Praetoria - A hard fight.




Originally Posted by Eislor View Post
I've played in Praetoria quite a bit now on several different characters and I've come to the conclusion that, in Praetoria, one of our common game play assumptions is wrong, "clearing the map on the way to your objective is a good thing."

In a lot of the Praetorian missions clearing your way to the objective is just plain stupid, you weaken your resources (inspirations, HP, End) and give more time for ambushes to find you and gang up on you. Race through the map, don't attack anything, find your objective and get the H**L out. The 5 minute timer on one Praetorian/Arachnos mission made me rethink my approach to the missions in Praetoria.

If you don't attack any MOBs in a spawn as you run by them, they'll take a potshot or two, but they won't follow more than a few feet (excluding ambushes). I take advantage of that and just get to the objective. If the objective is a boss, take him out quick, if ambushes spawn while you are fighting that boss, ignore them and concentrate on that boss and finish the mission.

The horrible ambush while fighting Seer 0001? If you ignore it and push through and drop her the mission ends. You don't need to defeat the rest of her spawn or the ambush, just hit that little blue button, you did your job.

Those missions through Ghoul infested sewers to meet someone or find something? Most of them you can just race through till you find your objective, you don't have to fight the ghouls (the mission where you have to rescue some PPD is an exception, you HAVE to clear to the PPD if you want to lead them out alive).

Meeting Steve Sheridan? Let the ghoul ambushes follow you to Steve and let Longbow deal with them, they're not your problem.

Could the Devs have designed these missions with this strategy in mind? I wonder if one of the factors in the Devs decision to make Sprint faster was to make avoiding the MOBs in the Praetorian missions easier.

Just do all your missions in Praetoria like you're doing a speed run, I'm finding that it makes life a lot easier. It cuts down on the frustration and the deaths. Besides, I'm a busy person, I have things to do, I don't have time to deal with all those clueless minions, and thankfully, I don't have to.
So you're saying that they're trying to force people who might LIKE to Clear All on their way through a map to play your way? That's nice. Since in the rest of the game, we can both approach a mission in our own ways with no problems. You can ignore easy mobs and I can mop em up.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post more issues with my dominator so far.

My stalked, on the other hand, had an interesting time with the Cleopatra storyline. (Spoilers Ahead!)

The morality missions where she sets you up to get chomped by the Resistance was frustrating due to ambushes. Now it's not that I disliked the ambushes exactly, its that playing a stalker and having mobs know where you are and able to shoot you even when hid kind of puts the AT at a disadvantage that other ATs would not have been facing.

If I can't hide, I can't use my assassin strike or get criticals when I attack from a hidden state.
This. My KinMel/Regen Stalker is cool, except when the stupid ambushes occur. hate them.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



My level 11 elec/elec Dom hasn't had any issues to speak of. Died a couple of times, but I felt those were more due to bad rolls than anything else. I'm hardly the best player in the world, and I only remembered reading this thread just now that I could have been using my Sands of Mu vet power, which would have made things slightly easier still. I haven't taken either immobilise either.

That said, I haven't encountered any of the mega-ambushes that are being described here. Perhaps I'll change my tune when I do.



I am sorry, despite what experienced players may think - for players new to MMOs.... Praetoria may well be a problem. I know had CoV been anywhere near this hard when I came in, I would not be here chatting now.

Last night was in a mission with two other SG members. The only was we could get through the mission was to pull every single time. As a result this mission took forever; those were big rooms. It just struck me as tedious. I don't feel very "super" having to plink my way through maps one at a time when on a team; and that is when I see most of the problems, when on a team.

One of the three of us was so disgusted she was going to delete her character. We tried to talk her out of it, since it was level 18 and close to getting out.... I don't know what she will end up doing. Meanwhile I rolled a new Controller, and out she went into Paragon to chat with Miss Liberty. One thing I dislike about Praetoria is twenty missed levels of SG prestige. I understand why that has to happen, but still don't care for it.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I am sorry, despite what experienced players may think - for players new to MMOs.... Praetoria may well be a problem. I know had CoV been anywhere near this hard when I came in, I would not be here chatting now
Two weeks ago, my girlfriend didn't know what "MMO" meant but "hoped it meant she and I could play co-op". She was afraid of 3-D worlds because they were disorienting.

One week ago, she's saved my butt and had my back through most of the Praetorian content we've explored together. And she's leveling faster than me. She's a Blaster, and she's absolutely shredding through the Praetorian story-arcs while soloing.

It's anecdotal evidence, but I don't think Praetoria is "too hard for absolute newbs", as she simply must be the type of person you're describing yet she hasn't missed a beat in a song she never heard before.


Then again, I suppose the only real way to check would be to do a follow up survey on people that had a free trial going during GR's launch and then quit. The survey would need a section on game difficulty. If a significant number of people complained that it was too hard, then we'd have it. Until then, it's anecdote against anecdote.



Enjoying GR quite a bit, but sometimes I'm in the mood for to solo and depending which toon I play fights can get really tough then. My Tanker doesn't really get into trouble.
Especially sine the positioning of the mobs is quite buggy as I found.
Often enough two mob groups are so close that you end up having 6 +1 enemies in one big group. And if you have two Lieutenants in there it's really then your solo career ends there (even for my tanker it's tough then).
Quite frustrating really.

Is there actually a way to lower the difficulty like in CoH and CoV?



Originally Posted by SuperDonkey View Post
Enjoying GR quite a bit, but sometimes I'm in the mood for to solo and depending which toon I play fights can get really tough then. My Tanker doesn't really get into trouble.
Especially sine the positioning of the mobs is quite buggy as I found.
Often enough two mob groups are so close that you end up having 6 +1 enemies in one big group. And if you have two Lieutenants in there it's really then your solo career ends there (even for my tanker it's tough then).
Quite frustrating really.

Is there actually a way to lower the difficulty like in CoH and CoV?
Nope, that's part of why a lot of people are angry. Our shiny new toons are stalled in Praetoria. I've given up and returned to my old Rad/Rad Corr whom I've barely played in the past 4 years. Actually having fun playing her too, which I didn't used to.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



I have no objection to this level of difficulty being avaliable, if people want to crank it up; I just don't think that what we're seeing now should be the DEFAULT. Good gawd, one wonders what +4/x8 other players would be like.

I am one of those "lazy" people usually found on 1 player/x 0 other players. Praetoria feels to me like at least +4. I dislike this amount of trouble, whether on a team or solo. I feel that the minions are overpowered to the point of ridiculousness.

Another problem is that the tip missions feel like they are crafted in exactly the same way; my level 44 Brute ran one against nemesis the other day where she was fighting for her life against even-con minions. Bleh. Just.... bleh.

Mileage will vary, of course.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
I find it silly that the common argument to the difficulty essentially boils down to "learn2play" even though I and others can provide examples where Praetoria at times can be overly hard to a new player.
Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
Fortunately dying once in most cases resets the aggro so you can then mop up.

Still, I'm not sure this is how the game is supposed to work.
Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I am sorry, despite what experienced players may think - for players new to MMOs.... Praetoria may well be a problem. I know had CoV been anywhere near this hard when I came in, I would not be here chatting now.
My (so far) only Praetorian character was a mastermind. I made it through the first ten levels just fine. Then started dying. Repeatedly.

Also, just when the teaming gets rolling, suddenly you're thrown the "SORRY ONLY YOU" monkeywrench. I totally understand why they do it, but it's still jarring.

And when did you have to start clicking on characters twice to actually get missions? I was all, "That's nice, but no missions? Now what?" until informed otherwise by someone.

Marcian's girlfriend notwithstanding, I'm not sure many vets realize what new players (especially casual ones this game seems to draw) are going through.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



I don't think its massively difficult. It just manages to remove a lot of fun from the game and make it more grindy. Lifes bad enough before stamina then they remove our early temp travel powers (from safeguards). It appears that it's supposed to be an introductory zone, in which case the difficulty is completely incorrect imo.

(also other things spring to mind, by doing praetoria you 'skip' 3 safeguard/mayhem missions, currently there's no other way to pick them up than someone else getting them on a lowbie? maybe its time to add them to Ouro)



I have noticed that the difficulty is somewhat harder than CoH/CoV and have pondered on why that is.

Then someone in this thread (Cba to quote or search) mentioned about every mob, bar Clockwork and Seers, having decent ranged and melee attacks. This i think is the problem; Where Hellion minions have a mediocre ranged attack and an adequete melee attack, Resistance minions are given a somewhat good ranged and melee attack. This makes mobs balanced, but also rather difficult to approach, considering that most rush into melee as well as letting loose with ranged attacks.

Whilst personally, i would like this rectified somewhat (Like mobs staying at range and retaliating in melee only when engaged in melee) i do like the challenge, to an extent. Though, the one character i am soloing mostly with is a SS/Elec Brute, so he naturally chews mobs up, squisher characters have a harder time unless they can hover.

Of course, the easiest and most simple problem would be to add a Rep character in Praetoria. Because sometimes, the mobs annoy me to the point where i don't accept missions because i really don't feel like fighting for my life, time after time, so i switch to street sweeping.

I was doing some playthroughs of City of Heroes. Now they will serve as memories of a better time ...



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
There is already plenty of easier content. Variety is spice, and it's good to see some new challenging content.

Also, when the new players get out of Praetoria at 20, they are going to feel VERY strong compared to the normal content.
You are right in that variety is a good thing. So why then, does Praetoria not have a difficulty slider like the entire rest of the game? That way people could experience the new content in the manner that suited them.

As it currently stands I have SG mates that have already sworn off Praetoria and refuse to play there ever again.



It's really somehow an irony that the new starter zone is much harder and is also missing some of the improvements CoH/CoV got over the years (temp powers for example).

Sure some vets will love the challenge, but I still don't understand why they didn't include the difficulty setting in GR. Such a great tool.
People who want just a bit fun set things to easy, while others who want a challenge made the game harder for themselves.
In the end everyone is happy.

Doubt the hard difficulty will be any good for complete newbies to GR who never played CoX before.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I have no objection to this level of difficulty being avaliable, if people want to crank it up; I just don't think that what we're seeing now should be the DEFAULT.
I've been feeling the same way about a lot of the Tip missions I've been running into, especially in the late 20's/low 30's, back on Primal Earth. If I wanted to fight three bosses at once (1 boss summons 2 bosses as an ambush at 3/4 HP) then I would have cranked up my difficulty first.

The problem is when you take away that choice and make everything harder.

This and the lack of many other things that Praetoria should have already had on launch is why I have yet to make a Praetorian since GR went live. Fortunately I have so many new things to do with so many existing toons in the meantime.

I already know from my long stint in beta that I'll have to roll a Brute in Praetoria if I don't want to be pulling my hair out every other mission.



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
And when did you have to start clicking on characters twice to actually get missions? I was all, "That's nice, but no missions? Now what?" until informed otherwise by someone.

Marcian's girlfriend notwithstanding, I'm not sure many vets realize what new players (especially casual ones this game seems to draw) are going through.

I'm a 69month vet, and in Beta I thought I'd not gained enough levels to get any missions from the new contact I'd just had a brief chat with. I had to ask in chat, and someone told me 'Speak to the contact again'.

Not sure why they did that TBH.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
I've been feeling the same way about a lot of the Tip missions I've been running into, especially in the late 20's/low 30's, back on Primal Earth. If I wanted to fight three bosses at once (1 boss summons 2 bosses as an ambush at 3/4 HP) then I would have cranked up my difficulty first.
I've been running into this a lot on tip missions, myself. I usually run +0/x3 on my Brute without many problems... when I started running tip missions to take her heroside, I eventually just gave in and lowered it to +0/x0. Seems like every other spawn had two bosses in it, and fighting a Mu boss and a Toxic Tarantula both at the same time sucks.

As for Praetoria, I haven't been able to read the whole thread, but I have to agree with the people who find it too hard. Destroyers get high-damage hold-, immobilize-, and knockback-resistant guys in the single digit levels, which basically spells instant death for my Blaster or Dominator if I don't have several inspirations free, since my only self-defense is trivialized. Ghouls seem to like having a spawn, then another spawn set to drop from the ceiling on top of it. Ambushes are everywhere and sometimes triggered by things like walking through a certain point on the map, so they're hard to predict.

Can I get through it? Yeah. I've only died a few times, thanks to burning lots of inspirations and taking a lot of downtime to rest. But is it particularly fun? ... well, no. Progress is often slow and tedious, and there are some missions where I have to rest after every spawn--three +1 Resistance minions can almost kill my Blaster through a purple inspiration, and this is when I'm pretty much flooring their recharge with Psychic Scream and Frost Breath and juggling one with Nemesis Staff. Just what else am I supposed to do to mitigate these guys?

Disclaimer: I've only run relatively high offense/low defense characters in Praetoria so far, so my perspective might be a little skewed. But even for a defenseless character, the low levels probably shouldn't be this dangerous.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Here's the thing about the's not the "Ah god I can't complete this mission!" like it was back in the days before they introduced EBs and you got AVs in your solo arc no matter what.

It's more the amount of resources and time that it takes to beat minions and normal lts. is increased so much that the need for insps and rest/recovery has slowed the game to a crawl. And named lts./bosses/EBs are still about the same as they were before: Standing all alone waiting for some guy in costume and all hopped up on inspirations to come and hand them their head.

So the things that I think we should be walking over are slow, boring, downtime inducing fights, and the things that should be interesting or difficult just aren't.

Almost all of my issues with the difficulty would be fixed by doing 2 things:

1. Make Rest instant recharge
2. Reducing the number of ambushes



One thing I've noticed that I like a LOT is that the maps in Praetoria are a lot smaller. My Praetorian is level 14, and by this time in Paragon City or the Isles, he would be wandering through five-story buildings or underground labs having to clear out a TON of enemies.

I think that one of the philosophies the devs had in designing these missions is that instead of having you run through miles of hallways and taking elevators out the wazoo, they would make the missions more compact and have the enemies come to you instead.

The thing is, even when I had ten ambushes, they never overlapped with me unless I took a lot of time in dispatching them. The difficulty isn't so much in defeating the enemies, though they are a bit tougher, it is in having to do it without messing around so much as you could in missions before.

All in all, like I said, I really do prefer it this way over the old way.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I think that one of the philosophies the devs had in designing these missions is that instead of having your run through miles of hallways and taking elevators out the wazoo, they would make the missions more compact and have the enemies come to you instead.
I think you are on to something here.

Theoretically, a given amount of xp should take a certain amount of time to acquire. There would be a minimum speed time (faster than this and you are either exploiting or we made the foe too easy) and a maximume (slower than this and the foes are too tough or you need to lern2play).

So if you make the enemies tougher but closer together, the levelling speed overall stays the same, but there is less travel time.

And if lower rank foes are closer to higher rank foes in power, then you have less 'brick wall' syndrome (where ripping through the Lts and minions is boringly easy, but then you die 3 times to each Boss).

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



So far,

I'm still at the same opinion point. The mission difficulty isn't overall that bad...but there are a few missions that have some definite spawn placement issues. As well as some missions where ambushes wear on maybe one or two spawns pass what's necessary to get the point across.

There is one mission in Flores' arc where it seems like 3 separate spawns share the same aggro field. That needs to be fixed. I had to run 3 times...but then the rest of the mission was fine.

It's also quite possible that some of the vets complaining are so ingrained in their ways, that any adjustment feels like pulling a tooth. People are probably still building toons in ways that gimp them early on. Maybe too many pool powers taken etc. I don't know.

I'm playing 2 squishy toons and having a blast.



I definitely think that the Morality Missions for Praetoria will need to be toned down if you're going to want damage-light toons to be able to do them without tearing their hair out.

My Mind/Fire Dom is doing pretty well, but even he can die when the ambushes hit.

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Slash: It's also quite possible that some of the vets complaining are so ingrained in their ways, that any adjustment feels like pulling a tooth. People are probably still building toons in ways that gimp them early on. Maybe too many pool powers taken etc. I don't know.
Dude, if you can give us tips on how I can build a toon to take that kind of damage from repeated ambushes at level EIGHT, I am all ears. No kidding.

Are you suggesting that holding off on a travel power, for instance, is going to really mitigate the extreme damage these NPCs dish out?! And for that matter, what powers are avaliable before level 14 that would give us that kind of an edge?!! Is Boxing seriously going to do the trick? Is Hasten? - [just what we need, end-crashes on top of NPCs sapping us].... I have a feeling the answer is NO!

In fact, what pool powers before level 20 will enable us to stroll through Praetoria, once we take off the blinders of How [I] Like To Build, off?! I cannot think of a single example! I sure am not finding any on the REGULAR pools that grant such immunity, I can tell you!

Methinks thou art blaming the players a tidge too much. People picking up Air Superiority at level 6 is just not the problem here.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Methinks thou art blaming the players a tidge too much. People picking up Air Superiority at level 6 is just not the problem here.
Maybe this is the case, but I have no idea how I'm surviving the game so far when playing a stalker and a dominator then. Those should definitely not be able to take the punishment that Praetoria is dishing out.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
Maybe this is the case, but I have no idea how I'm surviving the game so far when playing a stalker and a dominator then. Those should definitely not be able to take the punishment that Praetoria is dishing out.
My Mind/Fire Dom is doing pretty well in Praetoria solo, but the ambushes can wipe him out pretty easily. I can easily believe that even a good player can be overwhelmed and annoyed by what he's facing in Praetoria.

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links