So, what's left?

Adeon Hawkwood



Lots of things are left.

Street Fighting (animations where you slam heads into knee, ballkick, headbutt etc...)
Polearms would be cool
Lava Control ( a mix of fire and earth - not to hard to go this one)
Light blasting (kinda like energy, but instead of knockback, you do more -to hit buff, you know with the blinding lights)
Insect or animal control - better for MM, summon wolves, lions and a giant bear for third tier, or swarms of insects
Heavy artillery - like AR, but a bit heavier on the hits or something
Sonic Melee and Sonic Armor
Chameleon Armor - a mix like WP and defense based set with some mimic NPC costume power allowing you to walk into enemy groups (lot of defense since they aren't sure if they should attack you or not) or you could mimic the stone walls or grassy fields.
Teleport melee - allows you to have ranged punch, put hand in disc or something and fist appears and punches enemy from distance
Water blast, water control and water armor - yes, it still needs to be done, the demand is high
Chain or Whip melee - already there with the MM pretty much

They could also revamp a lot of the power pools to make them more useful.
Attacking while invisible is OK
Flying attack power (forget group fly already) as the top tier - call it divebomb
Flurry could have 8 small punches land at same time (so fast, you could not see it) reducing animation time
Jump Kick - More like a frog jumping on prey for animation

New travel powers - Wallcrawling
Choices when traveling - flight allows flying or jet pack animation or rocket boots animation, etc... Teleport could be entering a disc and stepping out the other side.
SS - running, or riding motorcycle, car, etc...

I just thought of these on the fly. Grab any old comic and you will find something new to inspire a powerset.



Originally Posted by NightSable View Post
Lots of things are left.

Street Fighting (animations where you slam heads into knee, ballkick, headbutt etc...)

Falls into the "customized allready" file. MA and SS can pull this off allready to a degree. That and special animations like grapples and ball kicks cant be done due to the wild diversity of character/enemy models

Polearms would be cool


Lava Control ( a mix of fire and earth - not to hard to go this one)

Earth Conrol has a pallette swap for this...even has volcanic gases

Light blasting (kinda like energy, but instead of knockback, you do more -to hit buff, you know with the blinding lights)

Allways cool, lasers (laser GUNS) need a set IMO

Insect or animal control - better for MM, summon wolves, lions and a giant bear for third tier, or swarms of insects

Cool, but the animals would need entirley new skeletons, which the Devs have complained about before

Heavy artillery - like AR, but a bit heavier on the hits or something

Sandvich. Dunno how to call this one. On the one hand it'd be cool...but on the other it's essentially just teh BS to AR's Katana..

Sonic Melee and Sonic Armor

No idea how yelling makes you punch harder or take a hit better..

Chameleon Armor - a mix like WP and defense based set with some mimic NPC costume power allowing you to walk into enemy groups (lot of defense since they aren't sure if they should attack you or not) or you could mimic the stone walls or grassy fields.

When I first read this I immediatley said "no" in my head as this is what stealth in our game immitates to a degree. Then i realized you may have meant actually morphing into these things ala mystique & friends.

Ex: Outdoor map, become a grass character with some plant control. Mimick an NPC and gain some abilities, in a warehouse become made of steel, etc..

Teleport melee - allows you to have ranged punch, put hand in disc or something and fist appears and punches enemy from distance

Belongs just in the TP Pool, doesnt warrant an entire set when it can just be a teleport attack in the pool power

Water blast, water control and water armor - yes, it still needs to be done, the demand is high

Yus, if they get it to look right finally

Chain or Whip melee - already there with the MM pretty much


New travel powers - Wallcrawling

Cool, but horribly limited. What good does this do you in like...the hollows or such?

Choices when traveling - flight allows flying or jet pack animation or rocket boots animation, etc... Teleport could be entering a disc and stepping out the other side.
SS - running, or riding motorcycle, car, etc...

Power Customization
responses in red



Radiation Melee/Armour. Lots of PBAoE debuffs in the armour and DoT/-def in the melee.

S/L/E Resistance
Energy damage aura
L/E/F Defense
Mez prot
-Tohit/-Dam taunt aura
Auto E/N/F/T Resistance
-Speed/-Recharge taunt aura
Self buff version of Accelerate Metabolism
Self res like Rise of the Phoenix using Fallout

Melee, all Smashing/Energy with -def:
The usual three starter attacks. One quick minor damage, one moderate and one high with a sprinkling of chance to stun
Small melee range targetted AoE -Resistance (10-15%) -tohit (5-10%), 10 second duration 12 second recharge, works like Follow Up
Radioactive Breath cone attack
ST DoT, Energy damage Incinerate from Fire Melee
Total Focus clone with -defense

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Water blasts!

Also the staff set.

Those are the only things that I really personally feel like I'm missing.



The staff thing really does appeal.

I'd sort of like to see some kind of way to do a mixed set. For instance, imagine a "nature blast" set which mixes electric and fire and stone effects. (Why, yes, I used to play an Elemental Shaman. Why do you ask?) I guess APPs sort of help with this.



Originally Posted by Player99 View Post
Sonic Melee and Sonic Armor

No idea how yelling makes you punch harder or take a hit better

responses in red
On your response to Sonic Melee/Sonic Armor, what makes you think sonics has to be about yelling?

It's a popular form of doing sonics, but it doesn't have to be that way at all.

Look at Shriek, from Batman Beyond as an example.

Easily say the fists are charged up with sonic energy that deliver a greater punch upon contact.

Now one could easily use Energy Melee and call it Sonic Melee, but I think people want a -res secondary, and well, Energy Melee just isn't popular/fun for a lot of people anymore.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Player99 View Post
ok, so far a huge consensus has been Stff/Polearms for (all?) the melee ATs

another thing that's caught my eye is time control as a control / buff/debuff set...

perhaps incredibly powerful but incredibly end-heavy set?

hmm, how about as a community we decide on like, 1 new set per power "style" (control, range, melee, etc) to propose to the devs for consideration?

even though the big lists like Tannim made are cool, if everyone does that this thread'd become pretty cluttered XD
For a time Manipulation set, I'd make it toggle heavy, and make it pretty close to the VEATS secondary in usage.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I would put money on the Devs having a huge list but only so much resource.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Insect Blast (a variety of villians)/Insect Control (Ant Man would be an example)/Insect Assault (So Doms have something to match it with)

"I accidently killed Synapse, do we need to restart the mission?" - The Oldest One on Lord Recluses Strike Force



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Insect-SUMMON based powers. Summoning swarms to damage and SWARM the enemy. FOR THE SWARM!
Earth Blast.

Toxic Blast..

Whining about everything since 2006.

Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:



For Masterminds: Knights, Mutants, elementals.
Stalkers: poison (not toxic)

More toxic damage and resistance sets. Make it more important!!!

Time? Slow enemies down and there recharge times? Fit more attacks in?

Bezerker set.

Wands like the Circle of Thorns.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Water blasts!

Also the staff set.

Those are the only things that I really personally feel like I'm missing.
I know some people who've been using a teal-blue Radiation Blast to cover as a Water Blast set. The defense debuffing and the whole torrential-bypassing-of-defenses things actually kind of makes sense for the theme, as does the knockback-causing cone emerging in a wave. That said, a blast set with proper water effects >would< be awesome.

And add one more on the stack for a Polearms/Staffs set...

As well as, with the new customization sets, perhaps "Staff" and "Gun" costume options and emanation points for powersets to represent wizards and Tech blasters with fantastic weaponry!



Things I would like to see...

Staves and Polearms, of course.

A thrown weapons blaster set - a combination of Lethal and Smashing ranged attacks, using thrown daggers, shuriken, boomerangs, and such...

Some kind of 'Natural' Control set - I might not play much with Controllers or Dominators, but they are the only basic archetypes that don't have some kind of set combination that I can say, "Yeah, that's just a guy with a lot of training and hard work behind him." (Flip gender as needed...) Similarly, Dominators will need some kind of 'Natural' assault set... maybe combining Martial Arts attacks with either thrown weapons or pistols?


Dual Clubs. Just 'cause I like Escrima.

A Water based control and buffing set. Maybe a blasting set as well. I can't really conceive of a 'water melee' or 'water armor' set...

A 'Probability Manipulation' Buff/Debuff set. It's really the only place I think such powers would fit...

Some new Mastermind sets would be nice, but I can't really think of anything that would really work well off the top of my head...

A 'Swinging' Travel pool.


Yeah, I think that's it.

Something I don't want to really see is a 'Psychic Melee' or 'Psychic Armor' sets. I think the first defeats the concept of having a psychic ("I can melt your brain with the power of my mind! So let me walk up right next to you so you can rip my face off as I reduce your IQ to that of a lizard...") and the latter just screams to me as being a set predestined to suck (Okay, so you're practically immune to Psychic damage... what are you giving up for that protection? I can just see it being a very worrisome Smashing/Lethal hole...)

Just my opinion, of course...

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



Originally Posted by Kyria_Shirako View Post
I know some people who've been using a teal-blue Radiation Blast to cover as a Water Blast set. The defense debuffing and the whole torrential-bypassing-of-defenses things actually kind of makes sense for the theme, as does the knockback-causing cone emerging in a wave. That said, a blast set with proper water effects >would< be awesome.

And add one more on the stack for a Polearms/Staffs set...

As well as, with the new customization sets, perhaps "Staff" and "Gun" costume options and emanation points for powersets to represent wizards and Tech blasters with fantastic weaponry!
People would complain about it, if it was made.

What does water from a fire hose do? It knocks people back.

The set might be popular conceptually, but if they stuck to what the set would do, they'd complain like they do with Energy Blast.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



which is why i see water as a control/buff/debuff set...



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
I'd sort of like to see some kind of way to do a mixed set. For instance, imagine a "nature blast" set which mixes electric and fire and stone effects. (Why, yes, I used to play an Elemental Shaman. Why do you ask?) I guess APPs sort of help with this.
That's why they let you choose multiple power pools. Make an elec/thermal/earth controller. Wish granted!

Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
For a time Manipulation set, I'd make it toggle heavy, and make it pretty close to the VEATS secondary in usage.
Just pick Gravity and Kinetics. Slows, speed-ups, heals to "undo" damage, phasing powers, teleportation. All the time-space control you need.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
People would complain about it, if it was made.

What does water from a fire hose do? It knocks people back.

The set might be popular conceptually, but if they stuck to what the set would do, they'd complain like they do with Energy Blast.

Well you'd think that Fire would burn down buildings and Electricity would be a bad idea in water but since neither of those things happens I think Water would be ok with just a semi-plausible effect. IMO it should be a low damage Control set with a secondary effect of -Damage.



Water control seems like the most wanted set, for the ST hold i think if they were held in like a giant ball of water or something, maybe a whirlpool which would stun them possibly.

I would love telepathy, a purely buff/debuff psychic set.
The metal control seems like a great idea too.
ice slide travel power would be amazing!
whip meele would defiately be seriously popular, the amount of times i have tried to make a demon summoning MM with just the whip powers lol.

Honestly i dont think there is all that much more that could be done, if anything i think expanding on the current power sets would be good, difficult but good.



Blasting primary or secondary: I like the idea of throwable weapons: knives, boomerangs, shrikens, etc. mentioned above

Melee primary or secondary: Pole arems and whips and radiation melee (but I think we got KM for this)

Controll sets: Animal Kingdom Guard dogs, tigers, bears, fruit bats!! (or heck all kindoms: spores, animals, virus, etc) - with a tier 9 of being drawn and quartered by four large elephants. (put insects and other "natural" stuff here, too)

Less seriously: Chaos blast - to randomly alter the costume of the target and random effects.

Slightly more seriously: altering hurl animations to hurl random objects not just rocks. Was requested in other thread as a response to alternate animaitions, but I want to keep it fresh in the minds.

Continued efforts to proliferate sets as appropiate

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



If I could work on one new power set/type/effect, it would probably be power siphoning. Which is to say, replicating the powers of nearby targets.

I even have a balanced way to implement this that requires minimal additional tech, albeit with a rather sophisticated but precalculated power matrix (which I also have a pretty good idea how to construct).

The problem is I don't know what possible archetypal association this could have. It might have to be its own special archetype, which creates a barrier to adding such a thing to the game.

Although I will say that the one thing I've missed being able to do in this game is to replicate the kind of magical combat seen in the old school Dr. Strange comics, with magical combatants firing magical bolts at each other while deflecting same with magical shields being projected for defense.

I have often wondered, had the game divorced itself from the MMO triad right from the start, if the correct model for blasters would have been something closer to that: to be specific, rather than something designed to be defenseless, something that could only attack or defend but not both (at full power) at the same instant in time. So blasters could shoot or block but not really do both simultaneously effectively. You'd have to sacrifice one for the other in terms of expending cast time (the ultimate limited resource in CoX). The melee archetypes would have the "passive" defenses that would allow them to attack at full strength while also having sizable protection to distinguish them.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

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Originally Posted by imvicious2u View Post
There is Ice and Fire and Earth, so Water would be logical.
Technically Ice is already "water".

You have Ice, Fire, Earth and Storm (Air). 4 whole elements covered.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



A quick sampling of things based on favorite pen-and-paper supers I've created over the years that I can't represent easily or at all in CoH:

* Grappling / takedown based martial arts; Lucha Libre, American professional wrestling, and things in that general family
* Staff-based martial arts; bo stick, European quarterstaff moves, and that sort of thing
* Spear/polearm based martial arts; long Chinese spear, various European medieval polearms, etc.
(While similar underlying tech would be needed, "staff" would be mostly Smashing, typically held across the body or vertical in some fashion at rest, and focus on the shaft primarily; a short spear alt weapon could be used here but not the focus. "Spear" would be longer, mostly Lethal, typically held point-forward sticking out by default, and have more moves with tip stabs and chopping motions of the tip.)
* Liquid powers (water, powdered-drink-mix-person (ok, he's probably Super Strength), orange juice, etc.)
* Free combinations of existing powersets. One of my long running characters could be simulated fairly well by Stone Armor / Psychic Blast (with Fighting, Teleportation, and Leadership pools).
* True Speedster powers, which tends to be in the direction of a control set; tying people up, removing clips from their guns, wrapping their capes around their heads, and so on. Putting a caffeinated weasel down their tights probably counts as Animal Assault or something, though.
* Animal powers. "Summon woodland creature" doesn't sound impressive until you level it up and start doing things like filling the inside of someone's giant mecha cockpit with angry badgers, at range.
* Growth & shrinking (One of my friend's classic lines was "I can bench-press a Cadillac, and am currently standing on your eardrum...")
* Chain / rope weapons
* Swinging movement (works particularly well with the above)
* personal-mobility device movement... skateboards, bicycles, Segway...
* Actual vehicles
* dual blunt weapons; escrima and the like
* Fencing
* Cutlass - and - pistol. Currently experimenting with ways to fake this.

more later, GTG

Miuramir, Windchime, Sariel the Golden, Scarlet Antinomist...
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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
If I could work on one new power set/type/effect, it would probably be power siphoning. Which is to say, replicating the powers of nearby targets.
With a penalty of looking like the target and being mistakenly targetable by your teamates (confusion).

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



I'd love a grappling set based upon Zangief(sp?) from the Street Fighter games, though I seem to recall the devs stating (yet again) that the engine couldn't do it, unless I dreamed that, it was years ago.

Grabs, take downs, super pile driver, grab and throw or slam into the ground. All with screen shaking powerful sound effects to project extreme power. I often dream of how awesome it would be to play a brute/tanker muscled to the max and grabbing that boss by the neck and super slamming him into the ground causing the cracking earth animation and he bounces a few times. I picture the set heavy on disorients and stuns.

Or with the rag doll, throwing an enemy into a wall would be so sweet too.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post

Although I will say that the one thing I've missed being able to do in this game is to replicate the kind of magical combat seen in the old school Dr. Strange comics, with magical combatants firing magical bolts at each other while deflecting same with magical shields being projected for defense.
My Mind/FF/Psi controller does just this.