T4 assault. Hopefully that won't break hide.
  2. Heard last night from someone that they got their halo at tailor. So I just checked and sure enough, the option is back for my character. So I put my halo back where it belongs. I also noticed the halo stays on the character now when in the tailor UI screen.

    To whom it may concern: Thanks for fixing that!
  3. I got caught by this one too. Went to tailor, changed outfit, punched out. NO HALO! Went back to tailor, halo doesn't show up as an option anymore. Halo stayed on another outfit on the same character, one that I didn't modify.

    I bugged it, but got nothing but the standard "canned" response back.

    If you want to keep your halo, I guess you can't change your outfit now.
  4. I was on two great raids run by Haile Korhal Monday, and they were still running more when I left. They were announced well in advance on most all of the server channels. Haile has a channel called "Haile's Raiders" where you can get a heads up on any upcoming raids too.

    MS raids on Virtue are always a blast! You'll have fun.
  5. So many subtle details! Its great when you can go back and look at the panels again and again and think: "Wow didn't see that before. Oh wait . . . theres more!"

    I Liked it a lot. Very well done.
  6. Hi,

    I could use a little help with a simple problem. Did a quick search and couldn't find anything usefull about this.

    I had both COX and COX test server set up on my computer when I installed the new launcher. It apparently defaulted to the COX test server so that no matter which icon I click on, the launcher comes up and immediately starts the test server version. This is more of an annoyance than anything as I can simply shut down test and start the regular COX version with the launcher.

    I flipped through the settings on the launcher and didn't see any way to change which game is the default for the launcher. I must have overlooked something, probably something obvious, but I can't find it. Anyone know what I need to do to fix this?

  7. Valence_P

    Group Fly

    I have to admit, as it stands group fly is a joke.

    I respecced into it for my bots/FF mastermind thinking how great it would be on things like MS raids. Instead of the bots hopping along behind me and being killed or dragging Rikti to the pylons, they could just fly above the mobs and augment my awesome Mastermind fire power attacking the pylons. How cool would that be?

    In practice they fly so slow, one or more would constantly drop to the ground because of the short range of the power. And, as an added bonus, I quickly drew the ire of my teammates. I never used it again.

    I really think the devs need to look at making some of the changes discussed to make Group Fly a viable power choice.
  8. I did talk to him, He did not turn hostile until I did. He cons blue (non-hostile) after you first kill the 5th column guards. When you talk to him he turns hostile (cons orange).
  9. Just did the new version of this mission where Maelstrom is being held prisoner by 2 Fifth Column soldiers, instead of him standing there with 2 Malta minions.

    I did it with a stalker, I took out the 2 minions and wiffed on him 37 times with AS. All I used was AS, both with and without BU. The 38th time, I connected. Was set at +2/1 level.

    After miss #20, I petitioned it because I expected streak breaker to kick in. Got no response in game, so I kept trying until I hit him and completed the mission.

    It looks like the problem I noted in the Stalkers forum a while back: "Stalker to-hit nerfed" has returned.

    Anyone else note this, or know anything about it?
  10. Have to admit you are right about the defence on Maelstrom today. I got a little lesson today and figured out what was happening. It seems that the game mechanics and, possibly, a little mission bug were playing with me.

    While playing with a scrapper, I was beating him down and knocked him over a railing, suddenly he disappeared. I ran over to where he was and he reappeared, so I started trying to hit him and . . . nothing. Then I noticed he wasn't fighting either. Having learned a little from the above posts, I checked my To-hit stat and found it was almost zero! He has some sort of defensive power, maybe phase shift, I'm not sure. And I didn't notice any activation emote when he turns it on.

    Then the pieces all came together. This is what I think happens:

    At the start, I approach him on my stalker with hide on. I click through his dialog boxes and then he gives me his little " you gave away intel . . ." speech and turns hostile. But I'm still in hide mode and remain hidden, and he doesn't aggro on me (possible bug?). But, like the Carnie Illusionists and master Illusionists who activate their intangability power when I get close, apparently he activates this power when I first get near him even though he is unaware of me at that point. That stalker is near the perception cap, so I don't see any visible difference in him. He is not aware of me, so I don't see him stop fighting to clue me in either. AS misses don't cause aggro, so I sit there wiffing with AS until this defensive power wears off.

    If I'm right, I hope the devs don't laugh themselves silly!

    I tried to test my theory this morning, but as I got to the point where I would AS Maelstrom, one of the sappers suddenly turned around and shot me. So perhaps that bug(?) has been fixed.

    I may have been shot down this instance, but I still will stubbornly cling to the belief that I miss way more than I should on my stalker!!
  11. Yes Zem, I am being sarcastic. (: P)

    I do believe something isn't right, I think I'm missing more with that stalker than the numbers say I should. But other than a couple of really odd instances, I don't have any "Smoking gun" type evidence at the moment. I can provide screen shots to show it happened, but then again it may really have been a string of bad luck.

    Since no one else seems to be noticing it. All I can do is keep monitoring it.

    But it bugs me that I can do that same mission with a scrapper, at the same settings, and mop the room with Maelstrom. Occasionally, I get a few misses with my scrapper, but never any long strings like that.

    Thanks for your responses.
  12. Well, it may well be a POV problem, no arguement there. Thats why I asked in the forum.

    And I understand missing is a part of the game and all, but this is the only charactor I really see the effect on because AS is the "Bread and Butter" shot for a stalker. Especially one that has only single target attacks.

    It does have an up side, however, as I have plenty of time to get a soda, bio or whatever while I wait for things to recharge.
  13. I think there may be a problem here, I've been noticing an inordinate amount of misses on my level 50 Energy/Dark stalker.

    Today I went 0 for 8 AS's on Maelstrom (As a level 52 boss) in the "Destroy the bomb triggers" alignment mission. I was using both "build-up" and "Call to Justice" to no effect. I've gone as high as 14 misses on him in this mission. It is very repeatable, sometimes I only miss 3 or 4 times, sometimes 14. I did get a screenshot showing the combat log, but I don't know how to post it here. The only thing I've noticed has any effect is multiple medium yellow or large yellow inspirations, but sometimes even that doesn't help. Didn't have any yellows today.

    And I don't even want to talk about what happens if I don't AS Silent Blade in the morality mission, because it isn't pretty if she gets her defenses up. I have had multiple 5 minute "Miss fests" with her.

    MY stalker isn't purpled out yet. But AS has 4 Hectacombs (Dam/Rec, Dam/Rech/ACC, Rech/Acc, and Dam), 1 accuracy IO and 1 Damage IO in it). Build-up is three slotted with Guassian's (To-hit, To-Hit/end red, and To-hit/ Recharge). I have never used MIDs, but if it will help and I can figure out how to post an image, I'll print my enhancement screen as well.

    Another thing I've noticed is that if AS hits, the next attack seems to have less than a 50% chance of a hit. I've gotten to the point that I follow up with punch rather than waste Energy Transfer or Total Focus on a something that will likely be a miss.

    I just plain seem to be getting a lot of misses with everything lately. It isn't just on tip missions either, its pretty much everything. With miss ratios like this, PvP is completely out of the question, luckily I don't PvP much.

    I was soloing today. But on a team, by the time I get an AS hit on a boss, the rest of the team will have cleared that room and the next 4 rooms as well.

    This doesn't seem to be working as intended. Is this normal or has something been changed?

    Edit for clarification:

    I didn't mean to imply that I had BU available for every AS, it only recharges in time for one in three Assassin's Strikes. Always the first, then the fourth, etc.
  14. That's good advice about not using Ouroboros as a shortcut to missions, I will be taking the long way for now, at least with my rogue.

    Well, I don't know about PvP rewards as I was killed more than than I killed! :-(
    Plus I was off the map a lot as I spent a lot of time running back from the hospital. After I found I couldn't use my self rez, Soul Transfer, without hurting team.

    I did hear speculation on the global channels afterward that this was a plot by the Devs to increase PvP participation by making it a requisite for Task Forces!
    (Devs = Nemesis?)
  15. I've never been able to enter any missions blueside through ouroboros with my rogue, Ouroboros only offers redside destinations. I did however, go through the Vanguard base in FF.
  16. Completed a Kahn TF tonight with a mixed team of heroes and rogues. Everything was going great until we hit the final map and the room with Riechsmann. It was crazy. Team members conned green, but were targetable and would take damage or be debuffed either directly or through area attacks. Players can attack, debuff and kill each other there. Pets such as Shivans, Vanguard heavies, Phantasms, Phantom Army, etc. also turn and attack team players. We got through it, but only because of the determination of the team members. Took a lot of adapting to figure out ways to avoid unintentionally killing your own team mates.

    Might not happen on a non-mixed team, I don't know. Just be warned.

    Edited: Rogues, not vigilantes.
  17. Oh, the repairman issue is very real. Just did an unsuccessful STF on Virtue, and we could not kill the red tower. At about 50 percent repairmen pop in right next to the tower. Even though they are low level and can be one-shotted by just about any archetype. They seem to automatically get a heal off on the tower even if you kill them.

    The tank did an outstanding job. With a defender he held Recluse off for at least 20 minutes or more, multiple times. While 3 Scrappers, a blaster, a controller and a kin couldn't take the red tower out. As soon as the tower went below 50% the repairmen started popping out and healed it right back up.

    Eventually the flyer respawned and began interfering, though we were lucky and a lot of the time it stayed on the other side of Recluse's statue and did nothing.

    As was said, the only way I can see this happening is maybe with a stormy or fire controller that can use their powers to knock them away. If a repairmen gets anywhere near the tower and just starts the repair animation, the heal on the tower takes effect. They are so close to the tower when they spawn, you can't kill them fast enough.
  18. Aha!

    Somehow I should have known I was at fault.
  19. Did a search and didn't come up with anything like this. Is this a bug or did I do something cause this?

    Last night I teamed with a group of friends and everything was fine. After a while, I decided to change to a different character. I logged off and logged back on with a different character and rejoined the team. Then strange things started to happen. First I could not get on the map with my team, all 7 of them would be on the mission map and I would be alone on a seperate map (same mission though). Or I would get "Unable to load map (805)" errors and be bumped back into the MA lobby when I tried to join them. After going through this a while, I gave up, quit the team, DID NOT rate the arc (I just x'd out the feedback/rating screen that pops up), and logged off. My friends stayed and finished the whole story arc.

    So, this morning I log on to my character, and to my surprise, I'm back in that MA story arc! I had to quit it again!

    The character I tried to log on this morning was the one I had originally joined the team with. I THINK I may have just logged off to switch, not quitting the team. Is it possible this was the problem?
  20. It was a very good raid last night. Good job to all.

    Aaaaand, most importantly, thanks for the Vanguard storage sack!

    Ps. Keep Valor off the parapet, the Pylon in front of the fort really likes to reach out and touch him.