So... Stalkers.




Originally Posted by tarrantm View Post
If the hitpoints and cap isn't going to be raised, Stalkers need Hide to passively add something like 20% extra resist all because the resistance secondaries scale horribly for Stalkers and that is a direct result of their low hitpoints (which indirectly translates into resists). It's not Ninjitsu or SR that gives everyone the impression that Stalkers are squishy.

Also, please don't increase their damage mods more than Scrappers unless u want PvP zones to turn into a Stalker vs. Stalker zone.
This can easily be avoided now. You seem to forget that the devs can make the pve and pvp values for powers alot different now. So I dont see the balance of power changing much in pvp even if stalkers get huge buffs.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

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Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
As for stealthing and the post regarding raising the perception on mobs, I don't see it being likely to help, nor do I think that a backhanded nerf to "stealth" in general is the way to help Stalkers. Other ATs can stealth - via IOs, pool powers, or simply running past the mobs because you lose aggro before they can kill you. And Stalkers don't even get the "best stealth" - while Superior Invisibility has an endurance cost associated with it, it doesn't suppress when attacking, provides a higher level of PvE stealth (200' vs 150'), and would provide more PvP stealth if the Controller stealth cap was higher (1000' vs 500'). To quote someone playing their Ill/Rad redside on beta earlier tonight, "I'm like a Stalker, only useful". And honestly, since the Stealth IO stacks with itself, if you load fairly quickly you can just exit and re-enter for a 90' stealth radius on just the IO (ie, no other powers) for most mission lengths.
I don't see raising perception to be a problem if it is in moderation such as individual enemies with Tactics. It mainly needs to be mission sensitive which probably opens up discussions over content and mission design. This also connected to having better map design. I don't have any problem with Superior Invisibility outside of the fact that it seems to be tossed around as a bragging tool when compared to Hide.

Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
And, for that matter: in lieu of raising the damage/damage buff modifier, why not make crit damage unresisted for every stalker attack?

Why? This lets stalkers focus on what stalkers were made for: superior damage through criticals. The damage is less than scrappers on average when scrapping solo, and could actually (possibly only in my mind - numbers are my nemesis) out-damage scrappers on the criticals. It would make stalkers do vastly more damage on teams (especially with the critical radius expanded) and would give them the ability to score unresisted damage after the placate on their second target. (which, in my case, is frequently a second longbow warden).
Easily available unresisted damage is asking to break things considering what entities use it. That's why I suggested regen and resistance debuffs on AS.



Originally Posted by tarrantm View Post
Yes, I'm having flashbacks to PvP basically turning into stealther wars like in all the other MMOs I've played. Invisibility + Highest damage output = no reason to play any other toon in PvP.
That is why I just asked this on another thread. We need another stalker spotter

Originally Posted by Mod_Noc View Post
I have another small request for PvP that I believe is not game breaking. I know that the VEAT Perception cap is at 1260 and all other AT's are at 1153. Well, would it be to hard to increase Kheldians perception to 1260 in PvP? I know they will not to be able to reach it without buffs, but it would be nice to have another AT that will be able to spot stalkers from a distance besides VEATs. Since there will be side switching and VEATs are going to be used to break stalkers in hide then I dont see the issue with HEATs doing the same.



First off, I have not read through the entire thread.

I think that any boost to stalkers should come in the form of improvement to stalker tools, not an increase on direct survivability or damage/buff modifiers.

Here are some interesting ideas that cross my mind:

A) Placate gives the player a 5 second 500% recharge buff. The effect of this would be dependant on how much recharge you have in your build. If all your powers happen to have 95% recharge, and you are running hasten, it would be as good as good as speeding recharge of powers for up to 11.75 seconds (after the 5 seconds are through.) Without any enhancement you are buying yourself 20 seconds on all powers after the 5 seconds are done.

This includes the recharge of Placate itself, as well as any survival click power, attack or buildup.

This would give placate not just increase the utility of Placate, a stalker identity tool, but also make the stalker "move faster" in the shadows. Even if you get knocked out of the shadows you still will benefit from the recharge buff for the full 5 seconds. It for sure makes Placate much more useful in teams.

B) Alternatively, not conjointly, reduce the recharge of Placate and to 40 seconds base and make it a 3 target cone. This would allow for more often use of Placate and less chance of being knocked out of shadows by the neighbors of your target.

C) Make hide, the power, grant users a global run/jump/fly enhancement, about 100%, doubling the effect of any travel power you may have active, but only while hidden. This is more of an utility boost and may work cool with any other change.

D) My final option right now is to give all non T1 or T2 non-AoE attacks a chance to proc Placate effect + Stealth to enable a critical.

My main idea here is make stalkers work more like their anime equivalent. You know, those ninjas and other odd characters that show up, poof out, and strike again extremely fast and often. "Often" being the key word here.



I really enjoy my stalkers as is, but I would never argue against buffing them.

I think increasing the team crit range would help.

What I really think needs to happen is make placate a pbaoe. Also, increase their crit from x2 to x3 much like some weapons in D&D.

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I like Starsman's ideas more than a staight buff to damage. Let stalkers *stalk.* I never liked them much because you only get a big hit once in a while then you're a second class scrapper. Placate should definately be an AoE or 5 targets. The recharge idea is great; stalkers should be more deft at moving in and out of the shadows. 100% bonus to movement in shadows? Well, if you say so. Sounds high to me, but I still like the direction your taking them. Light, fast and hard hitting, with more of a stick-and-move feel than toe-to-toe.

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Originally Posted by Kractis_Sky View Post
100% bonus to movement in shadows? Well, if you say so. Sounds high to me, but I still like the direction your taking them. Light, fast and hard hitting, with more of a stick-and-move feel than toe-to-toe.
100% enhancement is not 100% bonus to movement. It would just make the buff from powers like sprint give twice their base boost. Example numbers just for example purposes (not real numbers)

Base speed being 3x per minute.
Sprint adds 4x per minute
Total of 7 x per minute.
With 100% enhancement from Hide you make 12x per minute.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
What I really think needs to happen is make placate a pbaoe.
Placate could become a cone, but it will never become a PBAoE. For one, the animation does not fit a PBAoE. Second, such a thing would intrude with Ninjitsu's gimmick of having a PBAoE placate effect on a high recharge timer.

Also, increase their crit from x2 to x3 much like some weapons in D&D.
That would be an insane boost in burst damage.



Make Stalker criticals automatic for any target that is held, asleep or stunned?

Edit: I just realized how that would carve AVs like Romulus Augustus into ribbons very quickly... rather, double the crit rate for helpless targets.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Whatever happens, I prefer Stalkers to play more like Blappers with some defense and mez resistance rather than increase survivability to make a Scrapper clone.


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Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
if they did this you would be able to kill things that werent meant to die. For instance civilians in the mayhem missions would be killable.
Given that civilians in mayhems don't have HP tracks, I find that hard to believe. Now, maybe Hapless Citizen hostages would be killable...

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Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
First off, I have not read through the entire thread.

I think that any boost to stalkers should come in the form of improvement to stalker tools, not an increase on direct survivability or damage/buff modifiers.

Here are some interesting ideas that cross my mind:

A) Placate gives the player a 5 second 500% recharge buff. The effect of this would be dependant on how much recharge you have in your build. If all your powers happen to have 95% recharge, and you are running hasten, it would be as good as good as speeding recharge of powers for up to 11.75 seconds (after the 5 seconds are through.) Without any enhancement you are buying yourself 20 seconds on all powers after the 5 seconds are done.

This includes the recharge of Placate itself, as well as any survival click power, attack or buildup.

This would give placate not just increase the utility of Placate, a stalker identity tool, but also make the stalker "move faster" in the shadows. Even if you get knocked out of the shadows you still will benefit from the recharge buff for the full 5 seconds. It for sure makes Placate much more useful in teams.

B) Alternatively, not conjointly, reduce the recharge of Placate and to 40 seconds base and make it a 3 target cone. This would allow for more often use of Placate and less chance of being knocked out of shadows by the neighbors of your target.

C) Make hide, the power, grant users a global run/jump/fly enhancement, about 100%, doubling the effect of any travel power you may have active, but only while hidden. This is more of an utility boost and may work cool with any other change.

D) My final option right now is to give all non T1 or T2 non-AoE attacks a chance to proc Placate effect + Stealth to enable a critical.

My main idea here is make stalkers work more like their anime equivalent. You know, those ninjas and other odd characters that show up, poof out, and strike again extremely fast and often. "Often" being the key word here.
I dont know about this, recharge doesnt help much once you already have a certain amount slotted besides its not like you can your attack chain to be Focus, Focus, Focus, Focus, etc... The speed boost is useless since attacks root you anyways and they would have to find a way for travel power supression to fit back into this. Placate proc I could see working but what think should happen with the placate power is instead of it removing the stalker from the hate list, how about it removes the entire team from the hate list instead? Think of it as using it to save the more squishier teammates.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
I dont know about this, recharge doesnt help much once you already have a certain amount slotted besides its not like you can your attack chain to be Focus, Focus, Focus, Focus, etc...
For one its definitively made to help more with players that are not boosted with recharge to the hills, nothing in this game should be balanced around such builds, anyways. Second, any set that's not claws will be happy to shave a few more seconds off Build Up.

The speed boost is useless since attacks root you anyways and they would have to find a way for travel power supression to fit back into this.
First off, I said it would only work while hidden, it would suppress in combat. It's more about adding the stalker more mobility while hidden. If solo their biggest pro is being able to get to the end boss faster and finish the mission quickly, may as well make sure they can do this faster than anyone other AT with Stealth (unless they have super speed and stealth.)

...what think should happen with the placate power is instead of it removing the stalker from the hate list, how about it removes the entire team from the hate list instead? Think of it as using it to save the more squishier teammates.
That may kill more teammates than you may think. Imagine: team dependent on tank to keep them save. The stalker placate, removes everyone from hate list, even tank. Next clock cycle the critters see random players and attack whoever they see first.



I've made quite a few Stalkers to lvl 50. I've made Dual Blade/Nin 50, Spine/Nin 50, Spine/Energy Aura 50, Claw/Will 50, Ninja Blade/Nin 50, and Electricity/Will 50.

I am not a Stalker expert but here's some of my thoughts:

1. Increase Team Critical Buff radius. My logic is if the current 30' radius doesn't "impress" other teammates, I can't see how a larger radius is going to harm.

2. Increase Build Up buff to 100%.

Wishlist: Maybe reduce Stalker's re-hide recharge from 8s to 6s. :P

I like the team buffs but I just wish it's larger. I can live with less HP, less damage scale than Scrapper, less aoe potential. I like it how Stalker has more critical chances.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by trendee View Post
This may not be the place but what if the team crit buff changed from..
number of players around the stalker to..
number of players the target has in their aggro list to make it more in line with the concept of the crits
Actually, what about making the crit chance related to the number of enemies nearby?

That would accomplish quite a lot of things:

Improve team performance
Improve performance against tons of targets, which is key to Stalkers competing
Not influence solo PVP unless the stalker gets double teamed, in which case they could use some more buffing anyway

Adding a more predictable assassin's debuff and fear would help too, since it's not 100%.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Make Stalker criticals automatic for any target that is held, asleep or stunned?
There used to be a chance to critical on held/slept targets (20% I think?) but that was scrapped in favor of the current team-based criticals.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
* Flag the critical portion of Assassin's Strike as unresisted, to aid Stalkers in their primary goal of quickly eliminating single hard targets.
Flat out that will never happen, the insanity that would cause in PvE and PvP would be a nightmare.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



It's already unresisted in PvP (kind of like all criticals from Stalkers and Scrappers, all debuffs from Defenders, and a portion of all damage from Blasters should be).

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
It's already unresisted in PvP (kind of like all criticals from Stalkers and Scrappers, all debuffs from Defenders, and a portion of all damage from Blasters should be).
AS is unresisting in PvP!?

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Stalker survivability is fine as it is. I've at times thought that the hit point increase the AT received with the rest of their buffs a couple years ago wasn't really needed, but I also tend towards defense sets for stalkers instead of resistance and regen sets that get more out of the hit point boost, so I'm biased. Increasing the hit point cap isn't really ideal because the goal is to keep the AT unique, not turn it into a sneaky Scrapper.

I'm all for at least experimenting with increasing the Build Up bonus to 100%. That adds a healthy dose of upfront damage on its own. Making the crit bonus damage unresistable adds too many headaches to think about. Increasing the crit bonus multiplier by a full integer would almost certainly be overkill, but toying with some small increase might be worth consideration. We might run the numbers on something like maintaining the current crit rate and increasing the crit multiplier to 2.5 or 2.25 and work our way from there based on whatever sort of overall damage increase we're aiming at.

I can't support the idea of having a scaling crit based on number of enemies in range. I understand the idea thematically, but consider it a mechanical challenge that might not really provide as much benefit as the effort that would need to be expended. The crit rate based on team size provides for a definite limit on what the maximum crit rate can possibly be under ideal circumstances and a definite increase in damage based on the size of the team. Setting the crit rate based on number of enemies in an area requires enforcing a cap on how much benefit can be gained, either by setting a limited area the enemies have to be within to achieve the benefit or a hard cap beyond which the bonus can't go--likely both, providing for a maximum number of critters that provide a crit rate bonus within a defined area. So far, that's similar to how team crits work, but then come the complications.

Since the number of critters is (generally) more than a team can bring to the fight, each individual critter would end up needing to (likely) supply a smaller bonus to the crit rate than the AT currently gets from each individual teammate. Not every team is going to be herding masses of critters into a tight area, while most teams tend to stay at least relatively close together. (Whether or not they stay within 30 feet of each other is debatable, but I'm about to get to that.) For that reason, a swap like this would work better for one team playstyle than another with only a little benefit to a soloist. That benefit ends up cut short by the fact that in those herding teams, those herds get decimated by a team's AoEs, anyway. Also, while it's debatable whether or not most teams stay within 30 feet of each other, it's generally true that a team stays fairly tightly packed against tough encounters like AVs and Monsters. By swapping from a teammate-based to an enemy-based scaling crit rate, the Stalker ends up losing out on bonus damage against single hard enemies, when it is the most useful, in exchange for a bonus against multiple weaker enemies--something that the AT isn't really designed around dealing with, anyway, if the comparative lack of AoEs is an indication. (Almost every Stalker set has an AoE or two, but a number of those are balanced around being single target attacks, anyway.)

THAT means a system that would end up working like, say, Invincibility, with a front-load of bonus for smaller enemy encounters that diminishes for larger enemy encounters. Maybe that could be made to work, but I just think that's a lot of effort for trivial--if any--return when the current system already works very well.

Regarding the current Terror and -ToHit benefit of Assassination as it stands, the only real problems I have are that the Demoralize doesn't kick in if the enemy drops. It's a strange catch that provides for strategic choices (which are good, don't get me wrong), but is really hard to understand thematically. When "Joe is dead, man! He just DIED, right there, right in front of me, in no time flat!" doesn't evoke as much fear as "Man, something just poked Joe in the foot!", headscratching is bound to occur.

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Originally Posted by macskull View Post
It's already unresisted in PvP (kind of like all criticals from Stalkers and Scrappers, all debuffs from Defenders, and a portion of all damage from Blasters should be).
Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
AS is unresisting in PvP!?
The unresisted damage in PvP has been gone for a while now, unless there was a lot i13 PvP change reversions in Going Rogue's beta that somehow missed any patch notes. In any case, unresisted damage in PvE has been stated in the past as being off the table, since prior to the first round of Stalker buffs. I certainly wouldn't be adverse to adding it back in - at least on AS - in PvP, but that's a separate can of worms.

While it's good to see discussion on alternatives, some of the ones that have already been flatly rejected in the past should probably be ignored in order to come up with a focused list of "this is what we (as Stalker players) would like to see".

To try to compile the suggestions somewhat, so far we have:
  • Increased damage modifier (1.125 - 1.3 suggested)
  • Increased radius on scaling critical chance (60' - 225')
  • Increase melee damage buffs (ie, Build Up's +dam) to match Scrappers
  • Increased damage cap (to 675%)
  • Increased maxhp (to 1928)
  • Increase chance for Demoralize mag 5 Fear based on teammate proximity
  • Attach a defense, resistance, or regeneration debuff to Assassin's Strike
  • Higher ranged defense, to-hit, and damage buff modifers (ie, the Leadership powers)
  • Change scaling critical rate to 15% (up from 10%) + 5% (up from 3%) per teammate in range.
  • Higher tohit debuff value on Demoralize effect, longer fear on same.
  • +Acc while on teams.
  • Placate capping recharge for 5 seconds.
  • Shorter recharge on Placate.
  • Placate as a small-area cone.
  • Hidden status movement enhancement (and indirectly, corresponding movement) buff.
  • Higher-tier single-target attacks offer chance to immediately drop back into Hidden status.
  • Further reduction of Hidden status timer to 6 seconds.

Obviously not all of these suggestions can happen, and some don't address any solo performance discrepancies at all. I'm leery about all of the Placate- or Assassin's Strike-dependent changes since it more or less forces you into build decisions to get anything out of the buff at all; much like stacking all of the old Dominator buffs into Domination leading to it being an all-or-nothing performance power, what happens if you don't have Placate (or don't want to use it, due to shunting aggro onto squishies), or can't get an Assassin's Strike off due to an autohit effect that interrupts it? I don't feel that they're bad suggestions, but I do feel that they should be taken as part of an answer, and not the whole of it.

Personally, I'm happy with my defense-based Stalkers' survivability, but I don't play the "pure" resistance sets: I have a couple of Willpower Stalkers, one Regen, I deleted the Dark Armor in the low 20s, and the rest are defense sets. A max hp boost wouldn't help the relatively weaker resistance sets much (since they don't have +maxhp anyway), but would allow sets like Willpower and Regen to get a little more breathing room for their heals.

On the buff/debuff side of things, adjusting their values for the Leadership buffs would make a small contribution to a team but thematically doesn't fit as well as it could - and if you're inviting a Stalker as a "buffer" you're doing it wrong in any case. A higher to-hit debuff would probably necessitate it being resistable, but I could see where turning Demoralize into a PBAoE version of Fearsome Stare - with corresponding debuff, magnitude, and duration - would be preferable. While it wouldn't fear bosses in one application, it would be reliable and last longer. The debuff would only be half-again as strong if it used the same base strength as Fearsome Stare due to a lower Stalker ranged to-hit debuff modifier (ie, Stalker mods make it -10.5% vs -15% for a Corruptor), though - I think leaving it at 7.5% and unresisted is almost preferable to the extra 3%.

Which goes back to the damage boosting suggestions - whether it's a straight damage modifier increase, change to how the scaling criticals work, or how much they buff themselves and how high they can do so.

So, what other suggestions do you have? Alternatively, of the suggestions presented so far, which stand out to you, and why?

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
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Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
AS is unresisting in PvP!?
The critical portion is. That was taken out as part of the I13 changes but was re-added in I14 due to a lot of complaints about AS being practically worthless (it still sort of is, since you can put out only a few hundred points less from 80 feet without an interrupt timer).

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



I see little reason to change them, honestly.

I do agree that there should be some kind of team buff that is connected to a successful AS, OR a Stalker in Hide (kind of like a "Scout the Enemy" bonus a la Tactics). Instead of the self-buffs blasters get for successful attacks, the buffs stack on the teammates as the Stalker pops out of the woodwork and administers a beatdown.

But as far as surviveability and damage? It ain't broke, don't try and fix it.

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While the exact range is up for debate, increasing the radius of the crit range seems like the suggestion with the most consensus and (Standard Code Rant) seems the easiest to implement and the least likely to break things. While increasing the damage modifier seems to make sense, there is a valid chance that it would pull Elec and Spines too far ahead of the rest of the primaries and require further balancing of their damage.



The only changes that need to happen are the following:

Automatic crit for the assassin strikes (outside of hide), and increased chance to crit for tier 8 and 9 attacks. Add an additional crit (triple damage aside from any necessary adjustments for certain powers like ET) from hide.