Don't cater to FUD and DOOM




The title really says it all.

I have grown increasingly tired of the FUD that players who fear any change bring to the forums as well as the DOOM criers, who, after many years of success for this game, have apparently ALWAYS been dead wrong.

Yeah, I know I might as well be trying to stop a hurricane with tissue paper, but sometimes, I just get fed up with it.

Here we are, when the game has never had more ways to play, more things to do and more ways to them and all the Negative Nancy's can do is attempt to find fault with something.

It's sickening. It's one of the reasons that I am often embarrassed to call myself a gamer, lest I be thrown in with people that think it's a good idea to gather the pitchforks because a digit in the game got change from 2 to 1.5 and that the only appropriate response is to set themselves and everyone they can touch on fire.

Is every process in the game perfect? Of course not, because that is not possible, as the definition of perfect lies with each person differently for a fun pastime. Is it plenty fun enough to keep enough subscribers to be profitable? Apparently so, even when I recall posts determined to convince everyone the game would not be here for another month, pretty much from the beginning.

Now, constructive criticism is a needed form of feedback and there are plenty of posters who give great feedback.

But, this incessant need to degrade the work of the people pouring their hearts into this game is really unnecessary, immature and rude. I for one am simply sick of seeing it and post this to show current and future players that the Negative Nancy's are not only WRONG but are a small minority of the games population.

So, even thought there are those that will attack me, my post and possibly my heritage, I say to the Haters, you are WRONG. You have always been WRONG. The game is still here, still profitable, still moving in a positive direction.

If you don't like the game anymore, or never did, and yet you still play and or post your hate on the forums, the jokes on you. If you don't realize that, it just makes it all the more amusing.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45






Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
No, FUD, apparently.

Whatever that is.

Frequent-User Dungeon?

Funky Underwear Drawer?

First Unique Dragon?

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



And now, a song.

Speakers of the FUD
Speakers of the FUD
They want to chill your blood
"Your game is just a dud."
You were happy until when
You heard the FUD and then...
Speakers of the FUD

They have come to bring the DOOM
In your brain it soon will bloom
If you play some other game
It's just more of the same
And you may not know it now
But it all comes back to WoW
Come to bring the DOOM



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Fear. Uncertainty. Doubt. :,_u...inty_and_doubt

The term has been around for... well... decades really. It's only grown in prominence over deliberate disinformation in the computer hardware and software markets. Cases in point. Microsoft DOS versus DR DOS and the Microsoft backed SCO lawsuits.

As to the original post: MajorPrankster, I congratulate you for having the guts to post that. Be prepared to start flagging lots of posts for moderation deletion as those haters and trolls start sniping you with single line posts and declaring that you are automatically wrong, or that you are usually wrong.



Heh, felt appropriate somehow.
But yeah, agreed with the OP. I admit I do kvetch about certain things, but they are things that should be easily fixable, or things that have been broken for an inordinate ammount of time (glitched emotes, etc) rather than 'ZOMG game does not play way I want RAAAAGE!'

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
The title really says it all.

I have grown increasingly tired of the FUD that players who fear any change bring to the forums as well as the DOOM criers, who, after many years of success for this game, have apparently ALWAYS been dead wrong.

Yeah, I know I might as well be trying to stop a hurricane with tissue paper, but sometimes, I just get fed up with it.

Here we are, when the game has never had more ways to play, more things to do and more ways to them and all the Negative Nancy's can do is attempt to find fault with something.

It's sickening. It's one of the reasons that I am often embarrassed to call myself a gamer, lest I be thrown in with people that think it's a good idea to gather the pitchforks because a digit in the game got change from 2 to 1.5 and that the only appropriate response is to set themselves and everyone they can touch on fire.

Is every process in the game perfect? Of course not, because that is not possible, as the definition of perfect lies with each person differently for a fun pastime. Is it plenty fun enough to keep enough subscribers to be profitable? Apparently so, even when I recall posts determined to convince everyone the game would not be here for another month, pretty much from the beginning.

Now, constructive criticism is a needed form of feedback and there are plenty of posters who give great feedback.

But, this incessant need to degrade the work of the people pouring their hearts into this game is really unnecessary, immature and rude. I for one am simply sick of seeing it and post this to show current and future players that the Negative Nancy's are not only WRONG but are a small minority of the games population.

So, even thought there are those that will attack me, my post and possibly my heritage, I say to the Haters, you are WRONG. You have always been WRONG. The game is still here, still profitable, still moving in a positive direction.

If you don't like the game anymore, or never did, and yet you still play and or post your hate on the forums, the jokes on you. If you don't realize that, it just makes it all the more amusing.
What exactly are you talking about?

What complaining? The PvP state? Seriously be a little more specific or its just a I love everything about this game and nothing could be changed to make it better thread and throws you solidly into the Apologist camp.

If it is PvP - it is a complete hot mess. Try walking into the zone and realize NONE of your powers affect you or the ones you fight like they do as soon as you walk out of the zone. The state of PvP is zero - there basically is none and if you think those who criticize people who were responsible for where the game is in relation to that part of the game are wrong, you need to take a long hard look at it.



You know what I'm really sick of? People doing things. It's really getting out of hand. Especially now that all of those things have happened, you'd think people would be just happy and appreciative of everything, but no. They have to do things.

Now, I know asking people to not do things is like asking people to do things, in that it just never works, but at the same time, you always have to keep trying, because if you don't keep trying then you'll never get anything done. And it's really frustrating that it's like that, for sure.

Now, OK, I'll admit, some things are good, but we can never forget that some things are also bad. It's good when people do these things that are good and good and also sometimes good, but not so good when people do these things that aren't good, or in other words, when people do the things that are bad. Certainly, it's natural that people are going to want to do the things they want to do, and it's even good when people do good things, but let's be realistic here: When is the last thing that happened?

No matter what happens, someone will always do something, and we really should be better - that is to say more good - than that. Let's not be bad people and do these things, when these things really don't serve and purpose at all and are, in fact, very detrimental to everything just as a general thing.

But if you guys still feel obligated to do these things that you do that I don't want you to do even though we all know you shouldn't do them - and we do - then you do understand that you're doing the wrong thing, do you not?

*In other news: I smoulder with generic rage.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



::The old man totters out onto the stage. In the darkness beyond it, where presumably there stands an audience, only silence greets him interupted by the occassional cold and flu season discreet cough. The old man shuffles along towards the microphone, pausing only once to hitch up his pants. When he reaches the mic he glances around blearily then begins his prepared reply.::

You say you want the Doomcriers to stop. You say you want us to no longer complain or prophecy ultimate failure in what others attempt.


I say before you now that we Doomcriers have held our place in history with pride! I say to you that without us the gears of history would have shuddered and stopped long ago! We are the squeaky wheel that gets the grease! We are the irritant that causes the oyster to make a pearl just to shut us up!

When Christopher Columbus said he'd find a shorter trade route to India a Doomcrier was there to tell him he'd never make it! And he didn't! That's right, you can thank a Doomcrier for the discovery of America you young whippersnapper!

When the Founding Fathers sat down to hammer out a government we Doomcriers kept telling them it wouldn't work. It was our constant complaining and pessimism that kept them hammering away at checks and balances until they gave up and said it was good enough.

And you know what? Danged thing STILL doesn't work!

If they'd listened to us, dang nabbit, maybe we'd actually have a government that didn't vote itself pay raises when the rest of the country was in a recession!

Don't dare discount the Doomcriers! Without us you'd have shoddy workmanship in everything you buy. Without us there's be no improvements, advances or dangerous product recalls. Without the Doomcriers you'd still be driving a Pinto and praying not to get hit by the other drivers because auto insurance wasn't mandatory and health insurance didn't exist in the first place!

::So vehement was his diatribe that he takes a moment to smooth his hair and tuck back in his shirt which had come loose during his gesticulations. He takes a deep breath and concludes.:

'Sides... if you complain about us... you just became one of us. Now get the hell outta my yard.

::He turns and totters off the stage.::

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



The OP has a point. i once catered a wedding reception thrown by FUD for the daughter of one of its members. Not only were they loud, drunken jerks who harassed the waitstaff, they didn't tip worth a damn.

DOOM wasn't much better. It took them three months to pay because they "didn't think they would have to pay since the world was supposed to end two days after the party."

Never, ever cater to FUD and DOOM. They're jerks who aren't worth it.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



The FUD and DOOM contingent have been going since I joined here (Just after I2), and I have on good authority they were here during the pre-launch times.

You would thing if the game was dying as it is always proclaimed it would have happened by now...

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Shut up and play the game.
Yeah, don't ever come to the forums! Just shut up and play the damn game! Word up, my homie, as it were.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
The FUD and DOOM contingent have been going since I joined here (Just after I2), and I have on good authority they were here during the pre-launch times.

You would thing if the game was dying as it is always proclaimed it would have happened by now...
They just don't want to have to pay their catering bills.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Yeah, I'm sick of the doomsayers too. Blah blah blah it's all downhill from here yadda yadda dribble snerk splort.
... just what are these doomsayers doing while they're typing?

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Yeah, don't ever come to the forums! Just shut up and play the damn game! Word up, my homie, as it were.
I can play the damn game AND come to the damn forums. But when I DO come to the forums, I don't spend all my time going "HOLY CRAP, EVERYTHING SUCKS, PEOPLE ARE BEING FIRED, THE GAME IS GOING TO TWIST INTO A SINGULARITY AND ENGULF ALL I HAVE EVER LOVED" in a fashion so grandiose and so loaded with asininity Lewis Black would weep. I actually participate in (usually) constructive topics and even have fun by making jabs at the doomsayers (and getting Mod 05'd as a result. Hi Mod 05!).

You can still play the game, enjoy it, and be non-doomsaying on the forums. Are those three mutually exclusive to you, Sam?

Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
... just what are these doomsayers doing while they're typing?
That'd be a reference to spittle and drool while brainlessly crying about how the game is going to fail. It can apparently be taken out of context. :P

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Forums exist for discussion be it negative or positive. Not just glowing praise. The devs want feedback, not yes men who think everything is sunshine and roses.

I don't think it's bad to air ones concerns as sometimes they turn out to be true.



First off...Thank you Steelclaw I really needed that laugh.

Second read my signature. It says it all...

just my two cents...

No DOOM today, DOOM tomorrow. There's always a DOOM tomorrow.
Global: @Kiriko-chan Test: Myskatz Kittens Beta Test: @Plantrezz
Arcs: 5318 ROUS (just a little beat 'em up)
8500 One more time down the Yellow Brick Road.
244321 One more time down the Yellow Brick Road v2



A little doomcrying every now and then is the price of doing business on the internet.



Thanks for the support.

Some readers obviously understand where I am coming from and others do not...imagine that...

I freely admit that complaining about the complainers is hypocritical. How many of the doom-criers will come out and admit that, hmm?

I am well aware I am blowing off steam and it will, in no way, change how the haters hate.

I am, however, laughing even now at those people who post rude and immature drivel trying to attack the developers yet still pay them. Hilarious!

(and yes - Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt is what I was referring to, but Elmer is my hero!)

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
Some readers obviously understand where I am coming from and others do not...imagine that...
Sometimes the toast lands butter side down, sometimes not. Imagine that.

And just to post something on topic, if you have a point to make, then make a point. Coming here and effectively saying "You people stop what you're doing! You know who you are!" is pointless, and expecting anyone other than people as bittermuch as you to pat you on the back gets you... Well, what you've already gotten.

Or, to quote Spy Dogs: "The news today - things are happening in places all over the world."

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by samuel_tow View Post
sometimes the toast lands butter side down, sometimes not. Imagine that.
ยกEl Diablo!

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
... if you have a point to make, then make a point.
I made my point.

You did not get it. Others did.

In the interest of being positive though, I'll word it differently.

Rude, immature and disparaging comments toward the Developers, their talents and product serve no useful purpose and I personally am sick of having to deal with people, on any level, that make them.

Being a life long gamer, I have dealt with the immature, entitled, self-serving twits that make these comments all my life. After a while, I get fed up and make posts of this nature.

I cannot be any more plain than that, I think.

Constructive criticism is a different matter.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45