Discussion: Announcing the City of Heroes Billboard Contest!



Originally Posted by Capa_Devans View Post
It would be nice if for once these contests didn't require .PSD format.

I appreciate it's the go-to format but I'm sure there are plenty of people like me who are pretty artistic but don't have time to buy/learn that.

Another competition (like the loading screens one which I was so excited about at first) which I shall be missing.
Well i'm pretty sure GIMP saves in .psd format and it's free to use. Basically they want it in .psd format so that things like background images, foreground images and text can be tweaked or adjusted.

Originally Posted by twelfth View Post
I've already nudged the folks at The Cape to see if their listeners will transform some of their hilarious player-made radio ads into billboards for this. Ghost Widow Salon & Day Spa, anyone?
i'm thinking that Catnip Coolers and the Rikt-eraser would be fantastic products as far inspiring catchy designs. Rikt-erasers are shaped like lawn gnomes, right?

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Well i'm pretty sure GIMP saves in .psd format and it's free to use.
Not by default, but it can; just change the extension to PSD when you're saving the file, and make sure Select File Type at the bottom is either "By Extension" or "Photoshop image".

Link for the lazy.

Tech support IRL, CLR/DRU/MED/WHM/PRI/DEF. Hmm, I sense a pattern...
S 80% E 80% A 40% K 0%
A few of my alts



Originally Posted by twelfth View Post
I've already nudged the folks at The Cape to see if their listeners will transform some of their hilarious player-made radio ads into billboards for this. Ghost Widow Salon & Day Spa, anyone?
If I had any talent with this, I would enter, but alas I do not. I'm rooting for ESPizza!



WOOOHOOO another contest I cant enter into.
Is there a reason why residents outside of America, Canada and the EU cant enter these kinds of competitions?

I know Australia is very far away but there are no postage & handling costs as the prizes are all electronic.

And yes I saw that some parts of America are also excluded ("Ooohhhh say can you see" - no im in RI so for some reason I cant).



Originally Posted by cybermitheral View Post
WOOOHOOO another contest I cant enter into.
Is there a reason why residents outside of America, Canada and the EU cant enter these kinds of competitions?

I know Australia is very far away but there are no postage & handling costs as the prizes are all electronic.

And yes I saw that some parts of America are also excluded ("Ooohhhh say can you see" - no im in RI so for some reason I cant).
Because NCSOFT doesn't want to mess with other countries' contest laws.



Canada and the EU are part of America?



Ok, first a question Can we make moving advertisments with after effects? *grins*

Second, a suggestion! How about giving the top winner a prize of claiming a building in the game and put in a badge.

So, if they do an ad that wins for a coffee shop...you put up a sign for the coffee shop somewhere and let people enter into a small loby with a badge in it (or if the ad is a business, you put in a door on a skyscrapper that does the same thing with a loby and a badge for the business / corporation).

I think a lot of people would really go after that!




This is awesome. I'm finishing up a digital art class in which I learned the Deep Magics of Photoshop, so I'll be able to put my skills to the ultimate test: winning phat loot.


Also on Steam



I will DEFINITELY have to enter this one... *grins*


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Rosen_ice View Post
Ok, first a question Can we make moving advertisments with after effects? *grins*

Second, a suggestion! How about giving the top winner a prize of claiming a building in the game and put in a badge.

So, if they do an ad that wins for a coffee shop...you put up a sign for the coffee shop somewhere and let people enter into a small loby with a badge in it (or if the ad is a business, you put in a door on a skyscrapper that does the same thing with a loby and a badge for the business / corporation).

I think a lot of people would really go after that!
I second this idea. Talk about really getting people involved in the game then!



This is what I get for not reading thoroughly! I made this billboard with a Praetorian Clockwork Sweeper! Oh well, I have to do another one. Just thought I'd share the blunder.



Originally Posted by Capa_Devans View Post
It would be nice if for once these contests didn't require .PSD format.

I appreciate it's the go-to format but I'm sure there are plenty of people like me who are pretty artistic but don't have time to buy/learn that.

Another competition (like the loading screens one which I was so excited about at first) which I shall be missing.
We use the .psd format for a few reasons:

--layers allow us to easily modify your submissions (i.e., makes it easier for us to get your work into the game)

--format/software is relatively intuitive and easy to pick up

--format is widely used in the art world (and is our 2D software package of choice in studio as well)

Hope that helps explain the reasoning. Remember, you can get a free trial of Photoshop from Adobe's website if you'd like to try it out.

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
We use the .psd format for a few reasons:

--layers allow us to easily modify your submissions (i.e., makes it easier for us to get your work into the game)

--format/software is relatively intuitive and easy to pick up

--format is widely used in the art world (and is our 2D software package of choice in studio as well)

Hope that helps explain the reasoning. Remember, you can get a free trial of Photoshop from Adobe's website if you'd like to try it out.
Btw, for those semi interested, G.I.M.P. can directly save to the .psd format: http://www.gimp.org/

Inkscape can't directly save to .psd, but it can save to formats such as Cairo .png that will retain layers, that G.I.M.P. can safely convert to .psd: http://inkscape.org/

I also checked Krita 1.6.3 and 2.2.2. Neither can save to .psd, but they both can save to .png and .tiff formats. That being said, if you are using Windows, that version of Krita is well... preliminary: http://www.koffice.org/download/

So, if you don't want to use Adobe's software, you don't have to. There are other options to create the content and G.I.M.P. will let you put it into Adobe's format.



Originally Posted by BigMoneyHustla View Post
Hmph .... If I waiver any rights to prizes because I am not part of the selected list of eligable countries, can I still enter ? I just want my artwork in the game ...
That would be great. or even a contest like this with no other prize except something ingame like that so everyone could enter.

Usual Kudos on a great contest idea
Usual Good Luck everyone
Usual Gripe about not being able to enter
Usual Wish NCSoft would spend the time/money on working out contests that everyone could enter.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Major Deej View Post
Unfortunately, between RI State Laws being what they are and NCSoft not wanting to go through the pain of the RI State Law process under Chapter 11-50-1, we RI players have been left flailing in the wake of disinterest and bearaucracy. I don't fault NCSoft so much as I blame RI. I tried, using State Rep Patrick Kennedy at the time, to try to get this law changed or ammended, however, he left public service, and no one has shown interest in supporting me towards this from my multiple emails to our legislature.

Here are some links that give the dreary and unhappy details:

Section 11-50-1 of Rhode Island General Laws

and for easier reading:

How Stuff Works related article

Put simply, NCSoft doesn't want to pay the fees nor do the paperwork and posting required by RI State Law, understandably.

"Any person, firm, or corporation proposing to engage in any game, contest, or other promotion or advertising scheme or plan in which a retail establishment offers the opportunity to receive gifts, prizes, or gratuities, as determined by chance, in order to promote its retail business, where the total announced value of the prizes offered to the general public is in excess of five hundred dollars ($500), shall file with the secretary of state upon a form that he or she shall provide a statement setting forth: (1) the minimum number of participating objects to be made available; (2) the minimum number of prize winning objects that will be included in the promotion or advertising scheme or plan; (3) the proportionate opportunity of winning prizes; (4) the minimum value of prizes to be made available; and (5) the rules and regulations pertaining to the promotion or advertising scheme or plan which shall include the period of time and the geographic area to be covered by the contest. There shall be a filing fee of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150) when the statement is filed. Failure to file a statement shall be a misdemeanor."

The only chance we RIslanders currently have is if the prize item has no redeemable value (electronic or digital, per se), or the total prize offering doesn't exceed $500. I've discussed this with Ocho and Avatea, and when (no value) free items or equivelant digital giveaways (such as costume codes) are done, I figured Rhode Islanders should be allowed to participate in those particular contests, since it doesn't seem to count under Section 11-50-1 of Rhode Island General Laws. Both have told me their 'legal eagle' would be forwarded my information. No news or changes have occured on this front yet, nor the last couple "under $500" contests.

Regardless I'm not upset, just disappointed that once again I don't get to play in the sandbox with the rest of you for this.
They should have Rhode Island giveaways to make up for it. Doesn't seem fair.

And, for the record...I will now NEVER move to Rhode Island!



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
They should have Rhode Island giveaways to make up for it. Doesn't seem fair.

And, for the record...I will now NEVER move to Rhode Island!
Strangely enough, I've been looking to buy a new home and move; this consistant issue with CoH contests (small, yet relevant issue), plus the insane tax changes they're about to make here in RI (much larger and expensive issue) to cover the state's pathetically high budget deficit are pretty much making my decision much easier to shunt up to Massachussetts. I already spend an hour each way each day to get to work in Portsmouth RI, and Mass. is much closer to my work.

Regardless, good luck to all participating in the contest! With the raw talent we have in this community, I can only expect pure awesomeness!



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
I will DEFINITELY have to enter this one... *grins*

Aw hell. I quit.


Of course, I'm only joking. This contest has the high chance of prizes for people who don't place 1-3 so I think my odds are good.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
You shouldn't be.

RI law only applies if the prizes are $500 or greater, and the total value of the prizes of this contest are less (unless there's some other law involved which I couldn't find -- call the office of your Secretary of State for clarification).
No law, just an extra variable


but, also $34.98*x would have to be added to that. If they give away 4 runner up packs, they go over the $500.00



Originally Posted by Rosen_ice View Post
Ok, first a question Can we make moving advertisments with after effects? *grins*

Second, a suggestion! How about giving the top winner a prize of claiming a building in the game and put in a badge.

So, if they do an ad that wins for a coffee shop...you put up a sign for the coffee shop somewhere and let people enter into a small loby with a badge in it (or if the ad is a business, you put in a door on a skyscrapper that does the same thing with a loby and a badge for the business / corporation).

I think a lot of people would really go after that!
I used to think that it would be cool if we could go into movie theaters in Paragon and watch fan-made videos.

Instead, the Broken Column film (or whatever it's named-- it also was a contest winner) has been in theaters non-stop for over 5 years.

Est sularis oth Mithas



I will most definitely be entering, but one thing is confusing me. When it says 1024 x 768 resolution, is that referring to the size of the entry? Like, is that the amount of space that my billboard should take up? Or is it something else? Thanks!



I like doing this kind of contest but I am not sure if this one is worth it since everything they are giving away I already have.

Bonnie and her bunny
Arc ID: 59406

The Trash Came Back
Arc ID: 350303



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
We use the .psd format for a few reasons:

--layers allow us to easily modify your submissions (i.e., makes it easier for us to get your work into the game)

--format/software is relatively intuitive and easy to pick up

--format is widely used in the art world (and is our 2D software package of choice in studio as well)

Hope that helps explain the reasoning. Remember, you can get a free trial of Photoshop from Adobe's website if you'd like to try it out.
I already stated in my post I knew why you used it. It's the go-to choice and easier for you.

My points were:
1) Cost
2) Time
3) Difficultly

I have tried the free trial of Photoshop for the last contest and downloading something of that size for every contest isn't worth it.

Photoshop/Elements/GIMP are not easy and intuitive in my opinion. I've been doing creative stuff with paint/office products and bespoke designs with CAD packages for 10 years, so I'm not a beginner and I find all three products clunky and unwieldy. Sure you might find them easy; you work with them every day. I don't. I found them incredibly complex and as I said, I don't have the time for that.

You'd feel the same if you tried to use my CAD packages; you'd be lost and I would whizz through it in 15 mins.

Doesn't matter. It looks like you have plenty of people who always enter these who can use your packages of choice.

Thanks for responding. Good luck to everyone who is able to enter.

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I have another question, can we be allowed to show the submissions and get feedback in the art section of the forums? Makes it more fun when we can show eachother... instead of just everything being quietly sent in for judging in a couple months (also, keeps a dialogue going and constant reminder to people when they see others posting their updates, which lets people feed off eachothers drive and ends up with better results all around )
