Discussion: The 12 days of Coralax!




A little understanding goes a long way. This is not, 'we want to give out these codes, and cannot find a better way'. This is 'we want more traffic, and we have these codes'. So they get people to subscribe to a twitter feed, or like a facebook page, or refresh the forums... all of which increases their stature.

This was not about giving you a code. So don't complain that it's a poor way to gift. It was about bringing all the players to the yard. So appreciate that it's a great way to do that. Work with it, or don't.

+1 to codes pack
+1 to random game logon 'door prize'

And how smart would it be to do both?



I think it's bad design.

If the intent is code giveaways for the broad range of serious CoX fan.

Rend this space....



I love this costume and want it for both my accounts. Sadly, that's realistically not gonna happen unless you offer them for sale at the NCSoft store (or come teach my classes so I can sit idly by my computer for the next twelve days for the slim chance of getting one, let alone two).

Congrats, because it's been a while since the CoH team has actually made me angry at them and this game.




Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

Yah. Honestly I just came here to post that I think I'd actually pay to get a bunch of these in a booster pack. But I'm not gonna sit there with my eyes peeled on a site all day in a frustrating attempt to try and snatch codes while I could...you know...be PLAYING the game. xD
Yup same here, that makes one less person not pursuing this good luck to the rest.




Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

Yah. Honestly I just came here to post that I think I'd actually pay to get a bunch of these in a booster pack. But I'm not gonna sit there with my eyes peeled on a site all day in a frustrating attempt to try and snatch codes while I could...you know...be PLAYING the game. xD
Yup same here, that makes one less person not pursuing this good luck to the rest.




Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
Would rather see them spend time making a issue composed of nothing but costume pieces and conversions to animations and stuff that would one day allow us to have player versions of these shiny costume pieces to mix and match with our existing characters. I wanted that carnie sash skirt yesterday.


Making premium costume boosters for the PIECES of rather than the whole suit in a toggle so again we can mix and match them on our characters.

Before anyone says anything, I know it will never happen. As stated by our own noble savage they aren't committed to making such a leap of a change even though its been requested for as long as I can remember. You can't blaim me for asking yet again.
From what Noble Savage has told us, they are working on making some NPC pieces available to us through new costume items, but that is much, much more complicated than giving us the codes.

Some codes, the PPD Hardsuit in particular, would be nigh impossible to make individual costume pieces out of. Selling the costume codes at the store is the quick and easy way to get us that costume, I'm in no way advocating they stop making new costume pieces because of that.

Also, I hope everyone knows not to expect any results at all from all the negative feedback in this thread. Ocho has shown before he has 45% Defense to Negativity.



Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

Yah. Honestly I just came here to post that I think I'd actually pay to get a bunch of these in a booster pack. But I'm not gonna sit there with my eyes peeled on a site all day in a frustrating attempt to try and snatch codes while I could...you know...be PLAYING the game. xD
This. I would rather see a booster pack with all the current costume codes.



Now if only we could get into the account section of the NCSoft site.


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



Originally Posted by Matt_King View Post
Now if only we could get into the account section of the NCSoft site.
HAHAHAHA!! That's just brilliant.

Well done on an original, well thought out and beautifully executed promotion NCSoft. I doff my cap to you.



How about set random doors in the cities to reward the code to the first account to click it. Kinda like trick or treating. At least rewards you for being in game.



Again one of these "giveaways"? Please stop doing this sort of stuff this way. I also would be willing to pay for these codes.



Yeah happy xmas to the lucky few who manage to snaffle one of these, but really as promotions go it's very weak and both exclusive and elitist.

How about a competition where every member of the community can have a chance of winning?

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Anyone know how long the "scheduled maintenance" usually lasts on the NCSoft site?


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



i wish i did..... i got a code to enter in!



Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
I really dislike this sort of method of costume code giveaways.

Any chance Black Pebble could come up with a way of selling these sorts of codes in a Booster Pack?

My response to this .... yawn. I have a particular distaste for these Twitter/Facebook/Forum giveaways. Surely the dev team has more creative flare than this? I know they do.

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

1387 badges, and counting



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
How about set random doors in the cities to reward the code to the first account to click it. Kinda like trick or treating. At least rewards you for being in game.

Great idea.

My New Rig : Geforce 580 GTX, Core i7 950 @ 3.20 Ghz, 24GB RAM, 240GB SSD for OS, 60GB SSD for swap = Heaven.



Originally Posted by ThornRune View Post
A little understanding goes a long way. This is not, 'we want to give out these codes, and cannot find a better way'. This is 'we want more traffic, and we have these codes'. So they get people to subscribe to a twitter feed, or like a facebook page, or refresh the forums... all of which increases their stature.

This was not about giving you a code. So don't complain that it's a poor way to gift. It was about bringing all the players to the yard. So appreciate that it's a great way to do that. Work with it, or don't.

+1 to codes pack
+1 to random game logon 'door prize'

And how smart would it be to do both?
While I totally respect suggesting other ways of obtaining these costumes... insulting this method is missing the point, as ThornRune has spelled out.
The method is the reason they're doing it at all.

And again... there'll be other ways to get these codes eventually. So, don't completely overlook that.

Am I fan of refresh wars and gimmicks to get traffic on other sites?
Nope, not in the slightest.
Will I take part?
Not bloody likely!
Do I have a problem with them doing this?

I'm sensing a need for a "relax, Francis"...

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Gah, a new costume that I have no way to trade for? Nooooooo!!!!

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



I guess there would be legal problems associated with giving them away as part of the Real World Hero charity drive initiative?

While the gold titles are nice, and much appreciated, can you imagine how much more money they would raise if every contributor also received a Coralax Code (limit one per account) for donating a minimum of say $5 or $10?

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



I sat refreshing the twitter page and the forums.

I managed to catch the twitter post within one minute of posting.

All of the codes are already claimed.

Within one minute.

Congratulations to the winners!

I will never win this kind of contest.



Just got my Coralax code.

I've replied back to the CoH_OCR twitter account several times that I would happily pay $9.99 for say my pick of 3 or 4 of the costume codes.

I've been lucky twice and nabbed the Party Pack and now the Coralax Code. I'd rather be able to buy the right costume for my Carnival Mistress and former Freakshow.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Many people seem to think others are complaining because they can't win.

It's not that. Really. At least not to me. I don't care if I don't win or if I do.

What I -am- saying is that the method in which these contests are executed in are incredibly absurd.

They could host an in-game event. They could have some sort of a trivia contest on the forums or twitter or whatever.

If they told me "Sit here and refresh this page for 10 minutes, and we'll post 20 codes at random time intervals within that 10 minutes!"...I'd even be okay with that.

But they want me to sit around for TWELVE DAYS during my last year's exam period, constantly refreshing some websites in a hope that I get one of these codes? And then I'd have to rush through to the NCSoft account, and depending on the billion factors that would affect the speed of that transaction, I may or may not succeed?! I'm laughing as I'm writing this! That's how ridiculous these contests are.

I seriously have better things to do! xD

And to those people who say "They're doing this to bring people together to Twitter and Facebook and other communities!" (I personally refuse to go anywhere near Facebook or Twitter after I closed and deleted both my accounts. xD)...they could do tons of things to do that that doesn't involve some silly contest mechanism like this.



Sorry to be the voice of discord and disagreement here, but I just got 2 codes, one for myself and one for my wife.....and according to Twitter the post had been up for 7 minutes!

It is possible to get these things, but I know how fast you have to be sometimes, it's driven me to frothing mouth in the past, but this time, I guess people just weren't trying hard enough!

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



I think (as others mentioned) it's more akin to radio show contests where they say the 93rd caller will win something. Who knows if they actually reward the 93rd caller or the 193rd? But they can keep track of how many calls come in, and show those numbers to advertisers, and say "See how many people pay attention to our show?"

Though I agree that there are a dozen other ways at least to host this kind of contest in a manner that is more obtainable. Then again, the codes do get claimed so the number of people whom they want to win, are winning.

I would love a coralax costume code.. I'll just have to hope I can get ahold of one some other way, some day.



That sucks that it was only on Twitter.