January 2011 Producer's Letter to the Community




Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
personal feelings are really only so relevant, the two arcs, as well as the tips, the incarnate arc AND the tfs were all content, whether it was specifically addressed to your play-style really is completely immaterial.

If you find the game no longer represents your interests, then the decisions really is on you, but objectively issue 19 was a fairly full issue that had content for both soloists and heavy teamers, to claim otherwise is to be willfully dishonest. maybe i like the content maybe i dont, but realistically nobody cares.

If you have a clear and well thought out description of what you want, rather than a vague list of your dislikes, go crazy with it, but just popping i to complain, thats not really so much constructive feedback as nonconstructive complaining.

Except I am not required to be objective about it. This issue contained almost nothing of interest to me personally. I expect the next two issues to contain even less. If it was any other product, this wouldn't even be a point of discussion: you'd hardly recommend that someone spend money on a car or DVD set or clothes that they dislike, I think. The simple fact is, that from MY point of view, I'm being asked to keep paying for a product that is increasingly turning into something I don't want. For the first time since I've started playing, I'm beginning to consider that maybe I should be spending my money somewhere else. I'm not making threats, I'm not demanding that anyone else agree with me. But the devs appear to be asking for feedback, and I'm providing them with my opinion. They are free to ignore it, and I expect that they probably will.

I'm not obligated to provide constructive criticism. The devs are, essentially showing off a list of new features and saying "See? It's new and big and shiny! Don't you just love it?" To which my answer is "No, I do not." I can't provide them with a "useful" list of what else I'd like them to add, because I frankly don't *know* what I'd like. But I know what I *don't* like, and Issue 19 was full of it.



Originally Posted by Second Measure View Post
Now that many of you have begun your ascension to Incarnate, we’ll be releasing the Rare and Very Rare tiers of the Alpha Slot in just a few short weeks to help you get a leg up on the launch of Issue 20.
Few short weeks? Sounds good to me



Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
I expressed my opinion. (I don't like those arcs.) And you seem to find it necessary to attack me for it. Along with everyone else who says something you disagree with, apparently. My condolences for your apparent self esteem problems. But hey, if it makes you feel better, feel free to continue. *I* know how the Ignore feature works.
There was no attack there at all. The worst thing that PeerlessGirl said was that she is sad that you didn't like those story arcs. How awful of her!

She was simply expressing her opinion (notice the multiple instances of "I" in her post) of the story arcs in response to your opinions of them. You are the one attacking her for something you falsely claim she's doing. Smooth.



They're making content. Content that appeals to players that have been asking for that specific content for years now. They also are still making other content for other players, not focusing 100% of their time to one particular thing. You also have everything else this game has to offer, in case the new stuff isn't up your alley. So what I'm saying is...

Stop. Complaining.



Originally Posted by Jerikko View Post
Pressure? How about a vaccum. Moon Base 2011!!!
Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
"Pressure?" Bowie/Queen booster pack confirmed for 2011!
Pressure? Or Pressure?

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



I'm quite excited about all this. And "Few short weeks" for the 3rd and 4th Alpha Tiers is something that can't be here soon enough! This all sounds very awesome and I hope you guys don't disappoint. So far I've been extremely happy with all the new content (well, not ALL of it...but the vast majority :P)
Congrats Ghost Falcon and Second Measure on your promotions!

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



I'm... cautiously optimistic about the concept of monthly letters to the community. I'm not opposed to a regular drip-feed of hints about upcoming stuff. The news that the final Alpha boost tiers are coming soon does't surprise me, though it is welcome.


Also on Steam



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
It really bothers me seeing, I feel, the focus of Paragon Studios moving drastically farther and farther away from the community. I don't think I'm the only one that feels that Paragon Studios has little to no interest in a community that has existed since before the game even launched.

I am guardedly and cautiously optimistic about new communication and new red names, even though it seems to boil down to (thus far) a new advertising press release to read once a month.

Please prove me wrong.
Same feeling I am getting. Seems to have moved from money AND community oriented as it should be to just money oriented. I'm not a PvPer, but how long has it been since that system was ruined for the people that do like participating? Or how about going back and fixing mission text or doors that you have to rezone/relog in order to actaully find?

I hope I am wrong, I just don't see it.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Ooh, I hadn't heard that - do you have a quote of exactly what he said?

Although Atlantis isn't a total surprise
It would be difficult to do that, but here's the link I was directd to that the Cape put up: http://www.thecaperadio.com/forum/vi...php?f=3&t=8297

Speculate and interpret as you will.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
I expressed my opinion. (I don't like those arcs.) And you seem to find it necessary to attack me for it. Along with everyone else who says something you disagree with, apparently. My condolences for your apparent self esteem problems. But hey, if it makes you feel better, feel free to continue. *I* know how the Ignore feature works.

*chuckles* If *that's* your opinion of an "attack" I think you're the one with the self esteem problem there. All I did was tell you I thought your opinion sucked, I don't remember attacking you, telling you you were stupid, or saying anything about your "momma" or the like. Much like you, I was expressing *my* opinion. I felt the need to do that in case anyone was reading this who hadn't run those arcs, and might get the impression they were "forgettable" simply from your opinion. I wanted to give them another opposing opinion on the content, I've done that. Last time I checked, bringing one opinion against another was not generally considered an 'attack'. Now, that label might be appropriate to some of the responses I gave to others earlier in the thread, as they were quite a bit harsher, but for the most part those were not opinins, but people trying to push their opinions off as fact. You haven't done that...so far. But, to each their own.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

From my direct experience, Aion, Tabula Rasa, Lineage II, Dungeon Runners, and eXteel all required the launcher be installed. They also required to be updated through the launcher, and would run the launcher in the background even if the user hadn't directly started the launcher.

CoH has been relatively unique in the NCSoft games I've played in that it has a separate launcher from the native NCSoft launcher.
Now, I haven't played any of these myself, but a friend of mine who played Exsteel for a while, when I asked about it said that the common wisdom was that you had to use the launcher, but in fact it was possible to trigger another updater in the folders (much like CoH's) and update the game that way, but to be sure I'd have to talk to them about that. That may be more what CoH is doing, but without talking to the devs, it's hard to know for sure.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
More content along the lines of the ITF/LRSF (Barracuda would be okay if Reichsman had about a third the health he does; the ambushes and the temp powers to deal with them are actually pretty interesting, but beating down Reichsman is less so) would be welcome. More content along the lines of the Apex or Tin Mage Task Forces, however, would not.
While I can see your opinion (as well as that of the person above you, which sort of meshes with yours) there's also the fact that a lot of us have been hoping for a bit more challenging stuff for some of our characters for a while, and "end game content" (which doesn't have to be "raiding" but some of it probably will be) is what generally fullfills that for level capped characters in most games). I'm sure there WILL be more content of which you speak because a lot of people like it (myself included) but I also like the direction they're moving now with Incarnate stuff. As long as it doesn't become the norm to have things like the CoP (even *I* don't like that) and there's different paths and types of content for everyone, I think we're still looking at the easiest (and more importantly) most fun MMO on the market. Heck it ain't like it's DCUO where it takes a week maybe 2 to hit 30, and all you do after that is raid for gear...

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Ascendant View Post
Oh, so there's a better community in some other dimension? That's it, it is freaking ON, Other Dimension! Time to dance.
ASCENDANT!!! *Hugs* Haven't seen you in ages, when are you in game? We need to hook up!

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by TheWeaver View Post
In fact the fully IO'd, purpled out toons may benefit less from the slot than toons with a more vanilla build.

So let go of your fear and give it a try - it really isn't that bad.
In my experience, they do actually benifit less, in a way. My main, my tank is fairly well setted out, and her build is basically "done". The trick is, depending on HOW you've IO'd, there's probably SOMETHING you don't have enough of, that you want (in my case it's damage, and regen). Those are the things the alpha slot can help you round out (weather your build is "IO'd" "Purpled" or just a standard style build). It does require a bit more thought into which alpha line(s) you persue if your build is tight and well-built though, but that was true in the work you put in to *GET* said build too, so that works out pretty well, really.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by TheUnnamedOne View Post
(the BAF, for 12-24 players and maybe something with Mother Mayhem's Hospital?)
As an aside: I'm fairly sure the BAF (Behavioral Adjustment Facility) *is* supposed to be Mother Mayhem's Hospital. It's just grown a lot since the one we saw in the original Praetorian War arc.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by TheUnnamedOne View Post
There was no attack there at all. The worst thing that PeerlessGirl said was that she is sad that you didn't like those story arcs. How awful of her!

She was simply expressing her opinion (notice the multiple instances of "I" in her post) of the story arcs in response to your opinions of them. You are the one attacking her for something you falsely claim she's doing. Smooth.
Thank you for that TUO. I covered that as well (before I read your post) but having support is always good. Yes, my post, much like his was opinion, I simply wanted to throw another out there, lest someone get the impression there wasn't more to the arcs than that, and tried to elaborate a bit about what they're about. Not everyone probably knows those new arcs are 20-29, and also that you can (provided you're not running them in Oroborous...unless that's changed) call another contact or two of yours, and get "help" which changes the mission(s) quite a bit. That's why I think they're dynamic and fun, myself. Also, anything with Castillo in it is funny. He's like a Sky Raider version of Don Carnage' from TailSpin...

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



While I certainly appreciated any community interaction from the Devs, I have to ask: will this wind up like Manticore's Ask A Lore Question thread?



Thanks for the news and update Second Measure. I tried all those other "Fun" games and found my way back here because of the game itself and the great community. Keep it up.

@MarvelatMee and @COL Burn

24 - 50s
Too many ALTs



Not impressed. Letter sounds like a monthly press release/marketing tool written by a professional copywriter solely for selling us sh#t. Future promises to be grand? That's not news, the future always sounds like it will get better ... especially when a new competitor like DC Universe Online enters the ring.

You want to make more money releasing new booster packs with animal graphics? Fine by me. That's the American Way. But while you're at it do something for the base-builders that are already part of your community, and have been clamoring for help for months now.



For example, we are currently working to integrate City of Heroes into the NCsoft Launcher, which will bring with it a significant improvement to the process of downloading and updating the game for all NA and EU (Mac and PC) customers.

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
GG, I know you think you're being helpful, but you're clearly an extrovert. Introverts can actually empathise with extroverts because the culture forces your point of view on us, so we have no choice but to do so. But you clearly simply do not understand what introversion is.

It's not a defect, it's not a deficiency. It's simply a difference. We are not inherently inept at dealing with people (many introverts that are are so largely due to lack of practice), we are not incapable of dealing with people (I work a help desk. I get paid to deal with people, and am surpassingly good at it, if my performance reviews of the past five years can be believed), we simply are drained by doing so.

Extroverts are recharged by going out and mingling with people; interacting with groups, friends and strangers all get an extrovert pumped and relaxed, making them able to continue on with whatever tasks they need to expend their mental energy on. Introverts are the reverse; dealing with people drains us, and we have to recharge by withdrawing. That difference doesn't cripple us - it's just a difference.

Just like some people train for marathons for fun, play sports for fun, or engage in any other tiring activity for fun, an introvert can interact with people for fun as well (I do it all the time). But just like no one can run a marathon constantly, an introvert cannot interact with others constantly.

With as much as modern American society enforces the idea that extroversion is the only norm and introverts are somehow broken, we are often forced into that interaction even when our reserves are already drained. Forcing us into that is a lot like forcing an exhausted marathon runner to run another mile - you're not helping any one, and are very likely to be doing active harm.

I know you mean well, but seriously: stop it. You're not helping.
I do believe you have mesmerized me with your words! You are my new favorite person.

As far as some people having issues with other peoples opinions about what they want for the game, leave them be. Why do you even make it your business to try to tell them things along the lines of "If you don't like it, you don't have to run it." I'm fairly certain that most players already understand concepts like this. They are paying to play it as well, so they are probably voicing their opinions for the devs only. Hoping that their simply stated message will have an effect on the game in which they are playing.

Thats my thoughts on the sadness that has overwhelmed me by some of the replies to this announcement.

Good Luck GF and welcome SM.

-Tife the Gilded

"Heroes Today, Legends Forever"
Brothers of Agincourt Base Builders Contest
My Badges
My Base
Tanker Radiation Set



Originally Posted by Fiery_Redeemer View Post
Clipped to save space.
If y'all haven't read this, you might want to follow the link back and do so. It is one of the best, most well thought complaints for this game I have ever seen. Even if you do not agree with him, you have to at least see his point.

Bravo Fiery_Redeemer!



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
As an aside: I'm fairly sure the BAF (Behavioral Adjustment Facility) *is* supposed to be Mother Mayhem's Hospital. It's just grown a lot since the one we saw in the original Praetorian War arc.
I find that to be unlikely.

The BAF is a physical place in a zone, and as I recall is referenced independently of another location that is the hospital.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
.... dammit, don't make me agree with je_saist.

Still, regardless of whoever else is saying it, I have to emphasize:


I _LIKE_ the minimalistic launcher we have now. Please, please, PLEASE don't force a larger application on us.
I have to agree with you here.

Unless it means something like SOE's station pass.

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