So... Stalkers.




1) Stalkers rely on stealth as defense:
a) Once you are hidden you should have zero aggro
b) Hidden status needs to be online with 2-3s out of line of site of aggroed mobs
c) Placate should be an AoE
2) Stalkers are damage dealers:
a) They need to have equivalent or better damage to the higher Def/Res Scrappers
b) Burst damage should be their mainstay, but they need have sufficient sustained DPS that they are not overlooked by TFs
c) Burst damage should be fast, the animation/interrupt times on Build Up and Assassin's Strike are a tad long
3) Stalkers are sneaky:
a) Stalkers need to be faster when stealthed (movement buff in hide please).
b) Clicking a glowie should have a chance per second of taking them out of hiding, or a stealth debuff, it should not automatically remove them from stealth
c) Ambushes need to be ditchable (see 1a and 1b) and have a chance to spot rather than auto-spot

That's the way I see it, and while it incorporates some of what was said prior, I want to reiterate that Stealth should be our mainstay, and as such there need to be some game-mechanic changes that allow Stalkers to be Stalkers.



I just have to voice my opinion on this matter.

I really like some of the ideas posted above, like reducing AS cast time and adding more debuffs. I would like to see the demoral effect of AS be much more reliable. I agree with the 75% chance for mag 2 fear and 25% chance for mag 4 fear. As well as the -to hit buff.

I also agree that hide should not suppress when attacking similar to EA's energy cloak and Illusion's superior invicible. And maybe adding +res to hide for those sets that use resistance instead of defense to give them a little more survivablity. Right now, I don't have much appeal to make any resistance based stalker just because not getting hit works so much better with an interruptable AS. The only res based set I went with was DA because a feared opponent does not attack.

I have always thought that stalkers should be the masters of stealth and the stealth cap should be higher for the AT because of that. I also have the same reasoning for defense based ATs having a higher defense cap than nondefense based sets. Why roll an SR when I can roll a WP and get added survivability by soft capping my defense and having +regen, +HPs and +resistance for when I do get hit. So why roll a stalker when I can just get a stealth IO and take super speed or stealth and ghost past any mobs I want.

I think maybe placate should have a percent chance to confuse your target for maybe 5 seconds added to it for when you placate on teams so squishies don't immediatly take all the aggro. I do not agree with an AoE placate just because Nin already has one and it's one of their tools for taking that secondary. I support lowering placate recharge.

I think stalkers should be focused on mainly ST damage and should stay that way. I know a lot of you don't agree but I like the mechanics of a ST damage dealer the way stalkers are designed. But AS should have a lower activation time and placate should have a lower recharge time. So effectivly I could AS -> placate -> critical -> placate -> critical so it would almost be like AoE but still not. Quickly taking out enemies in a mob but just not all at once.

I think damage and survivablility on a stalker right now are fine. Though the HP increase without raising the cap did take away one of EA's nitches in having a +HP teir 9. So maybe raise the cap but leave base hps where they are.

Finally, I agree that AS should have added effects on it like end drain and siphoning power like was mentioned previously. Maybe even make the secondary effects AoE to add a little more control and give these secondary effects a power like swap ammo. If I click Assassination, nothing changes: demoralize with AS and criticals while hidden. However, maybe I change my swap ammo-like power to another setting and now instead of criticals, I have a secondary effect that happens 100% of the time when I attack while hidden. This secondary effect would be dependant on your primary and I haven't thought about what they could be.

That is what I think. I just wanted to get my opinion out there so that a red name can mark another one up for support of stalker revamps.



Necrotizing makes a good point about Assassin's Strike, although I would go a different way with it.

Assassin's Strike is essentially a cookie-cutter attack, 7/10 have the exact same cast times, all of them have the same interrupt and recharge times.

I would recommend that they have secondary effects,

Broad Sword > -10% Def (10s)
Claws > Placate
Dark Melee > -11.3% to hit (10s)
Dual Blades > Already part of two combos, this is already acceptable.
Electric Melee > -10% Endurance -100% Recovery (6s)
Energy Melee > Mag 3 Stun (11.9s)
Kinetic Melee > -17% damage (10s)
Martial Arts > Knockdown
Ninja Blade > -10% Def (10s)
Spines > AoE DoT (Toxic), -Rech, Slow

In principle Broad Sword, Ninja Blade, Martial Arts and Spines should have cast times of around 3s, Dark Melee, Electric Melee and Energy Melee around 2.67, Claws, Dual Blades and Kinetic Melee around 2.33s. With an Interrupt of 1-1.5s except for Claws which should have no interrupt. Recharge times should stay 15s for Broad Sword and Ninja Blade, be dropped to 12s for Martial Arts, Spines, Dark Melee and Energy Melee, and dropped to 10s for Dual Blades and Kinetic Melee and be dropped to 5s for Claws.

That would add flavor to the different sets that is much needed, given that Build Up and Placate would be difficult to modify in a meaningful way.



I'm coming to this thread way late, primarily because I rarely team, and even
on those occasions that I do, it's only as part of a duo, so I have nothing to
add from a teaming perspective.

From a solo stalker perspective though, I do have a couple thoughts.

1> Survivability is fine. Honestly, any time my stalker(s) have died it was
cause I screwed up. Either, I bit off way more than I could chew, or I
made tactical mistakes, and even in the first case I can usually escape
(unless the alpha gets me)...
That's the only time they ever die, so I don't see an issue here...

2> Placate - the only issue is the so-called bug against pre-queued
attacks. I *really* wish they'd change that... If I placate before attack
occurs (ie. not queued, but executes), then it stops that attack and
works properly. If they can test LoS on an AS before completing the
attack, they should be able to check Placate the same way.

3> AS - I'd be ok with the suggestions on (slightly) more damage, but I'd
prefer a change that makes the power useful out of hide. Apart from the
initial strike, where it's WAI, it's simply not all that useful in a normal chain...
Maybe it could be non-interuptable out of hide, or something, but right
now, for the most part, it's use once and forget it during any "scrapping"
portion of the battle. For a "signature" power, it's substandard in that
particular case.

4> Hide. I really like (Sam's?) idea of insta/quick hide if I break LoS. That
really adds to the tactical feel of the AT, with a mechanic that would be
unique and encourage more use of terrain features in combat. The idea
of "blending into the shadows" if you take your eye off the stallker seems
pretty consistent with the AT's intent to me.

I'm mixed about a straight up damage scale buff across the board, and I
don't feel we need an HP buff. Some of the other suggestions seem pretty
OP to me <shrug>.

Interesting discussion though...


PS> ...and I really dislike the change they just made to
Stealth IO's -- That is a truly hateful issue for PvP (If it
was made to fix a PvE problem, fine, but set it back for PvP situations)

I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Here's a thought for a mechanic:

If I drop out of LoS of a mob, it will try to get to where it saw me last.

If when it gets there I am not in LoS, and I am hidden, it loses me.

So you can't lose a mob just by running around a corner, but a second corner is enough to "lose" it -- it can no longer figure out where you are.

Basically, if I run around two corners before the thing chasing me makes it around the first corner, and I've gotten into "Hidden", it should lose me. It might keep moving around, but it should no longer have the automatic ability to target me and attack me. I hid.

I think that would pretty much deal with 90% of the soloing trouble stalkers have.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
I think that would pretty much deal with 90% of the soloing trouble stalkers have.
What soloing trouble? Soloing is arguably what Stalkers are best at.

Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer

Join The X-Patriots on Virtue!



Originally Posted by Zem View Post
What soloing trouble? Soloing is arguably what Stalkers are best at.
Chained player-targeted ambushes are pretty sucky.



That's a problem with the ambush mechanics and not specifically stalkers although they are affected by it the most.



Ah that's an issue that to be honest only comes up in praetoria.



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
Ah that's an issue that to be honest only comes up in praetoria.
Yeah, those ambushes are hella bad. Whats crazy is they nerf the easy mobs but dont do anything about the ambushes that no one has the stamina to deal with at the lower levels.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
Ah that's an issue that to be honest only comes up in praetoria.
I guess some of the tip missions are broken for ambushes, as well - and it's been a long-time complaint about mayhems, but if the number of mobs is reasonable the ambushes are easy to deal with.

Note that what's "reasonable" is vastly different based on level and primary; the biggest issue with the hoards of ambushes in Praetoria is, as already mentioned, that you don't have the endurance to deal with it and you're so quickly overwhelmed.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



My most recent character in Praetoria is a Stalker, and while I do believe we have it easier solo than most classes, purely because of Hide and AS, the ambushes can be a nightmare for any AT, and Stalkers only get half a pass, against the location-based ones, not the character-based ambushes. But as far as playing in a Scrapperish/Brutish sort of way, that's not our thing. Even though we _can_ fight like that, we're not on the same level as either of them in that department.

I know some people bag on Stalkers because they are inferior to Brutes and Scrappers for outright melee, they represent a certain play-style that is still fun for others. Like others, I believe we need some improvement for PvE, to make us more usable on teams. Not to make us exact clones of Scrappers.



While I certainly like what a Stalker offers, I just feel the AT gives up too much for little benefit.

Here are some of my issues.

1. Ambushes - They just know where you are. I just avoid missions with ambushes in them as much as possible.

2. Competition from other ATs. Plenty of other ATs do more damage and offer more utility to a team. Bane Soldier being the best example. Leadership toggles and plenty of damage with stealth strike.

3. Stalker Hide is easy to replicate - Stealth IOs, concealment and super speed.

4. Power selection is tight since Build Up, Assassin Strike and Placate are supposed to be the signature AT powers. (heck I would argue that post 32 I would just respec out of AS and Placate)

5. There was a better version of the current Demoralize but it never got off test server. It ended up getting scaled back to what we currently have.

My suggestions

Quicker fixes

1. Reduction of animation time on AS and Placate.
2. Increase BU from 80% to 100%
3. Improve Demoralize
4. Improve Crit chance per teammate and increase the radius that it works.

Other fixes

1. Time to look over Assassin strike. It should be faster and more usable in a team. It shouldn't be just an opener and become an afterthought after 32.

2. Some other utility for a stalker to offer to a team other than just DPS. Something +to hit buff, +damage or +defense for the team.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



I think I have one solution...

Give Assassin's Strike a healthy dose of -Regen, just like the devs did back in the day for debuff sets.

It got the the point that the only defender/controller secondary anyone wanted was Empathy, right? So the devs made it to where if you want to take down tough targets, you needed a debuff set with -Regen with you.

And it's been rather binary ever since. "Want to do the LRSF? Bring lots of -regen debuffs." Hopefully that can then become "Want to do the LRSF? Bring lots of debuffing sets or a Stalker."

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
I think I have one solution...

Give Assassin's Strike a healthy dose of -Regen, just like the devs did back in the day for debuff sets.

It got the the point that the only defender/controller secondary anyone wanted was Empathy, right? So the devs made it to where if you want to take down tough targets, you needed a debuff set with -Regen with you.

And it's been rather binary ever since. "Want to do the LRSF? Bring lots of -regen debuffs." Hopefully that can then become "Want to do the LRSF? Bring lots of debuffing sets or a Stalker."
I see many people bringing up -regen debuff. While having any kind of debuff is better than nothing, I don't think -regen helps that much in 90% of the lifespan of a Stalker. Most bosses don't even need -regen to kill and you are still stuck with an Assassin Strike that can only be reliably used at the beginning of the battle.

The main problem is still Assassin Strike itself. I am making my 6th stalker now and I feel Assassin Strike is what's limiting this AT on a team. When I solo, it doesn't really matter if AS takes 4s to activate or 2.67s if I use it in the beginning (which I should). The problem with Stalker on a team is that if you don't have any good aoe attack, your best bet is using an AS and you can really only use it in the first 4-6s of the battle. After that, your Stalker is scrapping like an inferior scrapper because your option(s) to get back to being an Assassin is very very limited. You either wait for 8s of doing "nothing" or use placate to score a critical.

I don't want placate to blind every mob around me. I think my Stalker is more sturdy than that and I don't want to put my fellow teammates in danger just because I want to score a critical.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
I see many people bringing up -regen debuff. While having any kind of debuff is better than nothing, I don't think -regen helps that much in 90% of the lifespan of a Stalker. Most bosses don't even need -regen to kill and you are still stuck with an Assassin Strike that can only be reliably used at the beginning of the battle.

The main problem is still Assassin Strike itself. I am making my 6th stalker now and I feel Assassin Strike is what's limiting this AT on a team. When I solo, it doesn't really matter if AS takes 4s to activate or 2.67s if I use it in the beginning (which I should). The problem with Stalker on a team is that if you don't have any good aoe attack, your best bet is using an AS and you can really only use it in the first 4-6s of the battle. After that, your Stalker is scrapping like an inferior scrapper because your option(s) to get back to being an Assassin is very very limited. You either wait for 8s of doing "nothing" or use placate to score a critical.

I don't want placate to blind every mob around me. I think my Stalker is more sturdy than that and I don't want to put my fellow teammates in danger just because I want to score a critical.
One of the specific problems mentioned was that no one wanted Stalkers for SFs and late game content, so the -Regen would address that.

The set probably does still need something extra for less specialized PvE, but the -regen would address the end-game issues.

What if...

Assassin strike itself, in PvE, mind you, had a very small cone to it? Maybe slightly wider than Shadow Maul. But the hits on the primary target only get the secondary damage-type so it's weaker.

As far as, "Well it's still too annoying to get back into Hide!," I think that's just the limitation of the set and isn't anything new. And I don't think it can still fill the intended role if you make it easier to get back into hide or increase performance out of hide.

I do agree with the increased recharge of Placate though.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Check, are we all in agreement on the following points?

1) once you break LoS, you should be hidden
2) aggro should not break hidden
3) AS and Placate need to have shorter cast times
4) a -regen proc needs to be added to AS (to allow both burst damage and AV killing capabilities)

most seem to agree with the following

1) increase BU buff
2) improve group buff (range and/or value)
3) removing interrupt time from AS

does that sum up the state of affairs?



Originally Posted by Beelzy View Post

does that sum up the state of affairs?
Lol you think that's that then?

Yeah, for those changes:
-Linking Line of Sight to gaining Hidden status isn't possible with the game's engine.
-Aggro already doesn't break hidden status...only taking damage does. And stopping you from loosing hidden status after being attacked is broken and unfair.
-Not going to touch AS and Placate cast times...honestly, if it can be balanced to shorten it without taking away anything it already has, then more power to ya...but you're most likely going to have to give something up for this.
-Adding -regen as a chance for AS is plain useless. Even with an 'always' chance, such a debuff is only useful in 1 situation.

The best you can do is just keep talking, chatting and computing changes and running them by a dev (although if they're indeed reading the thread, then that's unnecessary). If you keep bumping the thread, the devs will know it's a topic of interest and importance and will more likely take notice. Brainstorming more ideas gives you a better chance you won't get hackney changes like the above in place of actual good ones.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Lol you think that's that then?

Yeah, for those changes:
-Linking Line of Sight to gaining Hidden status isn't possible with the game's engine.
-Aggro already doesn't break hidden status...only taking damage does. And stopping you from loosing hidden status after being attacked is broken and unfair.
-Not going to touch AS and Placate cast times...honestly, if it can be balanced to shorten it without taking away anything it already has, then more power to ya...but you're most likely going to have to give something up for this.
-Adding -regen as a chance for AS is plain useless. Even with an 'always' chance, such a debuff is only useful in 1 situation.

The best you can do is just keep talking, chatting and computing changes and running them by a dev (although if they're indeed reading the thread, then that's unnecessary). If you keep bumping the thread, the devs will know it's a topic of interest and importance and will more likely take notice. Brainstorming more ideas gives you a better chance you won't get hackney changes like the above in place of actual good ones.
Breaking LoS already decreases the time it takes to regain hidden status, the problem is that the time to regain hidden status is too long.
Taking damage breaks hidden status, but there is a problem with mobs, especially in ambushes, attacking you while you are stealthed, thus making it difficult to get your crits in.
placate time should not be a balance problem. With AS there are two ways to fix it, allow sniping procs (to help control interrupt time) or decrease the cast time by about a third of a second and interrupt time by a second while decreasing base damage but maintaining crit from hidden damage. This would maintain utility while making it viable in the scrapping portion of the fight.
While the -regen proc would be useless outside of fighting AVs, it is almost necessary to maintain Stalker character while allowing AV fighting. It's only useful in one situation, but in that one situation it is so useful that it is worth asking for.

I just wanted to know the state of what people agree we should ask for and what we should continue to discuss in order to organize the dialogue in the most constructive way.

Personally, I would like to see some specialization based on set for AS, allowing AS to have Sniper procs, and decreasing the time it takes to hide. The -regen proc is also something that I think is needed, but that's because for Solo players, AVs can be tough for Stalkers.



Originally Posted by Beelzy View Post
Check, are we all in agreement on the following points?

1) once you break LoS, you should be hidden
I'd say that might not be quite fair. I would say that if you break LoS, but someone can get to where you were and get LoS again, you might not be hidden.

2) aggro should not break hidden
Possibly a rule similar to the LoS rule. A player-targeted ambush can run to where you were. If when they get there you're in LoS, they have a chance. If you're not in LoS from there, they don't know what happened.

3) AS and Placate need to have shorter cast times
I wouldn't mind too much if AS were just a bit more durable in the face of, say, things running around and pushing.

4) a -regen proc needs to be added to AS (to allow both burst damage and AV killing capabilities)
Not sure it's really needed. Wouldn't hurt, but it seems a bit more buff than is called for.

3) removing interrupt time from AS
That seems ridiculous to me. It's a snipe. Sure, it's a melee snipe, but it's a snipe; interruptible is part of this.

What you've described would be unreasonably overpowered IMHO.



Originally Posted by Beelzy View Post
Breaking LoS already decreases the time it takes to regain hidden status, the problem is that the time to regain hidden status is too long.
You'd have to explain how this is true otherwise this is just false. Hide has a built in 8sec unsuppress timer. If you take no offensive actions or do not take damage, it will always bring you back to Hidden status after 8seconds. Breaking LoS has never decreased that time, as far as I know. You'd need to post documentation or patch notes saying otherwise...

With AS there are two ways to fix it, allow sniping procs (to help control interrupt time) or decrease the cast time by about a third of a second and interrupt time by a second while decreasing base damage but maintaining crit from hidden damage.
I really hate when people suggest decreasing the cast time of AS and lower the attack's damage to compensate. I'd so much rather just deal with AS as an opening burst or a 'finisher at my convenience' attack and keep the power as it is. I'd say just buck up and accept that Assassin's Strike is suppose to be a 'hard to use in every situation' attack and leave it at that. You've got 6 other attacks for the other situations...

But if people are so adamant about shortening the attack, I'd suggest cutting off the non-interrupted portion of the cast time and leave just the interruptible portion and stretch the animation across that. You're left with a still difficult attack to use but it will go off faster.

While the -regen proc would be useless outside of fighting AVs, it is almost necessary to maintain Stalker character while allowing AV fighting. It's only useful in one situation, but in that one situation it is so useful that it is worth asking for.
For AV fights, Demoralize already has irresistable -ToHit. All the ToHit debuffs in Dark Miasma are about as much as a Stalker's AS after AV resists are counted. If that doesn't get people to at least look at the AT for such fights, most likely no one will care to seek them out for their -regen either.

I just wanted to know the state of what people agree we should ask for and what we should continue to discuss in order to organize the dialogue in the most constructive way.
Keep thinking of ideas. Think outside the box. Try to come up with more unique thematic suggestions and keep the discussion alive.



Should AS be able to be slotted with Sniper Enhancements? It is a sniping attack, and all other snipes can have their interrupt mitigated, except for AS.

8s is a pretty long timer...

As for my proposed AS fix of lowering non-crit damage, it is a compromise. AS has limited use outside the first strike. Decreasing cast time while decreasing non-crit damage will make it balanced yet viable, while maintaining crit damage at the same as it currently stands will not break balance but will allow it to continue its current level of usefulness.

As far as the -regen proc. It is less about team AV fights and more about solo AV fights.

Stalkers can already be valuable members of AV team, even if some idiot non-stalkers don't think so, but the difficulty the -regen proc is meant to address is solo-AV fighting.

I also proposed some interesting ideas on how to differentiate AS between different sets a dozen or so posts ago. Take a look.



Originally Posted by SkarmoryThePG View Post
I'd like to point something out.

At least in Praetoria, ambushes ALREADY don't aggro on a stealthed stalker. They run to where they were triggered, then stand there if they can't see you.
Praetoria has both kinds of ambushes. It's no different than the rest of the game in this regard and it's never had anything to do with Stalkers or stealth. Any player, even one who is not stealthed in any way can avoid a location-targeted ambush just by moving out of LOS of the incoming enemies.

Where Praetoria is notably different is that it features FAR more ambushes, chained ambushes, and even ones that overlap and spawn with very little delay between waves... all at a much lower level than the rest of the game. Either some of that is not working as intended or someone on the dev team was just a bit overzealous.

Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer

Join The X-Patriots on Virtue!



Originally Posted by Zem View Post
Praetoria has both kinds of ambushes. It's no different than the rest of the game in this regard and it's never had anything to do with Stalkers or stealth. Any player, even one who is not stealthed in any way can avoid a location-targeted ambush just by moving out of LOS of the incoming enemies.

Where Praetoria is notably different is that it features FAR more ambushes, chained ambushes, and even ones that overlap and spawn with very little delay between waves... all at a much lower level than the rest of the game. Either some of that is not working as intended or someone on the dev team was just a bit overzealous.
I'm going to go with both - obviously "not working as intended" for many of them, because several patches recently have seemed to reduce how many ambushes were showing up to one at a time, and the next would wait until it was cleared on most of the missions I've tried. But there are an inordinately large number of ambushes of both types in Praetoria, especially for characters with a lack of powers, lack of slots, and lack of staying power in a fight. At a higher level (ie, post-Stamina with at least SOs), the same "what were they thinking" ambushes would be a great deal of fun - at those levels you can build for the constant fighting; it's only a problem in Praetoria due to what level you are when you run into them.

Specifically with regards to Stalkers, I'd rather see -resistance attached to AS than -regen, as it would be more useful in any situation that you don't immediately kill the target with, and likely provide as much or more extra damage as the -regen would against AVs. But that was given to Tankers instead.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.