Proliferation - What do you want to see?




I want my scrappers to have mace and axe.

Those sets have some of the best costume pieces to use with shield and they both have an amazing amount of control and aoe.



Blaster: Dark/Martial Arts
Controller: Gadgets OR Munitions (Crontrol from Traps and Devices with some Riot PPD powers)/Dark
Defender: Thermal/Fire
Scrapper: Super Strength, Ice Melee/Ice Armour
Tanker: Regen/Broadsword

Brute: Spines/Regen, Ice/Ice
Corruptor: Psi/Poison
Dominator: Illusion/Dark
Mastermind: /Cold, /Son
Stalker: Super Strength, Ice Melee/Ice Armour, maybe some kind of Devices?

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
/Devices --> Trip Mine, Time Bomb

I know Time Bomb is much maligned, but having mini-nukes in the secondary is not unheard of. Trick Arrow seems (based off numbers and watching in-game friends) to be practically tailor-made for manipulation. Some of the powers would need some tweaking for sure, but as a whole it seems the set is too weak as a defender primary and too strong for a manipulation set. Since I don't play it myself, I cannot even say what the main problems are.
Time Bomb is NOTHING like Oil Slick.

Time Bomb is a power that will pretty much never see actual use in normal gameplay? You know why? Because by the time it goes off, the team has already beaten the mob, and cleared half the map.

Oil Slick is pretty much good all the time. Even without the damage component, it's a control power that is simply to good for Blasters. Imagine rather then /Ice getting Ice Patch, it got Ice Slick instead.

Time Bomb is a freaking 9 second interruptible power that then takes FIFTEEN seconds to go off, unless you get lucky and an enemy throws a fireball at it. Assuming you were not already interrupted 3 times and the fight is over because it is a NINE SECOND INTERRUPTIBLE POWER!

Oil Slick takes 1.16 seconds to cast. And assuming you are archery, an additional 1.83 seconds to light on fire. It's basically Ice Slick and Rain of Fire put into one power. And you are comparing it to Time Bomb.




Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
The Villain ATs are different. I am in total agreement with you there. But while others may be more insistent on playing specific powersets on specific ATs, I am less bothered by this, but instead am Insistent on playing Heroes only. That's just me
Then we share a common interest there.

However I find tanks labourious, so would prefer their attack sets proliferate to scrappers.

While actually the dominator assault sets I love, and wouldnt care if they went to a blaster since I dont much like that AT. So i guess we all have our priorities with what we want.

I do overall agree however that I would love them to be churning out new powerset after new powerset, but I would really really love it if while they were doing that, they made every AT that could have a certain set have it.

I just dont want them to give up on proliferation now that we can play every AT as a Hero if we were to want to.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



I don't think that GR removes the need for proliferation. While some people care about which side they play on but not which AT they play, some - like me - are the other way around. I will happily play my characters on whichever side of the game matches their concept, but I still want their AT to have the properties I envision for them or enjoy playing. Even though I can make a heroic brute, that doesn't mean my desire for a heroic stone/fire aura melee character is fulfilled, because I don't care for the fury mechanic and I don't envision the character as a beserker. I want stone melee proliferated to scrappers. Ditto for fire blast for defenders, illusion for doms, etc....

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



I don't understand why scrappers don't have energy aura. I could understand a scrapper with energy cloak but, who in there right mind wants an invisible brute? also i would like psy for cors and dark blast for blasters



Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
I don't understand why scrappers don't have energy aura.
Because it isn't very good, perhaps. As I said upthread, I'd prefer Ninjutsu from Stalkers.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



All of it. I'm sick and tired of the handful of sets every year crap that we're getting now. Since I doubt that's going to happen though, super strength for scrappers is at the top of my list.



Scrappers - /Ninjitsu, Ice/Ice. I don't really care for Stone/Stone, but another option for Ice that's not Tanker would rock. Sorry Tankers. I like you as a friend and a teammate, but we're just too different.

Sonic for Masterminds would be great. I'm happy with /Thermal on my current MM project, but a Bruiser with Disruption Field even when solo? Yes please!

Brutes - Broadsword, Spines, Ninjitsu, Spines, Regen would be interesting with their higher HP, Spines, Ice/Ice, and did I mention Spines?

I love Dark Blast and Dark Miasma, and I used to be one of the big proponents for a Dark Blaster/Dark Controller of some bent. Anymore though, I'm not sure how they'd make it work without creating entirely new sets, so I'm not going to weigh in on that one. I'd love to see it done though, if they find the time

And I have no idea how Illusion would work on a Dom, but just thinking about it makes me giggle, so I'll give that one a big fat "Put me down on the HECK YES! list" stamp.

Edit: Apparently I just hadn't met the right Tanker. I'd still love to see Ice proliferated though



Originally Posted by Candlestick View Post
Oil Slick takes 1.16 seconds to cast. And assuming you are archery, an additional 1.83 seconds to light on fire. It's basically Ice Slick and Rain of Fire put into one power. And you are comparing it to Time Bomb.

My apologies Candlestick, I was not attempting to troll your post.

As I said, Trick Arrow is a set that I have only experienced from watching a SG mate play and from my own reviewing of the powers (Debuffs in particular). My comments about Oil slick were referencing ONLY its damage dealing ability. I am sorry if you thought I meant a direct comparison of Oil Slick to Trip Mine in ALL aspects besides damage.

One thing that seems consistent with the manipulation sets is that they are good on damage and light on control/debuff. And an additional item which I failed to mention before is that IF they ported Trick Arrow to Blasters, the AoE radii would most likely be reduced significantly (maybe even turned into single target on some powers), while damage would likely be added to many of these effects as a counter balance.

In that vein, a Blaster version of Oil Slick would likely be smaller in radius, shorter duration, longer recharge and deal about the same damage.

Does that make more sense?




Spines tanks and brutes.

Illusion doms.

Ice everything melee.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by Celidya View Post
/dark for controllers is about the only thing i REALLY want to see proliferated. Waiting for it for years now. Illusion for dominators would be great too.
Silly rabbit, it's supposed to be /Dark Miasma Controllers and Illusion Summoning/ Masterminds!

Also: Mind/Dark Controller with Presence pool. FEAR ME!



Ice/Ice for Scrappers.
Energy Aura for Scrappers; up-front burst damage without stealth suppression leading to instant death from the next spawn.

Stone - hmm.
Stone Melee: Stone Fist
Earth Assault: Stone Spikes, Fissure (damage version of Fault)
... Stone/Stone for Blasters!

Meben, 38 Kat/SR NPK Stalker (Defiant)



Radiation Emission for Master Minds




Might have been pointed out already but Fiery Melee for stalkers? Can't see that happeneing unless they frontload the extra DoT and even then meh. Shields would also be a crappy gimped version seeing as how AAO wouldn't work with the stalker mechanic of being rather anti-aggro, and grant cover wouldn't work seeing that Stalkers don't really have any team friendly buff type powers and rather solo oriented.

Some proliferation's are just too far out of being possible, and others just don't make sense even if they happened. ie. Ice Armor for brutes.

On a different note, I would like to see Ninjitsu for scrappers with a Stealth power similar to cloak of darkness in place of hide with a minor def bonus and perception buff maybe even kb protection? . But just like other sets, it would be hard to make work seeing as how it has powers that are already available to scrappers in the APP's. ie. caltrops.



I think we need to stop working with proliferation and move to NEW powersets. I don't think we should have a game that constantly reworks current powers to make new pairings since we already played them. Having new powers is much better than reworking the same old.

I want to say that the following sets need to be worked on to further our competition with other superhero games.:

We already see the backbone of this from the Demons Summoning set, why not make a full set from this?

--Toxic Blast for Blasters, Corrs and Defenders: We already have dozens of animations that work with poison so it is not a matter of art and animation but just a matter of acceptable numbers.

--Ninja Fighting secondaries for Blasters and Dominators: This mix of melee and ranged is perfect for a Blaster or a Dom

--Trap Domination/Control: Using Traps, Devices and Trick Arrow as a backbone for a trap control set is a viable option for a less than super-powered control set.

--Radiation Melee for Brutes and Scrappers: Lets be honest...Radioactive Blitz is an awesome hopeful concept

--Astral Projection for Mastermind (Illusion Summoning): Yes, Illusion control is awesome but it honestly fits a Mastermind



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
I think we need to stop working with proliferation and move to NEW powersets. I don't think we should have a game that constantly reworks current powers to make new pairings since we already played them. Having new powers is much better than reworking the same old.
You can have both new powersets, and proliferation you know.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



You can, but why?

I mean with GR I can easily play a Psi/Dark as a Redside Defender. The numbers are different but Psi Blast is Psi Blast...You can go as far as playing a Psi/Mental Blaster on Redside as a covert SoA Fortunata.

Wanting proliferation is like asking for Pepsi Crystal in place of Pepsi, it tastes like Pepsi but doesn't exactly look like Pepsi!



Dark Control/ - /Dark Miasma -/Dark Assault
Radiation Armor
Radiation Melee
Spines for Tanks and Brutes
Dark Blast for Blasters



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
You can, but why?

I mean with GR I can easily play a Psi/Dark as a Redside Defender. The numbers are different but Psi Blast is Psi Blast...You can go as far as playing a Psi/Mental Blaster on Redside as a covert SoA Fortunata.

Wanting proliferation is like asking for Pepsi Crystal in place of Pepsi, it tastes like Pepsi but doesn't exactly look like Pepsi!
Because people want proliferation, it isn't anywhere near as time consuming to do as creating new powersets, and we already get both anyways.

W just got four new powersets added to the game and APP/PPP proliferation in the same issue. Why pretend there is any sort of choice we have to make between the two things?

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



I feel satisfied with how proliferation has been done up to this point, but I am inclined to agree that the focus on new power sets should be priority now with the release of Going Rogue.

We already see the backbone of this from the Demons Summoning set, why not make a full set from this?
Change the whips it into chains, and you have a deal.



my #1 wish is to see Illusion ported to Dominators



Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
Spines tanks and brutes.

Illusion doms.

Ice everything melee.
Yes, all of that and Ninjitsu for scrappers. I believe Ninjitsu and Illusion are the only unique AT powersets left. So they MUST be proliferatededed!

I suppose Ninjitsu for Tanks, ever hear of Shen? No? Well he's a tank ninja! What about for Brutes? Well, ninjas are crazy and flip out all time, so I see no problem with that either!



Masterminds - /Sonic Resonance
Corruptors - Psi Blast/Poison
Dominators - /Dark Assault
Brutes - Broadsword/ and Martial Arts/
Stalkers - Ice/Ice

Blasters - /Dark Manipulation
Scrappers - Ice/Ice
Controllers - Dunno, but they need another secondary option
Defenders - Dunno
Tankers - Broadsword/

Blasters and Dominators should probably be given priority for new secondaries, and using Dark would mean not needing to reinvent the wheel.

I'd love to see a new Blaster secondary that was Martial Arts or Trick Arrow based (though Martial Arts might be more flexible in use with primaries other than Archery/).

In my heart of hearts, I really want /Poison for Corruptors, and Ice/Ice for Stalkers and Scrappers.