So, what's left?

Adeon Hawkwood



Masterminds are probably the most obvious room for a ton of innovations; clearly, there's a need for Mouse Control (but you only get one, and he's sort of a tard -- but at least you can play to the strengths of the current pet AI, NARF!). And clowns. And pirates.

Rubber/stretching powers are completely lacking, and there's lots of those in the literature.

Light powers as-such would be sorta neat. We already have the robots using lasers, why not lasers for player attacks? I guess you could do those with something like radiation blast, though.



Laser rifles! How am I going to make evil shocktrooper villains without laser rifle Corruptors?

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Sailormoontw00 View Post
Metal Control
Interesting idea.

5. Mirror Shielding
Self only, enemies who damage you would suffer 25% of the damage too, and damages to you aren't lowered.
This one, as per a reply from Castle, would take up too much in the way of server cycles to work properly, so it's a type of ability we will never be allowed to have (unless he gets overruled on it, which has happened just recently, he went on record a while back saying that we'd never get inherent Stamina if he had any say in it, apparently he didn't)

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Seriously there needs to be some sort of attracting power set, and polearms/ staffs/ javalins set. Water control to complete the set... Also in the asia release video they made, they need to have gun and sword melee, they got the other melee set on the video...

So it's like this:


Sword and gun melee

Some sort of attracting type set

And Water Control

Asia release



I think a melee armor set that uses debuffs, ie the debuff auras in Spirit mastery from Titian's Quest, would be interesting.



Theres still disparity between elemental control/blast/support sets and what occurs where.

Well I say dispairty, we need an Electric support set, as well as an Earth support set.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



I think some kind of "extendable attacks" set for ranged players would be cool. Someone suggested whips, which sounds nifty. The issue I see with this set, however, is how to make it exclusively ranged and no melee (and avoiding remakes of *a comic character recently played by Mickey Rourke* or Stretchy characters if the skeleton of the set is looser than whips).

Kinetic Blast? This one is difficult to justify since I'm sure it would be similar to Energy Blast in terms of effects and unfortunately the typical Kinetic Melee set comes with 2 (or possibly 3 if you count Burst) powers that would go into this set. (Which leads me to wonder if this was a possibility for a ranged set, but they just couldn't come up with a wide enough variation of attacks.) I am suggesting this under the idea that it could be a good set for anyone who wants a "Wind Blast" looking power set, though that concept can be fudged with existing power sets (just not as well).

I'm with the masses for staffs/polearms. Granted, it would extend the melee range of the attacks, but maybe balance that with slower, more elaborate animations with a bit more damage to them?

That's all I have now. ALSO, slightly off topic and I'm sure this has been discovered already, but to anyone who was wishing and hoping for a Shield Offense set, Shield Defense + Super Strength with the newer animations makes for a very Shield Melee looking attack chain. Jab looks like you shove the edge of the shield in the enemy's throat, Punch looks like a similar but stronger attacks (provided it fires from your left hand), and Knockout Blow looks like you take the shield and break their face/jaw.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Well, an item-based control set has been mentioned before - "grenade control," if you like, though it'd have to be mixed (IMHO) with something more traps-ish.
Tha'ts one thing I'd really like to see. I'd also love a weapon based Dominator Assault set where you wield a Sword and Pistol (Swashbuckling Assault?). I think that would open up some very cool options, especially combined with a "Grenade Control" set. The downside of course is that unlike most of the other Assault sets it wouldn't be able to reuse animations since the sets that it would be based on (Dual Pistols, Dual Blades and Broadsword) are animated using two identical weapons or only one weapon which wouldn't work.



Book Assault! You get to literally throw the book at your enemies, bash them with it, and so on. For extra credit, your weapon choices should include a phonebook and several holy books, for themed characters.

This idea is excellent because it is absolutely impossible that anyone will find it offensive.



(The below are stolen from a write-up I've been working on, more in-depth then folks would want to hear right here.)

A psychic buff/debuff set. Like actually psychic, about suppressing enemies' minds while protectic allies from manipulation. Great combo for Mind/psychic controllers, psychic/psychic defenders, Psychic/psychic corruptors, and /psychic masterminds. (You know, the masterminds that don't have a willing army.)

A battle strategy buff/debuff set: the first purely 'natural' buff/debuff, this would be about team buffs/enemy debuffs based on military-ish tactics. This would be a great pairing for gun-toting defenders/corruptors, as well as mercenary masterminds. Could be handy for any 'non-super' buff/debuff AT's that don't want to rely on gadgets/shields, or any 'leader' themed characters.

A monster mastermind primary: melding the mad scientist with the beast tamer, a mastermind that commands a horde of creatures that seem like mutated, monstrous beasts. This covers the tamer, mad scientist, and mutant themes for a mastermind.

A toxic blast primary for corruptors, to go with a tweaked /poison. C'mon, nothing says 'corruptor' like poisoning your enemies into an enfeabled, toxic end.

Dark/dark dominators, as well as controllers. Dark control, controlling enemies by manipulating darkness and enemies' fears. Dark Assault for dominators is a bit of a trick, as is dark miasma for controllers, but there are enough dark powers to swap into such places to make it work.

Gadget/ control: a gadgeteer controller (gadgets/traps) as well as a 'natural' dominator would be great.

/Cloak stalkers: stalkers that gets teleportation paired with defense, a secondary that bases its survival upon even more disappearance abilities.

Solar blast. People have been asking for light blasts for a while. I know, you can recolor or go peacebringer, but this is a set that can actually blind enemies, and does energy/fire light beams for the whole 'burning light' thing. Yup, I know you can recolor stuff, but it's still smashy energy, bubbly radiation, or flamey fire. This suits the solar, light, and when recolored, laser-type power themes.



Originally Posted by Novawulfe View Post
Seriously there needs to be some sort of attracting power set, and polearms/ staffs/ javalins set. Water control to complete the set... Also in the asia release video they made, they need to have gun and sword melee, they got the other melee set on the video...

So it's like this:


Sword and gun melee

Some sort of attracting type set

And Water Control

Asia release
Um that vid was bad@$$!! It definitely showed stuff we don't have available as of now like duel wielding a sword and gun, water powers, and whatever that ability to release States was used. Can you use MA with KM? The vid looked like you could or at least that's the impression I get of the one male fighter fighting martial arts style



Originally Posted by Frostburnt View Post
Um that vid was bad@$$!! It definitely showed stuff we don't have available as of now like duel wielding a sword and gun, water powers, and whatever that ability to release States was used. Can you use MA with KM? The vid looked like you could or at least that's the impression I get of the one male fighter fighting martial arts style
All four of the characters in the movie comprise the group W.I.S.D.O.M., which has not been included in much in-game content thus far. The character using the Martial Arts / Kinetic Melee combo is Foreshadow (despite his costume being different than what he is wearing in the Hollows). If you look him up on Paragon Wiki, you'll see he has moves from both.

The spellcaster looking one is Mirror Spirit, another seldom-seen hero in the game.

The other two are Spark Blade (the guy with the sword and long-barrel-pistol combo, which is his signature move, much like Zeus's Lightning for Statesman), and Rose Star. Neither of these characters appear in game. Yet.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
A battle strategy buff/debuff set: the first purely 'natural' buff/debuff, this would be about team buffs/enemy debuffs based on military-ish tactics. This would be a great pairing for gun-toting defenders/corruptors, as well as mercenary masterminds. Could be handy for any 'non-super' buff/debuff AT's that don't want to rely on gadgets/shields, or any 'leader' themed characters.
This'd be pretty cool. Like the buff/debuff set equivalent of Willpower.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



A number of people have suggested a Martial Arts-themed Blaster secondary to allow for more gymnastic blasters and go with the gun-fu of DP, and also to allow another option for purely Natural blasters that isn't Devices. Devices is not appropriate to all Natural concepts (John Woo/Chow Yun-Fat-type action movie characters, for example, are not generally equipped with cloaking devices and targeting drones and are somewhat more likely to kick you in the face) and underperforms in the current game paradigm.

Melee stuns, ST and PBAoE attacks, and the ever-important Focus Chi would find places, as they've pointed out; plus the animations already exist.

Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
I'd also like to see some pet customization for Masterminds. We have pretty good pets in terms of powers but they don't fit every character concept as well. Mercs might need a small buff.

Power customization, and argued to death thingy...
But I'd say it's not completely irrelevant. This thread is about things that cannot be covered by recoloring and a little imagination, but allowing Mastermind pet costuming eliminates the need for a lot of niggling intermediary options. There's a two-year-old thread stickied in the Mastermind forums about the staggering array of possibilities that would need to be accounted for without customization.

If one were to allow for the admitted pipe-dream this possibility represents, a perhaps more specific question regarding Mastermind primaries emerges: "Which potential Mastermind pets do not have weapons or powers that could be reasonably covered by the existing power setups of Assault Rifles/SMGs; Pistols/SMGs/Molotov cocktails; Martial arts, katanas, and ninja stars; Evil dark energy and vomit; Lasers and missiles; and elemental potpourri."



Teleport/speed melee.

This is technically not a melee set. It's a blast set. Only in stead of blasting, you teleport/speed from your current location to the target or targets, and back as the blast effect. Thinking the flash here. Super speed isn't his travel power. It's his weapon.

During a blast you'd be ghosting your actual avatar so the camera wouldn't move (similar to the Dual Pistols ghosting effect.) So you'd see yourself zip out to the target for a quick smash and back, trailing a (color tintable) ghost of yourself.

Set comes with your standard blast set small blast, slightly less small blast, aoe, maybe a utility confuse power, some other things, and a ranged nuke that acts as a nice long DoT and crashes you at the nuke target location.

Set mini-mechanic would be a re-use of the DB combo mechanic. It seems fitting.



Originally Posted by Shadestorm View Post
Teleport/speed melee.

This is technically not a melee set. It's a blast set. Only in stead of blasting, you teleport/speed from your current location to the target or targets, and back as the blast effect. Thinking the flash here. Super speed isn't his travel power. It's his weapon.

During a blast you'd be ghosting your actual avatar so the camera wouldn't move (similar to the Dual Pistols ghosting effect.) So you'd see yourself zip out to the target for a quick smash and back, trailing a (color tintable) ghost of yourself.
Very intriguing idea, with what sounds like a feasible way to pull it off (then again, I don't know much about what's doable and what's not, haha). I totally dig the concept, and would love to see this. That being said, I don't think you could call it a blast (Ranged) set. Unfortunately, it floats in between. You are starting from range, but the actual attack is melee. I actually see this as a future possibility of how to expand Pool Powers (if they every choose to). Adding a few of these types of powers to the Speed and/or Teleport Pools would add a ton of more customization possibilities for characters. By that I mean that someone who wanted to build a "speedster" type character could take one of the melee power sets (such as martial arts or super strength) but augment/compliment it with attacks from an expanded power pool, choosing fewer powers from the primary set, and more from the power pool.

Granted, I think something like this is a little ways off, but again, I'm all for it.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Blaster Primaries:
Earth Blast *new#
Dark Blast (proliferated)

Blaster Secondaries:
Earth Manipulation *new*
Dark Manipulation *new*
Martial Weaponry *new* this set might need a little explanation in that it would mix some thematic martial arts weapons such as caltrops, shuriken, etc.. with martial arts attacks.

Controller Primaries:
Gadgetry: a form of control based around the use of mechanical devices from grenades, to place-able mortar canons, to a clock-work type robot as a pet.

Controller Secondaries:
Dark Miasma (proliferated and with probable alterations)
Traps (proliferated)
Electrical Shielding *new*
Earthly Protection *new*
Psyhic Reinforcement *new*
Defender Primaries:
Electrical Shielding *new*
Earthly Protection *new*
Psychic Reinforcement *new*

Defender Secondaries:
Fire Blast (proliferated)
Earth Blast *new*

Scrapper Primaries:
Staff / Pole-arm melee *new*
Psychic Weaponry *new* a dual hand melee set where the user summons psionic based weapons such from claws, katanas, throwing knives, and even a spear.
Plant Melee *new* not just thorns from spines, but using vines in whip attacks.
Ice Melee (proliferated)
Super Strength (proliferated) with a final version of the Rage crash implemented.
Energy Melee (proliferated)

Scrapper Secondaries:
Plant Armor *new* where the various powers will move and writhe over the character. It will use both passive resistances, with toggle regeneration powers, and click pboae debuff powers based such as a spore cloud – perception, - to-hit debuff, chance to disorient.
Ice Armor (proliferated)
Ninjitsu (proliferated): Hide gets replaced with Shadow Cloak; a basic low-endurance toggle stealth power with defense.
Caltrops is replaced with Ball-Bearing Bomb – a grenade like weapon that releases a slew of tiny ball-bearings which initially cause lethal damage, but afterwards, the area of effect is difficult for foes to negotiate causing them to move slowly and at times, slip and fall.
Smoke Flash is changed to Smoke Grenade.
Energy Aura (proliferated) Entropy Shield: is changed to include a taunt aura, and with a new mechanic where as the health of foes within range is depleted, the Ent Shield provides a regeneration component to the user. Dead foes provide the most boosts.

Tanker Primaries:
Regeneration (proliferated), a taunt aura is added to Integration.
Plant Armor
Energy Aura

Tanker Secondaries:
Broadsword (proliferated)
Katana (proliferated)
Spines (proliferated)
Martial Arts (proliferated)
Claws (proliferated)
Staff / Pole-arm melee
Psychic Weaponry
Plant Melee

Brute Primaries:
Broadsword (proliferated)
Katana (proliferated)
Martial Arts (proliferated)
Spines (proliferated)
Staff / Pole-arm melee
Psychic Weaponry
Plant Melee

Brute Secondaries:

Corruptor Primaries:
Psychic Blast
Earth Blast

Corruptor Secondaries:
Force Field
Psychic Reinforcement
Earthly Protectio
Electrical Shielding

Dark Illusion *new* although all the powers necessary already exist.
Dominator Secondaries:
Dark Assault *new * although all the powers necessary already exist.

Master Mind Primaries:
I admit, I got nothing at the moment, but its been a long day.

Master Mind Secondaries:
Radiation Emission
Cold Domination
Earthly Protection
Electric Shielding
Psychic Reinforcement



Good question and I can only really think of two which have already been mentioned ... Water control and Time control.

I would love Psi Melee ala psylocke and some sort of mystic spell casting set (I love the look of the demon summoning animations and the temp Croatoa power) but of course both can be reasonably simulated with what’s in game now.

"I think I'm cute. I've got gold medals.
I've got the moves that make them all tap out.
The Angle Slam, the Ankle Lock.
Marty Jannetty...still can't walk.
I'm just the sexy Kurt.
I'll make your ankle hurt.
I'm just the sexy Kurt.
I'll make your ankle hurt."
Kurt Angle



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
Very intriguing idea, with what sounds like a feasible way to pull it off (then again, I don't know much about what's doable and what's not, haha). I totally dig the concept, and would love to see this. That being said, I don't think you could call it a blast (Ranged) set. Unfortunately, it floats in between. You are starting from range, but the actual attack is melee. I actually see this as a future possibility of how to expand Pool Powers (if they every choose to). Adding a few of these types of powers to the Speed and/or Teleport Pools would add a ton of more customization possibilities for characters. By that I mean that someone who wanted to build a "speedster" type character could take one of the melee power sets (such as martial arts or super strength) but augment/compliment it with attacks from an expanded power pool, choosing fewer powers from the primary set, and more from the power pool.

Granted, I think something like this is a little ways off, but again, I'm all for it.
It's an odd animal to be sure. I think the way I'd see it working was as a ranged smashing set. It would tohit like a melee attack, but all attempts to hit the user would be addressed at his actual location. The speed/teleporting would be purely a visual effect except for the case of the powers in the set that actually do move you. Those powers use the "deposit you in angry mob" as a penalty rather than a bonus. This would place it in a very interesting position in terms of team DPS composition. It's a blaster that hit rolls like it was a scrapper. Its still as squishy as a scrapper, its still very much a ranged set. Unless you're already slotting up a blapper build, this set wouldn't turn you in to one instantly.

Plus, I can only imagine what the snipe would look like.



Archery Control, as a counterpart for Trick Arrow. Something like this (the first two pretty much have to be copies of TA powers):

1: Entangling Arrow: Single target immobilize.

2: Freeze Arrow: Single target hold.

3: Net Arrow: AoE net style immobilize.

4: Incendiary Arrow: Causes moderate fire damage with DoT on target, and can spread to nearby targets. A chain effect, like Chain Induction. Useful for lighting Oil Slick too.

5: Barbed Arrow: This painful and difficult to remove arrow disables the target for some time. Single target slow/damage & accuracy debuff power, minor DoT damage.

6: Stun Arrow: AoE stun, the bread-and-butter AoE control power.

7: Cryogenic Arrow: AoE Hold.

8: Arrow Storm: By unleashing a massive flurry of arrows you drive your enemies into a panicked attempt to escape the onslaught. A Rain of Arrows style targeted AoE that does minor damage but causes Fear.

9: Summon Disciples: Your martial prowess has attracted fellow devotees of the ancient forms of combat whom you can summon to aid you in battle. You summon three human NPC pets, which are randomly either archers or swordfighters.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Chain Melee!

Temporal Manipulation (either as a Buff/Debuff set and/or Armor Set)

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



If we could have something similar to both the Spirit and Dream masteries from Titan Quest... I would love the devs a long time. The Teleportation Blast (?) and Magnetic Control ideas both sound very cool. I'm still dreaming of having a Dark Control set that will never happen... What I would REALLY like to see is something along the lines of what I guess you could call an "Anti-Life" melee set. Primary for Scrappers, secondary for Tankers. All of the powers focus on siphoning life in one way or another. Basically, an entire set of minor (and one or two not-so-minor) heals that do damage. A To-hit debuff or possibly Stun would be an added bonus. Sacrifices would be a high endurance cost and somewhat lower damage compared to other sets, while having a faster recharge rate. Think something like Dark Regeneration for one of the final powers, but much weaker on the heal to prevent it from being WAAAYYY overpowered.



Originally Posted by Scirion View Post
If we could have something similar to both the Spirit and Dream masteries from Titan Quest... I would love the devs a long time. The Teleportation Blast (?) and Magnetic Control ideas both sound very cool. I'm still dreaming of having a Dark Control set that will never happen... What I would REALLY like to see is something along the lines of what I guess you could call an "Anti-Life" melee set. Primary for Scrappers, secondary for Tankers. All of the powers focus on siphoning life in one way or another. Basically, an entire set of minor (and one or two not-so-minor) heals that do damage. A To-hit debuff or possibly Stun would be an added bonus. Sacrifices would be a high endurance cost and somewhat lower damage compared to other sets, while having a faster recharge rate. Think something like Dark Regeneration for one of the final powers, but much weaker on the heal to prevent it from being WAAAYYY overpowered.
What about something more like Power Siphon, say Life Siphon (10 points for originality woop) that activates the hp sapping in the powers, so you can switch it on when the going gets tough but it's not happening all the time?


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



Staff Melee. The only set I've ever really wanted since I started playing this game that hasn't come out and there isn't anything like it.



ok, so far a huge consensus has been Stff/Polearms for (all?) the melee ATs

another thing that's caught my eye is time control as a control / buff/debuff set...

perhaps incredibly powerful but incredibly end-heavy set?

hmm, how about as a community we decide on like, 1 new set per power "style" (control, range, melee, etc) to propose to the devs for consideration?

even though the big lists like Tannim made are cool, if everyone does that this thread'd become pretty cluttered XD