Don't cater to FUD and DOOM




Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
Yeah, yeah. I'm here. All I've got to say is, I don't care 'bout any of y'all, either.

please cater to DOOM.
'Cept you. You can stay. You, people should listen to more often.



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
The title really says it all.

I have grown increasingly tired of the FUD that players who fear any change bring to the forums as well as the DOOM criers, who, after many years of success for this game, have apparently ALWAYS been dead wrong.

Yeah, I know I might as well be trying to stop a hurricane with tissue paper, but sometimes, I just get fed up with it.

Here we are, when the game has never had more ways to play, more things to do and more ways to them and all the Negative Nancy's can do is attempt to find fault with something.

It's sickening. It's one of the reasons that I am often embarrassed to call myself a gamer, lest I be thrown in with people that think it's a good idea to gather the pitchforks because a digit in the game got change from 2 to 1.5 and that the only appropriate response is to set themselves and everyone they can touch on fire.

Is every process in the game perfect? Of course not, because that is not possible, as the definition of perfect lies with each person differently for a fun pastime. Is it plenty fun enough to keep enough subscribers to be profitable? Apparently so, even when I recall posts determined to convince everyone the game would not be here for another month, pretty much from the beginning.

Now, constructive criticism is a needed form of feedback and there are plenty of posters who give great feedback.

But, this incessant need to degrade the work of the people pouring their hearts into this game is really unnecessary, immature and rude. I for one am simply sick of seeing it and post this to show current and future players that the Negative Nancy's are not only WRONG but are a small minority of the games population.

So, even thought there are those that will attack me, my post and possibly my heritage, I say to the Haters, you are WRONG. You have always been WRONG. The game is still here, still profitable, still moving in a positive direction.

If you don't like the game anymore, or never did, and yet you still play and or post your hate on the forums, the jokes on you. If you don't realize that, it just makes it all the more amusing.

Did someone miss their nap.

-doooom/unplug the servers in three months/ doooom-



wait 2 - 1.5 huh? *scratches head* what got nerfed?

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
You know what I'm really sick of? People doing things. It's really getting out of hand. Especially now that all of those things have happened, you'd think people would be just happy and appreciative of everything, but no. They have to do things.

Now, I know asking people to not do things is like asking people to do things, in that it just never works, but at the same time, you always have to keep trying, because if you don't keep trying then you'll never get anything done. And it's really frustrating that it's like that, for sure.

Now, OK, I'll admit, some things are good, but we can never forget that some things are also bad. It's good when people do these things that are good and good and also sometimes good, but not so good when people do these things that aren't good, or in other words, when people do the things that are bad. Certainly, it's natural that people are going to want to do the things they want to do, and it's even good when people do good things, but let's be realistic here: When is the last thing that happened?

No matter what happens, someone will always do something, and we really should be better - that is to say more good - than that. Let's not be bad people and do these things, when these things really don't serve and purpose at all and are, in fact, very detrimental to everything just as a general thing.

But if you guys still feel obligated to do these things that you do that I don't want you to do even though we all know you shouldn't do them - and we do - then you do understand that you're doing the wrong thing, do you not?

*In other news: I smoulder with generic rage.
QFT... And doing things.... QFTaD

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by Camper View Post
A little doomcrying every now and then is the price of doing business on the internet.
If it's just a little and only now and then, then you might as well be stealing the internets for that price.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by LostHalo View Post
I miss these old cartoons. It's particularly sad that Cartoon Network stopped its "June Bugs" marathon a few years back because of the Boomerang network being launched.

And then subsequently, Boomerang now only plays ******* Scooby Doo crap.
I was just looking through the TV guide the other day, and decided I was done with CN/Boomerang. They now have Ben 10 on Boomerang. At what bloody point did Ben 10 become a "classic cartoon"? Sure Dexter's Lab, Johnny Bravo and the other "Cartoon Cartoons" of the mid-90s aren't really classics either, but jeez. I fear there will be a day in next couple years when Boomerang will be nothing more than CN2 (did I just cry doom?).

Anyway, as far as the OP, honestly the DOOM is stronger if you take a peek at HeroMMO2's forums. Boy they really flipped when they found out Castle left, and there's not a blasted thing you can say to convince them we're not on a sinking ship.

A little doom is understandable, being the internet and all, but at some point you should probably get yourself a prescription of depression meds before you hurt yourself with all the negativity. And this is coming from an eternal pessimist (just ask one of my closest fact, I think that's why we are just friends ).

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
Forums exist for discussion be it negative or positive. Not just glowing praise. The devs want feedback, not yes men who think everything is sunshine and roses.

I don't think it's bad to air ones concerns as sometimes they turn out to be true.
Posting: "ZOMG the game is dying because something doesn't work the way some doofus in Wyoming wants it to!" is not feedback.

With every issue release, some idiot posts about how the game is absolutely, positively going to shut down within a month because of some feature they personally dislike. There's nothing constructive about that.

Feedback is a good thing, but the people doing the stuff the OP is talking about aren't giving feedback. They are just making fools of themselves by insisting that the game is going to die because the slightest thing was changed. And most of the people doing that leave no room for discussion.

People have said the game was doomed because of everything from ED to inherent Fitness. So far they have all been proven wrong.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



We don't serve that fancy city beer here, boy.



Originally Posted by Night-Hawk07 View Post
Anyway, as far as the OP, honestly the DOOM is stronger if you take a peek at HeroMMO2's forums. Boy they really flipped when they found out Castle left, and there's not a blasted thing you can say to convince them we're not on a sinking ship.
When BaBs left there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth here in this section of the forums, and even a bit of a memorial service on one of the servers, which I attended. When Castle left... well, heck, I didn't even know about it until a day or two after the fact when someone made an off-hand remark about it in a thread about something else. Now, I've never wanted Castle to adopt me or anything, but I did feel kinda bad for the guy that his departure was so much less noticed.


Fate packs a strike: last night I got auto-logged out of the forums for the second time of the day, and in a moment of frustration I said to myself, "Do it again! Do it one more time today and I *will* go play that new thing! I will!" and before I could even get to the next thread, wakka-FROOM! I was logged out. Again. So, forum maintainer(s), see what you have wrought!



Sure whiners suck. But blind fanboyism can be very detrimental to a game. You should never be patting a developer on the back when you don't like what they are doing.

I play many MMORPGs and my money goes where I am having the most enjoyment.

COH is an excellent game, the expansion was good but really hasn't made a lot of sense to me the more I learn about this game. Alpha slots and incarnate system are great.

Is CoX shutting down? Of course not. Just don't have that attitude of "Everything is fine here nothing to see." Because the reality is there's quite a bit of neglect going on in CoX and they're too understaffed to do anything about it.

This is a very old niche game. Now they are threatened by a new juggernaut within the same niche. To say the other game is bad means you probably haven't tried it. I'm not going to say it is bad just because I like CoH. They are both good but very different from each other.

I'm a gamer and play video games. Many video games. You should never get so involved in a game that you just lose all objectivity. It's bad for you and the game itself.

The things I want in CoH aren't being catered too and my fun is waining. My biggest love in COH is AE and it's never going to get improved. There's just many old things being neglected while they focus on the new. Do I hold it against the devs? Of course not- they are understaffed.

Like I said earlier. I go where I'm having the most fun and one of the only reasons I'm subbed right now and resubbing this month is due to the Billboard Contest. But that isn't fun. Most of the time I just find myself standing around my base with no carrot on a stick to give me incentive to do anything.



Originally Posted by Ramification TM View Post
This is a very old niche game. Now they are threatened by a new juggernaut within the same niche. To say the other game is bad means you probably haven't tried it.
Juggernaut? Pffahahahahaha. I DID try it. It was terrible!

Superhero MMO 3 only has the funding of a large-scale comic company to support it. As far as lore, good luck with that, considering how that "universe" works. Oh, and have fun with the Mary Sues.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by FunstuffofDoom View Post
'Cept you. You can stay. You, people should listen to more often.

50: Ill/Kin(A+,R,J)-1047 badges RE/Dark(A) Fire/Elec Warshade BS/Regen Necro/Poison Ice/Fiery(A+) Son/Son Bane(A) FM/DA(A) DM/Nin Grav/Icy
lvling: Inv/EM DM/Sheild Arch/MM Bane NW Elec/Earth Grav/Elec Elec/FA Rad/Ice
Paragon Elite/Rogue Elite Joined Oct 2004



This game has been the game I always come back to for the past six years now. There are several reasons for that. Most of these reasons have to do with this game's lacking annoyances that other games have, and that I do not enjoy all that much:

  • Progression raiding
  • Need / greed / team leader loot
  • Gear and gear scores
  • Gimmick fights that
    • devalue the contributions of particular characters or power sets,
    • make other characters and power sets necessary
    • feature complex choreography that must be mastered over multiple failed attempts to succeed at.
Not having to put up with this stuff is one of the reasons why I've always come back here. I do want to see the things that make this game unique and uniquely inviting preserved for all time in all future content.

I must admit that I do fear the impulse to "compete" with other games by adding that sort of thing. It won't work here, largely because it's not really consistent with the existing structure. You can't have a game that both requires fast reaction to some signal, and at the same time uses rooting and uninterruptable animations as game balancing features.

If that makes me a DOOMspeaker, so be it.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
When BaBs left there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth here in this section of the forums, and even a bit of a memorial service on one of the servers, which I attended. When Castle left... well, heck, I didn't even know about it until a day or two after the fact when someone made an off-hand remark about it in a thread about something else.
Slightly different situations. Castle, who resigned, was allowed to make an official "farewell" post, and people had a chance to say goodbye to him directly. BaBs, on the other hand, was laid off, and we got no official announcement of it at all -- he just disappeared, and we had to find out what happened from outside sources. That's why people made more of a fuss about it.

Oh, and to stay on topic: DOOOooooOOOOoooMMMM!

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Originally Posted by JKCarrier View Post
Slightly different situations. Castle, who resigned, was allowed to make an official "farewell" post, and people had a chance to say goodbye to him directly. BaBs, on the other hand, was laid off, and we got no official announcement of it at all -- he just disappeared, and we had to find out what happened from outside sources. That's why people made more of a fuss about it.

Oh, and to stay on topic: DOOOooooOOOOoooMMMM!
Additional point as far as that goes: Castle may not work here anymore, but it looks like he didn't go anywhere.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



/e grabs HUGE bucket of popcorn and finds a comfy seat as the flame war begins

"This should be a Really, REALLY, REALLY GOOD ONE. Since it releates to no specific topic so anyone that likes to complain can take offense and rage on into that dark night!"

hehehe Okay that out of the way I agree with the OP. Now I am not saying people don't have the right to come here and voice concerns and ask for thing to be fixed.. one of the reasons I have stuck with this game for more than 5 years now is the NC Soft staff do something almost unheard of in a lot of major US Industries.. They actually LISTEN to what we say and add things to the game based on our comments and fix things that get broken. With that politically correct statement out of the way let's get a little nasty...

All of these are recent rants I have seen here on the forums:

I hate Praetoria how can I get out of here fast? Huh? Excuse me? The main reason that entirely new world exists is because older players were complaining they were tired of running the same old content over and over every time they created a new alt. If you hate it so much try actually playing the character, get it to level 20 and leave.. Then simply never go back again.

The new incarnate system is unfair it forces me to team: Okay first of all its an MMORPG that is designed for team play but more importantly it also allows almost any AT to still solo and the Incarnate system is no different.. Yeah if all you are going to do is solo its going to take a LOT longer than it does those of us joining Task Forces and having an uncommon slotted in a day or less but no where does it say if you don't team you can't get shards and slot you Alpha!

Oh and one of my favorites...

I've been playing this game for almost a year now and think its so unfair I don't have the same Vet Rewards that 6 year players have. Why can't the sell us that stuff in Packs? DUHHHHHHH Because those VET REWARDS were a way of saying a very small Thank you to players that have been paying to play this game like six times longer that you have. Where were you 6 years ago? All you had to do was join back then and pay every month/quarter/year and you could have all that neat (?) stuff too.

As we all knoiw the list goes on and on. It doesn't matter what NC Soft does to improve things there is always someone, with a small group of disciples, that thinks it is the absolute worst thing ever and has condemned the game to utter destuction.

/e looks around in her chair for the snack bar

"I wonder if they have any gummy bears. I could go for something sweet and chewy right now. Please don't let me bother you. Continue to rant."

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
There's a difference between criticism and being a bitter, vindictive pit of negativity that jumps to wild conclusions and needs to personally insult people working on the game.

Though I have to say that most of the 'DOOM' on these forums if very mild compared to other venues spread across the internet.
Unfortunately alot of players on the forums take ANY criticism towards the devs as an insult to their own mothers.



Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
Go to redside sometime and see how many players you find.
And though I don't care to argue, they have been right on a few things.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Posting: "ZOMG the game is dying because something doesn't work the way some doofus in Wyoming wants it to!" is not feedback.

With every issue release, some idiot posts about how the game is absolutely, positively going to shut down within a month because of some feature they personally dislike. There's nothing constructive about that.

Feedback is a good thing, but the people doing the stuff the OP is talking about aren't giving feedback. They are just making fools of themselves by insisting that the game is going to die because the slightest thing was changed. And most of the people doing that leave no room for discussion.

People have said the game was doomed because of everything from ED to inherent Fitness. So far they have all been proven wrong.
I'd say players have a problem diferentiating doom cryers like that from people with honest concerns and opinions on the state and progress of the game.



Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
Go to redside sometime and see how many players you find.
Success like that is the opposite of DOOM.

Originally Posted by Ramification TM View Post
Sure whiners suck. But blind fanboyism can be very detrimental to a game. You should never be patting a developer on the back when you don't like what they are doing.


This is a very old niche game. Now they are threatened by a new juggernaut within the same niche. To say the other game is bad means you probably haven't tried it.
I have nearly always found CoH to be rather mediocre. People familiar with my posts about the game around here would hardly be inclined to accuse me of blind fanboyism; indeed, some of them have openly wondered why I haven't left the game because they are under the mistaken impression that I hate it.

I have cancelled my CoH subscription for the beta and/or launch of other major MMOs in the superhero genre. Both times, I ended up returning to his game due to major flaws in those games that eclipsed the mediocrity of this game by far. I've tried them, and they both do (or did) a few things better than CoH, but they did other things far worse to the extent that the balance left them worse than mediocre. And so, here I am.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Ramification TM View Post
Now they are threatened by a new juggernaut within the same niche.
In that case, it's the smallest, weakest juggernaut I've ever seen

A juggernaut wouldn't have less than 2,000 people on its forums at peak time on launch day while there were 6,000+ people on the CoH forums at the same time.

A juggernaut would have more than one human face for player avatars.

A juggernaut would have moving hair.

A juggernaut would have animated faces.

A juggernuat would have body sliders.

A juggernaut would have separate costume areas for arms and shoulders.

A juggernaut would have more than 3 colors allowed for costumes.

A juggernaut would patterns for costumes.

A juggernaut wouldn't have ugly, lumpy player avatars.

A juggernaut would have smooth animations.

A juggernaut would have electric powers.

A jugegrnaut would have earth/rock powers.

A juggernaut would have martial arts powers.

A juggernaut would have super strength powers.

A juggernaut would have more than 3 travel powers.

A juggernaut would have a chat system that was designed to help players communicate.

A juggernaut would have stance emotes that weren't embarrassingly exaggerated.

A juggernaut wouldn't have little floating loot symbols over defeated enemy bodies.

A juggernaut wouldn't have random power ups accessed by breaking barrels.

A juggernaut wouldn't only launch with 5 servers and not have any queues on launch day.

A juggernaut wouldn't have poor preorders and launch day sales.

A juggernaut wouldn't be run by SOE.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I think it's abit foolish to underestimate that game. It doesn't matter if it sucks or has flaws or is made by a bad developer. It's license alone will carry many people onto it despite how bad it may be. Do not underestimate the power of a very well known and popular license.

Even a game SOE utterly ruined is still around due to it's license.