Issue 20 info is up!

Adeon Hawkwood



I've got to say the WoWification of the game is pretty ****, what I liked so much about City of Heroes is that teaming was optional, you could log in and do an arc or two and progress your character even if you were in a bad mood and didn't feel like teaming.

But the Dev's have decided to copy other MMO's and introduce 'weeklies' into the game, I'm surprised they didn't go whole hog and stick 'daylies' in as well.

Oh they should totally add rep grinds in as well, everyone loves those.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

To avoid "having the last word," as it were, I do intend to see what you have to respond, if you choose to do so, but this is the last we'll ever say to each other. I'm done arguing with you for good.
But you two make such a pretty couple



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post

But the Dev's have decided to copy other MMO's and introduce 'weeklies' into the game, I'm surprised they didn't go whole hog and stick 'daylies' in as well.
I consider A-merits the 'Daylies'



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
I consider A-merits the 'Daylies'
Oh... **** ...

The battle's lost already, need to convert my SG base into an underground bunker before Issue 20.5 introduces Arachnos, Freedom Phlanax, Longbow etc Reputation bars.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Oh... **** ...

The battle's lost already, need to convert my SG base into an underground bunker before Issue 20.5 introduces Arachnos, Freedom Phlanax, Longbow etc Reputation bars.
I've been calling those daily quests ever since they came out.

More to point, the way Praetoria is geared, I wouldn't be surprised if we did in fact get reputation bars with either the Loyalists or the Resistance. That might open up more options for, say, being allied to the Syndicate.

Or, more specifically, you already have a reputation bar for being a hero, villain, rogue or vigilante

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
need to convert my SG base into an underground bunker before Issue 20.5 introduces Arachnos, Freedom Phlanax, Longbow etc Reputation bars.
Do they all drink that much at reputable bars??

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by High_Jinks View Post
Don't wanna' cry doom, but the absence of new costume sets worries me. Hope we won't be paying for them in booster packs from now on.
This is a valid complaint until it is shown otherwise.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Do they all drink that much at reputable bars??
Some of them do although I'm pretty sure Back Alley Brawler trolls the seedy bars waiting for someone to pick a fight with him.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I'm not hounding you, you're telling me how it hurts you when people challenge your ideas. But you don't have any problem putting yourself out there. You're complaining about something unfairly, and you should be able to accept when you're challenged on your ideas. The fact is that all you people playing an MMORPG and then complaining when the devs create content for teams are being wholly unreasonable.

This isn't a single player game played on a shared server. The devs have to create content for teams because GUESS WHAT, some people enjoy playing in teams. All this complaining about a very content rich issue is silly. Some issues don't have anything for soloists. A WHOLE FRIKKEN EXPANSION had one recycled trial for groups and you people are here whining when the content that should have been in the expansion is just now coming.
We have no evidence pointing either way that it is a content rich, or poor issue. But we are allowed to toss in our 2 cents.

I think it is very mediocre in terms of content offered because it is forming the backbone of end game from my point of view. But that means that Issue 21, or Issue 20.5 (possible) need to offer more content.



Well until issue 20 actually goes live I think it is a bit early to say "There is no solo content at all."

Granted it sort of looks that way now, but the devs have thrown in surprises before.

Just saying it's still a bit early to start screaming.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
I didn't read the whole thread, but do any people think that the i20 image is a bit odd? Any chance customizable travel powers might be waiting in the wings with the fly-poses featured? Otherwise, that image makes for terrible preview material.
What strikes me odd about it is that not one of those characters looks like what I expect from a superhero or supervillain.

But then the promotional material for this game, in respect to player characters, has been like that for some time.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



*pulls curtain over Samuel Tow/Zombie Man forum smackdown*

So! Anyone else excited about Issue 20?!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Nice straw man there. "You people" keep twisting my words. I've never complained about the developers creating team content. I understand the need, I understand the desire. I'm not complaining that there are Trials and TFs in I20. That's natural. I'm complaining that there isn't anything else.
The hell you didn't. You've done so directly. You've written multiple pages about how grouping kills your concept of the character.

To avoid "having the last word," as it were, I do intend to see what you have to respond, if you choose to do so, but this is the last we'll ever say to each other. I'm done arguing with you for good.
So be it. Know that I will continue to respond to your nonsense.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Oldeb View Post
This a thousand times over. Is there really nobody else in the entire multiverse? I swear Marcus "Marty Stu" Cole has only gotten worse since Jack left.

Statesman Prime: Greatest Modern Hero in the multiverse

Imperious* "Statesman Past": Greatest Ancient Hero in the multiverse

Reichsman: Worst Nazi in the multiverse

Praetorian Cole/Tyrant: Worst Dictator in the multiverse

My biggest hope now is i21: Rularuu Eats Marcus Cole (All of Them)
Issue 21: Rularuu IS Marcus Cole! So add "Worst Cosmic Horror" to your list...

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
You know what's worn me out? Your inability to let one-posts be, so the people who made them have no reason to keep defending their right to have an opinion. Just a thought.
You've been complaining non-stop since Issue 19 about how the game is being destroyed for you and when people have tried to argue with you, you get pissy and complain that it's causing you physical illness.

I'm not with it. You're basically trolling the forums at this point.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Let me say that if there is an Issue 20.5 there are disadvantages, and advantages to this approach:

On one hand you allow the player base to absorb the content slowly while ensuring the remaining content is stable to be released soon after and acts as a bridge for the next issue between the dry spells. The drawback is that a lot of the meat of issues don't launch initially which leaves a bad initial impression on some subscribers.



Originally Posted by Peregrine_Falcon View Post
So in a thread that's about Issue 20 it's not appropriate for a person to discuss what they'd really like to see in Issue 20?

Like I said, I almost never solo, but I am in complete agreement with Samuel on this one. His posts are about what he wants to see in Issue 20 and/or future issues. Your posts are whining cause you don't like the content of his posts.

Now tell me whose posts' are more 'on topic'.
Zombie's because we've been hearing the BS for weeks. We get it, folks want the whole game to be a soloist's paradise. Never mind that it already is.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



For me, the two things that are intriguing me for i20 is the new Wisp aura, for using the NC Launcher, and incarnate shards when exemplared.

I quit that other big MMO because I found raiding no fun. (Heroic Instances, yes. They were quite enjoyable, and you only needed five people, and you had a system that let you join a random group quickly and get bonuses for it, that worked from levels 10-max)

The raiding though? Just burned me out. It just wasn't enjoyable, and was too much effort for a negative enjoyment factor.

Today, I enjoyed the banter in the Lambda Sector Raid. The content, I didn't enjoy. Golden Girl said it was supposed to be challenging, and that's fair enough. I just didn't find the challenge fun.

I'm reminded of a raid I was on. We finally got past a boss that had been a thorn in our side for a long time, and I didn't feel elated, or overjoyed that we did it. I just felt tired, and thought 'Jeez, thank hell that's over, I'm going to log out and do something enjoyable.'

That's the kind of feeling I got today.

"Oh, we failed? Yay, I can log out. Oh, wait, I can talk to the devs for a little longer. That's something."

I'm glad that people who wanted level 50 content are getting it (and I just hope that means that the turn of the RPer content will be coming soon, with QoL updates to emotes, the city, venues and so forth to make the game world a little more enjoyable to be in, and super group base updates to make building less of a pain and with better items to place) but it's just not for me, and I can live with that. It just makes me a little sad for the game I started playing because it didn't have this endgame stuff that bored me to tears and made me gnash my teeth.

And finally:

The i19 story arcs? I wouldn't call that solo content.

You can do the arc solo. You can do it with a friend. You can do it as a menage a trois or a foursome or a pentad, or even a hex crew or a septadude of peeps or an octogang. And the enemies grow in difficulty the more of you there are.

That's something to work on and build towards in my mind. Something that isn't 'Requires X people or Bust'. It's content for all, no matter how little or large that all may be.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Zombie's because we've been hearing the BS for weeks. We get it, folks want the whole game to be a soloist's paradise. Never mind that it already is.
Badge hunting, costumes, new IO sets, and power proliferation are enjoyed by all.



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
Badge hunting, costumes, new IO sets, and power proliferation are enjoyed by all.
Personally, I think badge hunting is one of the most useless things in this game. I don't feel the need to complain when they add new badges however.

I don't really care about new costumes at this point either. There's already more there than I can use.

Of course I love the last two, but I'm not going to take a whiz on the whole issue just because it isn't everything I wish it could be.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Yes, very - it makes my T-shirt bumpy
Invest in an iron?



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Personally, I think badge hunting is one of the most useless things in this game. I don't feel the need to complain when they add new badges however.

I don't really care about new costumes at this point either. There's already more there than I can use.

Of course I love the last two, but I'm not going to take a whiz on the whole issue just because it isn't everything I wish it could be.
Badge hunting is probably very popular in this game, and most likely what inspired an achievement system in that other MMORPG. Badge hunters outnumber role players, PVPers, end game raiders, and soloists combined lol.

They are a very major group of this game even though they are very quiet. But if you stir the hornets nest...badge hunters can be nasty...especially if you kills them in a PVP zone. o.O



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
You know, there's one last thing I want to say before I go to bed to nurse my headache, and please don't take this as a criticism for the game, because it isn't (for a change).

The more I hear about the Incarnate system, the less I actually want to take part in it. I realise it sounds like a good thing, but consider that not wanting to take part in a system is still better than wanting to, but being unable. The Incarnate system has very little content, and this does not look like it'll be changing. Sure, we went from 2 TFs to 2 TFs and 2 Trials, but that's not all that much.

Furthermore, and much more importantly, the Incarnate system looks like it'll be all TFs and Trials and Raids. There is officially no point in shooting for Incarnate powers if you don't want to do TFs and Trials and Raids, since that's all you have to use them on, and said powers are redundant anyway, not to mention probably disabled in normal content, from what I hear.

All that adds up to a system that you'll really only ever want to play if you actually like the system, as the only benefits it provides loop back into the same system and seem to affect little else. On the plus side, it isn't gating anything I want with tasks I don't want to perform. On the other hand, it's shaping up to be a massive part of the game that I see no reason to like, personally speaking.

I'm willing to delude myself into thinking that I20 is the I7 of Incarnates, where they will be getting a large chunk of that content out of the way and focusing on that primarily, and that subsequent Issues will have a greater variety of new additions (greater than 4 TFs, but I digress). It's ever so slightly disconcerting to be looking to I21 before I20 has even rolled out, but at least I can kind of squint and keep looking forward for it for the time being.

Let's just say that I21 will be the one to prove me wrong and shut me up once and for all and just patiently wait for that. Now if that one turns out like this...
Y'know, I think this sums up my feelings on it rather well.

I am waiting to see what happens "after" all this. I've suggested - since this is "going beyond" the 1-50 limit of power - that the small team/solo content be put somewhere else that's been neglected and where it'd be fully appropriate - the Shadow Shard. What better than using "godlike" power against an insane god?

I'm just "eh" about this system feeding into itself. It's a treadmill I've avoided other games because of. Just wait for them to get it out of their systems.



One thing that I've found kinda neat from Other Games is the concept of episodic content. Even with huge gaps, it creates a routine pace of new stuff. Even without the 'new stuff' gimmicks that other games use, I think something similar would be great, just to have new stories.

Let's Dance!