Deleted Star Wars Episode IV Scene: Biggs & Luke




Aww. Well hopefully they'll do it again. I can't think of a time when Star Wars won't have a line out the door if it's in a theater. It's like a mini-convention

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
This is so weird. That scene has been available for a good 10 or 12 years on one version of Star Wars or another. It's been out for so long I can't even recall where I first saw it.

With this thread, the one about Terminator 3 showing who terminators were modeled on and the recent Back to the Future thing with Eric Stoltz, I swear to God I'm the only one on Earth who watches the extra features on DVDs. There's tons of cool stuff besides the movies on DVDs, folks, check it out sometime.
Now, Ironik there were plenty of us in that thread that already knew the Eric Stoltz thing. You aren't the only one that knows this stuff.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Terminator 3 showing who terminators were modeled on
Just because I had to.


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Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
Now, Ironik there were plenty of us in that thread that already knew the Eric Stoltz thing. You aren't the only one that knows this stuff.
I just feel like it sometimes.

I don't know how many times I've had people look at me funny when I've mentioned the audio commentary for this or that film. Some of this stuff is interesting.

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Originally Posted by Innovator View Post
I saw the movie the first day it was released, and I remember seeing this scene then. There was more to it as well, I remember Luke looking up with his Binoculars and seeing the battle between the Empire Star Cruiser Leiah's ship as well, and telling Biggs about it. Years later, I told friends about this scene, and they didn't believe me that it ever existed, until it appeared on a DVD. They were like wow, you really did see that, WTH Lucas!
Does anyone else recall an edition of A New Hope in the theaters where Han did not kill Greedo? I clearly remember when the movie made the rounds its third time (like a year before Empire hit), the encounter with Greedo went as far as "Yes, I'll bet you have", and then the scene cut away to the next Star Destroyer segment.

For years I thought it might have been a damaged reel my theater got. But after the Han Shot Second incident, I started having severe doubts about the damaged reel theory.

Oh, and what was with Luke's Gilligan hat? LOL
It seems to be a hat design well suited for hot desert environments, I guess.



I've never been a super big Star Wars fan. I liked the movies well enough. I saw them in theatres as a kid and was amazed, but I have to say with all the re-edits and re-re-edits I don't have a clue about the story half the time anyway. BUT I do think this could have abeen a crucial scene which explained quite a bit later on.

Ironik - I too watch the extras a lot but many times it's pretty useless information that only true movie-philes get. A good example (the story not the movie lol) - The Gamer had a great extra about the cameras used to shoot the movie. Pretty amazing stuff technologically but to the average DVD purchaser/renter it's just boring fluff. So many people have started to just ignore the extras.



Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post

Bahaha, I hadn't seen that. Gold!



Funny how Steve Sansweet and a bunch of other Lucas honchos have stated, repeatedly, that anyone who recalls seeing this and other similar scenes in the theaters is delusional.

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Originally Posted by McNum View Post

Not to say anything bad about Lando in a cape, there is one other character that pulls off the cape look pretty well. Although he is more machine than man now, I'd say Darth Vader still counts even if someone should tell him that it doesn't hurt to have a few accents in your all-black clothes.
<Edna Mode> Darth Vader. Force lightning!
<Mr. Incredible> What does getting zapped with Force lightning have to..
<Edna Mode> No capes!

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Originally Posted by Teldon View Post
Add me into the group that never saw it before as well. Why they cut that is beyond me. It explained so much.
Lucas says he chose to cut this scene and another that had luke with friends watching a space battle through the binoculars due to the pacing of the begining of the movie. He felt the scene in the kitchen with uncle owen talking to luke about not leaving for one more season and luke saying how biggs had already left accomplished the same set up as far as progressing the story went.



Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
Lucas says he chose to cut this scene and another that had luke with friends watching a space battle through the binoculars due to the pacing of the begining of the movie. He felt the scene in the kitchen with uncle owen talking to luke about not leaving for one more season and luke saying how biggs had already left accomplished the same set up as far as progressing the story went.
Lucas also said "I have a great idea for the prequels to Star Wars".



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Funny how Steve Sansweet and a bunch of other Lucas honchos have stated, repeatedly, that anyone who recalls seeing this and other similar scenes in the theaters is delusional.
Yup. Only like I said, I didn't find it too funny. I found it extremely insulting.

how many of those people claiming this were even old enough to go to a theater when Star Wars first showed?

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Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Funny how Steve Sansweet and a bunch of other Lucas honchos have stated, repeatedly, that anyone who recalls seeing this and other similar scenes in the theaters is delusional.
Its also kinda funny how people think they are being lied to by those that would have the production records and editing trail because a few people on the forums or friends are determined to say they are right, because they say so.

I dont know who is right or wrong, but what i do know is i saw the movie about 2 weeks after release and the scenes in question were not in the movie.

But also keep in mind that we countless star wars specials and making ofs started showing up I did see some of these things like biggs and luke watching the space batter. As well as sources like the collector cards i think took images from everywhere. I guess my main point would be if these scenes were in a finished movie, and then latter cut out, why exactly would none of them have cinematic finishing. In all the cases where i see these "extras" show up none of them have finished effects, none of them have music.... If they were just clipped out of the movie and you all saw them, why wouldnt they appear to be taken from a finished film?

I really do think that over 30+ years we see these things pop up from time to time and then say "Oh i remember that" 10 years later.



They were not in YOUR THEATER'S copy of the movie. They were pretty clearly in dozens of other theaters.

Lucas is WELL known for out and out LYING to his fans. About his motivations, his actions, everything. I've got plenty of evidence to back up how much he spins around on his own opinion, having a couple very old and then-current Starlog magazines with extensive interviews. Those were flat-out contradicted in later discussions, and it's like no one bothered to even wave it at him and say, "dude. stop it."

There were no making-of's by the time I saw the movie the 2nd time and knew it was missing something. The book didn't have photos of those scenes, how else would I have known to look for very specific things (washed out yellow coloration, the chick with the binoculars, Biggs *at all* connected to luke?). To my knowledge I never even SAW a making-of video, though I did see the Holiday special. Which, for many years, Lucas ALSO saw fit to deny. Of course, he had compelling reason to do so... except for that nagging little "first appearance of Boba Fett" thing that he tried sliding in as "oh we did film it but it wasn't good enough". THAT scene was certainly never shown, because it was *clearly* unfinished from what I've seen of it before they (badly) added the Hutt... But he's tried many times to re-imagine things, and frankly it's ridiculous. So many of us were there. I would say ... many of us have seen the movies far more often than HE ever did.

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Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
They were not in YOUR THEATER'S copy of the movie. They were pretty clearly in dozens of other theaters.
in defense of the idea that there might've been a few releases that had a couple extra scenes, there was a prerelease booklet talking about Star Wars and in the original soundtrack album there were stock shots of the 'deleted scenes.'

however, i think you people are just seeing things and are obviously pretty crazed.



Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
in defense of the idea that there might've been a few releases that had a couple extra scenes, there was a prerelease booklet talking about Star Wars and in the original soundtrack album there were stock shots of the 'deleted scenes.'

however, i think you people are just seeing things and are obviously pretty crazed.
Right, and like I said, I didn't get any of that until well after the first couple times I'd seen it. I have the original release of the soundtrack on its two LP disks, though it's out in the shed and I can't dig around in it for the inserts.

For what it's worth, at the show I went to in Wisconsin, there were no lines, no hype, nothing whatever about it screamed "OMG IT IS TEH STAR WARS!"

Yet when I saw it again later in the summer with my friends, the line literally went around the building twice (and it was an OLD theater, the kind with ONE 60' screen. ).

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Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
Lucas says he chose to cut this scene and another that had luke with friends watching a space battle through the binoculars due to the pacing of the begining of the movie. He felt the scene in the kitchen with uncle owen talking to luke about not leaving for one more season and luke saying how biggs had already left accomplished the same set up as far as progressing the story went.
When they put Star Wars back in the theater in... what, 1997? and had the extra scene with Biggs talking to Rogue Leader (don't think they ever gave him a name, did they?), I never understood why that wasn't in the original cut. It made us feel a bit more for those two guys when they got blasted, and connected Biggs in with Luke's earlier situation. That scene really doesn't upset the pacing and adds a lot to the movie, I would say.

The scene Marcian linked to... well, I like it and wish they had added it in part, but I can kind of see why they cut it. At that point in the movie it does feel like a detour and distracts from the flow of the story. It also cuts back from the archetypal feel of the movies, too. I generally like the detail shown in that scene (as it does add realism to what is going on), but it really isn't needed for what the original trilogies are about.

I can definitely see why the space battle part is cut out... kind of feels disjointed and doesn't add much to the story at all. The scene with just Biggs and Luke is a little odd (I know they're talking about the rebellion and all, but it feels like they're standing too close and moving a little awkwardly), but it's not too bad.

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The way that I have generally enjoyed Star Wars, is that I believe everything you ever needed to know about the entire universe is right there in the one movie. You don't need history, you don't need an epilogue. Even the other two in the original trilogy only served in my opinion to screw it up.

However WITH that background, like I said it would make the prequels at least make a little more sense. However... lol it's been how long, and the prequels stank anyway. too late to make sense of it for me, sadly.

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Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
in defense of the idea that there might've been a few releases that had a couple extra scenes, there was a prerelease booklet talking about Star Wars and in the original soundtrack album there were stock shots of the 'deleted scenes.'

however, i think you people are just seeing things and are obviously pretty crazed.
There's also the Han/Jabba Scene in Ep 4 that originally had a human playing Jabba. Now again I could swear I saw it on the big screen but I also read about it in assorted books so its possible the memory is a bit unclear.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Why they cut that is a mystery. Really should be put back in, IMO.
Oh don't worry, they will. Probably not so much in that it would be in a director's cut, but this is exactly the kind of material that'll be pushing the marketing of the blu-ray theatrical release version, blu-ray widescreen version, blu-ray ultimate edition, blu-ra......*voice carrries on and trails off into the distance.

They've got some work to do on that print though, yuuck.. its filthy dirty and needs a darn good dust.



Indeed. All I really want is the "uncut" version to be cleaned up. I don't want the added scenes that were INSERTED into the movie later (though I liked seeing Anchorhead as an actual space port, instead of just a dusty town, and I loved Han and Chewie running into the corridor filled with troops instead of just a blank dead-end wall). I just want the print cleaned up and made presentable.

To my knowledge that Jabba scene was never in any of the original releases, but they did show it off a LOT when they finally got down to add those other scenes digitally. I still think the scene was absolute garbage even WITH modern CG tech.

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Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
Indeed. All I really want is the "uncut" version to be cleaned up. I don't want the added scenes that were INSERTED into the movie later (though I liked seeing Anchorhead as an actual space port, instead of just a dusty town, and I loved Han and Chewie running into the corridor filled with troops instead of just a blank dead-end wall). I just want the print cleaned up and made presentable.

To my knowledge that Jabba scene was never in any of the original releases, but they did show it off a LOT when they finally got down to add those other scenes digitally. I still think the scene was absolute garbage even WITH modern CG tech.
The Han/Jabba scene was interesting and it sets up the fact that if Han doesn't pay up and fast that he will be a dead man walking due to the price on his head, and we get the glimpse of Boba Fett. The dialogue between them though is the same as the Greedo scene.

Greedo shooting first though was a BAD move by Lucas. Let's recap a few things:

1. Mos Eisley Spaceport, "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy"
2. "Watch yourself, this place can be a little rough."
3. Obi Wan lightsabers the two criminals harassing Luke and everyone sees it then resumes their fun and drink, though giving Kenobi a respectful amount of distance as they realize the old man is not someone to mess with.
4. Greedo gets the drop on Han after Chewie has left. If Chewie were there, Greedo would have been killed instantly by Chewie.
5. Greedo has his gun on kill, not stun and makes it clear that he's going to kill Han for the bounty, Chewie would likely become a slave again, and Jabba would take the Falcon. As Han said "Over my dead body!" Greedo's response "That's the idea". Greedo tells Han to get up and that he's been looking forward to this for a long time.
6. Han shoots first in the original version.
7. Now they shoot at about the same time, but Greedo's shot goes off to the side and they CGI Han dodging with near Jedi levels of speed.....ugh.

However reviewing items one through 5 and then 6 makes it clear that Mos Eisley is essentially a lawless town, criminals and smugglers are everywhere and that Han was defending himself. Sorry George, but Greedo shooting at all wasn't necessary.

Next thing you know they will try to say that anyone that saw the sticks instead of the lightsabers in the Obi vs Vader duel in Ep 4 versions prior to the DVD were hallucinating too



hehehehe. Some of the old glowy effects were certainly... um... less than spectacular.

The one thing that I REALLY, honestly wish would happen?

James Earl Jones goes back to re-dub the line, "I was once the learner."

STUDENT, Darth. The word you're looking for is STUDENT of the force. *headdesk*

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Technically Lucas is right. It's a form of spin, but he's not actually lying. (This time. He was totally lying about there being a "trilogy of trilogies" and that Vader was always supposed to be Luke's dad. That cat is waaay out of the bag.)
What's with the vader thing? he wasn't originally supposed to be Luke's dad? Ohh wait, Obi-Wan was right? I think I heard that some where... Know where I can find proof of that, I'd love to see it myself.

For the Trilogy of Trilogies thing... I know I saw an interview with Lucas when I was like 5 or 6, and he said then there were supposed to be NINE star wars movies. The 3 that were already out were the middle 3, there would be 3 before and 3 after. I remember it because I went to my friends house, a neighbor on my street, and when I told him I remember his mom stating flatly, "No, you're wrong, there are only ever going to be 3 star wars movies..." (I kind of wish I still knew her so I could tell her to shove it, but what can I say, old grudges die hard.)

Still I KNOW I saw that some where. I've never been able to find that clip, but it's good to know other people saw it too.

Lucas claims he never said it, but I'm pretty sure in addition to that interview, he said it to a magazine in an article, so there is a written piece of evidence that he's lying about it.

Lucas has a history of saying one thing, later deciding he didn't mean it, and changing his mind then acting like everyone should pretend it didn't happen. Honestly, I wish he'd grow a pair and just say "Yeah, I said that but I've changed my mind now." Or "Yeah, that was in some of the original movies, but it wasn't supposed to be."

This whole "hey, I know you saw that, other people did, and you have vivid memories of it and the events surrounding it, but it didn't happen, your on drugs", It's insulting to those of us with a brain.

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For a long while there, I thought it was pretty much accepted that Timothy Zahn based that first trilogy of Star Wars book after Return on George's drafts for those other last three movies. Must have been reading fan comments and not those of Lucas on that, heh.

I can understand wanting to limit things to just the six movies to make it a Skywalker story of darkness and redemption, though. I really like those Zahn books (compared to most of the Star Wars books), but as far as metastory goes, it doesn't really tell anything new: the Republic and Luke continue on the path there were on during RoTJ.

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