Discussion: Animal Pack In Game Giveaway!




My only disappontment was not being able to stick around long enough to get a gold title. Still it was fun to see all the folks turn out for this, and for the most part, everyone seemed to be in a happy, joking mood.

Can't wait to be able to snare one of these for myself on Wednesday!

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



I was disappointed they didn't go to the second instance on Protector but some people need to get a grip. It was a special treat they didn't have to do and no one was entitled to get anything.



Originally Posted by Crazy1van View Post

I think they did not anticipate the sheer num,ber of folks that would turn out for the animal pack. The party pack didn't do nearly so well, and for years the devs were stating the party line that they weren't going support turning this into City of Furries.

So now they know just HOW interested players are in the animal pack. As a give-away, it was a victim of poor planning; true. But as a marketing ploy, I think it demonstrated that we the players WANT these kind of boosters. And to me, this makes our efforts to attend a worthwhile endeavor.
Agreed. I think the number of people showing up caught them off guard. It may, however, push the idea of a second Animal booster higher up the list of potential boosters for the future.

I was one of the lucky winners on Freedom (Hurii in Pocket D1). Needless to say, I'm happy. My second account will just have to wait for the pack to go on sale before I can upgrade it.

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I'm not upset that they didn't go to Pocket D 2 in Pinnacle. I'm upset that they went to Pocket D 2 (or 3 or 4 in some cases, I heard they made an appearance in PD4 on Freedom even without any codes) on some servers but not others. If all servers were treated fairly, that's one thing. But when they showed up everywhere on one server, and not on another, that's just not fair. And to have a group of people standing around waiting and nothing happening. No word, nothing whatsoever for a full half hour, that's not fun. Especially if you use your Pocket D teleporter and might not even realize you're not in Pocket D 1.



Originally Posted by Hy-Beams View Post
I was disappointed they didn't go to the second instance on Protector but some people need to get a grip. It was a special treat they didn't have to do and no one was entitled to get anything.
So...its okay that they gave out 10 codes on Freedom, 5 on Justice, visiting all the instances there (Freedom had 5), but yet they shafted 5 servers, only going to 1 instance, and Virtue got completely shafted from what I keep hearing.

No, they didn't have to do this, but they could have planned/run it a lot better.

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Originally Posted by Ael Rhiana View Post
Virtue got completely shafted from what I keep hearing..
I don't think Virtue was completely shafted. I'd heard some people saying that folks that were AFK got the code, and I think someone else posted in this thread that they were on Virtue and got the code. But Virtue did have 7 Pocket Ds, and Avatea did show up in all of them, and apologized for not having enough codes.



Hey all,

First off, I want to start by thanking everyone for coming out to the event yesterday. Your support for these in game shin-digs help make them a fun and exciting time for everyone who participates, us included.

So in reading this, it appears that some folks didn't have as positive of an experience as others did. Regardless of the reason for this, I sincerely apologize if anything we did caused you to not enjoy yourself. The purpose of these events is to bring the Community together and for everyone to enjoy themselves, and when a good time isn't the result, it's not a good thing. So, my apologies.

To give you some insight as to why things happened the way they did: Unfortunately we had some last minute forum maintenance that sprang up late afternoon on Friday. This maintenance was absolutely necessary as it was part of a software upgrade applied organization wide. The timing of this sadly coincided with the Live Events happening on the North American servers, which resulted in us having to divide our resources between managing the Live Event and the forum maintenance. We definitely tried our best to provide the same experience to everyone who participated, unfortunately it seems as if some folks were left feeling unattended to. Again, this is something we sincerely apologize for.

Moving forward, we will be certain to request additional codes (or whatever prize or giveaway item it may be) to account for more people than expected, and we'll make an effort at least touch (no not that kind of touch...I'm looking at you Virtue) everyone we possibly can, even if that just means popping in and waving "hello".

Again, I just want to thank you all for your continuing to come out and party with us at these in game events, both on the Live Servers and the Test Servers. Your enthusiasm continues to make CoH the place to be!

- Z

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Hm. While I am still displeased at my lack of freestuff...

I appreciate your response on the matter, while being a bit late you still came through to us with information. I was seriously considering just ignoring these sorts of events from now on but your response and what looks looks to be an honest to hami attempt to improve upon the experience and learn from mistakes...

Well. I know it's not easy to do this kind of stuff. And the explanation(Trying to run an event while also doing your job) made sense. AND you've presented your plan for making the next one better and working on fixing the problems we feel popped up this time. So... sweet. Communication is important and I'm used to getting the standard vague and automated responses that something that looks like it took real human effort stands out.

It remains to be seen if you guys can improve the (perceived or not)quality of events. But I'll give it another try.

Thank you very much, I look forward to having you around



Heh. Zwillinger ist kredit to team!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Moving forward, we will be certain to request additional codes (or whatever prize or giveaway item it may be) to account for more people than expected, and we'll make an effort at least touch (no not that kind of touch...I'm looking at you Virtue) everyone we possibly can, even if that just means popping in and waving "hello".
What about the people in instances 2 and + (not including Freedom and Virtue) that never got even a hello! Like Pinnacle!

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I attended two different events: Triumph and Virtue. It was sort of fun. Best part was one player ALREADY sporting a few beast parts thanks to a twitter code win.

But once I saw that pocket D on triumph was filled to capacity and there was a D2, figured, yeah, don't expect free stuff.

May be better to say that the costume packs will be given away *randomly* in the future, not outline any costume them contest. Because the costumes that won didn't really fit the theme at all in some cases. Player run costume contests, themed or not, with everyone lined up and judges coming down the line and narrowing it down to semi-finalists convey much better and longer consideration than I think you all can on a whirlwind tour of 40+ different zones in a few hours. At least there you can get a good idea as a participant to the tastes of the judges. Where as these in game swag gatherings are much more akin to a t-shirt toss.

Cool and all. But probably better not to advertise it as a costume contest!

Regardless, was neat to see enthusiasm so high that virtue had 7+ pocket D's running. Also was neat to see a few folks on live with the costume bits early. Love some aspects of this pack and looking forward to getting it myself next week.



Originally Posted by Sukothai View Post
What about the people in instances 2 and + (not including Freedom and Virtue) that never got even a hello! Like Pinnacle!
Did you actually read what you quoted? Zwill said that, because of those instances of Pocket D that didn't get a hello. Saying "In the future, we're going to try and not let that happen again".



Originally Posted by Ael Rhiana View Post
It was bad enough that the OP read like a costume contest, which was random...that kinda upset a few people who had worked hard on costumes for this "party."
That's one of my biggest complaints. The OP was worded poorly and caused quite a bit of confusion.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
So in reading this, it appears that some folks didn't have as positive of an experience as others did. Regardless of the reason for this, I sincerely apologize if anything we did caused you to not enjoy yourself. The purpose of these events is to bring the Community together and for everyone to enjoy themselves, and when a good time isn't the result, it's not a good thing. So, my apologies.
Nice to hear. Communication is great, and lack of it is a big reason this event was so frustrating.

But honestly, the only way to make it up to us is to release the Animal pack today, instead.

What? Too obvious?

Okay. On a more serious note, for feedback purposes, let me give you my personal impression of the evening. My boyfriend and I mostly play on 4 main servers -- Triumph (my main), Freedom, Victory, and Virtue (my b-friend's main), and we attended events on three of those. For the most part, the evening felt like a lot of "hurry up and wait." The way the event worked, the party was over within minutes of the devs showing up. Given how so many of us built costumes specifically for this event, it felt like getting all dressed up for a party which ended the moment the host arrived and served drinks.

Freedom: We attended the Freedom event first, and it was mega-crowded, but the atmosphere was exciting enough. I apparently was in PD3. Saw the general message about the giveaway right on schedule, everything server-wide looked good. Didn't get a code, but it was interesting watching the catgirls and cows interact. I did note that the Dev confirmed PD4 would only get one code (she said she was saving one for them). But overall, I didn't have any problems.

Triumph: After Freedom, I went over to Triumph almost 30 minutes early to get a spot in PD1. It got crowded quicker than I expected, and instead of the witty banter I noticed in Freedom, here there was almost an adversarial tone to broadcast, as a few Freedom-ites "graced us" with their presense and insisted on telling us all how horrible Triumph is compared to Freedom. As the time for the event to start came and went, the crowd got more restless, and the anti-Triumph insults came faster, along with several rumors that Triumph had been skipped due to so many codes being given away on Freedom. The official message finally came, and Av (or Bea) quickly came and went, and before you knew it, I realized I'd been standing in the D for almost an hour, just huddled around DJ Zero, doing nothing but waiting and getting frustrated at other players. Going to the second party was where it stopped being fun, and once I realized that I logged from the game completely, planning to skip them the rest of the night.

Virtue: As luck (?) would have it, I found myself free almost exactly when the Virtue event was starting. I logged on and grabbed a toon that already had a safari costume (at the time, I thought that mattered) and headed to the D. There was a huge crowd outside the Kings Row door to the D. I ended up in the the 5th or so instance, and was told when I arrived that all the codes had been given away upstream. I personally wasn't as frustrated this time as I hadn't been waiting for hours, but I heard several other folks who had dedicated the entire evening to this event. Glad I didn't do that.

Overall, each event I attended seemed to come with greater and greater levels of frustration from the crowd. The general announcements came later and later, and rumors took over in lieu of any official dev communication. The event almost entirely depended on player-driven communications to figure out where the Devs were and how the event would be run. More communication, including a more clearly worded original post, as well as more clear in-game communication, would have made a big difference. It would also help to get the players events committees involved so there's more to do, to make the parties more exciting than "wait around for Av or Bea, then leave."

Given what I know now, I don't think I'll come to another event like this. I found the waiting for almost no chance at a code much more frustrating than fun. Hopefully, however, there won't be another event like this; hopefully, they will learn from this so the Steampunk booster giveaway goes much more smoothly.

But back to my first point -- a great way to say "we're sorry," would be to release the Animal pack two days early. Right?




Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Hey all,

First off, I want to start by thanking everyone for coming out to the event yesterday. Your support for these in game shin-digs help make them a fun and exciting time for everyone who participates, us included.

[Snip of the rest for length]

- Z
I just want to say I really appreciate this response. A number of things went wrong with the Giveaway, some predictable, some not.

Twitter spazzed out for some and didn't post the image comment for 3 hours, the forums had to be offlined and there just wasn't the manpower or codes to go into all the instances of the D that existed. Facebook was the only one that seemed to actually go off without a hitch.

It is nice to see a fairly rapid response from the powers that be on the matter and a statement they will try to "do better" next time.

Speaking directly to the Live Server events, those things are always a a large "problem" since instances grow fast when a redname of any sort is going to be there, much less giving something with value away. I remember one of the earliest Live Server Dev visits. On Virtue 5 or 6 Pocket Ds sprang up well before the event started and they grew to 10+ once the event time hit. The Devs never visited outside of "D Prime" and a lot of people were extremely disappointed no effort was made to visit all the instances. I know that one event soured some people on Live Events in general and Dev Events in particular (several friends refused to participate in the "Wedding Event" on test because of that one incident). While not as crazy on the numbers this time, this event has a similar feel to that one, loads of instances, only a few visited and given preference in the giveaway of an extremely limited number of vauled items has made some people feel utterly devoid of any joy in the event.

That needed to be addressed, and seeing it get a fairly rapid one does my heart good. It is too bad that some poeple who were disappointed in this won't see the comment because they rarely, if ever, visit the forums.



I logged in, was in a Pocket D, and swiftly left. I was expected to be on my static team. As luck always has it for me, I decided not to attend the costume giveaway since I know I would not get the prize.
I'll get it on Wednesday from the NC Store. I'm guaranteed to get a code then.

ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker



All in all I think the event went pretty well. Yea, there were a couple of bumps, but you know what? It happens. You can't predict everything and there's only so much you can do with the resources you have and the limitations upper management places on you. You're never going to please everyone all of the time - that's a fact of life. You guys made a lot of people happy and I think the overall reception to the event was pretty positive. My only gripe was the Twitter post in that for a lot of people it didn't show up if they weren't logged in. Though, there were people who weren't logged in who saw it anyways - so I'll consider that more of an issue on Twitter's side :-P

Anywho, just one player's opinion on the event. I liked it. I thought it was nice of you guys to give free stuff. And I thought it was in good taste that you guys acknowledged the issues and responded to it.

Can't wait for the next event! (More costume codes please!)

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
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I truly appreciate the response from Zwil! I was in PD2 on Triumph at the designated time, and there were about 15-20 others there also. We waited, talked and waited some more. No dev showed up, but about 3 out of the crowd sported the 'animal instinct' yellow title above their heads after about a half an hour. Slowly, the crowd dwindled down to me alone. I would have liked to just get the title for showing up, even if I didn't get the pack code. Zwill's post was thoughtful, and helped me understand what happened.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



First off, I'm liking the avatar. Not sure what that is from, but that's the best cupcake I've ever seen!

Also, nice feedback. I just wanted to comment about what you said about the feel of the "party" and such (and this isn't counter to anything you've said or anything like that).
The problem your feedback basically centered on (understandably) is that these types of events aren't really a party (not unless the community really comes together and makes it such, without the Devs or CR team). They're just a lot of people logging on in hopes to get one of the very few free codes being handed out.

With so many people turning up, and it not being a costume contest, it was more like a crowd of beggars running up to a visitor, hoping to get what they have. *Note, I'm not equating players showing up to get the Free Code to beggars in a negative light (nor am I putting any of this on the same level as the reality of needing to beg for food/money)... Haha... This post is more disclaimers than content.

So, yeah... the party aspect is lost and it feels more like a bunch of ducks and geese gathering around a person with a few pieces of bread.
Once the person is out of bread and takes off, they all waddle and fly over to the next bread-holder (server).

So, I suppose, if we want it to be different...
Either it should be done in contest form (they've done it in the past, but not with these numbers, I don't think).
Don't do it at all.
Or we, the players, have to take the opportunity to shape it into a true community event and have our own party that will be visited by the team, giving out their codes and all.

Anyways, just thoughts that sprang to mind from reading other people's thoughts.
Not a big deal, either way!

I should mention that there were indeed some people who were making it a community event and handing out their own prizes and doing their part towards making it a fun time for all.
So, yeah, I'm not saying the community was completely devoid of community, hehe.
These types of events just lose the fun when the focus is on the very few prizes, compared to the collective whole of those who turn up.
But what can ya do!

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Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
First off, I'm liking the avatar. Not sure what that is from, but that's the best cupcake I've ever seen!
Aw, evil cupcake thanks you ;-)

Also, nice feedback. I just wanted to comment about what you said about the feel of the "party" and such (and this isn't counter to anything you've said or anything like that).
The problem your feedback basically centered on (understandably) is that these types of events aren't really a party (not unless the community really comes together and makes it such, without the Devs or CR team). They're just a lot of people logging on in hopes to get one of the very few free codes being handed out.
I clipped a lot, but I enjoyed your whole post (especially the analogy of ducks hungry for a few scraps of bread).

I do get that there's not a lot the Devs could do given the constant demand for their attention. While I think they might should have enlisted player help in organizing this so it felt more like a party instead of beggars waiting for scraps, I have to recognize that even a community-organized party would be mega-complicated when you're looking at 5+ instances of Pocket D on some servers. I had guessed that on busy servers people might form their own parties in lieu of any official events, but I didn't see much of it in the three instances I was in.

Of the three servers I attended, the ones with server populations large enough that Pocket D is already a regular hang-out were the ones that came closest to feeling like a party instead of just a group of people waiting for scraps. But besides a few more cows and cats than usual, that felt less like it had to do with this particular "party" and more to do with it being a server where Pocket D is always a party.

But my biggest problem with trying to write this off as a giveaway rather than a party is right there in the OP (emphasis mine):
Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
On Friday, February 18th, we will be paying a visit to every single City of Heroes live server and handing out codes for the anxiously anticipated Animal Pack coming out February 23rd! As usual, the party's in Pocket D under the watchful and playful eye of DJ Zero!


Back to the in-game Party! Here is a list of the festivities so you know what time to expect us!


Come join in the fun and show us your inner (and outer) Party Animal!
Granted, I can understand how the OP was intended for "party" to be read in a more figurative rather than literal way. But if they didn't want me to be disappointed that their party wasn't much of a "party," then they shouldn't have used the word "party" so often in their original description.

Regardless, I still mega-excited about this pack. Whatever I might have thought about the non-contests at the non-party, I'm very much looking forward to this booster. I just wish we had it in our virtual mitten-hands already!




Originally Posted by bjooks View Post
Aw, evil cupcake thanks you ;-)
I just refer to it as a "Cthupcake".

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Well I showed up to the Freedom instances ( i say instances because i kept lagging bad and getting booted.) So i went from PD2 to PD3 to PD4, and eventually ended in PD5. I was in PD5 when the devs finally showed up. I have to admit that PD5 was more like people waiting for free stuff, than having fun, but the other three were actually fun. PD2 we actually had a point where Trollbruski (not sure if that's spelled right) and I had the jackhammers going and 'digging' a hole for another player. (looked funnier than it sounds being my toon (Shondowakai) is a 'Wolfey' toon. (dogs and their digging holes). All in all i have to say that it was fun, and some of the chat was.......interesting, being the word that comes to mind. I greatly appreciated the Dev's doing this, even if there was problems with advertising it and the actual implementation of the event. But Zwil's appearance here admiting they made mistakes and are willing to fix them for next time goes as far to show me why i love this game and continue to offer my patronage. But now i must go, Tomorrow the pack is released, must prepare!!!!!!!!!