Halos not showing up in tailor
I got caught by this one too. Went to tailor, changed outfit, punched out. NO HALO! Went back to tailor, halo doesn't show up as an option anymore. Halo stayed on another outfit on the same character, one that I didn't modify.
I bugged it, but got nothing but the standard "canned" response back.
If you want to keep your halo, I guess you can't change your outfit now.
Got hit by this too. Caught me unaware because it didn't charge me to change the face/hair (I was using a hood, so the hair didn't change). I made some color changes, hit apply, and didn't even notice until I got back to the character select screen.
At least the winter event is almost here to unlock it again.
Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."
We shouldnt have to work to re earn those Auras they were hard faught for the 1st time!! I'd send them a ticket if I thought they'd respond promptly I understand they're rather besiged at the moment. I really miss my Halo Auras tho. Glad its not just me with the missing Auras. Should we start petition or even bother reporting it? Has it been officially noted by the devils?
Any suggestions?
Im defs in the same side as you, i'm actually kinda upset by it all, I mean all i want are minor changes and losing the halo now isnt exactly an option id like. It almost feels like im missing 2 tailor slots now cause I cant alter it without the loss of my halo. If you petition ill sign it lol

Heard last night from someone that they got their halo at tailor. So I just checked and sure enough, the option is back for my character. So I put my halo back where it belongs. I also noticed the halo stays on the character now when in the tailor UI screen.
To whom it may concern: Thanks for fixing that!
Halos not showing up at the tailor on characters that have them unlocked. If you go to modify an outfit on a character with a halo currently on them the tailor resets the face and hair taking away the halo.
"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.