Deleted Star Wars Episode IV Scene: Biggs & Luke




Full deleted scene here.

Yes, I realize this is old news. I just found out about it, though, and thought maybe others didn't see it as well.

Love this scene. Never in the six episodes did anyone but Anakin ever doubt themselves. Everyone always knew what they were doing always and believed in it. That always grated on me. People voted on an empire to unite the galaxy, but then it fails. Everyone chooses sides. Yet no one questions what side they are on, and everyone knows the "Good" people are the rebellion?! Give me a break. SOMEONE doubted themselves and switched sides. I refuse to believe that person didn't exist.

Seeing that it was Biggs who was convinced that the Rebels were correct rocks.



Oh man... I've heard about this scene for years, but I've never actually seen it before.

Thanks, Marcian.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
He chose blue rather than yellow in his moral choice mission
And look how things turned out for him.



Thank you for this. It may be old news, but I for one have never seen it before.



Add me into the group that never saw it before as well. Why they cut that is beyond me. It explained so much.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



I've seen pictures of it, and read a description, but never seen it before.


Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Eventually, I'd love it for Lucas to apologize to those of us who DID see it in theaters. It WAS there, when I saw the movie for the first time it made *sense*. When I saw it again, back home in San Diego (I'd been in Wisconsin when first seen) we got to the end of the movie and I was like.... wait. There was... something... else? Of course I was only ten, and I didn't know they changed things around like that. No idea how movies were made.

Lucasfilms claims that those of us (and I know personally at least half a dozen including myself, and many more online) that we "hallucinated" or saw something else on TV a year later, or it was from the book or... whatever, dude. I know what I saw. I know what I DIDN'T see later.

And it's absolutely true, those scenes were very powerful if badly acted. They really should have been left intact, I can only guess that they didn't feel like crediting or paying the other actors? or that it cut down theater time enough for one more showing. :/ But whatever they did, it was stupid. It lent far more background and credibility to Luke and Biggs' relationship when they're reunited later, and when Biggs is killed it actually tears me up. It makes me sad, though, knowing that there are whole generations of people who have no idea why Luke even cares why this other guy dies... :/

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Why they cut that is a mystery. Really should be put back in, IMO.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
Eventually, I'd love it for Lucas to apologize to those of us who DID see it in theaters. It WAS there, when I saw the movie for the first time it made *sense*. When I saw it again, back home in San Diego (I'd been in Wisconsin when first seen) we got to the end of the movie and I was like.... wait. There was... something... else? Of course I was only ten, and I didn't know they changed things around like that. No idea how movies were made.

Lucasfilms claims that those of us (and I know personally at least half a dozen including myself, and many more online) that we "hallucinated" or saw something else on TV a year later, or it was from the book or... whatever, dude. I know what I saw. I know what I DIDN'T see later.

And it's absolutely true, those scenes were very powerful if badly acted. They really should have been left intact, I can only guess that they didn't feel like crediting or paying the other actors? or that it cut down theater time enough for one more showing. :/ But whatever they did, it was stupid. It lent far more background and credibility to Luke and Biggs' relationship when they're reunited later, and when Biggs is killed it actually tears me up. It makes me sad, though, knowing that there are whole generations of people who have no idea why Luke even cares why this other guy dies... :/
When I went to see Brainstorm, there was a scene where Walken and the Psycho dude talked and the Psycho dude used the Fword. Then the screen blipped, and the exact same scene started up and it was just like the other one but the language was changed.

So, I don't doubt it. Back then, with the way films were distrubuted, things were wacky!



Originally Posted by Teldon View Post
Add me into the group that never saw it before as well. Why they cut that is beyond me. It explained so much.
because Lucas wanted the initial narration of the movie to follow through the POV of the droids, and wanted the characters to be introduced to the audience through the droids. it wasn't a bad choice, and it's always interesting to see what could have been. for folks who might be interested in a far more expanded version of A New Hope, check out the NPR Radio Dramas. New Hope and Empire were fantastic!



I remember going to summer camp after seeing the movie and there was another kid there who had read the novelization but hadn't seen the movie yet. He kept pestering me with questions about Biggs and all I could say was, "Who the hell is Biggs?" Then he'd tell me about this scene and I'd be all, "What are you talking about? That's not in the movie." Nice to finally see the scene in question.

"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot



What's amazing to me is 30+ years later Star Wars still manages to pull out deleted scenes to the original movies.

I can see both sides of the arguement, for keeping it in it does add a bit more depth to what Luke was wanting to do when he left and answers the age old question of "Luke sure seems to have some unknown background history with that Biggs guy he ran into in the last act of the movie.. oh wait" But I just wrote it off as unimportant since well Boom. It also shows that Lucas was talking about Galactic politcs even in the originals.

For against it... Well Lucas likes his movies to be black and white (or blue lightsaber/red lightsaber). Empire is bad, Rebellion is good. Luke wanting to not only join the Empire but initially view the Rebellion as the badguys makes the Empire not seem completely evil and the Rebellion as not completely good.

Plus there was only one man that could wear the cape in a Star Wars movie



Plus there was only one man that could wear the cape in a Star Wars movie
This is so true.

Your other points are also very valid, I think. Though if they had left the 'talk of the empire' in, maybe the prequels would have made MORE SENSE.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
Eventually, I'd love it for Lucas to apologize to those of us who DID see it in theaters. It WAS there, when I saw the movie for the first time it made *sense*. When I saw it again, back home in San Diego (I'd been in Wisconsin when first seen) we got to the end of the movie and I was like.... wait. There was... something... else? Of course I was only ten, and I didn't know they changed things around like that. No idea how movies were made.

Lucasfilms claims that those of us (and I know personally at least half a dozen including myself, and many more online) that we "hallucinated" or saw something else on TV a year later, or it was from the book or... whatever, dude. I know what I saw. I know what I DIDN'T see later.

And it's absolutely true, those scenes were very powerful if badly acted. They really should have been left intact, I can only guess that they didn't feel like crediting or paying the other actors? or that it cut down theater time enough for one more showing. :/ But whatever they did, it was stupid. It lent far more background and credibility to Luke and Biggs' relationship when they're reunited later, and when Biggs is killed it actually tears me up. It makes me sad, though, knowing that there are whole generations of people who have no idea why Luke even cares why this other guy dies... :/
I saw the movie the first day it was released, and I remember seeing this scene then. There was more to it as well, I remember Luke looking up with his Binoculars and seeing the battle between the Empire Star Cruiser Leiah's ship as well, and telling Biggs about it. Years later, I told friends about this scene, and they didn't believe me that it ever existed, until it appeared on a DVD. They were like wow, you really did see that, WTH Lucas!



Originally Posted by Talia_Rayvyn View Post
Plus there was only one man that could wear the cape in a Star Wars movie

Not to say anything bad about Lando in a cape, there is one other character that pulls off the cape look pretty well. Although he is more machine than man now, I'd say Darth Vader still counts even if someone should tell him that it doesn't hurt to have a few accents in your all-black clothes.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



I remember from way back in my youth, when the then titles Star Wars (no New Hope) came out and I was in a frenzy for any merchandise I could get. Or get my parents to buy me. I had tons of Star Wars trading cards. Each new batch had different color borders to identify them. I also had a book about the movie, geared towards kids, that had lots of photos. I remember quite well seeing stills of these lost scenes that were never in the movie. I was a kid and didn't know editorial cuts from cold cuts, but I always wondered why they weren't in the movie.

I remember too how my book referred to Darth Vader as a Dark Lord of the Sith, even though we'd never been told what the frak a Sith was at that point.



Originally Posted by Innovator View Post
I saw the movie the first day it was released, and I remember seeing this scene then. There was more to it as well, I remember Luke looking up with his Binoculars and seeing the battle between the Empire Star Cruiser Leiah's ship as well, and telling Biggs about it. Years later, I told friends about this scene, and they didn't believe me that it ever existed, until it appeared on a DVD. They were like wow, you really did see that, WTH Lucas!

Seriously, that binocular scene is found in another clip linked there near the video shown above, and that was the one I recalled too, with the girl.

How much you want to bet that sometime in the next decade or so, for the (god) 40th anniversary of Star Wars (no new hope like Knightfox says too lol) he'll come out and admit that they were shown in theaters. It's so harsh to blanket the mistake they made - I mean, maybe they meant all the copies to be altered and didn't get edited? Or there was one master copy that wasn't edited, and released that way until they realized the mistake? It was all around the country too, so it may just have been a distribution error on their part, but still, it was THERE, and we SAW it, and we weren't HALLUCINATING.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



This is so weird. That scene has been available for a good 10 or 12 years on one version of Star Wars or another. It's been out for so long I can't even recall where I first saw it.

With this thread, the one about Terminator 3 showing who terminators were modeled on and the recent Back to the Future thing with Eric Stoltz, I swear to God I'm the only one on Earth who watches the extra features on DVDs. There's tons of cool stuff besides the movies on DVDs, folks, check it out sometime.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post

Seriously, that binocular scene is found in another clip linked there near the video shown above, and that was the one I recalled too, with the girl.

How much you want to bet that sometime in the next decade or so, for the (god) 40th anniversary of Star Wars (no new hope like Knightfox says too lol) he'll come out and admit that they were shown in theaters. It's so harsh to blanket the mistake they made - I mean, maybe they meant all the copies to be altered and didn't get edited? Or there was one master copy that wasn't edited, and released that way until they realized the mistake? It was all around the country too, so it may just have been a distribution error on their part, but still, it was THERE, and we SAW it, and we weren't HALLUCINATING.
Technically Lucas is right. It's a form of spin, but he's not actually lying. (This time. He was totally lying about there being a "trilogy of trilogies" and that Vader was always supposed to be Luke's dad. That cat is waaay out of the bag.)

What you guys saw were test showings, not release showings. A slight but critical distinction. These tend to be shown around Hollywood first, but also in out-of-the-way places. (Well, they used to be. Nowadays there's no such thing.) Dayton, Ohio, was also a huge place for test screenings, where we'd see a double feature, the second movie -- a pre-release version --being a freebie. I saw a number of films which were later changed before their official release after getting feedback from various test audiences. (The test screening for Die Hard 2 was a stand-out memory for me because they were extremely unhappy with my response that there was nothing they could do to fix it. They gave me a tee shirt anyway.)

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post

Seriously, that binocular scene is found in another clip linked there near the video shown above, and that was the one I recalled too, with the girl.

How much you want to bet that sometime in the next decade or so, for the (god) 40th anniversary of Star Wars (no new hope like Knightfox says too lol) he'll come out and admit that they were shown in theaters. It's so harsh to blanket the mistake they made - I mean, maybe they meant all the copies to be altered and didn't get edited? Or there was one master copy that wasn't edited, and released that way until they realized the mistake? It was all around the country too, so it may just have been a distribution error on their part, but still, it was THERE, and we SAW it, and we weren't HALLUCINATING.
It's funny because I could swear there was a line that isn't there anymore. When I saw the original Star Wars 33 years ago, I remember seeing it in theaters a couple times. I could swear that the post trash compactor scene went like this:

Leia: Would somebody get this walking carpet out of my way?!
Chewbacca: Rowr
Han: No, Chewie. You can't rip her arms off.

Now I'm fairly certain that this is only a warped and incorrect memory from my youth, but I wonder now after reading things like this. And, like Ironik, I was watching in Dayton, Ohio too. Still am.

Oh, and what was with Luke's Gilligan hat? LOL



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Technically Lucas is right. It's a form of spin, but he's not actually lying. (This time. He was totally lying about there being a "trilogy of trilogies" and that Vader was always supposed to be Luke's dad. That cat is waaay out of the bag.)

What you guys saw were test showings, not release showings. A slight but critical distinction. These tend to be shown around Hollywood first, but also in out-of-the-way places. (Well, they used to be. Nowadays there's no such thing.) Dayton, Ohio, was also a huge place for test screenings, where we'd see a double feature, the second movie -- a pre-release version --being a freebie. I saw a number of films which were later changed before their official release after getting feedback from various test audiences. (The test screening for Die Hard 2 was a stand-out memory for me because they were extremely unhappy with my response that there was nothing they could do to fix it. They gave me a tee shirt anyway.)
I wish I could say you're correct but the show I went to was long after it's May release, I checked because when I saw it, I was on vacation in Wisconsin (Lake Geneva, I can see why D&D was invented there, because there's nothing ELSE to do ...) and this was in July of 77 at the earliest. I actually checked my old photo album, since I have the plane tickets and stuff in there.

I know what you're talking about though with the tests, and I'd say that you're right on the one hand, it may be a version that they forgot to stop showing? However Lucas has fervently denied that this version was EVER, as in EVER in theaters, period. That's what pisses me off. :/ I've tried to figure it out for years, but still. On their website at least a while back, they addressed it in such a condescending way I was SO turned off.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Mistakes happen and film distribution isn't an exception. In any case, I wasn't born yet and only saw Star Wars first on the television.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Mistakes happen and film distribution isn't an exception. In any case, I wasn't born yet and only saw Star Wars first on the television.
Did you get the chance to see it in a theater when they brought it back for their celebration? Because really, it IS still great fun on a big big screen.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
Did you get the chance to see it in a theater when they brought it back for their celebration? Because really, it IS still great fun on a big big screen.
No. I didn't have the money.