Anyone else frustrated with Issue 19?




I want to adjust my comments. I wish new content would have been created to collect only the shards but I understand why it wasn't. I have already run these TFs to death and now I have to do it again. Thank God, I have only 2 50s. I laughed when I heard that Trapdoor was getting harder. That will draw out the play for some. I'm glad I got my slot though. I hope Paragon Studio focuses on more content and less runaround in the future. I hope they create 2 TFs for each slot in the future.



The other thing that irks me is how classless people are when it comes to new Tfs. I watched several people get booted from the Tin Mage and Apex Tfs because they were alpha slotted. They said something about -8 against enemies unless everyone on the team was slotted. Reprogram this so only the players not slotted are affected by this not the whole team. Have Hardcore Joe reading through your capabilities and saying your not slotted is going too far in my opinion.



Originally Posted by AncientSpirit_NA View Post
As someone with altitis (and enjoys switching frequently between toons) I found it very time consuming with the new Stamina set up.

But the biggest chore is the Alpha slot. So many of my toons are 50s that I thought I would enjoy this. But running the same arc over and over for so many of them? Sheesh.

To me this has all just increased the grind factor and lowered the fun factor. X 20.
1. Use Sentinel.

2. The game wasn't balance around one human with 100 alts.

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Originally Posted by KayJMM View Post
I loved the new "grind" of the Incarnate stuff...
Because, suddenly, people started to play the way I liked. No more speed runs. Hunting the enemies. Trying different ways to do things.
Last night I even convinced a team to pounce Rommie and Requiem without any kind of pulling.
As we hunted the cimerorans pre-valley of lag, there was... gasp... no lag!
And not only on the ITF. On a few other TFs I did, people forgot about making it fast, and were attacking and defeating stuff, sometimes even for fun (and totally contraproducent thinking on time/reward rates). When was the last time any of you cleared the last map of LG? And engaged the upper part of the Hamidon mission? Not stealthed anything on Khan or Barracuda? And STF and LRSF?

The reward rates are pretty good. You can make your first tier doing only one TF (choosing one for a component you want) or even crafting the first and starting to get things to the 2nd (choosing a component AND your first tier needed Gray'matter).
This !!

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by AncientSpirit_NA View Post
As someone with altitis (and enjoys switching frequently between toons) I found it very time consuming with the new Stamina set up.

But the biggest chore is the Alpha slot. So many of my toons are 50s that I thought I would enjoy this. But running the same arc over and over for so many of them? Sheesh.

To me this has all just increased the grind factor and lowered the fun factor. X 20.
Oh that mean, mean I19, FORCING you to "grind" for the alpha slot.

How dare it!

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone






Nope, not at all. In fact I love it. I only have 6 50's at the moment and only planned on making 3 of them incarnates plus a 4th alt who is currently lvl 35. So getting them to Incarnate status wasn't very difficult. Plus the story lines are refreshing. The respec I'm taking my time with. I've respeced toons before and completely messed them up and I don't want to repeat that mistake again. I have about 30+ alts so that is going to be a long process that I'll spread out over the next few months (some I haven't played in 60 days or more). I took a peek in Atlas AE last night and there were only 5 people in there! I've never seen it that dead before since it's inception. I've never been a fan of the disaster zones (Hollows, Boomtown, RWZ) but yesterday I spent more time in RWZ than I have in the two years I've been playing CoH. So if the devs goals was to get ppl out of AE and into some of the less popular areas then I say they have succeeded. I'm happy the fitness pool is inherent now. It should have been from the start, as well as the rail system linking to all areas now. Overall I give the devs an A+ for their efforts on this one.



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
The other thing that irks me is how classless people are when it comes to new Tfs. I watched several people get booted from the Tin Mage and Apex Tfs because they were alpha slotted. They said something about -8 against enemies unless everyone on the team was slotted. Reprogram this so only the players not slotted are affected by this not the whole team. Have Hardcore Joe reading through your capabilities and saying your not slotted is going too far in my opinion.
It already works that way. Only those without something in their Alpha slot will suffer the debuff. Whoever was saying that having just one team member without their Alpha slot slotted will cause the whole team to be debuffed, was wrong.

As for inherent Fitness, I'll admit that is is a lot of work respeccing my characters for it. But once I get that over with, it'll be back to playing the game as I did before, with my characters a bit stronger than before.

And so far I only have my main hero incarnate-ized, and he now has a common Cardiac Boost. I might unlock the Alpha Slot on my main villain, but I haven't really decided on that yet. But those are the only two characters I plan on making into Incarnates.

Currently published Mission Architect arcs:
Arc ID# 70466: From the Abyss.
Arc ID# 403174: The Serpent's Revenge.
Arc ID# 534236: The Clockwork Angel.



Thanks for the update, Spectreblade.



I love the fact that there's something to do that will advance/improve my favorite toons that were already at 50. If you have 'too many' toons to work on, then you're going to be frustrated with any new content that would benefit said toons.

I also enjoy doing task forces, and the improved rewards (incarnate shards/salvage) has increased the opportunities to get in on some tf action. And the new task forces are a reasonable length as opposed to some of the older, ridiculously long ones, and are unique and fun to play.

I tried one of the zone events in praetoria and that too was a fun, new kind of experience.

And inherent stamina is simply great. Leveling up toons will be much less painful, and on older toons you basically get to pick 3 new powers to add. Again, if this is frustrating to you because you have 'too many characters', then really, any content that improves lvl 50s would 'frustrate' you. For me, I pick my favorites and happily improve them.

But overall, I love issue 19 and I hope they keep the incarnate stuff coming along as we go rather than only during big issues which they seemed to imply was their goal. I'm ready for the rest of the alpha juice please...



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
And now that I'm actually playing, I have developed a new frustration: Trapdoor is too difficult for my Blaster to defeat. Which means it's highly likely none of my current 50s will be able to defeat him.
What are you running at, if I may ask?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



So... I'm the only one who's planning on only having some of my characters become Incarnates?



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
What are you running at, if I may ask?
-1 level. I don't recall if I have it set at x1, x2, or x3. The encounters along the way seemed a bit larger than x1, but I tend to run on the easiest setting I can get away with. Since that only affects encounter size, though, it shouldn't matter either way. If I could lower the level farther, I would.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by SuperFerret View Post
So... I'm the only one who's planning on only having some of my characters become Incarnates?
Not at all. My plan is to make 4 out of 30+ characters incarnates. The rest will remain S/O'd, frankenslotted, or possibly a few I/O'd.



About Trapdoor, did you go back to your trainer and adjust you combat level down? If you have it set to +4 you may have problems.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
-1 level. I don't recall if I have it set at x1, x2, or x3. The encounters along the way seemed a bit larger than x1, but I tend to run on the easiest setting I can get away with. Since that only affects encounter size, though, it shouldn't matter either way. If I could lower the level farther, I would.
Let me ask you this: Are you killing his bifurcate copies as they spawn? He has the ability to teleport parts of himself to multiple places at the same time to recouperate, so finding and killing those copies makes him MUCH easier to defeat. That, and knocking him back into the lava (if you can manage it).

Or, you could try to last him out. That's what my Ice/Axe tanker did. Took me FOREVER, and I had to let him wail on me while I went around killing off his copies, but for whatever reason he eventually stopped regenerating through bifurcates altogether (I'm going with: energy absorption ran him out of endurance) and I could take him down.

FWIW, my tanker is mostly SO'd (two five-slotted sets of crushing impact and two five-slotted sets of red fortune are the only bonuses he has going) and ran the mission at +1x8, so - given the right tactics and some luck - I have no doubt that you'll be able to take him down at some point.

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Also, he doesn't bifricate when held or stunned.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by SuperFerret View Post
So... I'm the only one who's planning on only having some of my characters become Incarnates?
I'm looking at *one* myself.

Unless the process is more entertaining than it looks from the outside.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I'm looking at *one* myself.

Unless the process is more entertaining than it looks from the outside.
I finally found a way to make it more entertaining for me.

I am using my purple warshade so that's a good start of course.

I am running tip missions accumulating hero merits and shards. An occasions trip out in the RWZ to also get some tips, shards and vanguard merits. And also occasional Ouroboros arcs to change the scenery.

He finally got his alpha common boost which I found greatly entertaining. I am not sure he is benefiting from it but I do like seeing it on his buff display.

Prior to figuring out how to make this fun it was not any fun at all but now I am having a great time.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I am using my purple warshade so that's a good start of course.
i hope you purpled him casually.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Let me ask you this: Are you killing his bifurcate copies as they spawn? He has the ability to teleport parts of himself to multiple places at the same time to recouperate, so finding and killing those copies makes him MUCH easier to defeat. That, and knocking him back into the lava (if you can manage it).

Or, you could try to last him out. That's what my Ice/Axe tanker did. Took me FOREVER, and I had to let him wail on me while I went around killing off his copies, but for whatever reason he eventually stopped regenerating through bifurcates altogether (I'm going with: energy absorption ran him out of endurance) and I could take him down.

FWIW, my tanker is mostly SO'd (two five-slotted sets of crushing impact and two five-slotted sets of red fortune are the only bonuses he has going) and ran the mission at +1x8, so - given the right tactics and some luck - I have no doubt that you'll be able to take him down at some point.
Yes, I was killing his ridiculous unending-and-far-too-rapidly-deployed supply of duplicates. I honestly did not see any lava, but I doubt I could keep him in it with any consistency between bouncing around atacking his bifurcations. I was unable to get his health bar below 75% before my inspirations ran out and he utterly destroyed me.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



The room he is in, has a "center platform" with a catwalk around it.

Knock him off the edge, and the lava is below.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



honestly you don't sound like you even want to be happy with the issue. Soon as someone tells you one thing, you find a new way to be upset about it.

Can we have your stuff?



Originally Posted by LygerZero View Post
honestly you don't sound like you even want to be happy with the issue. Soon as someone tells you one thing, you find a new way to be upset about it.
Who, me? I would absolutely like to be happy with it. But I have plenty of experience with this game and thus I didn't expect to be happy with it. Currently I only have one solid way that I am frustrated with it. If I ever get past that one, singular thing, I certainly expect to find new things to be annoyed with. But at least inherent Fitness is nice.

And unfortunately I have a consistent hankering for a superhero game, and even more unfortunately this game is the best offering overall in the genre (he says, having just rejoined after taking a month or so off to Beta DCUO).

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



granted, inherant fitness is a blessing.

Trapdoor is not, however, difficult. One singular domi can effectively neuter his entire encounter, let alone another DPS or a meat shield. If you're on Guardian or Pinnacle, look me up and I'd be happy to show you.

Also, it's far from 10's of thousands. It seems like the more people you have on a team the more the odds of getting a shard are. During one ITF I wound up with 14 dropped on me total. Just give it a try before being so negative about it. (Says the person who's more negative in RL than anyone else he knows. lol)