Anyone else frustrated with Issue 19?
Then don't do them all at once.
I have 27 Alts on Virtue alone, and another 7 on Justice. I have respecced exactly 4 of them. Their builds have been working just fine for over a year. While, yes I now have the ability to make them better, I have no NEED to do it right away. The game didn't get any harder, so they can still do everything they used to do with exactly the same skill.
there are tons more pugs running high-end task forces, so I can get a lot of my 40s into them and leveled up. Don't need to be an incarnate for the ITF or Barracuda.
I have two of my characters who I am simply logging in once every three days and autocompleting thier incarnate missions and checking the market.
I have three who are finished with their alpha slotting (two differnt uncommons and a bit of stockpile for the next release), who I can bring onto Apex or Tin Mage if I want to. I got all three done in one day last weekend and it didn't even take the whole day to pull it off.
It is only a grind if you deliberately choose to make it one. Put your 50s down and go do something else. I took my new Peacebringer through A Sister Psyche last Sunday, had people jumping all over me to join in when I announced it. Took all of 3 minutes to form up the team and there were enough leftovers that someone else did one at the same time with the people who weren't fast enough to get into my team. So looks like a lot of people still want to do non-incarnate stuff. Should be easy for you to find a team to play with.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
I have always tamed my altaholism because I knew that it would eventually become this huge matrix of unsustainable spreadsheets and a grind that would drive me batty.
I am enjoying i19 just fine thanks.
I think this is pretty good. I like the extra build so now I have 3. I don't like having to do all of these TFs again to get these shards but I'm stocking up on them so when they release the other slots I'll just create them. I do wish I could trade my excess. The stuff on the wiki is wrong though. I've gotten shards in locations other than listed.
The only reason it's a grind is because of your perception that you need to complete the alpha slot on all (or most) of your alts right now. You don't. I've gotten the alpha on exactly one toon (my main, and badger), and similarily, only respecced that same toon on account of inherent fitness. Yes, I know I lost the first respec token on all my alts, but like you, didn't want the game to become a grindfest in the days/weeks after I19's launch.
Slow down. Smell the roses. And re-focus your efforts.
For example, right now I am focussing on my main. I have the alpha slot crafted up with two uncommons right now. I don't like the other two options, so am ignoring them. I'm now accumulating incarnate salvage for her in anticipation of future slots, alpha and beyond.
Hope that perspective helps you out a bit.
Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.
1387 badges, and counting
Some things to remember if it's feeling grindy :
all the missions are stealthable. The first mission you don't even need stealth -just ignore the echos and walk up to Ramiel.
Don't forget to talk to Lady Grey after the instanced mission in the RWZ.
Auto-complete the RWZ mission. Even stealthed this one takes the most time, after you account for the glowie and ambushes it spawns.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
It took me over a week to finish updating all my characters for Inherent Fitness. More than 2/3 of them I just had to log them in, they didn't have Stamina yet and so it didn't really take much time. But between just going through the login process, and the 1/3 that did need respecs (and about half a dozen need a respec for their second build now) it was pretty tedious.
I'm happy, though, the results have been pretty good, and now that I'm done, I don't have to worry about it ever again. Hopefully it will be a long, long time before the devs again do something that impacts every character at all levels of development. I've been able to get back to playing, and enjoy the results.
Inherents I don't see as a problem, as I have only two 50's. Those who have as many 50's as I have alts I can see having a problem. But I think in that case I would have taken it one at a time, going through the ones I felt would be most likely to benefit from the Incarnate process, and would be interested in going through it first. That's the way I've handled my side switching, after all.
Pile of 50s here, 200-some characters.
Just doing them a bit at a time. Actually finished (I think) all my 50s Incarnate arcs faster than I thought. I had planned to space them out a bit more.
As for inherent stamina? Some characters didn't have it to begin with, so no issue. (Especially newer ones, actually.) Some I haven't decided how to make use of it yet. And some I've respecced. That's another "do it over time" project. It doesn't HAVE to be done RITE NAO.
Nope, not frustrated a bit. Enjoying it quite a lot in fact.
No. I deleted a bunch of toons over the years. Sometimes freedom is letting go. I suggest either take your time and prioritize which ones come first and actually play them a little bit before moving on to the next toon, or remove some of the clutter. It's nice to have a 100 50s, but really, can you even play that much?!
I just reactivated my account and haven't even started in on it and I'm frustrated with the accumulation of stuff to make/upgrade the Alpha Slot nonsense. This frustration stems from my past experience with the annoying crafting system and marketplace. I figure I may as well be frustrated in advance.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
As someone with altitis (and enjoys switching frequently between toons) I found it very time consuming with the new Stamina set up.
But the biggest chore is the Alpha slot. So many of my toons are 50s that I thought I would enjoy this. But running the same arc over and over for so many of them? Sheesh. To me this has all just increased the grind factor and lowered the fun factor. X 20. |

Just play it when you're on a 50 that you decided would be nice to have the alpah slot on.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I just reactivated my account and haven't even started in on it and I'm frustrated with the accumulation of stuff to make/upgrade the Alpha Slot nonsense. This frustration stems from my past experience with the annoying crafting system and marketplace. I figure I may as well be frustrated in advance.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
I just reactivated my account and haven't even started in on it and I'm frustrated with the accumulation of stuff to make/upgrade the Alpha Slot nonsense. This frustration stems from my past experience with the annoying crafting system and marketplace. I figure I may as well be frustrated in advance.
Then don't do them all at once.
I have 27 Alts on Virtue alone, and another 7 on Justice. I have respecced exactly 4 of them. Their builds have been working just fine for over a year. While, yes I now have the ability to make them better, I have no NEED to do it right away. The game didn't get any harder, so they can still do everything they used to do with exactly the same skill. there are tons more pugs running high-end task forces, so I can get a lot of my 40s into them and leveled up. Don't need to be an incarnate for the ITF or Barracuda. I have two of my characters who I am simply logging in once every three days and autocompleting thier incarnate missions and checking the market. I have three who are finished with their alpha slotting (two differnt uncommons and a bit of stockpile for the next release), who I can bring onto Apex or Tin Mage if I want to. I got all three done in one day last weekend and it didn't even take the whole day to pull it off. It is only a grind if you deliberately choose to make it one. Put your 50s down and go do something else. I took my new Peacebringer through A Sister Psyche last Sunday, had people jumping all over me to join in when I announced it. Took all of 3 minutes to form up the team and there were enough leftovers that someone else did one at the same time with the people who weren't fast enough to get into my team. So looks like a lot of people still want to do non-incarnate stuff. Should be easy for you to find a team to play with. |
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
Incarnate crafting a) uses no recipes - they are already "learned" b) can be done on the fly - Open the powers window, then next to "Combat Attributes" is "incarnate powers" c) no market to mess with - everything is "bound" aka no trading in any fashion.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Ah, then it's bound to be even more frustrating since it will rely almost completely on luck-of-the-drop. I foresee myself having to defeat tens of thousands of level 50 enemies to acquire numerous incarnate shards in order to make the items necessary to perform the upgrades. That information makes me better prepared for the frustration.
![]() |
I crafted a common then uncommon musculature boost after 2 ITFs and 2 LGTFs. Although I imagine, yes, once we start getting the rare and very rare buffs, crafting them will get a little more grindy.
"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
I loved the new "grind" of the Incarnate stuff...
Because, suddenly, people started to play the way I liked. No more speed runs. Hunting the enemies. Trying different ways to do things.
Last night I even convinced a team to pounce Rommie and Requiem without any kind of pulling.
As we hunted the cimerorans pre-valley of lag, there was... gasp... no lag!
And not only on the ITF. On a few other TFs I did, people forgot about making it fast, and were attacking and defeating stuff, sometimes even for fun (and totally contraproducent thinking on time/reward rates). When was the last time any of you cleared the last map of LG? And engaged the upper part of the Hamidon mission? Not stealthed anything on Khan or Barracuda? And STF and LRSF?
The reward rates are pretty good. You can make your first tier doing only one TF (choosing one for a component you want) or even crafting the first and starting to get things to the 2nd (choosing a component AND your first tier needed Gray'matter).
** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.
With inherent Fitness, my lowbies are once again fun to play. The ones pre-20 no longer run out of Endurance all the time, and then ones in the low 20s no longer have to put off fun powers to get Stamina. My level 25 Ice/Storm Corruptor is awesome to play.
I finally got around to giving some of my 50s a respec that they needed, but I couldn't be bothered to do. I also unlocked the Alpha slot on all of them, and every time I play them they usually get at least one shard, so that makes me happy.
Everyone's running TFs all the time and they're not speed TFs either. They are easy to PuG and fun to play.
And finally, there is over a hundred new badges for my badge hunters, and nothing makes me happier than badges.

Character index
Between inherent Fitness, the Alpha Slot and the two new TFs, I find I19 to be a complete success. Nobody is holding a gun to my head forcing me to rush through all of my alts, so I don't really feel the "grind".
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Between inherent Fitness, the Alpha Slot and the two new TFs, I find I19 to be a complete success. Nobody is holding a gun to my head forcing me to rush through all of my alts, so I don't really feel the "grind".
I'll get around to respeccing my many alts when I actually plan to play them.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
And now that I'm actually playing, I have developed a new frustration: Trapdoor is too difficult for my Blaster to defeat. Which means it's highly likely none of my current 50s will be able to defeat him.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
As someone with altitis (and enjoys switching frequently between toons) I found it very time consuming with the new Stamina set up.
But the biggest chore is the Alpha slot. So many of my toons are 50s that I thought I would enjoy this. But running the same arc over and over for so many of them? Sheesh.
To me this has all just increased the grind factor and lowered the fun factor. X 20.