Disney's Avengers, Any Good?




Originally Posted by Dr_Illuminatis View Post
Loved the "Widow's Bite" Episode. Especially the scene of Hawkeye's shot to save Mockingbird.

-Let's see I think all I need now from this show is an awesome version of Tigra and I'll be good.
I am intrigued by your ideas, and should like to subscribe to your newsletter....



Lightning Rod

"I am certain that all CoX will be humbled by the might of the Lightning Rod." -Lady_Sadako



Originally Posted by Azure_Avenger View Post
the first cartoon to portray MODOK correctly
Other than the fact that they changed it to MODOC (designed for Conquest rather than Killing), presumably for the kiddies.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Other than the fact that they changed it to MODOC (designed for Conquest rather than Killing), presumably for the kiddies.
Or that he has higher aspirations in this reality heh.

- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
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Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
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Well, tonight wrapped up the Kang storyarc. Gotta say, epic episode.

Thor made an awesome move.

I love Hawkeye and Hulk's smart-alec buddy-buddy relationship.

Cameo by Mr Fantastic!

Oh, and ULTRON! Dun dun dun!



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
Well, tonight wrapped up the Kang storyarc. Gotta say, epic episode.

Thor made an awesome move.

I love Hawkeye and Hulk's smart-alec buddy-buddy relationship.

Cameo by Mr Fantastic!

Oh, and ULTRON! Dun dun dun!
All around it was a great story-arc. I wonder if the FF can appear in the show (a la the picture of the FF or the cameo of Reed) but can not speak due to some legal rights? Or maybe I am overthinking it and they just did not want to pay to have Reed say a line or two....

Go Team Venture!



They were busy wrapping up the episode. There probably wasn't room for Reed to have lines.



Originally Posted by Doctor_Gemini View Post
I like it so far, and I think it compares well to the 1st season of JL. The only thing I don't like is that the wasp looks like a Japanese school girl.

ummmmmm, i fail to see a problem here.....

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"



It continues to be quite good so far. Was nice to see Cap starting to show off his leadership skills. While they haven't immediately throw Ironman aside and made cap leader out of the gates(like the ultimate avengers did.) they re giving both chances to show their stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if the movies follow a simliar progression.

- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
Leader of Eternal Vigilance.
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Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
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Love the way that Ultron 5 was the only one left.. I thought that was cool.. I was in my house talking to the TV saying.. take it out NOW !!!

This is an EXCELLENT series... I am sitting there with my 4 month old son telling him who everybody is .. etc etc...

My wife just shakes her head...

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Really? Your ears bled from that? It was that awful? I shudder to think of how you'll react when you hear something that actually is awful enough to warrant that kind of reaction.

I haven't had a chance to watch the show yet, but I am looking forward to it when I do.
I hope you like it because that intro killed any interest I had in watching it. I found the music painful to listen to and I like bagpipes.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I hope you like it because that intro killed any interest I had in watching it. I found the music painful to listen to and I like bagpipes.
Oh grow up. If you don't like the theme song, fine. But don't dismiss the entire show because of that.



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
Oh grow up. If you don't like the theme song, fine. But don't dismiss the entire show because of that.
Or just watch it on youtube as Witchcraftial has all the vids and just click past first min and half. No point in missing such a good such over something so petty.

- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
Leader of Eternal Vigilance.
- Freedom
Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
Member of V.A.M.P.




Great Episode but could have gotten more into the odd ethical dilemma.

-Can you kill someone who technically wouldn't exist after sending Damocles back to the future?

-Subplots added: Ultron.
-Kang Storyline resolved.
-Subplots still unresolved: Kree / Skrull War (most likely candidate for Seaon 1 Finale)
-Status of Carol Danvers (Should be resolved with the war).
- Black Widow, Hydra AIM and Cosmic Cube (with 7-8 episodes left this season, need at least 3 for War unless they cliffhanger it for the season finale) Might be able to work it in.
-Loki's machinations and the Masters of Evil. (Thinking they'll save the Asgard trip til next season)



Originally Posted by Dr_Illuminatis View Post
Great Episode but could have gotten more into the odd ethical dilemma.

-Can you kill someone who technically wouldn't exist after sending Damocles back to the future?

-Subplots added: Ultron.
-Kang Storyline resolved.
-Subplots still unresolved: Kree / Skrull War (most likely candidate for Seaon 1 Finale)
-Status of Carol Danvers (Should be resolved with the war).
- Black Widow, Hydra AIM and Cosmic Cube (with 7-8 episodes left this season, need at least 3 for War unless they cliffhanger it for the season finale) Might be able to work it in.
-Loki's machinations and the Masters of Evil. (Thinking they'll save the Asgard trip til next season)
I look forward to Carol returning as Ms Marvel. She and Mockingbird need to join so Wasp isn't the only chick on the team anymore.



Saw this the other day and dug it. Characterization's accurate, and the roster's pretty strong. I'll watch more for sure.

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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I hope you like it because that intro killed any interest I had in watching it. I found the music painful to listen to and I like bagpipes.
DVR means you never have to suffer through it.



I'm an all around big fan of the show, I watch it on DVR, but it still feels like Saturday morning watching Spiderman when I was a kid (and I like the intro for that reason).

They are being very true to the characters, and pulling elements out of the storyline from the comics to tell their own story. It has been a little strange seeing things like the prison in the Negative Zone introduced, when in the comics that was introduced during the Civil War event, but certainly not a bad thing, it makes sense in the story they are telling.

I am very interested to see how it goes, and how long it lasts. I am nervous that it is on a Disney side channel that not everyone gets, so ratings simply wont be as high as if they were on the main Disney channel. Hopefully we wont have another Wolverine and the X-Men, which had a really strong first season, absolute cliff hanger, and then cancelled. Dunno if it was due to it airing on a side channel for Nickelodeon, or if it was because of Disney buying Marvel, but it was very dissappointing either way.

@Incarnadine - 50s on Victory:
Electric-Boogaloo (Electric/Psy Dominator) | Floating Flame (Fire/Psy Blaster) | Guldo Golem (Stone/Mace Tanker) | Hornak (Elec/Elec Brute) | Insatiable Greed (Demon/Dark Mastermind) | Solar Explorer (Plant/Thermal Controller) | TimeTraveler (Kin/Ice Defender) | Verranil (Emp/Archery Defender)



The giddy twelve-year-old in me loves the song, but it had to grow on me.

I like that each line of the lyrics matches up with a specific hero or theme:

Our world's about to break - Hydra (Villainy in general)
Tormented and attacked - The Hulk
Lost from when we wake - Captain America (Cap awakened from the 40s)
With no way to go back - Thor (Exiled from Asgard)
I'm standing on my own - Iron man (Trying to save the world himself)
But now I'm not alone - The Avengers
Avengers Assemble!

I've been an Avenger's fan from the early 70s, and this is probably the best animated series adaptation I've seen. Can't wait for Wonder Man to make his appearance as an Avenger either ... hopefully soon!

American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
Avogadro, Science Lord
Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew



I've been holding off any additional comment until I got through watching up through the Kang storyline, and all I have to say about the show is that it is..


Fantatic storyline; the Kang story arc was indeed quite epic with the battlescenes; good to see Cap rolling back into a battlefield commander role, and happiest part was to see Iron Man perplexed and aggravated that there was tech out there he couldn't understand, YET, he persevered through it; he didn't quit trying to figure it out. Most profound moment was when Cap told TChalla to head back to Wakanda; his people needed their king (even though Tony almost threw a hissy fit); well done interaction on that scene.

Overall, I love the attention to the characteristics of the heroes; their attitudes, strengths and weaknesses. Superbly written, and exceptional story telling!

Nice cameos of Human Torch and Mr. Fantastic at end.

THIS is what I'd hope they'd show the Avengers to be.

Hawkeye's my favorite in this series, but Cap is a close 2nd.



I have always dreamed of a series like this for the Avengers. Now it is here! This show is absolutely fantastic. The story telling and characters are spot on and the giant tapestry of plot lines that are being slowly introduced leaves me really dying for each new episode to come out. WELL DONE MARVEL!

Classic Dungeon Crawl Arc ID: 2232-"A satirical look at your average dungeon"
Down the Rabbit Hole Arc IDs: 24346 24397-"Rescue a little girl from an insidious dream invader."



Interesting the Hulk came back. It's really strange to see him alongside the Avengers, but cool too.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



They use the Hulk well. He has the potential to be like Superman in the JL show, where the writers struggle to not let him overpower and overshadow everyone else. But he is handled excellently. A powerhouse, yes, but not invincible. As they've shown, Hulk can be worn down.



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
Oh grow up. If you don't like the theme song, fine. But don't dismiss the entire show because of that.
Why not? You do the same thing. You can look at a 30 second movie preview, know you aren't going to like it, and decide not to see it. That's all I did. I watched the clip and decided I'm not going to like it. We all make decisions based on first impressions.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Why not? You do the same thing. You can look at a 30 second movie preview, know you aren't going to like it, and decide not to see it. That's all I did. I watched the clip and decided I'm not going to like it. We all make decisions based on first impressions.
You're right, you re allowed make that call. Just like most of the posters here I'd say your reasoning isn't very sound given how small part of the show it is, and not the actual story. It be like driving a car 5 feet and saying it handles poorly is reason you didn't bought it, not because you couldn't afford it or some real reasoning that makes sense.

Given it litterally costs you nothing to watch, you don't have to catch it when it airs(making your trailer comparsion moot to this.), and if you love these characters in the past or super heroes in general there's a good chance you will like this show is all everyone is getting at. Taking an ignorance stance and bothering to come into the thread about just seems silly on multiple levels because you aren't even giving an educated opinion or contributing anything productive to the topic. Just feels like crap stirring for sake of going against the crowd. Not because it's cool or even a good cop out for not doing something. So if you get railed in this thread, don't be surprised by the backlash. So simply be as done with this thread quickly as you were with the show and save everyone else some time if you don't care to form a real opinion.

- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
Leader of Eternal Vigilance.
- Freedom
Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
Member of V.A.M.P.




This show has become "appointment viewing" for me and my son. I'm really liking the characterization, and they've done a fine job of introducing storylines and interweaving them.

I agree with the poster above: The Hawkeye/Hulk "bromance" is very nicely done. I especially loved when Cap was giving Tony some hand-to-hand training, while Hawkeye and Hulk sat on the sidelines and made fun of Tony for getting his kiester handed to him. Repeatedly.