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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    I've forwarded this one up the chain yet again.
    Many thanks zwill. I will henceforth upgrade my expecations to "nearly none".

    Seriously though, nice to see a response and that it's hopefully being taken seriously.
  2. As you can probably tell by my post count, I don't talk much on the forums. I have however lost a large number of posts to this bug, mainly because a lot of my posts are of a decent size and when I forget to copy them and inevitably am disconnected my usual train of thought goes "Oh $%!"£ it".

    I would love a fix for this. My anticipation for such however remains between none and...well...none.
  3. Personally I'd like to see how the Romulans attempt to take advantage of the Klingons losing a fleet of warbirds (47 ships I think?) and the inevitable federation interference. Unfortunately this will likely be glossed over or forgotten, as will the fact that Spock-Prime, who I agree wasn't needed really, could potentially bring Federation tech up to next generation levels if he wanted to*, putting them at the point that they could probably conquer anything below the tech level of the Borg or maybe the Dominion given how little knowledge there is on either species at that point and the ones we know of being far below that level.

    *I'll admit I have no idea how good spocks memory is or his precise knowledge on starship construction, but I assume he has a solid knowledge having seemingly had a hand in the construction of the jellyfish.

    Apologies if any of my assumptions are incorrect. Not a massive trekkie.
  4. Absolutely nothing.

    I'm going to want to save my points for Titan Weapons. None of the other sets appeal at all and I KNOW that if I drop below whatever new powersets cost points wise Titan Weapons will come out the next day. I COULD buy some cheaper items, but that'll just wear down my resistance to buying more cheap items until I accidentally drop below what I'd need for a power set.

    So basically my plan is to be an utter miser until it's out.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
    Of course it is.

    The thing is, genuinely interesting content takes work, and time, and money. They're trying, but the meantime they're putting out these small little incentives, they're not expecting them to do much on their own, but with a lot of them they might...

    They can't get by on just doing genuinely good stuff (because then we'd get an update every two years and half of the players would quite in-between) and that's assuming they're capable of pushing it out: There's just not enough resources.

    So they have to rely on all these litle gimmicks to keep people playing. And sometimes they work and sometimes they don't, and it's different for everyone what does and doesen't work.
    I know the economics behind it, partially understand them too (I'm not going to insult anyone's intelligence by pretending I'm an economic expert). But it still strikes me that unless you have an art department with nothing worthwhile to do then assigning them to something that will probably not add a noticeable length of play-time and is a gamble at improving customer satisfaction is a mistake.

    Anyway, I'm off for now. Getting late and I've got work. Been a pleasure having a reasoned discussion on an internet forum, been a while.

    Take care of yourself Arilou.

    Ashen Out.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
    The jangling of their wallets IS the voice of the players.

    And it's not as if the devs have a choice: The game needs to turn a profit or they won't get paid, and thus can't offer any kind of content at all.
    Cut out my tongue, sew my mouth shut, cut off my fingers and lobotomise me. Until then my voice as a player is how I choose to talk to the devs and game staff, whether on the forums or through other channels.

    I, and I would imagine a lot of people, pay for this game because we love it. We love the freedom involved and the ability to create that exists far above any other game on the market. The fact that I continue to pay for this game has nothing to do with gated gear, especially not gated gear that does NOTHING. I'm not going to raise a huge fuss about this because, frankly, it isn't worth it. I'm also not going out of my way to try and use it. Honestly, bar the immediate surge we will see in what will probably be the first couple of weeks I would be interested to see how many characters will earn and subsequently ignore this armour.

    If they want to keep people for any length of time the best way is to make genuinely interesting content, whether story arcs, trials or power sets. Gated, non-functional fluff is fine in a micro-transaction model but for a lot of people not in a monthly payment model.

    It's not even as if most posts I've seen are asking for instant access with no work, many would prefer an account wide unlock, hell even the voucher system for the auras would work. For this to actually add ANY real amount of play-time to a persons account it would have to be so expensive to unlock as to shame the Incarnate powers.

    But that's just my opinion. Take it or leave it.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
    Except that people have proven themselves wlling to spend a lot of time (and time=money in the MMO world) in order to earn cosmetic rewards.
    Fair point, though it would just be nice to think that the developers listened to the people playing and not just the jangling of their wallets.

    Like I said, I don't mind. In fact for me this update has nothing I can physically use bar the aoe buffs. It would be nice to be able to get the auras, but my disappointment lasted all of five minutes.

    Generally though this move will probably annoy quite a few players, several of them quite vocal, though I have no real idea what sort of portion of the population that would entail.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
    "locked behind arbitrary gates" is kind of the point of MMO's. It's called "character progression".
    The argument could be made that changing pieces of clothing that do nothing for stats, abilities, function or general game mechanics in any way does not classify as "character progression". I don't particularly care either way about the armour (I think it's ugly) but I think that's the main problem people have with the level lock.

    The abilities and level shifts? Fine, they're effectively new levels. The ability to wear slightly shinier shoulders that do nothing? Kind of odd to lock it.

    Like I said, I don't mind about it at all (well bar the auras, dislike the way they're handled but I'm not gonna raise a fuss) but that was what I was getting from people.
  9. Ashen_EU

    X2 XP weekend

    Originally Posted by alyssa_jones View Post
    To jump in on this - I have never done an X2 weekend and was wondering what the best way is to take full advantage of it?
    The same way you take advantage of any other day in the game. Do whatever you think is fun.

    In terms of levelling fast, I got a 37 in a day and a half once by sticking with one 8 man team each day. Fortunately it was a toon I remade and had fond memories of from the first time. I say fortunately because while the weekends are good for levelling I was all but broke on the character by the end of it and couldn't afford to fully slot him without transferring money across.
  10. I just thought of an odd one for me. I still horde all of the temp powers I can. For some reason I can never bring myself to use the last few minutes or last charge on any power, even if they're beyond useless, like rocks. Instead I have a compulsion to have them stuck in my power list until it takes a minute or so to scroll down to the bottom of the inherent and temporary power boxes and becomes near impossible to find any specific temp power I want.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
    Now the rest of it makes sense too but can I ask, what does having chat windows appear in the costume editor have to do with respeccing?
    Because respeccing/costume changing can take a while and lots of people wind up having friends talking to them or missing tells while in the respec/tailor screen. I've personally missed out on at least one TF because I spent a while on a costume and the team wound up filling before I could reply to the invite tell.

    Mainly it's just a little bit of extra convenience for the social aspect of the game. Currently while in those particular screens you may as well be in your own little world.

    Edit: Re-reading your post it seems you were asking how it's relevent to have talk about chat in the tailor window in a topic about respeccing. Well I think primarily because the two windows are so similar people find they have some similar issues, ergo some comparison was going to come up eventually. Short of that, it isn't relevant really, but it does save us from having another redundant thread.
  12. 1: Creating costumes: In general mine are pretty boring tried-and-true collections of bits I use regularly. Inspiration may have struck me once or twice with a new idea, but has subsequently spent the rest of the time pounding my head to mush with the same two.

    2: Playing the game: I'm...not very good to put it politely. After 5 years of play you'd think I would improve but I still occasionally tab target a second mob or misjudge aggro radius. Oh and clicky buffs are my BANE, I've got a Dark/Rad corruptor who runs around without Accelmet 90% of the time solely because I forget I have it.

    3: Making character builds: I do no research on this, my general "method" is to look at skills until my mind yells "OOOH SHINY!" and take whatever prompted that, same method applies to slotting.

    4: Using in game tools: We have global channels we can join? Since when? (Seriously I found out about this not very long ago)

    A short list of my many, many failings in the game. Give me time and I'm sure I could come up with some more.
  13. "We are very unhappy and that is why we are holding these protest signs!" - Anonymous protestor in Praetoria

    For some reason that line just tickled me.

    Before Combat:
    Ice Thorn Caster: They said Praetoria was shades of gray. This looks awfully blue to me.
    Guide: Seriously?

    Combat Start:
    Guide: I'm going to let them kill you.

    From the Whispered Rumor halloween tip. Never played it myself, encountered the line on Paragon Wiki but found it amusing enough,
  14. You'll need to open your team menu (even if solo) at the top of the chat box and click the Quit Task Force button at the bottom of it. Unfortunately that will also drop the mission you took instead of just letting you complete it at your full level as all of the arcs accessed in Ouroboros are treated as Task Forces.
  15. Personally I just make whatever flows with my current character concept. There's probably a few more males than females in my current stable, but it's less to do with preference and more to do with creativity.

    That said I've never been one for planning ahead when crating characters (Pre-planned builds? What are they?)
  16. You had me almost until the end. Bravo my good sir, bravo.
  17. Nice, servers back up. Menu options are, however, nonexistant. I mean I can't access a single one in-game since the menu is minimised and I can't change that.....


    Edit: Wonderful, my keybinds changed. Fixed now.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bull Throttle View Post
    What's the difference between a booster and a super-booster?
    Whether or not they nipped into a handy phonebox for a quick costume change.
  19. Yup. Same problem, can't get past the first log in screen, all I get is that the log in server can't be contacted.

    At best guess they've hit a problem somewhwere that extended the downtime, and not bothered posting an announcement.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    The Radio? Dmitri Krylov? Doc Buzzsaw? Kelly Uqua? Hardcase? Terrance Dobbs?

    You should try Villains sometime. It's great.
    Villains is pretty much the only side of it I play and I've played it a LOT, and yes I consider most of those, bar maybe Uqua, Hardcase and maybe Buzzsaw pretty standard amoral pantomime types. Yes even the radio. As an example, I liked Seer Marino, she was a nice change of pace story-wise.

    So, obviously, I phrased it badly. Replace "Moustache twirling" with "Pointlessly amoral cardboard cutouts". There are a couple that go beyond being a cliche on legs, but not many, I never said there were none.

    Edit: Forgot to add dobbs into my little list. Also, posting while fighting = not recommended.
  21. To be fair I think the contacts in GR are about the most human feeling ones I've encountered in the game. Blueside most of them are power-of-good-celebrating phrase shouting, apple pie and baseball worshipping goody-goodys. While red-side they're prety much all moustache twirling pantomime villains. Very few characters either side really displayed much in the way of human foibles in their dialogue.

    In GR we still have some people like that but more of them that seem to have some form of mildly more believable human reaction to the general chaos they find themselves involved in. There are even some surprises, for me at least, such as that by the end of it I LIKED Anti-Matter.

    In general the "good" path characters on each side tend to be unrelentingly good (With a couple of exceptions I won't list here), the "evil" path ones are closer to the moral grey. Well, other than the resistance ones, the Crusaders, those guys are just flying-mouse-excrement insane.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    So very much a revenge motive, rather than any kind of justice or greater good by the sounds of it.
    The telling line: He claims that his fight is with Tyrant, whom he once proudly called Emperor Cole, but in truth, the Resistance is just a means to an end for him. Calvin is going to get his wife back--or he's going to burn the world down around him trying.

    And the full bio it's from:

    So yes, it's very much revenge more than anything else for him it seems.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    As I said I've not discovered everything and you may well be right - although I think Calvin Scott seems to have an agenda of power.

    And Virtue, you're spot on!
    While it isn't really made clear in-game, in his biography rather than wanting power he wants his wife back. So rather than wanting to obtain power for its own sake he just accrues what he needs to kill Mother Mayhem, even seeing the resistance as nothing more than a tool.

    But then that's just his bio. They may take him a different way in-game if we ever get more Praetoria-focused story content.
  24. I would love to see the new traffic levels continue. I just doubt they will. Part of the problem is, even with the new stuff being harder I'm nearing 20 in 3 days.

    Most of the new stuff is good, bordering on great. Unfortunately humans are stupid. As such I personally see most running through as quickly as they can to "complete" the new stuff. After a week or so of that traffic will probably drop 50-80%. After two weeks all but the "hardcore" will have as much reason to go here as the other two starter zones, so I see a 90% or higher drop in total traffic due to the harder difficulty.

    But that's just my opinion, it really depends on how much people like imagination and good content as opposed to the almost cheat-worthy ease of the other two start zones..

    S'why WoW works so well, it offers incremental rewards to the conformists that form most of the worlds population while offering enough cardboard bananas to the nonconformists to bring them into the fold.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Canine View Post
    You mean the relatively barren EU servers that have been on 2 dots of load pretty much constantly since last week? Union has never been off 2 dots, whenever I logged on, including at 1am...

    Anyway, I'm a single server player (Union), so I've got no use for server transfers, and didn't use any.
    Yes I mean Union (my main, read only, server), which has never been above one dot since after a few months of CoV.

    Now, the fact they've been on 2 or more dots for a week is great, but I'm a pessimist and am SURE it'll stop soon enough.

    Not trying to scream doom or anything (honestly). Just spreading what I see as the truth.