Discussion: The 12 days of Coralax!




Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Sorry to be the voice of discord and disagreement here, but I just got 2 codes, one for myself and one for my wife.....and according to Twitter the post had been up for 7 minutes!

It is possible to get these things, but I know how fast you have to be sometimes, it's driven me to frothing mouth in the past, but this time, I guess people just weren't trying hard enough!
I don't know how you did that unless you're in the EU, I tried all of the NA codes on the page (every single one of them) and they were all already claimed.



Originally Posted by Aceovhartz View Post
That sucks that it was only on Twitter.
They are also doing it on Facebook and somewhere here on the forums. I wish I had someone I could trust with my account information so they could grab a code for me like Coin did for his wife.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
I don't know how you did that unless you're in the EU, I tried all of the NA codes on the page (every single one of them) and they were all already claimed.
I am in the EU, so that might have been a factor, but still, 7 minutes! It was sheer fluke I clicked to update Twitter and I didn't even know about the 12 Days thing, hadn't seen this announcement or anything, just recognised them as codes to enter, tried it, got one, tried a different one and got one for my wife!

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



This game is going to the Europeans!

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Umm, question if i may please;

This 12 days of Coralax competition... I notice it runs until the 23rd of December, this isn't the only festive event is it?.
Is the trickster still coming?, the ski chalet still opening?, any updates to the ski runs?, have we got an ice-rink anywhere in the city or a patch which gives a more wintery city-appearence (which has been requested for some time now).

No offence but I was runnng around as a Coralax as part of Halloween '08/'09 and to be honest the appeal wore off after about ten minutes.

The Praetorian graffiti competition was great, The redux banners competition is great. Christmas events with Dev effort are rewarded with high attendance, good word of mouth and continued subscriptions.

This is a bit 'meh' to be honest. This can't be the be-all and end-all of 2010's Xmas events is it? - surely not!.



ACH! I was all set for this today, and then I set up a meeting from 2-3pm to train my new engineer on our ticketing system... halfway through the training, I see the blip come up on my Chrome tweet alert...

I very nearly stopped the training to jump on it. I didn't.

I regret that. :P Every NA code used... bah, humbug! Waiting for day TWO!...



Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
I sat refreshing the twitter page and the forums.

I managed to catch the twitter post within one minute of posting.

All of the codes are already claimed.

Within one minute.

Congratulations to the winners!

I will never win this kind of contest.
Wow. I feel less bad for having tried 20 minutes after I saw the alert come through... Sorry, Sapph!



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
This is prologue. The main event is on Test right now.
Yes, i just read about it. As far as i can make out;

One new mission with a hard boss. One new badge - 'Cold as Ice', no new temporary powers as rewards Expectations-wise this makes me a sad bunny, to be honest I was expecting more after being away a year and resubscribing. Events have to be kept interesting - the Xmas event is a piece of 3 year-old stale cake.

Bah humbug.



So, the codes are on a picture. I thought it would be typed so that I could copy and paste. I should have known you guys would make me work for it. That being said, I didn't win anything. I saw the tweet when it first appeared but I'd forgotten why I was waiting for a tweet and logged off.



Why don't they just randomly send them to players with active accounts through email? It's definitely more fair as a contest than what they do now, and everyone actually has a chance. Heck, people with multiple accounts even have a better chance. And it eliminates the hated "But I work all day and can't refresh the forums and two networking widgets I don't even use" situation.



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
I am in the EU, so that might have been a factor, but still, 7 minutes! It was sheer fluke I clicked to update Twitter and I didn't even know about the 12 Days thing, hadn't seen this announcement or anything, just recognised them as codes to enter, tried it, got one, tried a different one and got one for my wife!
I was able to grab an NA code for myself and my friend. I usually end up aiming for the codes that are backwards because I think people tend to avoid trying to figure them out. I was on the phone taking orders for a customer while doing this also so it was a bit tricky. Not impossible, but you just have to be quick and paying attention.

Good luck to everyone on the remaining codes.

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



Congrats to the Winners of the Giveaway!!

While these are not something I chose to participate in I think there great little ideas for promotion of the game. Although across three "Forums" I question, but O well.

I feel like many others, that these should be Incorporated in game somehow. Also like I said there great little ideas for promotion of the game, but isn't this suppose to be the flagship of NC Soft? Now understanding that IF they are working on a CoX2 I would save the money for advertisement for it instead. But shouldn't they have a real ad campaign???

Now meaning this in a "the reason you even know what I am talking about, not I want something for free" kind of way. The best way I can explain it is..

Wheres my Mohawk hand grenades???

Broomhilda BS/Regen/BM Scrapper, Fiddle Faddle Shield/ElecM/BM Tank,
And many others..
Dev's With all the Great new content, Please!! dont forget to fix the bugs with the old content. There is a storm a brewing because they are not getting fixed. If its a problem that no one is reporting them? Well Maybe you need to look at your tech support then..



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
On a slight aside, those saying they would buy cossie codes, you know the Real World Hero charity drive has 9 cossie codes up on their auction pages, so you can buy one and donate to a good cause as well


I did not know about those, thanks.

Dear Paragon Studios - please, Please, PLEASE donate a couple of Coralax codes to this auction! Please?

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Ummm, are ALL social media pages blocked by some companies?

Seems kind of silly to hold a contest that a lot of people can't actually participate in.
Most contests have a lot of people that can't actually participate in.

Even more costume codes giveaways have even less people able to do it.

It would seem to me that applying codes to master account straight away prevents the resell of those codes via ebay. This is a good thing.

It's amazing how many people are claiming to know what the majorty of the playerbase "hate". I doubt the majorty of the player base goes beyound indifference, but I'm not claiming to know the minds of 150k people.

Originally Posted by GMan3
Track who logs in for the period you mentioned. For every two days they log in, they get entered once in the contest. That gives people who play more a slightly better chance of getting a code, while making it so people who do not play don't get a code AND is more fair to people who actually have a job. At the end of the period draw XX entries from the pool and e-mail them their costume codes OR just apply it directly to their account.
Maybe applied directly you thier account, (avoiding the reselling that way) but I'd rather the prize went via entry with a NPC ingame, not picking random gold touter number 45 for it.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



OK so I was watching the Twitter sight and thought hell there is no chance, I am at work, I got 2 windows open, one for my nc account the other for the twitter site. I can do this!

Well nope I noticed the posting to late and missed it. So day goes on and I am at my desk bored and get up to stretch my legs. I come back and click onto my facebook and just as i do that the post for facebook pops up from CITY OF HEROES as "posted 1 SEC ago". I freak!

Log back into my nc account and applied my account and friggin jumped in my seat when it said "CODE APPLIED" my coworkers were looking at me going WHAT THE HELL. I cant believe i won a code I am so friggin excited.. WHEW!!!!

�One of the best lessons children learn through video games is standing still will get them killed quicker than anything else�



Whereas I'm the one responsible for making sure that all social media sites remain blocked by the firewall and monitor a few 'creative' individuals who try and get around it.

/em comic book guy "Worst. 'Contest'. Ever."

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



I too will add my voice to the way these codes are handed out. I do not have neither the interest nor the time to try and get these codes as I have a RL to attend to. After having an account since the day I got into beta this type of contest just leaves me with bitter taste in my mouth.

I tried once to try and get a code but as RL does interfere with this type of contest I was unsuccessful and decided against trying again.

I like some of the suggestions on giving out the codes, like the random type were you receive an email or how about picking a them were you check accounts and see what people are doing IE: In six years has this person every have a lvl 50 toon. (I like this one since I have yet to reach that lvl) :-0 or someone who has made X amount of toons... ect.

That is all time to kick some butt....



no matter the style of "competition" (using this as a general term, nothing specific) there will ALWAYS be people who complain about not being able to enter via one method or another. And granted some of the codes that have been released so far at very bad times for the EU players (3am anyone?) are just right for the NA players to snag up.

Granted, i have been lucky in the past few grabbing them (origins pack, party pack and now the coralax code), i have also managed to get them for my other half as well... every single time. Infact, although i knew that the giveaway was today, i only actually followed the twitter and generally ignore the forums/facebook giveaways (seem to have worse luck with those ones).

But hell... i have seen *some* of the codes seem to be active for a period of time afterwards... and at least you cannot auction these ones off, because if you dont use it, you cant save it

At least on the plus side, they are giving them out over 12 days, and not just a 2/3 day spread...



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Yeah happy xmas to the lucky few who manage to snaffle one of these, but really as promotions go it's very weak and both exclusive and elitist.

How about a competition where every member of the community can have a chance of winning?
Possibly random give aways to people online at the time?

I'm not sure how to take all this. It doesn't upset or excite me. I'm not going to check all day for a chance at it and not really sure if a costume like that is really any use. I doubt I'd pay extra for it and with limited income would spend it on more useful upgrades. I'm not even sure where it's supposed to be posted on the forums.



Were the Forums versions of the codes ever posted yesterday?

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Blue_Shocker View Post
OK so I was watching the Twitter sight and thought hell there is no chance, I am at work, I got 2 windows open, one for my nc account the other for the twitter site. I can do this!

Well nope I noticed the posting to late and missed it. So day goes on and I am at my desk bored and get up to stretch my legs. I come back and click onto my facebook and just as i do that the post for facebook pops up from CITY OF HEROES as "posted 1 SEC ago". I freak!

Log back into my nc account and applied my account and friggin jumped in my seat when it said "CODE APPLIED" my coworkers were looking at me going WHAT THE HELL. I cant believe i won a code I am so friggin excited.. WHEW!!!!
I felt that way about the Origins Pack when I won a code.

I'd done the window thing on Aion, since it's release, and I never got a single thing, even if I had the Twitter updating as soon as one was posted.



Tie rewards and prizes to in game activities, you know, to encourage people to play your game rather than visit your twitter page.