Discussion: Melissa War Witch Bianco speaks to the New York Post




This thread is to discuss the official announcement found here.





edit: wait - Posi might move?????

Go Team Venture!



Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post
edit: wait - Posi might move?????
Just to reiterate from the unofficial thread, here's the exact exchange:
NY Post:There have been some shakeups at Paragon Studios recently; Back Alley Brawler (Christopher Bruce) recently left, and the rumor mill says that Positron (Matt Miller) might be moved elsewhere in the company to develop other projects. Does this indicate a change in direction for the game in any way?

Bianco: NCsoft policy is not to comment on personnel issues. What I can say is that Paragon Studios is committed to City of Heroes now and in the future and everything we do, we do because we love the game and we want to support it as long as our players want to play it.
I should have known that the New York Post's rumor-mongering, muck-raking style of tabloid journalism would extend to their video games reporting.



*adjust monocle*

good read



Is it me or does she say the same thing for each answer but in a different way?

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



As for timing, rather than dump a stack of Incarnate Levels on the player or force them to wait several-month-long increments between Issues, Positron has publicly stated that he plans to dole them out a bit at a time. So we’d seed the first, let players chew on it for a while, and then when the time is right (maybe a month, maybe more, maybe less), the next one is released. This way, the content is as close to a steady stream as we can make it, not trickle-and-starve or flood-and-done.

So we won't be getting the whole alpha up front.

Its a good thing as she says because the whole alpha would be overwhelming.

A lot of it will require digestion.

No nerd rage please.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
Is it me or does she say the same thing for each answer but in a different way?
Yea, I noticed that too.

Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
So we won't be getting the whole alpha up front.

Its a good thing as she says because the whole alpha would be overwhelming.

A lot of it will require digestion.

No nerd rage please.
I was wondering if I was the only one that read that into it too. Guess not.



interesting interview...the next few months will hopefully make this game even better than it already is.

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



Good to know the incarnate system wont take years to be fully released. I bet Posi is goin to work on CoH 2.0



Introducing the graphical upgrade with Issue 17’s Dark Mirror was just the beginning and the release of the Going Rogue expansion and Praetoria, a whole new dimension, utterly blew away expectation of what we could do with our engine. We’re continuing to add new zones,
Translation: We're pushing the existing engine as far as it can go and making no major graphical upgrades. That's a disappointment....

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Originally Posted by Jacks Assortment View Post
I bet Posi is goin to work on CoH 2.0

The healthy cynic in me says that Chris (along with eight others) being gone, and Matt 'possibly' being moved to other projects, does little to raise the prospects of a CoH #2.

That carrot at the end of the stick is withering in the dry sun, imo.

Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
Translation: We're pushing the existing engine as far as it can go and making no major graphical upgrades. That's a disappointment....

Milk the product as long as possible, that's the MMO formula.

I'm impressed they made the Post.




"Clearly they have some kind of duplication power at Paragon Studios that they aren’t sharing!"

You heard it here! Our next power set will be duplication! Surely giant growth isn't far behind!!

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*waves buh bye to posi*

hope ya learned in your next project not to wait 6 years for game end content.



Originally Posted by truegentleman View Post
i should have known that the new york post's rumor-mongering, muck-raking style of tabloid journalism would extend to their video games reporting.
Repeated for emphasis.



You might be right truegentleman and Knightward, but if we suddenly don't hear anything out of Posi for six months we will know why, just like with BABs.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Now we know where BaBs went.

Was it really that hard to tell us? We had to get it from an outside source?
The article didn't say where BaB went. Where BaB went has been old news on the forums for quite some time, and War Witch did not explicitly comment on that subject either, in accordance with corporate policy.

As to the rumor of Positron being shuffled around that the Post referred to, that's not a rumor I myself have heard up till now. But I have four separate reasons to doubt it, none of which I could articulate.

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Wow, even some schmoe at the Post knows our engine is getting old. That's saying something.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
Wow, even some schmoe at the Post knows our engine is getting old. That's saying something.
Whoever wrote that didn't really sound like a "schmoe" with respect to things CoH. It didn't even sound like someone who simply researched it, unless they did a really good job. That sounded to me more like someone who has followed the game - they had a good grasp of its background and current state of affairs. Their questions were more germane in a lot of ways than many of the ones we see from gaming sites.

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Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Whoever wrote that didn't really sound like a "schmoe" with respect to things CoH. It didn't even sound like someone who simply researched it, unless they did a really good job. That sounded to me more like someone who has followed the game - they had a good grasp of its background and current state of affairs. Their questions were more germane in a lot of ways than many of the ones we see from gaming sites.

You really think some "schmoe" would know about the IDF costume which wasn't announced via "official" channels?

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
Translation: We're pushing the existing engine as far as it can go and making no major graphical upgrades. That's a disappointment....
Not really when you consider something that the Post didn't address, AMD is using CoH to show off their Fusion products.

Something that a lot of players simply gloss over, either deliberately out of willful ignorance, or just out of not having realized it, is that CoH is one of the few MMO's that will still scale back to hardware users could have had at it's launch. CoH remains one of the few updated MMO's that will run relatively well on Intel Integrated Graphics Accelerators. Competitors, such as those cited by the Post, don't scale.

So no, learning that the developers will continue to develop and revamp the existing engine is not a disappointment by any measure or standard.

Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
The healthy cynic in me says that Chris (along with eight others) being gone, and Matt 'possibly' being moved to other projects, does little to raise the prospects of a CoH #2.
Okay, first thing, this topic has been done to death. Quit spreading the F.U.D. I'm going to go over this just one more time.
  • A: Most of the employees dismissed were temps brought into complete Going Rogue.
  • B: C.Bruce leaving Paragon Studios was pretty much known way earlier in the year when C.Bruce retired from the forums and pulled his twitter account.
Okay. Fine. There is a fair point to be made that NCSoft's corporate policies made a complete hash out of the event of C.Bruce leaving. Yes, there is a fair point to be made that NCSoft's corporate policies forced a complete and total bungling of how community relations were handled. Yes, there is a fair point to be made that sometimes set in stone regulations and policies need to be uprooted from the stone and set aside to foster community goodwill.

Using C.Bruce as evidence for Doom is pretty much like using a Weed Whacker to cut down an Oak tree. Everybody who walks by is going to stop and stare in awe at the event, and you won't actually accomplish anything.

Originally Posted by Severe View Post
*waves buh bye to posi*

hope ya learned in your next project not to wait 6 years for game end content.
Two words for you: Shadow Shard

Just because you don't like the existing end-game content is no reason for you to say that there isn't any.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
As to the rumor of Positron being shuffled around that the Post referred to, that's not a rumor I myself have heard up till now. But I have four separate reasons to doubt it, none of which I could articulate.
Yeah, doesn't jibe with what I've heard either. Now if Mr. Miller and Mr. Fish were suddenly stuffed into a back-room, then I might be thinking something is going on. As far as I know, neither has gone complete black-ops.

I think many of the Doom-sayers don't really understand just how committed NCSoft is to the CoH franchise.



Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post

You really think some "schmoe" would know about the IDF costume which wasn't announced via "official" channels?
Question: what makes you so sure that NCSoft Marketing didn't provide the Post with questions that NCSoft / Paragon Studios wanted to answer or wanted to address?