The "Icons" of Virtue





::runs away in a zigzag pattern to thwart snipers::



I associate Virtue mostly with the group I regularly play with, and the people on my Global that I met in (gasps, pearl-clutching, dogs barking, horses whinnying, villagers crossing themselves and slamming the window shutters closed) Pocket D.

Character index



Three red dots. That's usually what you click on to get in, right?

Oh, sorry. Wrong icon.

"You must never imagine, that just because something is funny, it is not also dangerous." - Neil Gaiman

"You know what I love? People who respond with aggression and belligerence thinking it replaces logic." - Blue Mourning



mmm thread is kind of silly...

It is totally dependent on who you 'regularly' play with and/or do... The only group I'd stick to Virtue is the The Cape Radio and not specifically their DJs...

Issue 24 PPM Calculator // The Great Makeover: The Vindicators



I don't think this is as much of a popularity contest thread, as its more of who do you think is an Icon.

In all reality the only one I consider an Icon on virture and in game is Ascendant.

Now there are plenty of groups like the Angry Angels, Hero Dawn, etc who I feel should get recognition for what they do for the players in game.

But realize there is no award here, and to make it seem like such is really rather silly.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



LOL, forums: most balanced PvP ever.
Tacos > Zombies






In the spirit of Columbus Day, the first cat girl on the server - Bad Kitty.

And for people that keep saying Who. That is my stalker.

In reality there are no icons of the game. Does anyone really say to themselves "I really can't wait to get home to catch a glimpse of XXX." or "Wow, i got a tell from so and so..."






((For me, the iconic characters are Ascendant and Paladin. But that's just me.

Universally speaking, I'd guess the character that the most players know is the guy puking in the corner in Pocket D. He's hard to forget.))



Stroke it, guys! STROKE!

Meanwhile, I'll go put some popcorn in the microwave.

Edit: I just read Heroid's "Universally speaking, I'd guess the character that the most players know is the guy puking in the corner in Pocket D. He's hard to forget." comment. Thanks! That made me giggle!



I feel the need to run out and search for these Icons I've never heard of! /o/

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I feel the need to run out and search for these Icons I've never heard of! /o/
Well there's one in Steel Canyon, and one in Founder's Falls oh and don't forget the extremely convenient Independence Port location!

LOL, forums: most balanced PvP ever.
Tacos > Zombies



Kinda depends what you're looking for doesn't it?

Caios - Modern. Vampire. Cowgirl, not Catgirl.
Karnage - Monster. Psychopath. Fun at Parties.
FyreShadow - Innocent. Naive. God-like Powerful.
Queen Armitage - Caring. Exiled. and out of Options.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I feel the need to run out and search for these Icons I've never heard of! /o/
You and me both. I feel all bad since most of the names mentioned I don't recognize. :P



The true Icons, or people who deserver that status, are the countless people who go out and lead when there is no other reason other than to help others achieve things. I feel blessed to know a few of them, and I am sure there are many I don't know!

Mains: Xero Curve, King Geo, Ahnix, Sphere of Light.
Globals: @XeroCurve, @ZeroCurve



Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

I just read Heroid's "Universally speaking, I'd guess the character that the most players know is the guy puking in the corner in Pocket D. He's hard to forget." comment. Thanks! That made me giggle!
((I hope you weren't drinking soda at the time. I hate that. I hate popping the buttons off my keyboard to wipe slobbery, snotty, drink out of it. And yes, that has happened to me while reading stuff on the internet. ))



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
Universally speaking, I'd guess the character that the most players know is the guy puking in the corner in Pocket D. He's hard to forget.))



I guess I'll comment as an old fart.

If you want to make a real icon? Ascendant. Simply.... Ascendant.

But you know, in all truth, other then that? There are no real icons to represent Virtue. The community as a whole makes Virtue what it is. Not one person can do this: It takes the whole community to make this.

Why did I come back? The community. Not just Ascendant, the community did it.

Its not 1 person that does it for me... Its a whole huge group of people that make it for what it is.

So for me, EVERYBODY gets a "IWIN" badge and a high five!

Luficia's Virtueverse Page




Oh, and definately Xad/Dax. He's Virtue's unofficial Fire/EM Blaster poster boy.



I'd have to say Ascendant is the only one close to ICON status, buy that I mean nearly as well known as a contact. The "phone scripts", comic, and reference to him on the trams are fairly well known, but how many of you remember the beta speech he gave during the End of Beta event? That level or RP alone gets my vote.

Of course I'd say me if the Jack Wolfe in Galaxy was actually named after me and not just some late comer I had to share a name with until they gave us name change ablity.

Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
Universally speaking, I'd guess the character that the most players know is the guy puking in the corner in Pocket D. He's hard to forget.))
Oh, for the love of- It was only the ONE TIME!

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.