Back Alley Brawler gone?




Originally Posted by Perfidus View Post
I'm pretty sure that's just mindless conjecture, since you're the only one saying anything about it.

Edit: I stand corrected! But nonetheless stand by what I've said.
I read your comment and it didn't bother me. /shrug to those that it did.



...and BaB's sure is one to miss, but noone seem to notice that Jay appears to have gone missing as well?

Any and all spelling, grammar and logic errors are intentional so this post will blend seamlessly into the Internet
Unbelievable. You, [subject name here], must be the pride of [subject hometown here]!



Originally Posted by Nerfherder View Post
...and BaB's sure is one to miss, but noone seem to notice that Jay appears to have gone missing as well?
BaB was checking these forums yesterday and still a redname, so he's still sort of around.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Nerfherder View Post
...and BaB's sure is one to miss, but noone seem to notice that Jay appears to have gone missing as well?
I think Noble Savage has pretty much taken over Jay's role and he seems to be a tad more popular than Jay due to having a higher interaction without being obtuse ratio than Jay did.

Jay was also a very polarising person, people either loved his style of posting or hated it. Most of the US community adored him but most of the EU community didn't like him IIRC.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
I think Noble Savage has pretty much taken over Jay's role and he seems to be a tad more popular than Jay due to having a higher interaction without being obtuse ratio than Jay did.

Jay was also a very polarising person, people either loved his style of posting or hated it. Most of the US community adored him but most of the EU community didn't like him IIRC.
You know, in the few post I've seen him make, I never differentiated that he actually 'spoke' differently.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
Folks need to slow down a moment. IF BABs is indeed gone, a few things to keep in mind:
  • Laid off is not the same thing as fired, not by a longshot.
  • Laid off is not always a hostile parting, in fact sometimes it is quite amicable.
  • Related, I have seen a few occasions where honorable employees who are ready to move on will essentially "jump on a the layoff grenade" for their fellow workers. Details I have witnessed included:
    • Senior employees aware that either they go or three people from their department go to make budget lines doing so out of protest and a protective sense
    • Employees with other opportunities and offers already waiting in the wings making things easier on their bosses. (For some bosses layoffs are the toughest part of their job. Period.)
    • Accepting a nice severance for volunteering to retire early or take the layoff for the team, conveniently coming at a time when said employee is already ready for a change (either of career, employment status, or just three months off)

In other words, if he was laid off, there is a whole lot of none-of-our-business (good or bad) behind the situation. BABs has done some great work over the years during his tenure with CoX. And even if he wasn't laid off, think about it, 5 or so years is a Looooooong time to hold a position in as dynamic an industry as his.

In time, I'm sure we'll learn the truth of this rumor regarding his status. But for now folks, slow down a little on this one.
Since it really doesn't make sense to me to fire your Senior Lead Animator (or whatever his title was ) who has been with you for over 5 years in a round of lay offs involving (most likely) temporary forces (considering the timing just after a major project.) I'm seeing one of the above scenarios as most likely to be what has happened. He left of his own volition to persue other opportunities.

Unless of course he somehow did something to piss off the big wigs and they finally found a good excuse to work him out. (You can see his sudden withdrawal from the community in that light aswell.)


Thanks for all your efforts over the years BABs, I always liked your work and your wit. Best of luck in your future endeavors. You'll be missed.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Myrdinn View Post
But, then he wouldn't have been let go.

*targets BAB*

I remember when he appeared. Good egg.
...won't ask about the teabag. Still funny how you pulled that gag off.
Good God, Give that to D_R please! Brilliant!



Has there been official confirmation about this? I saw the Ocho confirm that "people" have left the company, but I've seen no confirmation that BackAlleyBrawler was among them. For all we know, we could be rehiring Jack.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Has there been official confirmation about this? I saw the Ocho confirm that "people" have left the company, but I've seen no confirmation that BackAlleyBrawler was among them. For all we know, we could be rehiring Jack.
Don't even joke about that!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
For all we know, we could be rehiring Jack.
Don't think so, last I heard he was busy writing his new book: How to kill an MMO in 3 easy steps.

Any and all spelling, grammar and logic errors are intentional so this post will blend seamlessly into the Internet
Unbelievable. You, [subject name here], must be the pride of [subject hometown here]!



I read this this morning.....I work in a college Town so I see people leave all the time, but, well, it is never easy to see loved ones who are like a part of your family go.

I can see laying off the temps, but a lead developer, especially one who has been there as long as Mr Bruce, and as talented as Mr Bruce...I can't see it.

Something happened.

(1) Either he demanded a huge payraise and said "give me the money or I walk"...not at all likely


(2) He was headhunted and offered a splendid new job, but stayed to see GR launch,


(3) NCSoft has a new project getting started, and, as someone said in another post, Mr Bruce is one of the first aboard.


(4) He got burned out, yelled at Castle one too many times, and ragequit...not likely.


(5) He is sick and his docs have told he will not be able to work for an extended amount of time and he is on a medical leave...oh God I hope not.

All speculations.

Whatever the truth is as as to why he set sail...I will miss him.

Good luck to you Chris Bruce.

Lisa-Trots sadly off to work.

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
All speculations.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



well neither side will tell us much about it. so all this is just a waste of time.

Did he do a good job? YES

Will he be missed? YES

Do we hope he gets another job soon? YES

other than that there is not much we can do

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Not quite true. We can celebrate our time together with him.
I remember... and I hope I'm not making a fool out of myself, but I'm pretty sure that before he was BABs, he was running around after work in a Manticore costume, now and again.

I remember him holding a Manticore Look-Alike contest in the D. He came in second. (Red Fury?) came in first. She had a really great effort.

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Of course post gr layoffs were expected. Bab's as part of that group? not in the least.

You don't usually get laid off when you leave under your own volition and/or on your time schedule. It isn't unheard of, just not that common of a practice. That in no way means that the parting was not amicable. I would sincerely hope that after the great work he did that PS made him aware of the value he carried.

On a personal level I'm sad, BaBs was by far my favorite dev, he listened well and delivered well, which is not something that I can say for many of the other team members on a consistent basis.

Big shoes to fill and I'd be a lot more confident with pretty much any other dev being on that list and needing someone to fill the role.



As someone recently invited not to return to their place of employment, all my best wishes to the people laid off. And I'll miss BaB so much. I loved reading his posts, and always felt that he really cared about the fanbase. The game has truly suffered a loss.

"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."



Well, I'm a little confused as to why there is nothing official on this. They were quite clear about things when Posi shifted spots around and War Witch jumped in to what he was doing. Also, there are plenty of news articles about who went where, etc., with other development companies when they restructure, so I'm confused as to why they can't say anything more about this. It's a bit silly to leave it behind a confusing wall of corporate speak.

I hope BAB isn't gone, as I think he's a great personality and talent and gave a lot to this game. And his work behind removing redraw on animations, adding custom weapons, and custom animations have forever made the game much, much better. I appreciate his work and his presence, and hope they aren't gone.

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Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
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Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
I think Noble Savage has pretty much taken over Jay's role and he seems to be a tad more popular than Jay due to having a higher interaction without being obtuse ratio than Jay did.

Jay was also a very polarising person, people either loved his style of posting or hated it. Most of the US community adored him but most of the EU community didn't like him IIRC.
Er, no.

David Nakayama is Art Lead, the position formerly held by Ken Morse. He oversees all the various art departments and is responsible for the overall artistic design of the game. Jay is (lead?) character artist. He's responsible for creating, well, characters. Both NPCs and PC costume bits. He and the other character artist(s) have apparently been very busy for some time, going by comments in a couple of David's posts.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



After reading the sad news of the layoffs last night I had to head home to no internet so now I just want to post my best wishes for speedy re-employment to all those affected and a sad farewell to Mr. Bruce and the others.

So long and thanks for all the fun.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post

Well, I'm a little confused as to why there is nothing official on this. They were quite clear about things when Posi shifted spots around and War Witch jumped in to what he was doing. Also, there are plenty of news articles about who went where, etc., with other development companies when they restructure, so I'm confused as to why they can't say anything more about this. It's a bit silly to leave it behind a confusing wall of corporate speak.
Correct. In the past we would have gotten a good-bye announcement from either him or the OCR. At the very least we would be informed that a popular Dev is no longer the one to look to. It's obvious that this policy has since been amended to a much stricter 'HR approved only comments'
type relationship. No clue why, I'm just trying to roll with it.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Being an animator myself, I know of a good reason for him leaving.

Personal growth.

I can't say what the other departments are like, but I know, as an animator, every time you touch those programs and create things your skill levels up.

Sometimes tremendously depending on the flow of ideas.

I think he outleveled the City of Heroes content.

He is beyond what they can throw at him and has been for a while.

His best bet now is to seek the next challenge, it will probably find him first.

I'm not going to wish him good luck because someone with that level of skill doesn't need it.

Good luck to the others.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post

Well, I'm a little confused as to why there is nothing official on this. They were quite clear about things when Posi shifted spots around and War Witch jumped in to what he was doing. Also, there are plenty of news articles about who went where, etc., with other development companies when they restructure, so I'm confused as to why they can't say anything more about this. It's a bit silly to leave it behind a confusing wall of corporate speak.
Simple: THE LAW.

BaB wasn't a "public figure or face" for the company (his role on the boards was an informal one, in no official capacity as spokesperson). That means state and federal employment privacy law applies- those SEVERELY curtail what you can say about a person and the circumstances of their departure.

I know California's privacy laws are even tougher than my own states, and here we cannot NAME who was let go in what layoff or for what reason. Heck, even if we're called for an employment referral, we can't really say anything specific.

Things are a little different when you're the head and/or spokesperson. There, your role officially involves the public, or in interfacing with shareholders. This more-visible position sometimes gives a little more latitude to what a company can say about a departure, but even then, you'll rarely find anyone on the record with anything negative to say.



If you are gone, good luck in all your endeavors BaBs.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
Er, no.

David Nakayama is Art Lead, the position formerly held by Ken Morse. He oversees all the various art departments and is responsible for the overall artistic design of the game. Jay is (lead?) character artist. He's responsible for creating, well, characters. Both NPCs and PC costume bits. He and the other character artist(s) have apparently been very busy for some time, going by comments in a couple of David's posts.
Ah I see, I just assumed David had taken Jay's position didn't realise he was Jay's Boss.

Still I prefer David to Jay but that is just me not really keen on Jay's posting style and the 'history' Jay has.

Still this isn't really the thread to be doing that dance so I wont comment further.

Good luck to all those that have gone.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Correct. In the past we would have gotten a good-bye announcement from either him or the OCR. At the very least we would be informed that a popular Dev is no longer the one to look to. It's obvious that this policy has since been amended to a much stricter 'HR approved only comments'
type relationship. No clue why, I'm just trying to roll with it.
Or more likely, this post from OCR was coming and simply wasn't finished. The original lead on the layoffs was an anonymous tip from someone probably trying to stir the pot.

I think Paragon was just as caught off guard by this announcement as we are and unfortunately now with the leak they may not be able to say anything because of labor laws.