Buff Peacebringers!!




Wanted to refresh the argument for increasing Peacebringers' base damage with some calculations comparing their self-damage buffing ability to that of Warshades.

tl;dr Version: Warshades' methods of buffing their own damage leave Peacebringers in the dust both in terms of the amount of the buff and its consistency. Peacebringers need an increase to their base damage to keep from being left behind. Not enough of an increase to bring them on par with Warshades but enough so as to make a Peacebringer a comparable choice for DPS when trying to decide between the two ATs. Raise the melee damage modifier to .95 and the ranged damage modifier to .90.

Long Version: All numbers are taken from City of Data or Mids' and are for unenhanced powers at level 50.

Both Peacebringers and Warshades have same damage modifiers, 0.85 for melee and 0.80 for ranged. So at the baseline the two ATs are doing the exact same amount of damage with their attacks barring enemy resistances. But discrepancies begin to appear as soon as they acquire their respective damage buffs, Build Up for PBs and Sunless Mire for Warshades.

Build Up: Build Up is a standard damage buff that most DPS focused ATs have. For Peacebringers it provides a 72% buff to all damage types for 10 seconds. It has a 90 second recharge so that buff will be available every 80 seconds.

Sunless Mire: Sunless Mire is a bit of a unique power based on Dark Armor's Soul Drain. It provides an 11.25% buff to all damage types per target in its 15 foot radius up to a maximum of 10. So that's a potential 112.5% buff. The effect lasts for 30 seconds and the power's on a 120 second recharge so the increased damage will be available every 90 seconds.

Comparison: Off the bat some simple subtraction reveals that the difference between Build Up and Sunless Mire with the maximum number of targets is 40.5%. Let's use the Tier 1 human form blasts for this.

Gleaming Bolt does 44.49 damage at level 50. Modify that with Build Up and you get the following:

44.49 * .72 = 32.03 (This is the amount of extra damage the attack will do) THEN 44.49 + 32.03 = 76.52 (The total amount of damage dealt with Build Up active)

Now compare that to Shadow Bolt which also does 44.49 damage at level 50. Modify that with fully saturated Sunless Mire and you get the following:

44.49 * 1.125 = 50.05 (This is the amount of extra damage the attack will do) THEN 44.49 + 50.05 = 94.54 (The total amount of damage dealt with a fully saturated Sunless Mire)
At first glance the numbers don't seem all that far apart. But one must also take into account the fact that Sunless Mire has a long enough duration to also be effective in forms. Shifting from one form to another takes 3 seconds. Build Up only lasts for 10 seconds so 30% of its duration expires in the time it takes to go from one form to the next. Compare this to Sunless Mire which will continue to be in effect for another 27 seconds after a shift so only 10% of its duration is lost.

Let's look at another example with Bright and Dark Nova. Both forms come with an inherent 45% increase to Smashing and Energy/Negative Energy damage respectively. This time I'll compare their AoE potential with Bright and Dark Nova Emanation.

Bright Nova Emanation has a base damage of 66.1. So, accounting for the buff from the form itself and modifying for Build Up you get the following:

66.1 * 1.17 (45% from Bright Nova Form plus 72% from Build Up) = 77.33 THEN 66.1 + 77.33 = 143.43 (The total damage dealt per target hit)

Calculating the damage done by Dark Nova Emanation, which also does 66.1 base damage, with fully saturated Sunless Mire produces the following:

66.1 * 1.57 (45% from Dark Nova Form plus 112.5% from Sunless Mire) = 103.77 THEN 66.1 + 103.77 = 169.87
Now there are some mitigating factors to be represented. For the sake of fairness I'll include them.

1) Sunless Mire's buff is dependent on the number of targets in range and has a toHit check. The first point was a very good counter argument in the days before the advanced difficulty settings. In those days players were limited to simply doubling the number of enemies; the game would still register them as being solo (So the limit was essentially x2). That's no longer the case. Players can now set their missions to spawn the same number of enemies as would appear if they were on a full team. So Warshades can, in effect, receive the maximum benefit from Sunless Mire even while solo.

As for the toHit check, who doesn't slot their powers for Accuracy? A 5% chance to miss is hardly a mitigating factor of any significant degree.

2) Fully saturating Sunless Mire requires a Warshade to put themselves in greater danger. This is theoretically true but there are other things that must be considered as well. Warshades have two AoE Stuns that stack with one another. I'm referring, of course, to Gravitic Emanation and Inky Aspect. A Warshade equipped with these two powers can stun anything short of an Elite Boss and then proceed to use Sunless Mire with impunity.

Conclusion: The discrepancy between the two Kheldian ATs' damage dealing potential is clear. In days past this was limited by the fact that Peacebringers' buffs did not require enemies, living or dead, to be effective and therefore granted them a steadier performance curve, particularly while solo.

But those days are gone. In the current game environment Warshades can easily outpace Peacebringers regardless of whether they are solo or teamed. This makes Warshades a vastly better choice for anyone seeking to increase DPS whether they be a solo player or a team leader in search of another member. Peacebringers need an increase to their base damage in order to continue to fulfill their role as a hybrid AT that puts out above average damage. My recommendation is to raise the melee damage modifier to .95 and the ranged damage modifier to .90.

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



Generally i agree with the above , while PB is self sufficiant on its combat ablities. Thou compared to circumstances the only real shining point is AV killing when comapred to WS couterpart.

Warshades comes ahead with more enemies, of course with dangers that
come with hoping into that group. But for min/maxers upon reaching 170 recharge , eclipse becomes a permanant source of capped res in any form. Along with the 2 foremention stuns. Essential a human form can hop into any group untouched due to mez & def, with any dmg recieved being on the level of a grayed mobs.

For tri formers with this recharge sunless mire can be used twice with only a 2 second down time on the human forms version. Thats a potential 225% buff without down time

No reason to get hopes up essntialy new settings clouded PB along with IOs, super reflexes got the same treatment its a fine set but if you can IO shield or WP you can end up with the same def



I get the feeling I"m playing a different game than the people who insist that PBs need a buff. Usually when I team with a Warshade he or she ends up dying while my PB remains upright and happily plugging away. I've certainly never been on a team where I've felt out performed by a WS.



Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post
I get the feeling I"m playing a different game than the people who insist that PBs need a buff. Usually when I team with a Warshade he or she ends up dying while my PB remains upright and happily plinking away.

Either way, I wouldn't attribute that to success on your part as much as I would failure on the warshade's part.

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post

Either way, I wouldn't attribute that to success on your part as much as I would failure on the warshade's part.
Not getting why people think PBs don't do much damage either. Having no problem taking down even level EBs when solo or doing lots of damage to AVs when teamed and the dps from Nova and Human form seems just sick. I guess I do sometimes need damage inspirations to help out but that's what they are there for. You all playing with your difficulty ranking set for +4 level mobs or what?

Warshades definitely seem to be the harder AT to master as far as I can tell. From a game designer perspective that might mean that they are the ones that need a buff if the goal is to make them easy to play for the largest number of people.



Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
tl;dr Version: Warshades' methods of buffing their own damage leave Peacebringers in the dust both in terms of the amount of the buff and its consistency. Peacebringers need an increase to their base damage to keep from being left behind. Not enough of an increase to bring them on par with Warshades but enough so as to make a Peacebringer a comparable choice for DPS when trying to decide between the two ATs. Raise the melee damage modifier to .95 and the ranged damage modifier to .90.
I think a much better solution would be to instead buff the build-up power so that it both provides a larger damage buff and lasts longer. Perhaps something more akin to the Rage power from Superstrength.

This is mainly because when you adjust the damage modifiers you also adjust the maximum level of damage. Right now Warshades and Peacebringers have their damage levels capped at the same level (Warshades just have an easier way of reaching those caps).

Thus, a better solution is to improve the damage buff without moving the ceiling of effectiveness (your solution would allow a PB to actually outdamage a WS if it were say, on a team with a kinetics defender/controller).

A related solution would be to add a -resist debuff to the PB's attacks (as well as the already extant -defense debuff). This would not only allow the PB to do more damage, but would also be a way to help it "give back to the team" by making all its targets squishier... effectively increasing the damage of everyone on the team against them.

I get the feeling I"m playing a different game than the people who insist that PBs need a buff. Usually when I team with a Warshade he or she ends up dying while my PB remains upright and happily plugging away. I've certainly never been on a team where I've felt out performed by a WS.
I've had the same impressions. The big reason I suspect is that the PB version of Cosmic Balance is designed to fill in weak-points whereas the WS only reinforces strengths.

If you're on a team where you don't have a good tank or defender to help keep the team upright, a PB gets tougher to compensate. Three damage dealers on a team and you're sitting at capped resistance (and 30% resistance to PSI... bane of many a tanker) in dwarf form with no crash. By comparison the +60% damage that WS gets likely will not make that much difference since their mires (and various team buffs) already let them nearly cap their damage.

By the same token, if you're on a defense heavy team, the PB is pretty safe and gets a damage bonus to help finish foes faster (and this is a steady-state boost that does not require large mobs to maintain, so its better for AV fights). Meanwhile the WS gets even more defense which probably just means he'll cap out faster, but not get significantly better than he would otherwise be. This also means that the team may lack the Oomph to actually drop the things that are pounding on them quickly and that the WS is basically nibbled to death by ducks.

Cosmic Balance is just a much better tool for teams than its WS equivalent because it helps a PB do what the AT does best... shape-shift to fit the needs of the team its on.



Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post
Not getting why people think PBs don't do much damage either. Having no problem taking down even level EBs when solo or doing lots of damage to AVs when teamed and the dps from Nova and Human form seems just sick. I guess I do sometimes need damage inspirations to help out but that's what they are there for. You all playing with your difficulty ranking set for +4 level mobs or what?
All I can do is speak from experience. I've taken an all human PB up to level 44. He's hovering there, a page back in the character list, completely devoid of desire to play.

Leveling up, he was an absolute blast. I'd always run TFs with him, and even before I started setting him out he seemed very powerful in comparison to the rest of the teams I was with. Especially on balanced teams, I outshined everyone. I was a regen blapper, sitting upwards of 50% resistance to everything with two heals and more than enough damage. I was surviving better than scrappers while being able to deal damage like blasters, it seemed.

Then around level 40 something changed. Everyone else started getting sets and epic powers. The blasters were now as survivable as I was, and the scrappers were dishing out ranged damage I couldn't compare to. It seemed that no matter where I looked, everyone was doing everything better than I could.

I haven't deleted him yet. I did strip out most of his IOs, though, so it's unlikely I'll ever play him again. Who knows? Maybe one day I'll feel like shoving pencils in my eyes, but decide on the slightly better alternative.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
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I don't understand why having some ranged attacks, especially the weak ones PBs get in human form, is considered such a serious advantage. It's not like the AI doesn't tend to run right at you, conveniently putting themselves into range of melee attacks whether you want them to or not.

In fact as a PB you'd have to rely on sometimes-knockback that most people hate, or hover, to keep things from closing on you for melee combat.

Most enemies have somewhat weaker ranged than melee attacks, true, but if you can kill something in melee before it attacks more than twice, you're saving yourself more damage than if you let it get off 4-5 attacks using your relative peashoot ranged blasts on it.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



Ranged attacks are useful when the mobs are running away with a sliver of health and you don't want to have to chase them down. I've recently taken Luminous Detonation for the first time and it definitely has its uses, especially when on a team.

I must confess that it's a big difference when I switch over to my PB from my Spines Scrapper in terms of damage dealt but then Scrappers don't have anywhere near the versatility of Kheldians. I love them precisely because while best at no single role they can do so much; whether healing, to blasting, to being an off tank, or backup scrapper, or mini-controller--It just never gets boring.



I think my Human/Dwarf Peacebringer is the weakest character I have. Khelds are rooted in the age of Nerfs. Before there was PvP. CoX has changed alot since then. Soldiers of Arachnos were not given the stack of flaws that were handed to Khelds. Buff from dead things, weak blaster/weak scrapper with no status resistance.

Anyway, in my opinion Khelds are still a work in progress. If they were OP'd they would have been nerfed within the first six months, but an AT that needs fixing? That could wait 5 or 6 years.

I think what is needed is that Khelds need to be able to do one of the three forms as well as any regular Archetype. Instead of three weaker forms, players should be able to choose one form as the focus and the form receives special bonuses like status resistance, or better attacks, or better armor, or a combination. Maybe this is done sort of like an epic set of powers for one form only.


"I did not say this. I am not here." -Guild Navigator



Just to chime in that I'm in full agreement that PBs need a buff of some kind.

My all-Human PB was my main for almost 2 years. In that time, she was stacked to the gills. 6-full Purples sets, Numinas, LotGs, Miracles, all Useful accolades... you get the idea. She was very powerful and had her moments.

I started really noticing differences, though, when the ability to radically adjust you toon's mission difficulty came about.

My Uber-PB had trouble soloing +0/+4 missions. I solo alot - and really wanted to tackle giant mobs others were doing. Yeah, I could keep it at +3 or so, but those large mobs are a big lure...

On teams (yeah Khelds are team ATs, I know) her stats (via Cosmic Balance) went thru the roof. But one day I ran a couple missions with a team and a Tanker and Scrapper started with that 'KB Whining'. I'd long sinced learned how to handle my KB; Running to the edge of mobs for Solar Flare (and only getting half of the minions you normally get by doing so), positioning so I'll knock in to walls... Even so, you're gonna have a stray mob go somewhere on occasion no matter what you do.

I'd leveled up several other toons to 50 and all of them could solo better than my pimped out PB (3 do +8 easily). None them of them cause whining when on a team. Disclaimer: by far most teams were fine with my PB, but then I was always overly careful with KB. Either way: extra careful or risk upsetting others...after a couple years it can simply start to grate a bit.

So, my PB is now in retirement. I've gutted 2 of her purple sets for my alts, alont with all the other good IOs, and my MM is probably about to get the other 4 purple sets.

* Can solo, but other ATs not nearly as tricked out as her can do it better
* Can team, but requires extra care most ATs don't have to worry about...and you *will* run into whiners at some point regardless.
* Do not have Dev priority, evidenced by no ability to customize power colors, longstanding bugs like the Cysts issue, etc...

None of the above is a huge deal, despite the tone of my post, but this is a game I play for fun, and other ATs, all things considered, is simply more fun to me. I'll never delete my PB, and if someday the AT gets some real love, I may bring her back out of retirement (likely getting all this IOs my other toons stole from her



We still don't have it as bad as Defenders by a long shot.

In all seriousness, I've been running solo +1/+4 missions in the RWZ since I19 (musculature boost ftw!) was released and seem to do alright although needing help from inspirations quite a bit and my build is by no means uber in terms of IO sets. Still faceplanting some but half the fun of a PB is the ability to shrug off death like it's nothing.



Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post
We still don't have it as bad as Defenders by a long shot.
On teams, a Defender's contribution is unquestionably one of the best an AT can offer.

Solo; Defenders have soloed AVs - has anyone done that on a PB...Evar????



Yes, because the measure of how powerful something should be is in whether it can solo an AV.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Interesting tidbit: since the vigilance upgrade a solo defender does 95% as much damage in terms of "modifier * enhancement" as a kheldian's ranged attacks. I haven't done actual attack chain analysis because that's a lot of work, but a defender's 0.65 mod * 225% (100% base + 95% enhancement + 30% vigilance) = 1.465. A kheldian's is 0.8 * 195% (100% base +95% enhancement) = 1.56.

My estimate is that an attack chain analysis will, for many of the blast sets available to defenders, probably fall in the defender's favor because of their access to superior attacks, ie, their sets mostly have actual tier three blasts in them. The 'good' defender blast sets like archery, ice, or radiation will certainly match or exceed kheldian damage; this is without regard to what the defender's primary is, an empathy or forcefield defender's personal damage when solo is now looking to be basically competitive with a humanform kheldian's damage. And while I'm just going to leave things there, if we start involving sonic blast and primaries with -res or +dam, things will get pretty messy. Though I'd note that those sorts of "offensively slanted" sets are very popular today among people who do play support characters at all, especially radiation emissions and kinetics.

The warshade I'm sure can then pull ahead consistently with good use of mire and help from their extracted essence, and the PB can probably pull ahead if they use their melee attacks often and effectively. Both can pull away a bit with nova form too, I'd expect. Still, the gap clearly isn't as big as we'd think - or want - between the 'worst damage AT' and kheldians.

And this further reinforces the fact that the PB human form is really, in practical gameplay, a melee oriented character, and that their ranged attacks are a tactical convenience at best and a performance-sapping trap for their player at worst. If you want to consistently and clearly outdamage a defender, anyway, you need to be meleeing. It also reinforces the point that defenders who don't take, slot, and use their attacks are doing themselves and their teams a disservice, but this isn't the defender forum

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



Originally Posted by Blue_Mourning View Post
Yes, because the measure of how powerful something should be is in whether it can solo an AV.
This makes no sense. Of course you can measure how powerful something is by the types of targets it can solo.

Is that the best way to measure how powerful an AT is? Maybe it is.

Is that the best way to measure how much an AT contributes to a team? Certainly not.

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Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Only thing I want is mez protection in the toggles and for them to get rid of all the void/quantum thingies and then I will consider playing this AT to 50. Right now it doesnt do anything special that warrants the epic name and the back story itself is lame and not epic. Voids/quantums just get in the way of teaming because cysts can spawn in the worst of all possible spaces, like last room of a TF right next to an AV. The benefit khelds give the team in damage is countered and then some by the risk the team takes on with cysts and such. I say move voids/quantums/cysts to kheld only arcs and that kheld TF.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Mez protection in toggles won't ever happen, at least according to everything we've heard from the devs over the years. However, I think adding a bit of mez resistance in each toggle would be fantastic. Sure, you'd still get mez'd, but the more armors you have active, the less the duration of said mezzes would be.

As I said at the beginning of the thread, buffs to PBs are always welcome, but the AT really only needs a few minor tweaks to vastly improve it's performance. Changing Solar Flare to KD would completely change the usability of the power without even touching the cottage rule. Adding stun to Proton Scatter to bring it in line with the WS version would also help with leveraging Pulsar. Sure, WS's can do it better with Inky Aspect + Gravitic Emanation but as it stands, PBs have very little active damage mitigation, outside of KB.

I think the Build Up being changed to a Rage-like power suggested previously is an interesting idea, but seems too good to ever happen. The above changes, however, seem (on paper) to have a lot of pay off for little changes.



Looking at Warshades and at Peacebringers, it's very clear that from the outset, Warshades were designed as one integrated package, where the powers work with each other and mesh quite well, regardless of whether you took the Forms or not.

Peacebringers, on the other hand, are a cobbled together mess that borrow blasts from *defenders*, melee from *tankers* and shields from *scrappers* and a heal from a *controller* set. There's no consistent theme, nothing to make the powers work together coherently, no really unique playstyle.

Ultimately, until that is addressed, the best boost I can think of is, yes, increasing the damage scalar for Human-form ranged and melee attacks. So at least Peacebringers can blap effectively.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
This makes no sense. Of course you can measure how powerful something is by the types of targets it can solo.

Is that the best way to measure how powerful an AT is? Maybe it is.

Is that the best way to measure how much an AT contributes to a team? Certainly not.
My point is that it's pointless to measure how powerful you think your chosen AT is by whether or not it can solo an AV. As often as it's done on these boards they really are outliers for the general COH population. Those difficulty settings are meant to be difficult, and not everyone can, or should, be able to handle them. To me that's fine.

I think there's a certain minimum that everyone should be able to accomplish; I"m personally not convinced that peacebringers are there yet, but complaining that some defender combinations (and I'm a firm believer in that it's nigh impossible to compare HEATS to the other AT's merely because there are no powersets to choose from so there's a lot more homogeneity within the AT in terms of what the AT is capable of) can solo AV's and you can't shouldn't be the measure of whether or not PB's deserve a buff.

I think they do. But I'm not sure what evidence to post for it. Merely that that particular thing doesn't suffice.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by Blue_Mourning View Post
My point is that it's pointless to measure how powerful you think your chosen AT is by whether or not it can solo an AV.
Originally Posted by Blue_Mourning View Post
Those difficulty settings are meant to be difficult, and not everyone can, or should, be able to handle them. To me that's fine.
These are two completely different arguments. The first is about measuring power and the second is about balance. I agree that not everything should be able to solo an AV; that is not a good balance point to set.

I maintain that there is nothing wrong with saying Powerset Combination A can handle more difficult things than PC B, therefor PC A is more powerful. If you don't measure power by what a combo can accomplish, then what do you measure it by?

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



I believe I should have used the term "measure of acceptable power".

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
I don't know what exactly PB needs or if it needs a buff (could be that my playstyle needs one), I haven't played one often enough. My son even asks, "Daddy, why don't you ever play a Peacebringer?"

I played an old one I had this weekend though. Was just a bit away from 18 and had a boatload of patrol XP. Got to 18 no problem, and made my way to 19. I played solo much of the afternoon yesterday, just running standard missions, no bosses. And...egads.

I think I died more on that character just going from 19 to 20 than I had TOTAL on just about any other character. Ok, maybe that's an exaggeration. But I must have been defeated at least two dozen times (I had picked up the Resuscitation temp power, it was available maybe one out of four?).

It seemed like every group of mobs had the ability to take me down. Three +1 minions, three EVEN minions, Gardvords, Ancestral Spirits, Vampyrs, etc. I did my best and used insps when I had them, but that wasn't all the time. Some missions I'd have to rest/Rest after every encounter. Nevermind the couple of times where the spawn was Ink Man (mez), Quantum Red Ink, Sorcerer (so if I'm not asleep, I go after the Sorc while getting pounded by the Quant, or I hit the Quant only to...have him healed).

I'm bullheaded, so I kept playing until I hit 20. But afterward I remembered why I didn't play him - it just wasn't enjoyable. I *hope* that changes at higher levels.
Some acumulated player knowledge that seems to have been forgotten. The Dwarf and Nova forms are there to help a player solo. The Nova is the distilled essence of a blaster. 2 Single Target attacks and 1 targeted AoE attack with near the range of a snipe. And a rather large cone attack. And an inherent Buildup power that rather like Follow (+9 ToHit and +45% Damage) and perma-Fly that faster then Energy Flight. And w/o any enhancers in the attacks.

And the Dwarf form is a pocket Tanker. 2 Single target attacks and 1 PBAoE which are akin to a Tanker's attacks with Taunt componnent. Provoke power for a taunt power. Add 2 slots in the Dwarf form power nets you near 60% Damage to but Psionic Damage. Tanker level health boost which can be added to with Essence Boost. And Tanker level Status protection. With a very high powered Combat Jump power clone now its powered by Hurdle. And Teleport for another movement power.

And the forms are now affected by the Inherent Fitness power. Endurange woes are largely done. Dwarf is now a leaping fool.

If you choice to forgo the forms, solo is still possible but will be much harder. a PB is not like any other Core AT. It a bit of all of them which combine into it's own unique style. You have to learn the ins and outs of playing a PB. It took me 40 levels and 3 respecs to finally "get" Kheldians a month after Issue 3 went live.



The only change which I greatly desire is to give the Kheldian inherent power a base Mag 1 Status protection in addition to the +1 Mag per Controller/Domiator. That way have 1 Controller/Dominator on the team would have a tangible effect on game play. At present have Mag 1 Status protection vs Hold/Sleep/Stun/Immob provides absolutely no benefit for a Kheldian.



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
One change I would like to see is with Photon Seekers: reduce their recharge to 120 seconds and flag them so that only three are allowed out at one time.
I personally like Seekers as they are (although I wouldn't object to recharge shortening a bit). But an alternate version of Seeks that I've envisioned is a role like the Warshade's Extractions. Basically basic power stats of Dark Extraction but summons 3 mini-me's with Glearming Bolt and Gleeming Blast attacks. And in exchange for reduced damage they are a tough pet like we are in Light Form. That way they can be sort of a mini-Tank pet.

(I have this scene is my mind of a Giant Monster with the Seekers buzzing around him like insects blasting away at it.)