The "Icons" of Virtue




Originally Posted by Flea_Mark_Evil View Post
Time to be serious.

I put in....

The Sitting Ducks.

Because at least other servers knew who the **** they were.
Haha, yes



Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
3 inches of blood,... I've heard of them, but OMG they are cute Nerds...when did metal stop being long hair and spandex?

see video:
Not so much a fan of the spandex look, but I do miss that element of fun in American metal. I made fun of 3iob when I first saw that video, but after I thought about it a while I realized, they won. They beat the system, they got the brass ring. They're making a living playing awesome metal about the stuff they did in their weekend tabletop game or whatever. It's the best nerd job in the world. You can bet Bill Gates is up late nights sometimes, thinking "Man... if only I'd been more serious about that guitar...."



Goodness, some people really get flustered and riled at the notion of popularity. I say embrace your inner mean girl.

My list. Yes, it's subjective, sentimental and incomplete, but it still rocks.

DragonBerry, Ascendant, Rakescar, Cackle, Night Girl, Jumproot, Heroid, Kelp Plankton, Sidney B, Plasma Steam, Invincibelle, Soaring Valor (and her uppity sidekick), Xad (though I cringe to admit it), Thanatos, Bayani, Paladin, Capt. Starfall, Roxstar, Celtic Bolt, Backyard Boom, Captain Valor, Ms. Independence, Rowr, Inertial, Encharger, Massacre Melanie, The Imperial, Poison, White Geisha.

- Sparrowhawk, who needs a new sig and avatar.

SparrowhawkHummingbirdDungeon MasterCapricornHour WomanQueen NefariaJunkyard GirlDoll FaceStitchbladeRed MinstrelMimic



I feel pretty spiffy to have played/teamed/RPd with almost every single name listed in this thread. Yay!

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Sparrow_Hawk View Post
Goodness, some people really get flustered and riled at the notion of popularity. I say embrace your inner mean girl.

My list. Yes, it's subjective, sentimental and incomplete, but it still rocks.

DragonBerry, Ascendant, Rakescar, Cackle, Night Girl, Jumproot, Heroid, Kelp Plankton, Sidney B, Plasma Steam, Invincibelle, Soaring Valor (and her uppity sidekick), Xad (though I cringe to admit it), Thanatos, Bayani, Paladin, Capt. Starfall, Roxstar, Celtic Bolt, Backyard Boom, Captain Valor, Ms. Independence, Rowr, Inertial, Encharger, Massacre Melanie, The Imperial, Poison, White Geisha.

- Sparrowhawk, who needs a new sig and avatar.
heh...I didn't take it as people getting riled up and flustered.

I think it comes down to some of the names not being known, so they don't see them as being Icons.

Superman is known by all inthe DC verse, he's an Icon.

Just out of that list of names you gave, I'd say I maybe heard of two of them. And while I see Ascendant posted a lot in this thread, never heard them myself. :/

Though, I can see people having their own list of who they think are iconic easily enough.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Soaring Valor, gods there's a player to miss, the kid too. Swear to god they were the gilmores IRL, or their writers

Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---



A lot of names on that list I recognize and agree with. But if I had to choose, I'd pick the Cape and most of all two awesome players: Dragonberry and Hephaestus 1 (@jchinds, so I think backyard boom is his too). As far as friends go on CoX, they're among the first ones I got, talked with and confided with and I'll always appreciate that.

......Wow, that was realllllly sappy.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Though, I can see people having their own list of who they think are iconic easily enough.
I think for most folks that's exactly what it is, though some are talking players and some are talking characters. For me, it's all about the characters who had struck me as the Superman, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, Hulk, etc. of the Virtue setting; I'm not generally inclined to think of the players behind the characters as iconic, though many of them are really cool people. With this large a group of players, all coming into the game at different times, and no official recognition of icon status (which I'm not suggesting should happen, it's a terrible idea), everyone's going to have their own list of characters (or players, if that's their flavor) that were the icons for their particular experience.



Originally Posted by Sparrow_Hawk View Post
Goodness, some people really get flustered and riled at the notion of popularity. I say embrace your inner mean girl.

My list. Yes, it's subjective, sentimental and incomplete, but it still rocks.

DragonBerry, Ascendant, Rakescar, Cackle, Night Girl, Jumproot, Heroid, Kelp Plankton, Sidney B, Plasma Steam, Invincibelle, Soaring Valor (and her uppity sidekick), Xad (though I cringe to admit it), Thanatos, Bayani, Paladin, Capt. Starfall, Roxstar, Celtic Bolt, Backyard Boom, Captain Valor, Ms. Independence, Rowr, Inertial, Encharger, Massacre Melanie, The Imperial, Poison, White Geisha.

- Sparrowhawk, who needs a new sig and avatar.
the list is missing at least one name : Hour Woman

Kittens give Morbo gas.



Originally Posted by Sparrow_Hawk View Post
Goodness, some people really get flustered and riled at the notion of popularity. I say embrace your inner mean girl.
I don't think it's about people getting riled up or flustered. For me, personally, it's more about the distinction between an 'icon' and a 'celebrity'.

When they say "United States of America", what is the first thing that pops into your mind? Christian Bale, Donald Trump, or the famous red and blue flag? Christian Bale and Donald Trump are people I consider celebrities. But they do not -represent- the United States of America. They are not -icons- of United States of America; the USA flag is.

Mislabeling celebrities as icons is my only issue with this thread. I have nothing against popular people! Two thumbs up to them!



The Icon in Talos Island is my favorite.



"People who take offense to IC actions OOCly need to learn to differentiate between the two... Or change their damn meds."



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Just out of that list of names you gave, I'd say I maybe heard of two of them.
Every time you see a Fire/Dark corruptor, you've seen my legacy. TRUDAT. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
Every time you see a Fire/Dark corruptor, you've seen my legacy. TRUDAT.
Who are you?

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



Originally Posted by the_spartan View Post



Originally Posted by spice_weasel View Post
the list is missing at least one name : Hour Woman
Aww, just for that, the winning Powerball numbers for February 4th, 2012 are 9, 19, 22, 12, 4 and 35.

Oh, and be sure to spend it before December 10th, 2023. Just saying.

- Hour Woman

SparrowhawkHummingbirdDungeon MasterCapricornHour WomanQueen NefariaJunkyard GirlDoll FaceStitchbladeRed MinstrelMimic



Got to agree witht hat List of Folks... but if those old FOlks will remember... MOST of those guys and Gals come/Came From the Liberty League. What a Great Group of Folks.

Ascendant is by far the most iconic Character I have ran into in City of Heroes. The rest of us fall second to him.

But really... You could take Sparrow, or Whale, or Xan,Dragonberry, SnipeFu Freedom Fury or even Xad.. There are so many Amazing Folks.. no matter what circle you run in... If you are looking for actual "Icons" I dont think you can nail down a person.. but more like a Persona.. something that represents what Virtue is...

the Most Iconic thing about Virtue.. and the Reason that I Love this place, is the Community. Win or Loose.. Fights and Flame Wars.. we all come together.. we all just seem to Co exist.

SO if I were to point out a Virtue Icon.. it would be the Community.

ohh and the Ducks.. they were Infamous.. difference

Nuff Said.

Kurse Darkstone
Station Manager for RadioFTW!
Member of the Legion Of Freedom!
Proud member of the Paragonian Knights



Of all the names mentioned in this thread, I've only even heard of a few. That doesn't strike me as them being Icons, no offense to everyone else.

There's just one that fits the bill as an Icon, IMO.

I've passed Ascendant a few times on the phone in the train stations and gotten a laugh out of it every time. He's about the only player/character I consider Iconic simply because you can come across people from every server who have at least heard of Ascendant and his conversations with his agent, Saul. He's been referenced in the CoH comic and is mentioned in random text by NPCs in the game who are at "his spot" by the phones in the train stations.

Pretty impressive for a player to be known well enough to be worked into the fabric of the game in that way.

That's an Icon.

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



Originally Posted by The_Spartan View Post
You're an icon for me, Spartan.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Moggie View Post
*sneaks in*
I remember the Good Old Days...what? Wrong thread? ok....

I think who you have as iconic depends on what you want out of your game. Who I look up to and admire you may not have heard of and vice versa.
Me, I tip the hat to CuppaJoe still.
who gave moggie a hat?

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Hahaha, I love watching people trying to act like they're so cool that they don't even KNOW who the popular people are, versus the people who are like "Their first album was alright, but after that they totes got lame."

There are definitely iconic player-characters on the Virtue server.


Ascendant of course wins. Y'all who are claiming to have never heard of him need to pay closer attention. He's been absorbed into the game's lore, the NPC text, and even had a speaking role in the comics.

Dragonberry is a unique and recognizable character, is always an entertaining presence, and is likely the toughest danged Scrapper on the entire server.

I don't know if he still plays anymore, but Frostfire has earned his stripes in Virtue history, largely for his epic battle to regain his name from Cryptic.

Grae Knight had the balls to create like nineteen supergroups, and force them to all dress like him. And people DID. That counts for something.

The Havok Brothers are one of the first duos I can recall ever seeing, and they've been at the center of some pretty major RP events over the years.

Both The Imperial and Vindicator are characters you can't go anywhere CoH-related without seeing. They both have distinctive costumes and personalities, and tremendous gobs of character art plastered over every "City of"-related website in the world.

Xanatos is someone I've always associated as a fixture in Paragon City; partly because he's been around forever, partly because he seems to constantly show up in the background of the comics, and partly because he has his grubby little fingers in so many chunks of Virtue history.

I also think Knight Sentinel deserves an honorable mention, because I remember when he was first firing up his new supergroup, and now I can't take two steps without bumping into one of his crew. The dude has some serious drive.


I could probably list more, but y'all are just gonna' go "Who?" anyway. Learn your history!




I can't believe no one mentioned Dusk Chameleon yet.



Originally Posted by Galactoman View Post
Hahaha, I love watching people trying to act like they're so cool that they don't even KNOW who the popular people are, versus the people who are like "Their first album was alright, but after that they totes got lame."
I used to not know who the popular people were, but then that got popular and sold out.