Would you watch a 5th Indiana Jones movie starring "Mutt" as the new Indiana?
After Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, I would be very hesitant to watch a 5th Indiana Jones movie, Mutt or no.
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No. There was a time and a place for Indiana Jones, and those have passed. If it doesn't have Harrison Ford starring as Indy, it's not Indy.
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Would I watch a Indy film w/out Indy as the main character (or even involved, story wise)?
Not a chance in hell.
Crystal Skull was ok. I'm not 100% sure it should of been made in the first place. I just don't feel a Indy 5 is a viable film option now.
Thank you for the time...

Yes, but only as a rental. I have two small children at home, so I am *very* selective of the movies I will pay premiums for (including a sitter).
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Would I watch it sure. But im also with the crowd that says it wouldnt be Indiana Jones. Heck I thought the Karate Kid should have been renamed the Kung-Fu kid.
So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?
Dubbed first knight of pep-istan by her majesty Queen Pepcat. first catmonaut to walk onna moon.
If I thought it looked good by the trailers, then yes.
Would I consider it Indiana Jones? No.
They could just as easily call it, "Mutt Williams and the [blank] of the [blank]"
If it's called Indiana Jones, it should have Indiana Jones.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Just pointing that out. Other than that, I can totally see your point on this.
I would wait to see a 'Mutt' movie on cable.
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No I would not. Still can not sit thru the last movie he was in.
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I like Shia LeBouf, I'll admit that.
However, without Harrison Ford, there is no Indiana Jones. Remember that TV series, Young Indiana Jones? Neither does anyone else.
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I'd rather see it with a different actor in Ford's role than Mutt.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
Would I see an Indiana Jones movie starring Shia LaBoof as the son of Indiana Jones? Hell no. I'd rather have my teeth drilled sans novacaine by a spastic dentist.
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If they pass the torch to Shia LeBouf, they lose me. LeBouf's schtick is only slightly less annoying than Michael Cera.
Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.
good luck D.B.B.

I can't really see the Mutt character carrying a movie on his own, especially one in the style of Indiana Jones. If they did pass the franchise torch to him, I think they'd have to do at least one more movie where Indy takes the center stage. That way Mutt can be given the depth he needs, and it won't seem like he made a sudden decision to give up his rebellious greaser lifestyle for no reason to start chasing relics.
Goodbye, I guess.
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Knowing Hollywood as I do I pretty much assume some kind of "historically based action film" staring Shia LeBouf is going to be made eventually. They'll probably (for some strange reason) even attach the words "Indiana Jones" to its title in order to try to get older people to see it. Go figure.
It might even turn out to be a good movie in its own right. But just like Sean Connery is the 'only' James Bond for many people I suspect Shia will never be considered anything more than a questionable replacement at best. *shrugs*
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No intrest at all.
I'd consider it, I thought he was good in the last Indy flick. Like a lot of others though, I'm skeptical about passing the Indy name down to him. I'd be more open to it if it were something like "Indiana Jones Presents Blah Blah Blah". I get that the name could credibly be passed down to Mutt, but I associate Indy too strongly with Harrison Ford to take someone else using that name seriously.
I'm more concerned with the behind the scenes guys (like Lucas) who made 4 suck so bad than I am with the actors who'd have the unenviable task of selling the turds the writers saddled them with.
To answer the question asked: nope! But maybe if Lucas chops his hands off and chews off his own tongue so there's no possible way he could write a 5th movie.

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I would. Wondering if I'm alone in this.