Are bases obsolete?

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Personally - and this is just my opinion as a SG leader - I encourage my group the base as much as possible. We are a roleplauing group who favour using the base as the main hub for the RPing so basically we use the base as a fictional base for the theme of our group. So I guess in that respect it may actually depend on the individual player and their playing style to determine whether or not the base is obsolete, I know for my group at least it isn't.
That's just my opinion anyway.



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Would WE, as a community, be willing to start from scratch?

Give me back the prestige I had already built up/spent (and ample warning so i can make the necessary screen shots), and I would be fine with starting over from scratch...



Can't beat the convenience for crafting. Some of the other stuff, maybe not so much, but I still really like them. I also like them from a theme standpoint, and frankly, this game is more about theme than about efficiency.



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Do we want them to continue building on the existing (broken) code?
Or, do we want a whole new system?
Would WE, as a community, be willing to start from scratch?
Well much focus and attention is now on the Incarnate system and will remain that way probably for the next 2 years, there's little chance of base attention at least until they're done with incarnates. That's if they opted to revamp the system.

Having said that i would still be more than happy to start from scratch and rebuild, if it made building complex designs much more easier rather than relying on a few dozen exploits and bugs to do it.

Personally I wouldn't mind just seeing a few more themes and items being added and not having to be so reliant on floor lamps and desks. I dunno how easy it would be to add some more items that are already floating around in the game but it would definitely bring some smiles on faces until such a time that the base system could get a possible deeper looking into.



Casting my vote now, and let this be known: I have dumped so much time and labor into creating a massive labyrinth, those that have seen my base know that this speaks volumes and I hope that everyone would follow my example when I say

Let's start over from scratch and make it everything it should be.

I am willing to part with all of my work -if I have to- because of how much I want new base editing tools and base related features.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



yup lets just light a match..burn it down and start over. Im game



I'm a huge fan of your work, Sarcasm has never translated well, without the /sarcasm before and after the txt So, just to be clear, I'm hoping you were not being sarcastic.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
I think Zube was referring to the original designer/programmer.
I think Zube was talking about the Old/Original Lord Recluse. Though some parallels to Sunstorm could be made.

Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
And I suspect there is the ultimate kernel of the base conundrum... nobody has a handle on the code anymore. Folks like Sunstorm tried dipping their toes in it, and unfortunately the tangle got worse. Now, nobody wants to touch it with a ten foot pole.
It needs to be started from scratch, with realistic expectations on how bases will be used. For the last 5 years, the players have consistently shown the developers that they are NOT using bases in the way the developers have envisioned they would.

You'd think after all this time that they would understand that.

Every player needs a storage locker (account, not character driven), yet there is communal storage only. They wanted players to "build their own bases", yet that falls on one player generally.

Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Do we want them to continue building on the existing (broken) code?
Or, do we want a whole new system?
Would WE, as a community, be willing to start from scratch?
Start over from scratch.

Put in proper Z-positioning. Allow use of existing objects. Give every player their own lair while giving benefits for having a communal property.

In short, make groups and bases relevant again.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Bases are one of the many golden gems that so many of us enjoyed and looked forward to being developed only to be left in the dust because that's just that way it is. I gave up. Just give up and check back in a few months. (That hasn't worked out for me either).



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Would WE, as a community, be willing to start from scratch?
I don't think I could.

After the Brighton office had a major restructure (read: layoffs), there was a lot of talk of players about whether the EU servers would soon follow. Now as it turned out it was mostly panic-posting due to the absense of confirmation/statement from our EU rep at the time about what was going on but it did make me think; "could I start over on the US servers?".

Thinking about it; the answer was "no". Not to the same degree. I had a plan, mainly from boredom, about consolidating all my alts into a single group on a single server, if they'd offered, if I had to 'start over'.

As it happened it was just doomsaying run rampant with speculation of what might be happening while they sorted out the office (the EU servers are still here nearly three years later and moved nextdoor to the US rack) but that answer still lingers in my mind.

More recently during the Cyber Monday; my master account was banned because of an external hacking attempt. Now this was early hours of Monday morning so I had several hours to contemplate 'starting over' again. Same thing but add in vet rewards and the bundles of salvage and effort in reclaiming what bases I could not to mention all the 'never-again' stuff that I'd built up in my time here. Thankfully it ended happily, I'm here, with a G-M telling me that someone had tried to access my account from 'elsewhere' and about 50 codes later I had access restored. A long 36 hours.

HOWEVER, to rope my thoughts in, I'd find the best way is if they could 'start from scratch' but find a way of being able to import the current state of bases. A lot of builders have put masses of effort to make some extraordinary creations. I myself have an bookshop concealing an underground base (one that I've spent most of the last year creating), an airship base, an Arachnos base as well as my own personal bases one which has a forest room, a cinema, a workshop and a large library.

I'd prefer still having all the stuff that is available with extras like the empty beaker rack and all the new furniture even if the interface and system was rebuilt. I spent a lot of time on my bases so I'd like to keep them, even if the interface became more advanced.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
I think Zube was referring to the original designer/programmer.

And I suspect there is the ultimate kernel of the base conundrum... nobody has a handle on the code anymore. Folks like Sunstorm tried dipping their toes in it, and unfortunately the tangle got worse. Now, nobody wants to touch it with a ten foot pole.

I still think, however, that it's a job in need of doin'.

I love how folks are still willing to put ideas out there for consideration.
I only hope that some Dev "out there" is paying attention to the forward thinking that this community has exhibited.

Bases have evolved (devolved?) from their original incarnation. The question now should be; do we continue to ask for band-aids (new shineys!), or do we press for a more advanced evolution and development of this feature?

Do we want them to continue building on the existing (broken) code?
Or, do we want a whole new system?
Would WE, as a community, be willing to start from scratch?

I've given this a lot of thought and even tho I'd hate to lose everything I put into the bases I currently have, a completely new system would probably be the best way to go.



Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
I don't think I could.
Think of it this way,

The base building community wants to make this huge breakfast to feed everyone in the game, in order to do so, it's going to take all of our eggs to make this huge omelet.

Its going to take all of us to make this sacrifice in order for it to happen.

We will have to re-build our farms, re-hatch our chicks and its going to take some getting used to.

If I know anything about our dev team- The end result will breathe new life into bases, they will become so much more than they were before and people will be scratching their heads and saying things like "why didn't we do this sooner?"

I'm letting go of something -huge-

I'm in this all the way... well...IF it has to happen that way and IF it happens at all.

I invite you to come by Infinity <blueside> for a tour, as I would love to see your base as well.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Obsolete? No Necessary? Well technically they never really were but frankly they seem even less so now. And I say this as a fellow Base Archetect who enjoys tinkering and making the place look nice. That said let's examine what a base offers..

One of the biggest things most SGs will broadcast when recruiting. "We have teleport to all zones!" Well between the Ouro Portal, and now the combined Yellow and Green Lines.. Or combined Ferry system for the red Side .. It has gotten to the point where I barely use the teleporters in my base any more.

"We have a fully operational medbay!" Yeah but even with Robo Surgery attached to the Regenerator if you chose to go to base instead of hospital you end up taking a knee to rest before heading back. Add to that the fact that half the time when you head back you don't wind up at the door of the mission you left.. You end up at the Base TP site which may be even further away than the Hospital. "We even have an Auto Doc so you can buy Inspiration during a TF" Since 1-19 the Auto Doc now sits in almost every zone and is called The COmbat Nurse. I can't tell you how many times that improvement has helped during the Hami raid mission of the LGFT or on the Tin mage/Apex TFs

"We have storage for salvage".. Yeah you do but then so does the Vault and I don't need to worry about someone else using the salvage I put in te rack so i could use it later. Plus they limited the size so badly 999 down to 30 it's useless even trying to store a lot there.

invention Crafting tables? Hit any university or the RWZ.

Now what do bases offer that is unique and still viable.. okay first off all that stuff in one place. I can set up a personal vault right next to an IO Crafting Table and in the same workshop throw down enhancement bins to store anything you make and don't need right now. Now most of the city zones that have a university also have a vault but in seperate building in sperate locations in the zone.. so you save time crafting in base!

Depending on the base of course.. Sure there are combat nurses that will sell you inspirations in zone but all of my bases have inspiration collectors filled with 100 of each type of Inspirations (and all teir 3s).. Try getting that sort of bonus from a Combat Nurse!

Okay so I don't have a comeback for teleport.. LOL Like I said i built the base and installed all those telepads and even I rarely ever use them these days. One thing that has changed though is the reinstatement of the Cathedral of Pain.. You can't get there using an ouro portal or a train.. you need an SG with a Mission computer and a raid teleporter.

The biggest thing a good Sg can provide is team mates either from your own group or from any groups you have forged coalitions with over the years. Good friends and good team mates that play together and enjoy one another's company. the base is just a place we can call home.

ALL THAT SAID.. I STILL WANT SOME IMPROVEMENTS hehe where the Heck is my hottub option?

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



My main uses for the base are now primarily for getting to hami raids (i can go directly to Eden from atlas park or the like) and for crafting. Since i'll often spend an hour in atlas tracking back and fourth from WW and a crafting table, crafting tables in the base does improve convenience. Also, being the chief designer, it's my big sandbox.

The problem with bases nowadays is that there are now just as easy (or even easier) alternatives to all base services that exist outside the base. The only service that is unique to the base are the empowerment stations. Back before i10 or whenever the base salvage was phased out i used those empowerment stations like there was no tomorrow, purely because we had a single storage rack dedicated to components, which we would craft after doing a few "SG Farms" gathering prestige and salvage. The components made crafting dead easy because we didn't need to hit the market to buy a specific salvage item. hence, before a mission, on my i would stop into the base, go to my salvage rack stocked up to 999 components, grab a handfull and buff up before taking a teleporter. Now if i want a specific buff, i need to sift through stacks upon stacks of salvage, find the one i need before i can craft it.

I believe things like making the medical reclaimers more feisable along with the empowerment stations and teleporters could be sorted out. That would make a notable impact on how bases are viewed in terms of their usefulness. Being able to run base raids would be even better but i'm sure we're all aware that the devs have enough on their plate at the moment.



I counted.

Salvage racks used to hold 2500 items, showed as 999.

Back when WW first hit I remember seeing alot of the base salvage on the market, salvage racks still held 2500. I did see price flipping going on, but at the same time, I didn't depend on the market for base salvage. I had plenty of active sg members dumping off junk that rapidly filled those racks. crafting, storing salvage for the empowerment buffs worked quite well.

Hording wasn't a problem, or, at least... salvage dropped so often it didn't seem like one.

It would be nice to go to that number again, or just a number that is NOT 30.

It would also be nice to tie all storage into all crafting tables and empowerment buff stations or be able to chose which ones to assign for sheer convenience.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I counted.

Salvage racks used to hold 2500 items, showed as 999.

Back when WW first hit I remember seeing alot of the base salvage on the market, salvage racks still held 2500. I did see price flipping going on, but at the same time, I didn't depend on the market for base salvage. I had plenty of active sg members dumping off junk that rapidly filled those racks. crafting, storing salvage for the empowerment buffs worked quite well.

Hording wasn't a problem, or, at least... salvage dropped so often it didn't seem like one.

It would be nice to go to that number again, or just a number that is NOT 30.

It would also be nice to tie all storage into all crafting tables and empowerment buff stations or be able to chose which ones to assign for sheer convenience.
Personally, I don't think that allowing more salvage (and recipes too!) to be held in the racks would break the bank. I think that this would actually drop some of the outrageous prices a bit. With people holding more salvage in their base, there is going to be less demand for he salvage on WW, which will force prices down. No more of one person buying up every single piece of something on the market, then selling for jacked-up prices, that end up getting met by those who don't feel like waiting. Instead, people will take an extra look through their base inventory, or ask a buddy, and get what they're looking for without going bankrupt to create a single enhancement.

Topher Wade lvl 50 Claws/Regen
The Crimson Heroes Society SG
Chaos Faction VG

Official Naturalized Citizen of Justice since 2007



In response to the idea of everyone starting from scratch? I'm all for it! I think it would be good for the devs to allow those who have old-school bases keep them, just close them off to new builders. Basing bases off of the AE mechanism would be awesome. I can just envision my main room leading off one way to my tech area, while in the other direction is the tunnel leading to the huge cave-ish thing. They could make the base item unlockable stuff like the AE/merit/vanguard system, with Prestige unlocking various items such as teleporters, a vanguard/RWZ porter, recipe tables, etc.

IMO, the base should be able to do just about everything that can be done outside of the base, from having a tailor shop to a WW link. For a price. The only things that shouldn't be allowed are contacts that you don't have a phone for yet, trainers, and a small number of other things that wouldn't quite make sense. This would encourage team/community play, which is what the game was built for, and would make the base system, well, AWESOME!

And for the person who mentioned making the bases related to a specific in-game door, that wouldn't be a bad idea, so long as they kept the base tpers. I would love to be at Atlas, and run to the same door every time in order to get into my base. They could just throw in a backstory/description that behind that door is a hallway that leads to a few different bases, so that they don't have to worry about people complaining that a different SG uses the same door.

Topher Wade lvl 50 Claws/Regen
The Crimson Heroes Society SG
Chaos Faction VG

Official Naturalized Citizen of Justice since 2007



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I'm a huge fan of your work, Sarcasm has never translated well, without the /sarcasm before and after the txt So, just to be clear, I'm hoping you were not being sarcastic.
No sarcasm here i have no problrm letting go of the past for a better future. Even though i have spent hundreds of hours building stuff over the years it would be more space for me to build and bring new life to bases.



Originally Posted by stacker View Post
No sarcasm here i have no problrm letting go of the past for a better future. Even though i have spent hundreds of hours building stuff over the years it would be more space for me to build and bring new life to bases.
I know what you mean. I mean my own SG base, i've poured hours into it, some of those hours were pretty damn frustrating and tedious, and while it looked nice in the end, as I continue to build, adapt, and expand on my base, I'm going to soon hit the item count, and from then on, all my prestige will be... well, sitting idly until I decide to nuke one thing for something else.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I love the Base Building Community!!!!!

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Starting over from scratch would be no issue from me. I'd freely give up all the work I've done in order to get a better system. Then again, I have a fairly high turnover rate on my base rooms as it is. I'm constantly tearing down and rebuilding either because I have a better idea or want a change (it's become an ongoing joke in the SG, even)

Really, a new (and improved) system that allows for more powerful construction and customization can only be a good thing in the long run.



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Bases have evolved (devolved?) from their original incarnation. The question now should be; do we continue to ask for band-aids (new shineys!), or do we press for a more advanced evolution and development of this feature?

Do we want them to continue building on the existing (broken) code?
Or, do we want a whole new system?
Would WE, as a community, be willing to start from scratch?

I have 4 moderately complex bases on 4 different servers, plus another built by my sister on a fifth server. I have enjoyed building them and figuring out ways to make a visual impression that is fittingly heroic, or mystical, or whatever.

That being said, as long as I was reimbursed with the equivalent "currency" that would allow me to start over and build again - sure, I'm not that attached to them and it would give me the new challenge of building again. I have pictures of what I have now for the memories.

I am in the situation of having small 2 person SGs (just my sister and I) as actve players, also using alts from my husband's account to pad - plus lots of assistance from my fellow base builders during the infamous prestige grant back in 2007(?). That's what gave me the funds to build my current bases - I would not be able to start over without getting that back. I would be very sad in that case, and I would likely not rebuild if I have to start from "zero" in whatever point system might be used for a new base builder tool.

edit to add - I have zero interest in base raids or anything that would create a need for large "raiding" SGs or prestige bots. Just give me enough stuff to play with, and I'm fine with making new bases.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



If they were to do another Prestige Grant in the future, I wish that it were just a lump sum, like 5mil.

That would give plenty of us smaller 'modest means' base builders funds to play with our bases, while the larger SG's wouldn't notice because they are active enough and SG Gargoyles farming for members prior to these grants would not be so prevelant.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
Think of it this way,

The base building community wants to make this huge breakfast to feed everyone in the game, in order to do so, it's going to take all of our eggs to make this huge omelet.

Its going to take all of us to make this sacrifice in order for it to happen.

We will have to re-build our farms, re-hatch our chicks and its going to take some getting used to.

If I know anything about our dev team- The end result will breathe new life into bases, they will become so much more than they were before and people will be scratching their heads and saying things like "why didn't we do this sooner?"

I'm letting go of something -huge-

I'm in this all the way... well...IF it has to happen that way and IF it happens at all.
Which I hope it doesn't. As said in the other thread; there's storage issues to consider. But to lean on that metaphor; everyone seems to want a cheese and ham omelette and that means slaughtering Porky, the lovable pig who's been part of the family for years. I don't want Porky slaughtered for what might be. I'd rather have the plain omelette (not the complete descruction but the interface change).

Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I invite you to come by Infinity <blueside> for a tour, as I would love to see your base as well.
While I could take you up on that offer; you'd have to get an EU account for an actual tour of my pet project for the last year. But I have been posting the pictures of it here. It is a counterpart group that I ended up inheriting. It started with an idea of being a hidden base inside a sewer access but I went with a bookshop with a secret exit to the base below. Since it was made more homely (the living space); I've had nothing but praises about it. So much so that the weekly meet-ups have taken place there in recent months.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
Which I hope it doesn't. As said in the other thread; there's storage issues to consider. But to lean on that metaphor; everyone seems to want a cheese and ham omelette and that means slaughtering Porky, the lovable pig who's been part of the family for years. I don't want Porky slaughtered for what might be. I'd rather have the plain omelette (not the complete descruction but the interface change).
Son, you get a lot more meat from ol' Porky than that little bit you want to use in a cheese and ham omelette.

Ground Pork
Butt Steaks
Shoulder Roasts
Smoked Daisy
Loin Roast
Pork Chops,
Loin Rib Chops
Boneless Loin
Country-style Ribs
Canadian-style Bacon
Fresh Ham
Smoked Ham
Ham Steaks
Jowl Bacon
Spare Ribs
and Pork Belly

So if sacrificing our current bases gets us so much more in return then I have no problem taking Porky to the butcher and getting him chopped up for food.