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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
You're not going to get anything approaching that number.

Taking Vengeance requires a tiny little bit of forsight- "oh, hey, if I fired that off on a big team it would be epic!"
That's more than 99.9% of the playerbase will ever exhibit.
Your absolutely right, but knowledgeable players getting the word out that people looking for 3 filler powers that cost no slots and benefit you solo* and especially teamed will improve penetration.
*solo benefit comes from either sticking in 2 lotg's and/or activating tactics when perception/tohit debuffed.

fun as in you hit a button and WOW THAT'S COOL!
Veng makes everyone within a country mile flash bright red for 2 min. The 'wow' factor of veng is just fine. It's not inferno, but it is better than most powers.
fun as in it looks like something neat when you're leveling up and check out the power description at the trainer.
That isn't a fault of vengeance it is a fault of assault/manuev/tactics being 'boring'. The stats on veng are eye popping and the description is easily enticing enough to be desirable. Much more so than many other powers and probably more so than any other power pool pick.

"The loss of a comrade enrages the team. When a teammate is defeated in combat, activate this power to grant you and your teammates a bonus to chance to hit, Damage and Defense to all attacks. A Vengeful team has no fear, and Vengeance protects you and your Teammates from Fear effects. It also gives you and your team great resistance to Sleep, Hold, Disorient, Immobilize, Confuse, Taunt, Placate and Knockback. You must be at least level 20 and have two other Leadership Powers before selecting Vengeance. This power does not stack with multiple castings."

Vengeance is a fabulous power hardly anyone takes.
Giving them more chances to take it won't improve its market penetration by a meaningful amount.
Maybe. Veng, much like stamina is the jewel of the set that requires 2 'boring' powers to unlock. Hardly anyone takes it because common conception is that you need stamina and most people pick 1-2 addition travel related power pools (ie leaping+hasten), or flight, or whatever. The simple fact is that many builds lack the room for 3 leadership powers and just picking 1 or 2 out of the pool isn't a great return for most AT's.

What is a 'meaningful amount' though? after this change there will be 9 power pools to choose from. If I'm saying you really only need 1/8 players on a team to get this improvement (though more is always better) and you have a 1/9 shot of picking leadership as a power pool... Random distribution of players amongst the existing power pools supports what I'm saying. People looking for 3 powers that require no additional slots supports what I'm saying in favor of some of the other more demanding power pools. And even people looking to min/max solo supports what I'm saying as you gain 2 lotg slots and a perception buff that supports one's toon in situations that might otherwise defeat you (though admittedly concealment probably gives the best solo return for no slots).

Like I said, I wouldn't have said what I did if it wasn't so easy to back up



It's kind of funny how people think this will make their builds tighter on slots.

3 extra powers also means three extra free slots. That means you potentially can take powers to simply act as global IO mules. This now makes it easier to get your 5 Gamblers or however many knockback IOs you require.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
The powers are all available either at level 1 or 2 (I forget at the moment) -- no waiting 'til 20 for Stamina.

Woohoo! \m/=>_<=\m/

Hmm, so Regens could have level 1 or 2 Stamina, then Quick Recovery at 4? =o_O=

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
Well, I deny it, but I seem to have a different definition of a "tight build". For me, opening up three power slots loosens my builds up, and allows me to fit in powers I couldn't quite squeeze in before. This variation of "tight" that you're using confuzzles me greatly.
It's both. Tighter on slots and looser on power picks. It is a good thing though for the most part. I mean the respec process is pretty bad, so there is that headache that will affect different people in varying amounts.

I'd like to lend my support to the idea of a dynamic mode respec. Also I'd like a quick respec mode where it opens your hold build as it is and you can work backwords where if you take away a slot it sticks the enhancement down into the storage tray. So it is more like when you open up mids and tweak with an already complete build.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post

Vengeance is a fabulous power hardly anyone takes.
Giving them more chances to take it won't improve its market penetration by a meaningful amount.
Same issue at play as the old Defender Vigilance I think.

Folks don't like powers that reward you when you 'fail'.

I personally don't take it on my MM even though I have the requisite power selections for leadership anyway, for that reason.

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
Well, I deny it, but I seem to have a different definition of a "tight build". For me, opening up three power slots loosens my builds up, and allows me to fit in powers I couldn't quite squeeze in before. This variation of "tight" that you're using confuzzles me greatly.
If it helps think of it as slot crunch. Less slots to use per power. I'm not sure how much slot crunch will impact "casual players" and people that just use SOs, but people that attempt to squeeze the maximum performance from every slot will definitely notice it.

But I think that is a good thing. It will force people like me to look at our builds in different ways to see how best to take advantage of suddenly having three more powers. When making builds like that, every slot is important. Personally I welcome it with open arms.

I'm going to enjoy the challenge.



Originally Posted by Nicetry View Post
It's both. Tighter on slots and looser on power picks. It is a good thing though for the most part. I mean the respec process is pretty bad, so there is that headache that will affect different people in varying amounts.

I'd like to lend my support to the idea of a dynamic mode respec. Also I'd like a quick respec mode where it opens your hold build as it is and you can work backwords where if you take away a slot it sticks the enhancement down into the storage tray. So it is more like when you open up mids and tweak with an already complete build.
Well really, it's only tighter on slots in that you're defining slot 'tightenness' as a straight slots/powers ratio, which means be definition those two states are going to move in opposite directions. Oddly enough that also makes for the scenario where if they just added two free Anywhere slots, that would result in power diversity, relative to powers/slot would decrease. Probably why the slots/power isn't a good measure to look at in this regard. At least it is for me.

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by Crazy_Larry View Post
It's kind of funny how people think this will make their builds tighter on slots.

3 extra powers also means three extra free slots. That means you potentially can take powers to simply act as global IO mules. This now makes it easier to get your 5 Gamblers or however many knockback IOs you require.
I think its funny how people assume that when someone says 'tighter build' that it is a complaint. Can't it simply be an observation?

Quite simply you have less slots to use per power. As far as slotting goes, it is a tighter build. That is a fact. However, I don't see that as a bad thing. Primarily because there are so many other benefits to three more powers, including the LoTG IOs you mentioned.



Originally Posted by Nicetry View Post
Your absolutely right, but knowledgeable players getting the word out that people looking for 3 filler powers that cost no slots and benefit you solo* and especially teamed will improve penetration.
I've been part of an ad hoc organization dedicated to making everyone in the game rich since I9 added the market to the game. We even have our own forum.

We've succeeded so spectacularly that the devs have to keep thinking up new ways to hand out rewards because too many player can't be arsed to print their own money using our detailed instructions and buy them on the market.

You can proselytize all you want, people won't take a power they don't want to just because it's good.

Veng makes everyone within a country mile flash bright red for 2 min. The 'wow' factor of veng is just fine. It's not inferno, but it is better than most powers.
people have to take it, get on a team, have someone die, remember they have it and fire it off for that to happen.

That's about three steps further than most players are willing to travel for a payoff.

Like I said, I wouldn't have said what I did if it wasn't so easy to back up
You haven't backed up anything, you've just explained why it makes sense for people to take Vengeance.

I'm not disagreeing it's a good idea, I'm saying they're simply not going to do it.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
people have to take it, get on a team, have someone die, remember they have it and fire it off for that to happen.
I will gladly be vengeance fodder for any team I'm on. Or you could just invite a blaster.



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
I will gladly be vengeance fodder for any team I'm on. Or you could just invite a blaster.



Originally Posted by Championess View Post
You've posted so much in this thread AND I'm the one who likes to "hear" themselves talk?

Just pointing out the fact that these guys don't know what their player base wants, maybe they should try playing the game a lil more often. It's funny that something as trivial as inherent fitness that could have been done anytime within the past six years is now the major selling point only because they are running thin on ideas instead of implemented years ago.

A crap ton more stuff to do, or at least the smidgeon that we are getting with i19 should have been thought out enough to be implemented with the "expansion" that was purchased and not have to wait till they ration it out for god knows how long. But hey what do I know, I like PvP and when they say things are in the works I know to trust that within three years "maybe" something will get done. Since there's not much left to PvP with I am forced to find my end-game content elsewhere for the time being. I'd rather they just fixed PvP so I never have to come to these boards and get demonized because I voice an opinion that their vision and efforts are lacking most times and that they pander to the select group and fail to recognize fault when a minority is upset about something.
I posted like 5 or 6 times (that all happened to be in a row, because I was responding to people) and I posted "so much" when guys like TamakiRevolution and NiceTry (no offense, just that you've posted a lot NT) posted about 20 times or so, ok, sure that makes sense.

Obviously they know what their ACTUAL player base wants, because they've done nothing but GIVE us what we wanted since they took over from Crypic. Perhaps not immedeatly, and not everything, but there's no denying that's what they did

It wasn't done "six years ago" because of the Jack Emmert/Cryptic era and his enforced "vision" people weren't supposed to *need* Stamina, they used it when they didn't have a "perfect" team with one of every AT and a few extra meleer's and blasters.

They're not "waiting and rationing anything out for "god knows how long". It's no different than I1s clearing up issues from launch, i7 clearing up issues from CoV's release. But what do you know you like PvP, you covered the issue right there in your own post.

You aren't the only one who has to 'find their end-game content elsewhere for the time being' we ALL do. In your case, you futely "bang on the walls of Reality" in favor of PvP, while I just RP and create new characters and ideas. Once Incarnate starts to materialize, we'll have "end game content." Wait, or get out.

They attempted to "fix" PvP by inviting 90% of the "PvP Community" into serveral beta's, most of which I was present in, so I watched how they acted. They ran rampant over the other discussions, willfully broke the NDA, and generally acted like 5 year olds, and/or bulls in a china shop depending on how you look at it. It was SO bad that after that, betas got a heck of a lot smaller, and less people were asked in. Ex Libris and Lighthouse worked very hard to try to work with and appease a minority that frankly never should've existed to any real extent beyond an afterthought in this game anyway, and all they got for it was crap. Enough so that both are no longer with us (probably moreso in LH's case than Ex's). It was repeatedly thrown at them that they failed to actually test anything and/or work within the framework of what the Devs decided needed to be done. They left wiggle room, but the PvPers would have none of it, and this is what they ended up with. Nothing.

To an extent, we're all "paying guests" in the Dev's vision of the game. They've given a lot of "wiggle room" on a lot of things, many of them things we directly asked for: Power Customization, Inherant Fitness, Beginner's Luck, Villain access to APPs, side-switching, more moral choices and sub-factions in Praetorian Content. Incarnates. Safeguards. I could keep going, but I doubt it would sink in. It's true that if you ignore your subscribers, you lose customers, to a large extent they've not done that, they've only ignored the ones that earned it, or didn't frankly matter. I'm a heavy RPer too. I want an enforced RP server and more name policy enforcement,clickable chairs, a lying down emote like Bobcat's. I also don't expect them to give me everything I want, because I'm a minority who doesn't matter as much as the majority.

When you act like that, that's what you get. To clarify: I spoke in broad terms. I know that not ALL PvPers acted this way, or act this way, but a large majority of them *at the time* did exactly this. It cast the entire group/community/subculture/whatever in a negative light that will likey persist until the day CoH's servers shut down. Serves them right.

I actually do PvP on occasion on Virtue, and am not half bad at it. It's a side mini-game, not a focus of CoH, it never will be.


This is the last I'm saying on this particular subsection of a topic, it's been covered. Let's move on.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
I don't think yall understand what he is saying. In this context tighter build simply means less slots per power. Which is true.
He said that the change makes tight builds tighter. Which is not true.

The change does not force you to distribute your slots any differently than you do now. There are many powers that are useful with zero additional slots.

For a build to become tighter with this change, it will only become so if the player chooses to change the way they distribute their slots.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
Little reason except maybe..."RP" "Concept" "Fun" "Character Broadning/Development" You know. Those little things.

Sure, there'll be people who'll always min-max everything, and will take powers that make no sense within the framework of their characters (then again, some people don't even build enough of a framework of concept or character to have those "limitations" in the first place. To quote a broadcast I saw last night in praetoria on Virtue: "So, which has the better pop on this server in this game, Heroes or Villains, cause I'm about to hit 20 later today and I don't want to gimp myself by picking the wrong side." I didn't bother to try to explain that, if mechanics is all you looked at, it didn't matter cause you could switch without too much work, or be a tourist and go to both...but...*shrugs* if that's fun for them, I guess it works.

Personally I'll be taking Superspeed (because it's RP-appropriate, even though I have fly as my main TP, and I dropped it in favor of taking hand clap back a while ago), RPD because it's the final power in my primary powerset, and probably either Group Fly for RP concept, or Combat Jumping which also fits, but is a bit more about the extra power.

It's worth noting what someone can do with Vengence or whatever, but not everyone even uses the leadership pool, because it's not thematic, or they don't want the end drain. I doubt even 20% of the players think like you. I can bet money 20% of the ones on Virtue don't.
I think this pretty much sums up why people min/max and don't like to RP.

Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
I'm an RPer and a Concept builder, but I also have an amazingly good build who also CAN PvP fairly well, if I choose to.
this really doesn't mean anything. since assuming you're talking about a tank, since you mentioned RPD, all you need to pvp is taunt and hp.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
I think this pretty much sums up why people min/max and don't like to RP.

this really doesn't mean anything. since assuming you're talking about a tank, since you mentioned RPD, all you need to pvp is taunt and hp.

*shrugs* Takes more than that, to do anything with a Tank, PvP or otherwise if you're halfway decent at it; but as I've come to realize, 4 out of 10 Tanks suck and 5 out of 10 are marginally competent. I'm the other 1 out of 10. Again, PvP is a mini-game to me (and likely most everyone else, if they even do it at all). It's possible to be an RPer AND a Min/Maxer. Within reason, my build is pushed to it's utmost, because it *is* part of my character's concept, by the same token though I won't do something "just because" character is king, and all must fit in that framework. Doesn't make your view of the game wrong, just different than my own.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I've been part of an ad hoc organization dedicated to making everyone in the game rich since I9 added the market to the game. We even have our own forum.

We've succeeded so spectacularly that the devs have to keep thinking up new ways to hand out rewards because too many player can't be arsed to print their own money using our detailed instructions and buy them on the market.
I didn't think you would be the type of person that would fail to see the difference between learning and utilizing the market and clicking a single power while playing. It is what it is though. Especially when you consider that this game is almost entirely combat focused. Many people don't want to take any time away from that to earn stuff, no matter how 'easy' it is.

You can proselytize all you want, people won't take a power they don't want to just because it's good.
I haven't insisted otherwise, this again is you making an argument against something that wasn't said, just like earlier where you guys were attacking imaginary people that said this change was negative.

I'm saying random distribution of people choosing new power pools is almost enough to satisfy my statement. Add to that people that seek to improve their gameplay by a large amount with minimal investment and voila.

people have to take it, get on a team, have someone die, remember they have it and fire it off for that to happen.

That's about three steps further than most players are willing to travel for a payoff.
The thing is while we both believe the average player isn't very intelligent, I don't believe they are quite as stupid as you depict.

The notion of tackling +3's with the ease of +1's is tantalizing enough where I think even the most - as you describe them - 'stupid' players can be convinced. Luckily they don't have to be though to satisfy what I said.

Also, people die in this game...all the time. If they aren't dying then guess what you don't need to click vengeance. But you can turn around and suggest you tackle arachnos next mission for fun and when they gripe you say 'don't worry' it will be fine. And it will be. Fun.

You haven't backed up anything, you've just explained why it makes sense for people to take Vengeance.
ok. I'm not going to explain it again or go over why the simple math supports what I'm saying, or why simply rationality supports what I'm saying. You have made the decision to go into the infamous 'goat mode' where nothing is going to get through. That's fine.



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
*shrugs* Takes more than that, to do anything with a Tank, PvP
it really doesn't. taunt and webnadez/fossilze. its pretty amazing how stupidly easy it is to pvp with one (and by extension, every other AT)

as for your OP, i got the impression that you were infact implying that that way of play was wrong, rather that we are all idiots for not having a concept and Rping.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
If it helps think of it as slot crunch. Less slots to use per power.
It must be a perception thing. I have 67 slots to add now, and I'll have 67 slots to add when I19 goes live. I put the slots where I think they'll do the most good, knowing that I'm not going to be able to fill up every power with the maximum useful slots. As far as I'm concerned, placing the slots won't be any tighter or looser than it is now, and I'll have more options to work with.



Originally Posted by Dysmal View Post
He said that the change makes tight builds tighter. Which is not true.

The change does not force you to distribute your slots any differently than you do now. There are many powers that are useful with zero additional slots.

For a build to become tighter with this change, it will only become so if the player chooses to change the way they distribute their slots.

The change does not force you distribute your slots the same way you do now. There are many powers that are next to useless with zero additional slots.

For a build to not become tighter with this change, it will not become so only if the player chooses not to change the way they distribute their slots.

See, I can use spin to make irrelevant points too.



Originally Posted by Nicetry View Post
All I've seen some people say is that things might be tighter for some builds. Which there is no denying.
Except you can put the same slots in the same powers as now, which means that no build will be tighter. The addition of three power choices doesn't mean you have to rob slots from your current build to slot them.

edit: this change is an unqualified boon.



If a starving family of 5 has three more kids things get tight...just like giving us three new power choices(Not new powers but three free slots) if we respec but no more slots presents a possible crunch... yes some powers are great out of the box but that isn't every power and to say so is just an insult to reality.

I am not asking for more slots (that would be awesome) but it would be wise to consider making the 2 slots every level into the latter game three occur a bit earlier.



Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
it really doesn't. taunt and webnadez/fossilze. its pretty amazing how stupidly easy it is to pvp with one (and by extension, every other AT)

as for your OP, i got the impression that you were infact implying that that way of play was wrong, rather that we are all idiots for not having a concept and Rping.
Then you are projecting. Though the more you go on, the closer I get...

time to go do something else, I think.

*goes to play Ma...err..a sci-fi SP RPG.*

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
It must be a perception thing. I have 67 slots to add now, and I'll have 67 slots to add when I19 goes live. I put the slots where I think they'll do the most good, knowing that I'm not going to be able to fill up every power with the maximum useful slots. As far as I'm concerned, placing the slots won't be any tighter or looser than it is now, and I'll have more options to work with.
I'm not saying its a bad thing at all. I'm simply saying one has less slots per power, that is how I defined tighter build. To me the term 'tighter build' is simply an observation, it is neither negative or positive by itself.

In this case I think it's a good thing because, like you said, we'll have more options.

I think people are getting hung up on the term 'tighter build' and automatically associating that as a negative. Which it's not a bad thing, at least in this case.



Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
It must be a perception thing. I have 67 slots to add now, and I'll have 67 slots to add when I19 goes live. I put the slots where I think they'll do the most good, knowing that I'm not going to be able to fill up every power with the maximum useful slots. As far as I'm concerned, placing the slots won't be any tighter or looser than it is now, and I'll have more options to work with.
Actually you will have 71 slots. The base slots in those extra powers count to.

Taking It On the Chin I-16 Tanker Guide
Repeat Offenders



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post

The change does not force you distribute your slots the same way you do now. There are many powers that are next to useless with zero additional slots.

For a build to not become tighter with this change, it will not become so only if the player chooses not to change the way they distribute their slots.

See, I can use spin to make irrelevant points too.
Oh look, you can swap positive for negative in a sentence. Now that you've demonstrated some grasp of language, can you actually make an intelligent argument?

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad