The "Icons" of Virtue





I'll also mention one character that's not around any more, BlackSpiralDancer. Being a tall, green, moss-covered werewolf does tend to make one stand out, and he played the disturbing villain well.

I don't know if many would consider him an icon for all of Virtue, but he was one of those characters that RPers just gravitated towards. Yes, there are others that can do that and still play, I mention him in particular because he's no longer in the game.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Originally Posted by Apophasis View Post

Oh, and definately Xad/Dax. He's Virtue's unofficial Fire/EM Blaster poster boy.
Who is Xad?



This thread needs moar Dragonberry. I mean, that's why it's called the DB SERVER.

Originally Posted by Smallz_NA View Post
Who is Xad?
UR BAD. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Originally Posted by Smallz_NA View Post
Who is Xad?
Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
This thread needs moar Dragonberry. I mean, that's why it's called the DB SERVER.


damn, this thread feels like a long lost love letter for a golden age. say, i6-i12 or so...

Kittens give Morbo gas.



Originally Posted by spice_weasel View Post

damn, this thread feels like a long lost love letter for a golden age. say, i6-i12 or so...
Maybe i9, even... I was around in the i6-ish time period, and a lot of these names aren't even ringing a bell, let alone bringing in memories.



I blame Polaron.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by Transhade View Post
Does anyone really say to themselves "I really can't wait to get home to catch a glimpse of XXX." or "Wow, i got a tell from so and so..."
Nope, but I do like seeing someone and going "Hey! I know that name from the forums! Cool to actually see the character in game!"

Like Underworld? Then take a look at!
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Originally Posted by Knightslayer View Post
Nope, but I do like seeing someone and going "Hey! I know that name from the forums! Cool to actually see the character in game!"
That, and for a lot of us (I imagine old timers especially) there are just certain characters who helped define the feel of the Virtue world for us. It's not about who's better or more popular or whatever, it's about who's a defining figure for you in the world.

For me, in no particular order: Ascendant, Square Woot, Pengi, Doctor Crom, Captain Valor, Rakescar, Deathspider (I wouldn't generally list friends, but I knew who this guy was before I knew him personally), Killer Whale, Kelp Plankton, Oksah (what's with the aquatic characters?), Terra Skye, Xanatos. Probably others I'm forgetting from back in the day.



2. Xeaon
3. Zombie Fryer



Originally Posted by Knightslayer View Post
Nope, but I do like seeing someone and going "Hey! I know that name from the forums! Cool to actually see the character in game!"
I've done that a few times!



Originally Posted by Knightslayer View Post
Nope, but I do like seeing someone and going "Hey! I know that name from the forums! Cool to actually see the character in game!"
But that's not being an 'icon'! That's being a cool person that you wish to see them in game!

I'm having a hard time distinguishing 'celebrity' and 'icon' in this particular thread/context. To me, an 'icon' is someone who would represent a particular event/place/action/etc.

If Virtue was to have an wouldn't be a person. It would be the RP community as a whole. Cause when everyone says 'Virtue' chances are, they probably immediately think of RP. Catgirls and Pocket D could be viable icons too...I'm just sayin'!

But to me, everyone who's been named here is nothing more than simply celebrities. And and trying to pick who is popular and who is not is just a really stupid game, in my opinion.



Originally Posted by bright shadow View Post

but that's not being an 'icon'! That's being a cool person that you wish to see them in game!

I'm having a hard time distinguishing 'celebrity' and 'icon' in this particular thread/context. To me, an 'icon' is someone who would represent a particular event/place/action/etc.

If virtue was to have an wouldn't be a person. It would be the rp community as a whole. Cause when everyone says 'virtue' chances are, they probably immediately think of rp. Catgirls and pocket d could be viable icons too...i'm just sayin'!

But to me, everyone who's been named here is nothing more than simply celebrities. And and trying to pick who is popular and who is not is just a really stupid game, in my opinion.



Chris Jenkins. Attorney at Law.

Disagree. I dare you.



Originally Posted by High_Jinks View Post
Chris Jenkins. Attorney at Law.

Disagree. I dare you.



I'm not sure I've seen that billboard.




Back in the day, the Liberty League SG was the source of great amounts of fun and was well known for things such as winning the first CoH Film Festival...

...and Battle Bovine Comics.

Characters such as Battle Bovine, Boscoe, and the rest of the gang were well known across servers. They're one of the main reasons I migrated to Virtue from Guardian after my first year ingame.

Later on, some of the characters that I personally came to identify with our server are those such as Killer Whale, BBQ Pork, Comrade Smersh, Heroid, and Ireland "Maggie" Love (of Maggie's Rock). Whether or not they're "icons" to others I don't know. They're iconic to me, and that's the only point of view I'm qualified to represent.

Hey Cookie Monster, if "C" is for cookie, what is "N" for?
Golden Age & Early Silver Age Heroes (RPers) Wanted!
Batman PWND by The Insidious Termite!
The Internet



Originally Posted by KnG View Post
2. Xeaon
3. Zombie Fryer
Hey! Now there's two I've seen around!

ROBOKiTTY and Zombie Fryer!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



self promotion...*ahem* (clears throat)

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



I remember thinking sidney_b was one of the smartest people ever. Whatever happened to her?



Originally Posted by Power_Play View Post
Killer Whale, BBQ Pork, Comrade Smersh, Heroid, and Ireland "Maggie" Love (of Maggie's Rock).
check, check, check agree with you 100% although I would then list members of the Original Guardian Angels, well original as in Version two, since Version one was before I got there and lasted for a very short amount of time.

with this said how can we forget to mention these heroes.

--BTW I am just a shadow in the wake of Greatness--



Originally Posted by Eveningstar2 View Post
I remember thinking sidney_b was one of the smartest people ever. Whatever happened to her?
Last Activity: 06-06-2010 08:53 PM
I'm totally a Virtue Icon.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.