STF Still Broken?
The bug is still there.
It is possible to overcome it, but it's still quite annoying.
The bug is still there.
It is possible to overcome it, but it's still quite annoying. |
*i'm not sure if speed is the right term, but we went after the main objectives and ignored the riff-raff (basically anything below AV rank that wasn't a required target), relying on splash damage to take out any that followed us. Turns out you can also ignore the Thorns in the vine room and just take out the vines and the tree directly. When it came time to take on the four before Recluse we fought them all at once as well and just focused on each one in turn starting with GW. i'm sure this is old news to some, but it was the first time tackling the STF that way for me even though it's the same basic approach as a speed ITF.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Did a speed STF* the other day and never noticed the bug. Then again, most of the ranged members had rain powers, so it's likely that those interrupted the repairmen without needing to target them.
*i'm not sure if speed is the right term, but we went after the main objectives and ignored the riff-raff (basically anything below AV rank that wasn't a required target), relying on splash damage to take out any that followed us. Turns out you can also ignore the Thorns in the vine room and just take out the vines and the tree directly. When it came time to take on the four before Recluse we fought them all at once as well and just focused on each one in turn starting with GW. i'm sure this is old news to some, but it was the first time tackling the STF that way for me even though it's the same basic approach as a speed ITF. |
Yep, it's certainly still there, I just got off of a failed STF for that very reason.
It seems that unless you either have a location based power to KB the repairmen before they fully materialize such as Bonfire or Earthquake, or have lots of untargeted AOE damage on the location like with multiple rain powers you're going to have severe problems.
The repairmen are firing off their heals BEFORE they become targetable; therefore simply killing them quickly is pointless. Our team wasn't optimal but still we shouldn't have been stopped cold by the inability to get a tower below 50%. We spent 10 straight minutes trying... we'd get the towers to 50%, repairmen would instantly heal to 70%; rinse and repeat.
Oh, there have also been some changes to Lord Recluse, Invincibility (invuln tanker aura) no longer interrupts his Bane summon; a toggle debuff is pretty much mandatory now. LR's also using his end drain attack in melee occasionally now as well.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
Yep, it's certainly still there, I just got off of a failed STF for that very reason.
It seems that unless you either have a location based power to KB the repairmen before they fully materialize such as Bonfire or Earthquake, or have lots of untargeted AOE damage on the location like with multiple rain powers you're going to have severe problems. The repairmen are firing off their heals BEFORE they become targetable; therefore simply killing them quickly is pointless. Our team wasn't optimal but still we shouldn't have been stopped cold by the inability to get a tower below 50%. We spent 10 straight minutes trying... we'd get the towers to 50%, repairmen would instantly heal to 70%; rinse and repeat. Oh, there have also been some changes to Lord Recluse, Invincibility (invuln tanker aura) no longer interrupts his Bane summon; a toggle debuff is pretty much mandatory now. LR's also using his end drain attack in melee occasionally now as well. |
To avoid LR using his -end attack, DO NOT ATTACK him. Simply using Taunt should be enough to hold him by your side, and the less you actually attack him, the less he will attack you.
Call Me Awesome, I think you were the one running it on Guardian that prompted this post. Somebody asked my kin/rad if I wanted on, and I warned them of the bug; they said it was fixed.
Would a bubbler keep them away long enough to target? The repulsion bubble power, I mean.
Guardian server is Life!
Founder and Leader and all around greatest member of the Solo-SG, The Charybdis Clan.

Last 2 STF runs I have done (both within the past few days) we haven't had this issue, and I was keeping an eye on the Repairmen. There didn't seem to be any targeting anomalies during either run (not saying the bug isn't there; clearly it seems to be...we just didn't have an issue either time).
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StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
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Call Me Awesome, I think you were the one running it on Guardian that prompted this post. Somebody asked my kin/rad if I wanted on, and I warned them of the bug; they said it was fixed.
Would a bubbler keep them away long enough to target? The repulsion bubble power, I mean. |
We weren't an ideal team but we shouldn't have run smack into a brick wall like that. I think we had a scrapper, couple of 'trollers, a couple of defs, one a dark (who didn't have darkest night, go figure) & one a storm and two blasters. I was tanking with CMA.
From reports I've gotten from other SG mates they had no issues on their runs but they were running Fire/Rads and using Bonfire on the towers. Maybe if the stormy had used Hurricane? Funny what occurs to you to try long after the team breaks up

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
Our run last night was aggravating to say the least. we resorted to running to oro to pack reds to help spike the towers. towers took so long we racked up alot of merits having to rekill the flier.
It's been a month or so, but the last time I did the STF, I was tanking with my purple-slotted stone/fire tank. In granite and with a dark defender assisting using Darkest Night on Recluse, I died in 2.5 hits. Because I couldn't tank Recluse, we had no chance of even dealing with the weird repairman issues.
But more worriesome is how Recluse tore through my tank that way. Did I do something wrong in the build? The only other enemy that has ever given me trouble was large groups of Cimerorans due to their -defense powers.
It's been a month or so, but the last time I did the STF, I was tanking with my purple-slotted stone/fire tank. In granite and with a dark defender assisting using Darkest Night on Recluse, I died in 2.5 hits. Because I couldn't tank Recluse, we had no chance of even dealing with the weird repairman issues.
But more worriesome is how Recluse tore through my tank that way. Did I do something wrong in the build? The only other enemy that has ever given me trouble was large groups of Cimerorans due to their -defense powers. |
A Dark can do it. Heck, i think a dark tank lead my first successful MoSTF attempt. I've seen Fire Tanks do it. You just need to come prepared, be able to think on your feet, and have a bit of luck.

Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)
Jordan: With the towers up, LR basically has 500% chance to hit and does over 9000 damage. I'm exaggerating, but he's made so that he can even make a granite tank work to survive. The best thing to do is have a buffer of some sort helping you (if it's a kin or dark, make sure you stand near a tower so they can use it to heal you), and pop large orange and purple inspirations until the Red tower is down.
A Dark can do it. Heck, i think a dark tank lead my first successful MoSTF attempt. I've seen Fire Tanks do it. You just need to come prepared, be able to think on your feet, and have a bit of luck. |
One key tip is do not attack him.. just use taunt. The more you attack any enemy, the more the AI is likely to attack you back. If you are just Taunting, you will be attacked less often and it greatly increases your chance of survival.
If you are monitoring you stats, you want your defense > 75%. This will put LR's chance to hit you at 10.5%. His 2 main attacks are smashing/melee and energy/AOE; and sometimes an energy/smashing/ranged.
As someone else already stated, just Taunt. I find it best to stay in melee range with him as well. While I do not have a stone armor tank, I would think Mudpots would be beneficial in case LR gets a pet summon off. I am not sure that Darkest Night ticks quick enough to stop him from summoning.
Just to clarify, it's his buffed state (with towers) that is beyond the caps. Once the Red and Blue towers come down, all his damage, recharge, and tohit bonuses are gone, and most tanks can just stand there without being harmed. While the team is still working on the towers, just pop a couple Purples to help you out and/or pop Eye of Magus if you have it.
One key tip is do not attack him.. just use taunt. The more you attack any enemy, the more the AI is likely to attack you back. If you are just Taunting, you will be attacked less often and it greatly increases your chance of survival. |
On sidenote: it seems that blue tower gives him huge recharge bonus. Without blue tower, LR rarely has a chance to summon more than 1 set of his pets, on another hand, with blue tower, he can summon 2-4 sets very quickly before he is taken down.
Lord Recluse Strategy:
Red - Status Effect Bonus(Knockback, Disorient), +105% DMG(Smashing, Lethal, Energy), +105% Res(Smashing, Lethal, Energy) (hardcapped at 100%)
Orange - +200% DEF(All) (hardcapped at 175%), +17.7 Protection(Hold, Immobilize, Disorient)
Green - Healing, +MaxHP (hardcapped at 150% or 46015.73 hp), +2000% Regen
Blue - +30% ToHit, +1000% Recharge (hardcapped at 400%), +200% Run Speed
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It seems that his to-hit as well as defense bonuses are coming from yellow tower. Lately, when we are running regular STF, we are leaving red and blue towers and taking down yellow and green. If we are running speed MoSTF we are taking down red, yellow and green, leaving blue.
On sidenote: it seems that blue tower gives him huge recharge bonus. Without blue tower, LR rarely has a chance to summon more than 1 set of his pets, on another hand, with blue tower, he can summon 2-4 sets very quickly before he is taken down. |
And as Aggelakis pointed out, there is no yellow tower. It's bright ORANGE, and stands mostly for his defense buff. It's a common mistake for people to think it's yellow and associate it with tohit/accuracy.. but that's not the case.
You're right though, some people do skip the Red tower because it isn't regarded as necessary for defeating LR. People also mistake Blue as being Recovery, but the tower isn't really needed either. Taking them down benefits your Tank's survivability, which is why teams using that method usually take them out first.
By the time those 2 are down, LR is a little baby and anybody can tank him with ease... but then you still take out the other 2 towers because even though he's not threatening.. he's not threatened by you either at that point. haha.
Oh, the repairman issue is very real. Just did an unsuccessful STF on Virtue, and we could not kill the red tower. At about 50 percent repairmen pop in right next to the tower. Even though they are low level and can be one-shotted by just about any archetype. They seem to automatically get a heal off on the tower even if you kill them.
The tank did an outstanding job. With a defender he held Recluse off for at least 20 minutes or more, multiple times. While 3 Scrappers, a blaster, a controller and a kin couldn't take the red tower out. As soon as the tower went below 50% the repairmen started popping out and healed it right back up.
Eventually the flyer respawned and began interfering, though we were lucky and a lot of the time it stayed on the other side of Recluse's statue and did nothing.
As was said, the only way I can see this happening is maybe with a stormy or fire controller that can use their powers to knock them away. If a repairmen gets anywhere near the tower and just starts the repair animation, the heal on the tower takes effect. They are so close to the tower when they spawn, you can't kill them fast enough.
Hi all,
We just managed a successful STF of Liberty Saturday (I think it was Saturday, it's been a long weekend). The repairmen were definitely healing immediately on spawn with almost no chance to interrupt them.
One thing I did notice during the tower pounding marathon was that we were actually able to make good progress when our Grav troller put his singularity right on the tower that we were attacking at the time. Every time the singularity was gone progress went mostly backwards.
I am thinking this is because the singularity was killing them AS it was knocking them back, immediately as they spawned.
The idea was brought up to use force bubble (we were fortunate enough to have a bubbler also), but our empathy defender brought up a good point. If we missed killing any of the repairmen that the bubble harmlessly knocked back they would rebuild the fallen tower when we left to take out the next tower.
The towers still took a while due to the flyer interfering and the Gravity troller biting the dust a few times but we got through it and squashed Recluse shortly after.
Anyway, my 2 cents on the thread. Hope this might help someone 'till they fix this.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Yes, I was going to point that out, that it seems to be a more general issue with newly spawned enemies.
I always have the feeling that Rikti in an invasion battle are dead from pets or area effects before I can even target them.
To this end, I have found popping Shivans for the towers to be even more helpful than usual lately, as they pretty reliably trash the repairmen before they heal, even with the current targeting issues. Typical strategies of spamming location-based AoEs (rains, bonfire) or using repel effects (force bubble, tornado, hurricane) on the towers still work well also, though you need to keep an eye out and make sure you kill any repairmen that get flung off before they have a chance to wander off and rez another tower.
Rule number six of an empathy defender is NEVER underestimate a blaster's ability to die. I don't care if he has CM, Fort, both RAs, bubbles (both FF and Sonic), and is fighting next to a Storm defender with hurricane on. If there is a way to die in that situation, the blaster will find it.
Last I heard the repairmen were able to heal the towers before you could target them. I've been wanting to do an STF for a few weeks now, but have been avoiding it because of the aforementioned bug. Has it been fixed yet or is it still active?
Guardian server is Life!
Founder and Leader and all around greatest member of the Solo-SG, The Charybdis Clan.