Buff Peacebringers!!




Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Yes. The changes I suggest allow almost permanent mez protection. Castle isn't going to allow that without some crash. I considered saying reduce the crash to 50% health, but that would mean their reconstruction clone could cure them back to full immediately. As it is, it provides a balance that should make dwarf still an easier better bet for mez protection and defense (with the loss of offense).

eh, no thanks

I'd much, MUCH, rather use Dwarf as my standard mez protection, use Lightform in extremem situations and only occasionally have to deal with a crash, thanks

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
eh, no thanks

I'd much, MUCH, rather use Dwarf as my standard mez protection, use Lightform in extremem situations and only occasionally have to deal with a crash, thanks
Lightform doesn't really fill any role for the character that has dwarf since the change that allows the inherent to work in forms. It's so easy now to cap in dwarf form (2 damage dealers on team gets you darn close; 3 goes over), that Lightform doesn't really fill any meaningful role as a "panic" button. And solo, there's very little that dwarf form can't handle on its own, crazy things like +4/x8 nothwithstanding.

The changes I suggest get it closer to Eclipse in effect with only an easily mitigated crash. Leaving the Health crash just means you step out of range for a second, hit Reform Essence and get back in.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
The real key for controlling knockback is to look where they're gonna be KBd to. Aim for corners and walls. It's really not that hard and doesn't take time at all once you get used to it.

And honestly, I've never seen anywhere near the level of anti KB animosity ingame as I have on the boards.
Look how many times you have posted on the subject telling other experienced players about controlling KB. This whole subject is a dead horse.

I don't say anything on teams anymore because most players have already formed their opinion about KB. If I get on a team with a KB spammer or annoying power offender(gale, handclap, Lightning Clap, repel, D-shift, Blackhole, Bonfire) I just leave the team at the end of the mission and move on. I then 1 star the spammer

When I get on teams who do minimal AoE KB and AoE is King I stay on those teams and friend those people.

People have different playstyles and your welcome to play the way you want. I'm sure there are players out there that think spamming D-shift is a good idea and no one will be able to convince them to "change their playstyle". It would be like telling a Red Sox fan to become a Yankees fan.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
no, he doesn't, really. You don't run into the middle of a fresh mob with no Eclipse up unless youre on a team. solo you would LEAD with Grav Em so the mobs are stunned and kbd and cant hit you until many seconds after you use Eclipse and Mire.

that's a big duh.

otherwise you could either (bad luck) get killed before Eclipse goes off or (not quite as bad luck) get Mezzed after Eclipse is up but before you Mire or start doing damage.

Grav Em is for leading off when you don't have Eclipse or for grouping a spread out mob regardless.

Look, mom, no hands! Err....Gravitic Emination!

Running into the middle of an 8-man mob SOLO with no Eclipse AND no Grav Em?

How the heck did he survive?!?!?

He had a special Harry Potter spell.

It's clearly the only explanation.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Gehnen View Post
Why not give Buildup the Fiery Embrace treatment, but with Energy damage?

It's a nice all-around buff that doesn't have to tweak every single power.
Hmmm, I like this as well. Would still want the duration upped so form-shifting doesn't make the power less good, though. But perhaps you meant it should be 20 seconds for duration like Fiery Embrace? Sorry if you did.

I don't think doing this would make Fiery Embrace any less unique, either. Peacebringers could use some fun mechanics like this to keep them in line with Warshades, too.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



I'm a big fan of my PB. I think the biggest thing to improve PBs is learning to play them! Specifically the knock back. I don't think any of these proposed buffs would happen in game, because PBs play different from any AT. I don't plan on my WS and PB to be played the same, just as my Grav/Energy Dom plays different from my Mind/Psi Dom. *My PB plays well as is, maybe you don't LIKE the knock back, but are you "playing" the knock back?

I look at my PB as the games best Energy/Energy blapper. I think if you play a PB (human only) like that, you will see what I mean. I actually need to update my human only PB guide next week, but as for changes, I'm guessing we will see very few if any in the upcoming 2-3 issues.


Liberty Server
@Energy Aura and @Ill Conceived on Global
Han Solo: [laughs] Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good BLASTER at your side, kid.



I like these changes, more or less (I mean, the numbers may not be quite right, but I like the direction).

Lightform is a real mixed bag now, going it a lower duration while keeping the duty cycle about the same is a really nice idea IMHO. It's a bit like the MoG fix.

These changes might make them OP in PVP though, (who cares right!?).

Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
OK we all know Warshades are better than Peacebringers late game, if anyone agrees, we'll argue it out. But better to just get to the idea.

  • Increase Ranged damage modifier and melee defense and resist modifiers to .85.
  • Gleaming Bolt: Increase this power's damage scale from .6 to 1.32, increase its recharge from 1.5 seconds to 3 seconds and increased its endurance cost from 3.12 to 4.37.
  • Glinting Eye: Increase this power's damage scale from 1 to 1.64, increase its recharge from 4 to 8 seconds and increased its endurance cost from 5.2 to 8.528
  • Gleaming Blast: Increased this power's damage scale from 1.64 to 1.96, increase its recharge from 8 seconds to 10 seconds and increased its endurance cost from 8.5 to 10.2.
  • Proton Scatter: Increase this power's damage scale from 1.04 to 1.3, increase its recharge from 12 to 16 seconds and increased its endurance cost from 11.9 to 15.18.
  • Solar Flare: Reduce KB magnitude to 1.4 from 4.1.
  • Light Form: Reduce recharge to 360 seconds; reduce duration to 90 seconds; reduce Sm, Le, Eng, Neg resistance to Scale 3; Fire, Cold, Toxic resistance to Scale 1.5, Remove -recovery, -end at termination

The blast changes are mostly lifted from similar changes done to Dominators to great effect. Peacebringers don't have the same damage buffing ability that Warshades do, hence the small buff to base damage to go along with the blast changes. The Solar Flare change maintains the KB that some folks enjoy, but lessens the scatter a bit.

Finally, the changes to Light Form and the base resist changes are to provide Peacebringers the same opportunities for mitigation in the human form that Warshades have with Eclipse. But it's a different path. The changes to Light Form make it work similar to One with the Shield and Strength of Will but without the ban on recharge enhancement.



One change I would like to see is with Photon Seekers: reduce their recharge to 120 seconds and flag them so that only three are allowed out at one time.

The sixty second duration and 300 second recharge limits their usefulness. Warshades' extracted essences, by contrast, are permable, and with slotting and minimal IO investment and hasten are stackable to three. Essences keep right on blasting instead of self destructing, and a warshade can switch to dwarf and tank for them.

Photon Seekers go bang. That's it for about another 120 seconds (with recharge slotting). Reducing their recharge to 120 seconds out of the box makes them a more permanent addition to the Peacebringer's arsenal, and expands their usefulness to more than just an offensive mini-nuke that's only most of the time reliable.

With the shorter recharge, I could cast them and go nova - using them as angry little shields to keep melee fliers at bay. They could protect my human form when mezzed. Or I could cast my nuke and have them mop up the stragglers to give me time to recover from the crash.

Or I could use them exactly as they are used now - that wouldn't change.

Point is, I can do all that now, but using them defensively now means that I'll have to wait so long before I can use them again that it becomes prohibitively inefficient to use them any other way than as a mini-nuke. With the shorter recharge I wouldn't worry about that because they would be back in a short while, anyway. It gives me more flexibility with the power.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post

Look, mom, no hands! Err....Gravitic Emination!

Running into the middle of an 8-man mob SOLO with no Eclipse AND no Grav Em?

How the heck did he survive?!?!?

He had a special Harry Potter spell.

It's clearly the only explanation.


What a convincing video. It's not like you cherry picked a group with no mez and only s/l damage...oh, wait...

Did I say "if you don't lead with grav em you'll die instantly zomg?!?!"?

No, I didn't. Get off your high horse and grow up.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
One change I would like to see is with Photon Seekers: reduce their recharge to 120 seconds and flag them so that only three are allowed out at one time.

The sixty second duration and 300 second recharge limits their usefulness. Warshades' extracted essences, by contrast, are permable, and with slotting and minimal IO investment and hasten are stackable to three. Essences keep right on blasting instead of self destructing, and a warshade can switch to dwarf and tank for them.

Photon Seekers go bang. That's it for about another 120 seconds (with recharge slotting). Reducing their recharge to 120 seconds out of the box makes them a more permanent addition to the Peacebringer's arsenal, and expands their usefulness to more than just an offensive mini-nuke that's only most of the time reliable.

With the shorter recharge, I could cast them and go nova - using them as angry little shields to keep melee fliers at bay. They could protect my human form when mezzed. Or I could cast my nuke and have them mop up the stragglers to give me time to recover from the crash.

Or I could use them exactly as they are used now - that wouldn't change.

Point is, I can do all that now, but using them defensively now means that I'll have to wait so long before I can use them again that it becomes prohibitively inefficient to use them any other way than as a mini-nuke. With the shorter recharge I wouldn't worry about that because they would be back in a short while, anyway. It gives me more flexibility with the power.
I'm actually looking forward to Photon Seeker on my new PB and specifically aiming for a good deal of +rech on his build for that particular power (if they do ever lower the recharge, that'll be the power he focuses on casting then ^^). But I'm curious; in Mids', the power says it summons 3 pets and does 273 points of damage unslotted. Is that the damage of the 3 combined? So each pet does 91 damage individually? And if summoned with foes in range, would they instantly seek the foe and self destruct? Or is there some kind of delay involved?



I want to say that each Seeker does that much damage. However, it is over a limited area, so you might have difficulty getting the explosions to overlap enough. I generally use Seekers when I'm in the middle of a mob, as I figure that maximizes the damage.

However, it can be nice to summon them and go to Nova, and they'll go after whatever aggros on you. Does a decent amount of damage that way, and mitigation.

Basically, the three Seekers are independent of each other and can go after whatever they want in aggro range. Summoning them up close makes it more of a sure thing their explosions will overlap. Letting them run in to a mob on their own leads to... uncertain results. Some targets will get pasted, others won't. And they may ignore that boss you would have preferred they went after. Summoning up close helps guarantee that they'll hit everything.

They're fun, but more temperemental than a nuke, which is why people argue for a recharge reduction. They're hardly so good as to warrant their recharge, even though my PB has a lot of recharge and Hasten to bring them up somewhat often. I'd rather they were available every few mobs than 2-3 times in a mission (depending on the length).

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
However, it can be nice to summon them and go to Nova, and they'll go after whatever aggros on you.
Pretty much agree with everything you said, but I wanted to clarify something here. Photon Seekers aggro all on their own in my experience. I've summoned them, gone to Nova and started blasting on one spawn and had *one* of my seekers aggro to a completely different spawn that hadn't seen me. I've tested it out several times and had the same hold true; Photon Seekers are agressive and have a wide aggro radius.

Just last night I was in Atlas Park and summoned the Seekers just to see what they'd do - two of them aggroed to a spawn of level 2's and blasted them to kingdom come with me doing nothing more than standing - well outside a spawn's normal aggro radius, I might add - and the third one hovered right there at my shoulder like nothing happened.

Consequently, I usually use them only in conjunction with Dawn Strike. From dwarf I'll hit dwarf flare to knock the spawn on its collective backside, drop to human, hit buildup. Then I hit Photon Seekers and cue up Dawn Strike while summoning. Works great for multiple ambushes, as the photon seekers will frequently get a different target limit than the nuke.

Occasionally, though, I'll turn around afterword and still have a seeker who didn't explode.


I'm largely fine with the quirkiness (although their aggro radius could be reduced considerably). I just think the recharge is punitive for what they do.

EDIT: and each seeker does 91 points of damage. Here's the stats from Tomax's site.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Yup, that's pretty much what I said. Each one has its own targeting, and it will decide to go after... whatever. They're not as bad as they used to be (Castle fixed them up a bit when he improved Kheldians), but they're still rather random, which is why I prefer using them up close.

Thanks for the info on the damage, as I wasn't sure. I knew you could kill minions with them if the explosions overlap enough, so I thought maybe the higher figure was correct.

I do like the power and how random it is, actually. I just thing the recharge is rather punitive for what it does. Heck, Dark Extraction has lower recharge and the pets persist and do damage for 90 seconds. A blast of high damage is nice, but seriously...

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by BloodPython View Post
Gotta keep in mind that pre-22 NO archetype is really performing well due to not having SOs. That being said, Peacebringer's only reliable mez power against Lts. or higher is Incandescent Strike. Pulsar's only a percentage of affecting a Lt., and that randomness can get ya killed in highstakes play.

Warshades get Gravitic Emanation and Gravity Well, and Gravitic Emanation's a cone stun (ya don't have to be in melee) which lets ya take out multiple targets. Honestly, after ya got Gravitic maxed most enemies are dead before your initial shot of it wears off.

Peacebringers have nothing like that. So while a Warshade can cork two dangerous Lts. (I won't even mention bosses), the Peacebringer has to choose one. All the while they're fighting that one, the other is attacking them. This's exacerbated on higher spawn settings.

Again, a Warshade has no problem here. They just stun the whole group.

So apart from the damage buff and duration differences for the two, Peacebringers are subpar to Warshades in mezzing as well.

If ya fixed the damage issue and made Pulsar a Mag 3 Stun, (or better yet a Hold so you can stack it with Incandescent) then PB seems pretty dang fixed ta me.
I agree wholeheartedly. If those mezzes matched a lot of PB leveling headaches could be solved in one fell stroke.



IDK if this has been mentioned or not but the buff i would really like to see is make it so their inherent gets the SK treatment and has no tether at all. Seems simple and fair to me.



Originally Posted by RogueDemonhunter View Post
I agree wholeheartedly. If those mezzes matched a lot of PB leveling headaches could be solved in one fell stroke.
Made that argument for Pulsar before as well. Probably would be okay with it having a higher recharge because of it as well.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
What a convincing video. It's not like you cherry picked a group with no mez and only s/l damage...oh, wait...

Did I say "if you don't lead with grav em you'll die instantly zomg?!?!"?

No, I didn't. Get off your high horse and grow up.
Check the other vids where I faced Malta, Rikti, and Arachnos (with no Grav Em--OH MY!!!), and get off your high horse and grow up.

Oh, and work on wording your posts better so people don't get the impression you think you know what you're talking about when referring to a guide that I wrote.

And do your research.

And open your mind to other playstyles a bit.

And....well, that may be too much to ask for now.

Baby steps.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Having played a PB to 50 I can honestly say that I've never had WS envy. Usually when I team with a WS he or she ends up dying while my merry PB keeps right on chugging. Even if Warshades are better at end game stuff it wouldn't be fair to buff Peacebringers when they seem to have the advantage on survivability at the lower levels.

I've never minded the crash from Light Form either cause three minutes is a very long time in game terms and you usually have plenty of opportunity to get into a position where popping Essence Boost or some other of your heals will get you safely back into the fight. Only changes I'd make to either Kheldian is to somehow increase Mez protection for Human and Nova (at least while grouping) and maybe also give Dwarf form a slight damage increase from CB/DS.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Check the other vids where I faced Malta, Rikti, and Arachnos (with no Grav Em--OH MY!!!), and get off your high horse and grow up.

Oh, and work on wording your posts better so people don't get the impression you think you know what you're talking about when referring to a guide that I wrote.

And do your research.

And open your mind to other playstyles a bit.

And....well, that may be too much to ask for now.

Baby steps.

YOU open up to other people's playstyles.

YOU'RE the one who said Grav Em isn't that useful and then tried to tell people how to use it.

It's great that your playstyle works fine without it, but that's not what this is about.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Oh ye Gods this!

And make the damn thing uninteruptible! When I toggle Dwarf form on to break mez, I don't expect to fail thanks to a second mez hit, thank you very much!
signed with a fat marker!!

Just Lucky that way...



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
How do you direct something that knocks everything in different directions? Honest question. The only way I can see to control Solar Flare's KB is to target it around mobs who are all facing the same direction.
Save it for the finishing move... I watched too much pro-wrestling when I was young. Nobody cares if you knock them away dead. I often get complements about my knockback, but you have to do a lot of Kenny Rogers.

Just Lucky that way...



I've read through the thread and must say I'd be behind most of the suggested changes.

If you couldn't tell by the large script and excessive use of exclamation points, this is the buff I'd like to see most Peacebringers don't have anywhere near the same capability to increase their own damage as Warshades do. Now that's not a bad thing since it differentiates the ATs from one another.

But, as it stands, PBs don't do enough damage on their own to compensate for this fact. I'm not suggesting trying to equalize the two but an increase to both melee and ranged damage modifiers would do a lot to improve the performance of Peacebringers, particularly at higher levels where Warshades begin to severely outpace them.

An increase to .95(Melee) and .85(Ranged) would give PBs solid damage without making them overpowered or requiring any major changes to power mechanics that could potentially unbalance the AT in comparison to others.

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post
Only changes I'd make to either Kheldian is to somehow increase Mez protection for Human and Nova (at least while grouping)

You already get that, just have a couple controller/dominator on the team.



Originally Posted by Jot View Post
You already get that, just have a couple controller/dominator on the team.
Yeah, that works. Which is why I'm currently spending I don't want to think about how many millions of influence in a vain attempt to give me some useful status protection. They should just increase the amount of protection you get from teaming was the point because what's being offered now is too weak to help much most of the time.



Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post
Yeah, that works. Which is why I'm currently spending I don't want to think about how many millions of influence in a vain attempt to give me some useful status protection. They should just increase the amount of protection you get from teaming was the point because what's being offered now is too weak to help much most of the time.
Actually it works fairly well with a couple controllers/dominators on ur team. With just 2 it takes a +3 mez to affect u, with 3 on a team it takes +4 so thats not bad considering u can use ancillary pools for some hold, immobilize and other protections in human. We dont need any more if u ask me, and alot of people. Also spending millions of influence isnt going to really help u out with status protection, unless ur talking about KB protection IO's.