when will game be free?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Not to mention lag intensive missions like the third mish of the ITF are more responsive than they were before.

Perhaps it's because the developers added hardware and average subscriptions went up because of Going Rogue?
I don't recall which red name said it, but one of them specifically mentioned that they'd done a lot of changes to the 3rd ITF mission to reduce lag.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
I fear grammer cops there usually ^%$)'s
Can someone put these words in an order that makes sense?



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
i can find nothing anywhere that corroborates your claim that lifetime subscriptions have ever been available for City of Heroes. In light of there being no evidence to support your statement i have decided that it must be true.

See? i'm starting to get the hang of this rumor and doom stuff. Eventually i'll be making my own foil-lined hats and posting (even more) incoherent rants.
Having been invested in the game since February of '04, I can tell you that there weren't any from that point on. Before that, I don't know, but I certainly don't recall hearing about it in the last seven years.

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I just got a couple that are friends of me and the missus to join and last night was their first night.

Needless to say they are in awe of what CoX offers and this couple was really big into WoW,they never suspected that this MMO was so great.

Hell the wife was in the character creator for 2 hours last night just workin out her first toon,she has since made several others(altisis claims another muahaha).

Hopefully the game never goes the free route I suspect there are alot of other people who know nothing about how great CoX is and those people are possible new customers.

Preach the word, spread the faith lol.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Some believe that this game here, began out there. With tribes of developers who may have been the forefathers of the Islandians, or the Ultimans, or the Evercrackians. That they may have been the architects of the great RPGs, or the lost MUDs of the Internet. Some believe that there may yet be brother game designers who even now fight to survive, somewhere amongst the development community.
Lovin me some old school BSG references.

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Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
I just read that other mmos become free after a while when do you think this one will.



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
I just read that other mmos become free after a while when do you think this one will.
Quite a few people have already chimed in on this one, but here is my two cents:

Before CoX goes “free to play”, NCSoft will need to first determine that any business model will no longer yield any profit. As many have already stated…a lot of “free to play games” have hidden avenues of profit generation, usually in the form of an obscenely powerful object/power that you can buy. So yes, you can “play the game for free”, but if you want to advance your character quickly, you need to spend real money. My friends for example will spend $30-50 a month for Perfect World Zen so they can buy needed armor and weapon upgrades.

And unless NCSoft wants to maintain servers for existing subscribers for free, I'm certain they will need to find someone else to maintain servers to run the game on, which means (as some have already written), less servers overall, no updates, propably community forum based tech support.

I look at the monthly subscription as mostly my fee for accessing software upgrades, for server maintenance, and for the occasional technical support. And I'm glad I don't have to pay for each new issue as it comes out. And I really hope that CoX doesn't go the way of Hellgate: London, which is pretty much dead now.

This is not to say, I won't mind discounting the subscription costs in the future. lol.



Originally Posted by Azure Lightstar View Post
Quite a few people have already chimed in on this one, but here is my two cents:

Before CoX goes “free to play”, NCSoft will need to first determine that any business model will no longer yield any profit. As many have already stated…a lot of “free to play games” have hidden avenues of profit generation, usually in the form of an obscenely powerful object/power that you can buy. So yes, you can “play the game for free”, but if you want to advance your character quickly, you need to spend real money. My friends for example will spend $30-50 a month for Perfect World Zen so they can buy needed armor and weapon upgrades.

And unless NCSoft wants to maintain servers for existing subscribers for free, I'm certain they will need to find someone else to maintain servers to run the game on, which means (as some have already written), less servers overall, no updates, propably community forum based tech support.

I look at the monthly subscription as mostly my fee for accessing software upgrades, for server maintenance, and for the occasional technical support. And I'm glad I don't have to pay for each new issue as it comes out. And I really hope that CoX doesn't go the way of Hellgate: London, which is pretty much dead now.

This is not to say, I won't mind discounting the subscription costs in the future. lol.
No "free to play" game is genuinely free. Someone is paying to keep the lights on. All free to play models I'm aware of are predicated on two assumptions. One: that some percentage of people will pay to have things others will be willing to work for in-game, and the amount of money that percentage of people are willing to pay is high enough to pay for the rest that won't pay. Two: by not charging a subscription, the number of people that will try your game will increase dramatically, and you'll be able to retain a large enough fraction of them for long enough to make money off of them.

To make "free to play" work, you actually have to figure out how to make a lot of money selling things to your players other than monthly access rights. This is not a trivial decision, because it requires a fundamental shift in how you develop the game. Even the way the game functions has to change in some critical ways because concepts such as "balance" and "progress" tend to mean completely different things in a free to play game where people can generally buy what others have to earn through time. It isn't a question of whether you can make money any other way, but rather if you can make money this way, because that's not a guaranteed thing.

You also generally have to assume that you're writing off the current player base. Some will stay, if you're lucky even most will, but the values of the game will inevitably change, and many of them will not appreciate that, and there will be nothing you can say to change their minds.

If it happens here, it happens. I won't be predicting it, but I also won't be shocked if it happens. But if it happens, I can say this: I will be rooting for the devs, I will even be doing my part to help the devs if I can. But I won't be betting big money on them for the simple honest reason that its just not an easy thing to pull off, no matter how many success stories you point to in other games.

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Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
I fear grammer cops there usually ^%$)'s
Can someone put these words in an order that makes sense?
I'll do my best... (with punctuation and proper spelling and all that)

<insert mystery word>! usually, I fear grammar cops there.

unless that mystery word is actually supposed to be are, then it might look like this.

Usually, I fear grammar cops are there.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
Can someone put these words in an order that makes sense?
I fear grammar cops. They're usually [censored].

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Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Oh I'm telling him you said that.
That's ok, Arcana already did. :P

"Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it."



I doubt the OP is even still here, but you may notice a trend of subscription MMOs going free to play recently. Thing is though, those are recent MMOs- and almost universally, ones that suffered huge population losses after failing to live up to player expectations, or never attracting enough players to maintain a viable business model. They became free to stay afloat shortly after release.

This game is the last one I'd expect to adopt a free-to-play model, not least because the game is already too entrenched in its existing gameplay model. It's older than World of Warcraft and has attracted a very stable population, and greater player retention than most games in the genre. The steady stream of additional free content, not to mention expansions, help keep the game in the news and bring in new players, and it's very newbie-friendly to keep them.

And no, City of Heroes never had lifetime subscriptions. Remember, this game is older than WoW, before all these newfangled dealies caught on.



Originally Posted by Klaatu View Post
Oh, you mean like City of Heroes did before its launch?

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
The most common reaction to his assertion.
The only example I could find of his assertion was a write-up of Star Trek Online by some website I've never heard of that was clearly mistaking City of Heroes for Champions Online.

Not that I suspected he could be right, more that I was genuinely curious on if it was ever even suggested as a possibility.


As a side note, commentators on gaming websites must all be exceptionally poor people, since $15/month is apparently the bane of human existence (unless you're talking about WoW).

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



Originally Posted by Fyndhal View Post
That's ok, Arcana already did. :P

Posted from a beach in Aruba
Fixed for you.



If the game became free to play, I'd start shopping for a new game. I wouldn't throw down my hat and stomp off mad. I may even end up staying... but it'd be enough to make me start shopping.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.




Folks leaving? I have not really noticed a mass exodus of players at Champions. There may a perception of emptiness, but its only an illusion and not a reality. We must consider we now have three entire zones to operate with, then we have the PvP zones as well and quite a great deal more of instanced missions. When you pull it all together, you get the feeling there are less players, when in fact, we possibly have more players than ever but they are spread out all over. Imagine taking the population of Massachussets and placing them in Alaska, if you were to go to tiny Massachussets you would go wow, this place is full, but then take the same numbers to Alaska and you would go, this place is dead, nobody is here type of effect.

Unlike many other MMO's CoX does introduce new material in an unusually frequent manner, that all by itselff goes a long way in preventing the game from becoming stale.

I applaud CoX not going the WoW way over increasing max levels, and making the effort so tedius the game quickly looses luster. CoX needs to be careful as they evolve the incarnate system that it does not become a gather 100 shards to make this component like WoW tends to do, for the game can quickly become tedius and lose its player base. WoW has increased its meda blitz because they are bleeding hard from their player population departures. I find the 4 shards makes anything refreshing and just right, the 8 shards plus a common component is probably ok, but at times it can approach tedium as the shard drops during a TF can at times become a bit too rare.

I don't foresee for several years that this game is going to fall out of favor, short of devs itnroducing some real dumb rules or changes, which is incredibly unlikely. I also doubt that another super type game can be made that can outclass CoX. Even Champions on line, while not really a bad game, lacks the so many utilities and maturity this game has. I tried Champions on liine to check it out, but soon I detemined the chat features were rudimentary at best, their character customization was ackward, and so on. Perhaps if CoH stops improving and Champions keeps working on their system they may catch up, yet I think CoH is to aggressively evolving for that to ever be a factor

I tend to agree with other posters that free often is not quite free, there are all these hidden charges that will hit you, kinda like what our banking industry is about to do to us.






I would like to see NCSOFT try a bit of programmed marketing, if I recall the phrase correctly. Various promos aimed at new players at various subscription levels to see if the player base would expand dramatically at some possibly lower monthly fee.

Example: If the player base would double at $10.00 per month the increased cash flow might be a very good thing. If such a thing happened the new fee structure could then be expanded to the all players, and everyone would be happy. Or not.




Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post

Folks leaving? I have not really noticed a mass exodus of players at Champions. There may a perception of emptiness, but its only an illusion and not a reality.
Well you are wrong. I'm a lifer there and I watched it happen. The mass exodus happened during the first 3 months after the game launched and the game has never recovered. The population kept dropping since to the point they have been forced to switch to a F2P business model.

What happened was thousands of people immediately demanded refunds the first month. Then there were those that simply let their accounts lapse when all the free time incentives expired. On top of that there were the players that only bought that game for access to another games beta testing and they left in December. Two more minor exodus' occurred when the 6 month and 1 year subs expired.

We must consider we now have three entire zones to operate with
Yes three whole zones ON ONE SERVER that show you the number of instances when you enter so you can do simple math and figure out roughly how many people are online.

They went from having over a thousand shards per zone with 100 or so players in each shard to having maybe 1 or 2 dozen shards per zone.

then we have the PvP zones as well and quite a great deal more of instanced missions.
Oh please that game has very few instanced missions. Most missions are in the open zones.

The fact that they have so few zones and instanced missions makes it very easy to tell how few people play the game.



Originally Posted by JakHammer View Post

I would like to see NCSOFT try a bit of programmed marketing, if I recall the phrase correctly. Various promos aimed at new players at various subscription levels to see if the player base would expand dramatically at some possibly lower monthly fee.

Example: If the player base would double at $10.00 per month the increased cash flow might be a very good thing. If such a thing happened the new fee structure could then be expanded to the all players, and everyone would be happy. Or not.

If players can't afford $15. bucks a month they can't afford $10.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
If players can't afford $15. bucks a month they can't afford $10.
I think this is true however it is possible that they may be willing to spend $10 per month and unwilling to spend $15 per month. It doesn't make sense to me but I can imagine it is possible.

It's not dissimilar from why I do an annual subscription to save myself about $50 a year in the subscription.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I think this is true however it is possible that they may be willing to spend $10 per month and unwilling to spend $15 per month. It doesn't make sense to me but I can imagine it is possible.

It's not dissimilar from why I do an annual subscription to save myself about $50 a year in the subscription.
I'm sorry but whenever I see someone say $15. is too much I always think of this guy
Originally Posted by Psywarrior2450
another game i play ******** which is $9.99/month. it came out in october 2006. and ppl complain about the fee there all the time. and sometimes i subscribe to ***. also xbox live $50/yr these fees add up. 9.99 for psu, 14.99 for ***, 14.99 for coh. thats 50+ a month on games. this adds up.

along with about 200 to 300 on groceries/alcohol/restaurants per month, 279 for rent each month. 40/mo to my brother for doing the dishes, and cleaning the apartment. 20 for adult entertainment. 50 for car insurance. 25 for renters insurance. 10 for life insurance. 30+ for gas. i'm gonna have to pay for dental insurance soon. also money for furniture, new bed, bedding stuff, electronics, soon a new $1200 computer. also other games i buy such as ***, ********, ********, ********, ******** and other games, video rentals. and medical expenses i just paid 735 for a hospitol bill, credit report 25. gambling, movie theateres, postal stamps, luckily no credit cards currently. and i get about $900/month from disability, and i live in north county san diego, ca. i'm not working right now. soon i'll go back to work after i have a cataract in my eye removed. then i go back to pizza delivery for round table while getting disability.

i'm surprised so many ppl were against this. you must be rich or are you brats that live off your parents. how easily do you give away your money. it seems like you should want to save money not give it away. what are you gonna do when ******** comes out? pay another 14.99 or let your characters die? i'll probably subscribe to this on, and off like i do ***. and switch to ******** maybe when it comes out. also i was only trying this game out to see wheter i like it or if it was worth it, not promising to be a lifetime subscriber.
Yeah we're rich spoiled brats living off our parents because we don't spend money on:

At least a dozen games (that he listed)
Maid service (albiet family)
Video rentals
Movie theatres
Credit report (who gets a credit report done every month?)



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
I just read that other mmos become free after a while when do you think this one will.

I'm walking away from this NOW.

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