Are bases obsolete?

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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Son, you get a lot more meat from ol' Porky than that little bit you want to use in a cheese and ham omelette.

Ground Pork
Butt Steaks
Shoulder Roasts
Smoked Daisy
Loin Roast
Pork Chops,
Loin Rib Chops
Boneless Loin
Country-style Ribs
Canadian-style Bacon
Fresh Ham
Smoked Ham
Ham Steaks
Jowl Bacon
Spare Ribs
and Pork Belly

So if sacrificing our current bases gets us so much more in return then I have no problem taking Porky to the butcher and getting him chopped up for food.

Hey... you forgot the "leaf fat" which can be rendered into beautiful pure white lard... used for baking (especially good for making super flaky, delicate pastries).


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post

Hey... you forgot the "leaf fat" which can be rendered into beautiful pure white lard... used for baking (especially good for making super flaky, delicate pastries).

also missed pork rinds.... mmmmn... pork rinds.... ahhhhh



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Son, you get a lot more meat from ol' Porky than that little bit you want to use in a cheese and ham omelette.

Ground Pork
Butt Steaks
Shoulder Roasts
Smoked Daisy
Loin Roast
Pork Chops,
Loin Rib Chops
Boneless Loin
Country-style Ribs
Canadian-style Bacon
Fresh Ham
Smoked Ham
Ham Steaks
Jowl Bacon
Spare Ribs
and Pork Belly

So if sacrificing our current bases gets us so much more in return then I have no problem taking Porky to the butcher and getting him chopped up for food.
Okay, yes. I left out all that and more for a simpler analogy. The point was he'd still have to die to get all that. In my analogy Porky represents the bases I've made and while losing them to get a better system seems okay by the majority of posters here; I don't want to see them just go. I'd rather settle on a Eureka style meat farm that is; getting the better system but being able to transition the old bases across so everybody wins. Then the choice becomes ours as to whther we want to change things for the better ourselves ie. break down our current bases to make use of the new system.

Thinking about it I was reminded of David Nakayama. A little while ago he asked us what we'd prefer if costumes got an overhaul. The hyptheticals he gave were 'keeping the old' and 'out with the old, bring in the new' and the con for the latter was 'change is scary'. A few pages in and we reached a happy medium of compromise: bringing in the new and keeping the old but giving the creator another pass, tidying things up.

I'd be all for a base system revamp so long as we got to keep the old stuff too. Now, excuse me while I make a bacon sandwich.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Bases are obsolete to those who refuse their value. I love my base, I use my base, but I understand I am the minority.

Bases are for community. To talk with groups of people you enjoy playing with. I understand there are many lone wolf types out there, and PL'rs, and Spammers, and Scammers, and people with the maturity of a cabbage, who would all rather not chat with others, or worse, have no clue when to shut up. But for the people I want to chat with, my base is a chat channel in which I can hold the people nearest and dearest to my heart, but with a few "creature comforts". I will be the first to admit that the fact that I do take on my character and its personality as a RP experience helps me value having a "home" to go to and socialize, outside of Pocket D, a extremely worthwhile endeavor.

I saw a interesting YouTube series about a guy who re-creates IRL houses into the SIMS 3 house editor program. Even better, the templates can be saved and shared for others to use. Not only can you create a original work, but you can also create templates that are generic enough for the most basic uses without much effort. Where I am going with this is simple. If we could find a way to blow up the editor we have now, and reforge, I think other "non-crafty" folks who devalue the bases so easily wouldn't feel the pressure to learn to build, and would still be able to enjoy the finer points of bases that they so hastily disparage.

In the meantime, I will appreciate my "obsolete" base with respect and hope that someday bases will get a little love, even if it is just some new items to carefully stack and imagine with. Heck, I would just settle for someone who keeps pushing the label obsolete to just bite me, and let me enjoy my base in peace.

"There are no facts, only interpretations" - Friedrich Nietzche, Philosopher
"Conflict is inevitable. Combat is optional." - Max Lucade, Author



Originally Posted by stacker View Post
No sarcasm here i have no problrm letting go of the past for a better future. Even though i have spent hundreds of hours building stuff over the years it would be more space for me to build and bring new life to bases.
You know what would be nice if they ever did redo bases, depending on how they did redo them? The ability to save a base design out to a text file or binary file just like costumes so that you could reimport it into the upgraded base designer, then you could go thruogh and delete desks and put in real second level floors etc...

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



I largely share the OP's concern. It's true that bases are still used (errr... actually, not by me - I like building them, but the aesthetics are most I enter them for nowadays, bar reaching Crey's Folley, though I know others do!), but really not that much and even the need for what most people still do use it for is very debatable.
It's an aspect of the game though I think should definitely be preserved and restored to a more prominent state. Bases just need serious and thorough revision.

Originally Posted by Fire_Away View Post
But, I'm afraid the decline of the need for bases is far from rubbish and boils down to empowerment stations and the CoP trial (which cannot be found elsewhere... yet) and limited situational convenience.
Shhhhh! For heaven's sake don't jinx it. We'll be able to start CoP from Pocket D in I20 if you say that again.



Originally Posted by LarsNL View Post
Shhhhh! For heaven's sake don't jinx it. We'll only be able to start CoP from Pocket D in I20 if you say that again.

Topher Wade lvl 50 Claws/Regen
The Crimson Heroes Society SG
Chaos Faction VG

Official Naturalized Citizen of Justice since 2007



Originally posted by Djeannie
The ability to save a base design out to a text file or binary file just like costumes
This would be awesome.



Originally Posted by Thunderheart View Post
This would be BEYOND awesome.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



I think one major deal-breaking problem with bases in Going Rogue is the fact that they are allignment restricted. IMO if someone was in the SG and switches allignment, they should still be able to access the base.
That was the whole point of Going Rogue - merging the black and white into morally gray. So why not make the two ideologies come to an understand. Or even the potential for spywork.



I am all for the base construction system being revamped.

What even happened to this game? It used to be about the leveling process and now it is completely all about the end-game content. Agree with me or not, the shifts have been made and as a result SG's and their bases are suffering. SOO many people are sitting back waiting for base raids to come back, how long will they have to wait? How long will we, the base editing community, have to wait for a few measly base items?



Perhaps the way to go is the make suggestions as to how to make the bases a more important part of the game?

Personally, I have friends that cannot even zone into bases anymore. No idea why.

I love my base though.



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
Perhaps the way to go is the make suggestions as to how to make the bases a more important part of the game?
Please read the previous posts, many have suggest great ideas on how to improve them. We just need the Devs to care enough to read them and enact them.



Originally Posted by Hillmm09 View Post
Please read the previous posts, many have suggest great ideas on how to improve them. We just need the Devs to care enough to read them and enact them.
Appreciate the suggestion, but I haven't the time to read the entire thread. Besides, bottom line is I know none of this discussion will make a bit of difference.

We base builders are a "back of the bus" type of people.



Originally Posted by Hillmm09 View Post
SOO many people are sitting back waiting for base raids to come back, how long will they have to wait? How long will we, the base editing community, have to wait for a few measly base items?
Going by what they've done with the CoP (using the raid 'porter for it), I have serious doubts on the future of base raids.

Originally Posted by Hillmm09 View Post
What even happened to this game? It used to be about the leveling process and now it is completely all about the end-game content.
The CoP was their "test" for the new "raid" (incarnate) content that they were working on. Personally, I think they should have paid closer attention to the data on the CoP. It was run quite a bit in the beginning, but quickly fell off in popularity. IMO, that should have been a BIG CLUE.

Nevertheless, it is obvious that the Devs have charted a course, and intend to stick to it. They are focused on incarnate content for the foreseeable future.

As for me, I am refusing to participate in it. I'll just chill out here in my little dinghy, thanks.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Going by what they've done with the CoP (using the raid 'porter for it), I have serious doubts on the future of base raids.

The CoP was their "test" for the new "raid" (incarnate) content that they were working on. Personally, I think they should have paid closer attention to the data on the CoP. It was run quite a bit in the beginning, but quickly fell off in popularity. IMO, that should have been a BIG CLUE.

Nevertheless, it is obvious that the Devs have charted a course, and intend to stick to it. They are focused on incarnate content for the foreseeable future.

As for me, I am refusing to participate in it. I'll just chill out here in my little dinghy, thanks.

/This. I need the incarnate stuff as much as I need IO sets. I'm quite happy with what I get from the basic IO's.



Something that amazes me is how little effort would make a big difference to us. Yes, a whole new Base Editor with all the bangs and whistles would be nice. But IMHO we'd be happy with some easier stuff now and a promise of more later. More decorations, windows with scenes in them. A floor tile you can't see through from the bottom. Sure the moon and the stars would be great but I'd be thrilled with a few little things now and more down the road.

I understand Rome wasn't built in a day.

"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post

Nevertheless, it is obvious that the Devs have charted a course, and intend to stick to it. They are focused on incarnate content for the foreseeable future.

I find this statement to be a bit odd. Granted I can understand the frustration of seeing a whole new system implemented instead of an old system getting some updates; however, I don't think the above is the case.

Certainly Issues 19, 20 and 20.5 are focused on Incarnate stuff in the same way Issues 14 and 15 were focused on the Mission Architect. The thing is after Issue 15 the MA took to the backseat or the roof if we're honest. Now I'm not naive enough to believe that the Incarnate stuff will end up next to the MA, it most definitely has dibs on shotgun; however, that doesn't mean that the devs are "charting a course" or focusing solely on Incarnate content. In-fact it's been pretty much confirmed at Issue 21 will have little to do with Incarnate slots or content at all. According to the May 2011 Producer's letter it'll be focused on a new zone and revamping of old lower level zones which tells me that they get that end-game can't be THE game.

The most amazing thing about it is that War Witch has famously said that revamping old zones takes as long to do as a new zone and she'd rather the team focus on new zones yet reportedly they're doing both next issue. That's a case of a developer team understanding that while new zones are great we all fell in love with the old ones too, and they could use some attention. Bases are no different. Yes, bases have been long ignored, they're in the third row of the City of... van but that doesn't mean they've been forgotten. It just takes more time for the calls of this community to cut through the noise of every other one.

So don't stop calling out, continue to, respectfully of course. Eventually we will be heard. And even if it's several small things (Like addressing various low-hanging fruit) it's still something. We don't need to seek out the Hail Mary, the last chance play to win it all, we're only in the first quarter and this MMO more than anything is a game of inches. A little here and a little there and soon we'll be near the end-zone.



Originally Posted by Kranik View Post
So don't stop calling out, continue to, respectfully of course. Eventually we will be heard. And even if it's several small things
Really? Do you have any evidence or results that supports this? To me it's more likely that there will always be some "next big thing" with mass appeal that has a higher priority.

You do know how many years it's been that people have begged for something as simple as a "blank" SG emblem? Right? That to me is about as easy as it gets and yet...

I mean nothing against you personally but at what point do you just say "I am going to stop calling out cause nobody is answering". [edit add: I'm at the point where "the shoe is on the other foot". Show me some results (any results) and I'll believe you even care].

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



The Devs would be ... excessively clever ... if they made Supergroups the "go to" location to form up and launch Incarnate Trial Leagues.

Of course, that would require Supergroups to function as Co-op Locations, so you could invite anyone from anywhere to your League (not Team, League) from your SG Base. You could then use the Mission Computer (Base Item) to sign up for an Incarnate Trial, and it would open the typical LFG window to do so. People would have the option of using the Raid Teleporter to get to the Incarnate Trial, instead of just waiting around for the counter to complete.

Seriously ... the entire "Functionality" needed to form up and launch Incarnate Leagues is sitting inside the Supergroup Bases (which are gathering dust after all these years of neglect).

By no means am I saying that SG Bases ought to REPLACE the Incarnate system we've got now ... just merely that the Incarnate system we've got could be EASILY EXPANDED to make very good use of SG Bases, and their built in resources.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
I understand Rome wasn't built in a day.
I hear it was built in 18 hours. ;P

Liberty Server
Active Character: Canadian Firestorm
Fire/Rad Controller Level 50



Originally Posted by Fire_Away View Post
Really? Do you have any evidence or results that supports this? To me it's more likely that there will always be some "next big thing" with mass appeal that has a higher priority.

You do know how many years it's been that people have begged for something as simple as a "blank" SG emblem? Right? That to me is about as easy as it gets and yet...

I mean nothing against you personally but at what point do you just say "I am going to stop calling out cause nobody is answering". [edit add: I'm at the point where "the shoe is on the other foot". Show me some results (any results) and I'll believe you even care].
I was more playing devil's advocate than anything. Someone has to.

Me personally: I'm of the opinion that we've pretty much gotten all we'll get. It's time to suck it up and deal with it.



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
The Devs would be ... excessively clever ... if they made Supergroups the "go to" location to form up and launch Incarnate Trial Leagues.

Of course, that would require Supergroups to function as Co-op Locations, so you could invite anyone from anywhere to your League (not Team, League) from your SG Base. You could then use the Mission Computer (Base Item) to sign up for an Incarnate Trial, and it would open the typical LFG window to do so. People would have the option of using the Raid Teleporter to get to the Incarnate Trial, instead of just waiting around for the counter to complete.

Seriously ... the entire "Functionality" needed to form up and launch Incarnate Leagues is sitting inside the Supergroup Bases (which are gathering dust after all these years of neglect).

By no means am I saying that SG Bases ought to REPLACE the Incarnate system we've got now ... just merely that the Incarnate system we've got could be EASILY EXPANDED to make very good use of SG Bases, and their built in resources.
I agree bases and the mish comp and raid tp unit could be a good way to go to an incarnate trial then waiting for someone to click the green button so that everyone gets "beamed up" into the trial. It would also give a better sense that we are actually crossing the dimensions to Praetoria via the raid tp unit rather then being "beamed up".

Perhaps a restructure of the league system so that it can be started in a base similar to a CoP...



Originally Posted by Kranik View Post
I find this statement to be a bit odd. Granted I can understand the frustration of seeing a whole new system implemented instead of an old system getting some updates; however, I don't think the above is the case.

Certainly Issues 19, 20 and 20.5 are focused on Incarnate stuff in the same way Issues 14 and 15 were focused on the Mission Architect. The thing is after Issue 15 the MA took to the backseat or the roof if we're honest. Now I'm not naive enough to believe that the Incarnate stuff will end up next to the MA, it most definitely has dibs on shotgun; however, that doesn't mean that the devs are "charting a course" or focusing solely on Incarnate content. In-fact it's been pretty much confirmed at Issue 21 will have little to do with Incarnate slots or content at all. According to the May 2011 Producer's letter it'll be focused on a new zone and revamping of old lower level zones which tells me that they get that end-game can't be THE game.

The most amazing thing about it is that War Witch has famously said that revamping old zones takes as long to do as a new zone and she'd rather the team focus on new zones yet reportedly they're doing both next issue. That's a case of a developer team understanding that while new zones are great we all fell in love with the old ones too, and they could use some attention. Bases are no different. Yes, bases have been long ignored, they're in the third row of the City of... van but that doesn't mean they've been forgotten. It just takes more time for the calls of this community to cut through the noise of every other one.

So don't stop calling out, continue to, respectfully of course. Eventually we will be heard. And even if it's several small things (Like addressing various low-hanging fruit) it's still something. We don't need to seek out the Hail Mary, the last chance play to win it all, we're only in the first quarter and this MMO more than anything is a game of inches. A little here and a little there and soon we'll be near the end-zone.
It's also possible that the coding for the bases system is so tangled up and messed up that instead of fixing and tuning it all up, that they may need to junk the whole thing and create an all new SG/VG base system. I suppose it is a question of which is going to be quicker and more worth the time and resources. Pure speculation of course.