So... Stalkers.




The issue of solo vs. team pace is a good one to keep in mind, I think... I have several Stalkers and I've had fun with them in a lot of different situations (I've even taken one of them Mothership-raiding. ), but the way they run as solo toons is a very different beast from the way they typically have to be played on a team.

No team is going to stand around waiting for you to get in position, line up your attack and go through the entire slower-than-Christmas animation cycle before they move in and start busting heads. They just won't.

If you're lucky, you'll almost have enough time to get in there and get a shot off on something before the whole mob's dead. Even doing that much can be difficult, though. I can't begin to count the number of times I've had my Hide broken by AoEs triggered by my team-mates' attacks, or how many times my Assassin's Strikes have been interrupted before the attack could go off due to my Stalker being bumped by another toon or someone's pets or special effects.

Given that, what's left for us to do in a group but scouting the map and pretending to be Scraps? Which, for reasons that have already been mentioned (low HP, etc-) upthread, we're not all good at.

When you're solo, on the other hand, you don't have to worry about impatient team-mates or unexpected interruptions. It's very easy to play your Stalker the way I suspect the devs intended them to be played all along... As very deliberate, very careful stealth hunters. That role, I think, they handle perfectly well as-is. I don't think they need much to be fine on their own.

So, the question as far as I'm concerned is how can Stalkers be made more effective/useful in the context of an average group? What can be done to make their solo hunting style more friendly with grouping? I'd say removing possibility of interruption from AS would be an excellent start. Making the AS animation shorter might also help, since any reduction in "set-up time" equals more of a chance to get the shot off before the team moves in and all hell breaks loose.

I'm very, very wary of any of the suggestions tied to Placate, though. As others have pointed out, even the current, controllable version can get fragile team-mates in trouble. An uncontrolled, random Placate effect would likely result in no one ever letting any of us anywhere near their teams ever again! ...That would sort-of defeat the purpose of making the change, right?

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
No team is going to stand around waiting for you to get in position, line up your attack and go through the entire slower-than-Christmas animation cycle before they move in and start busting heads. They just won't.

If you're lucky, you'll almost have enough time to get in there and get a shot off on something before the whole mob's dead. Even doing that much can be difficult, though. I can't begin to count the number of times I've had my Hide broken by AoEs triggered by my team-mates' attacks, or how many times my Assassin's Strikes have been interrupted before the attack could go off due to my Stalker being bumped by another toon or someone's pets or special effects.

Given that, what's left for us to do in a group but scouting the map and pretending to be Scraps? Which, for reasons that have already been mentioned (low HP, etc-) upthread, we're not all good at.
That's why you don't run in first and open with AS. You're much better off to let the brute or the mastermind run in and take the aggro and then AS a target that's already taunted. Placating that or another target that's already pounding on the higher hp meatbags is safe then, too.

Too many stalkers I've teamed with seem to think that because they can run in first without aggroing the spawn, that they should run in first.

Not directing that at you, Bright - just making an observation from what you said of what many stalkers I've seen tend to do on teams.

I'll 'fess up - I've slipped and fallen into that trap myself on occasion.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
That's why you don't run in first and open with AS. You're much better off to let the brute or the mastermind run in and take the aggro and then AS a target that's already taunted. Placating that or another target that's already pounding on the higher hp meatbags is safe then, too.

Too many stalkers I've teamed with seem to think that because they can run in first without aggroing the spawn, that they should run in first.

Not directing that at you, Bright - just making an observation from what you said of what many stalkers I've seen tend to do on teams.

I'll 'fess up - I've slipped and fallen into that trap myself on occasion.
When I was playing my stalker, on teams without a brute, I actually found people wanted my Stalker to lead the way (at least in low levels) for the chance of the AS fearing a massive amount of the targets.

I do like the -regen idea, but I think it would have to be impressive enough to be worth it.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
When I was playing my stalker, on teams without a brute, I actually found people wanted my Stalker to lead the way (at least in low levels) for the chance of the AS fearing a massive amount of the targets.

I do like the -regen idea, but I think it would have to be impressive enough to be worth it.
When I was playing on any AT on teams without a Brute (or Tanker, heroside), I found most people wanted anyone else to lead the way for the chance of the alpha not hitting them.

I'd usually oblige, because (among other things) I have a general lack of patience for just standing around asking if everyone is ready combined with a healthy contempt for debt penalties - it's just another badge, and for villains, part of an accolade! Even if there is a Brute (or Tanker), if they're timid and won't go when people have been ready for a while (and said so repeatedly) I'll end up rushing in first just to get things rolling. So I wouldn't say that it's necessarily just for the fear.

Catching up a bit:

Re: random Placate effect - I don't like the idea either, which is why I suggested that if it be done it simply set the hidden status (kMeter) to 1; that would give the critical and hidden status while allowing the Stalker to hold aggro if they chose to do so.

Re: -regen - I think attaching -regen to Assassin's Strike has been brought up before in discussions about Stalker buffs, but just to clarify: the -regen talked about would be on all criticals, or only for AS?

Re: thematic concerns - A lot of hand-waving needs to be done regarding a Stalker's abilities and how they translate; the random criticals are, in my opinion, supposed to represent the chance of taking your enemy from surprise and/or blindsiding someone who is fighting someone else or is out of position due to you "fading in from the shadows" or whatnot (which is why it makes sense that the more teammates around, the higher the chance that one happens). So more "fading in and out" could be handled simply through a higher critical rate.

Re: reasoning of buff - I don't particularly think that things are horribly out of whack as far as balance between the melee ATs on live, but if there is going to be an effort made to address the disparity, as has been done with Brutes and Tankers, then Stalkers need to be looked at as well. It doesn't have to be a huge boost, but I really don't see why they can't have at least Scrapper-level single-target sustained damage and the same melee damage buff modifier in exchange for their lower base hit points and lower hp cap.

Re: resistance vs defense sets - I tried to come up with something that could possibly address this earlier in the thread (adding more defense to hidden status and "drop into hidden" criticals which would effectively provide both extra defense immediately and extra damage on the next hit), but it would likely be completely broken in actual gameplay - among other things, turning Placate into a better version of Shadow Meld. I don't think it would happen due to that, and don't know if it's really how I'd want to go about addressing things. But considering how the combat system works and the ease of using defense set bonuses - especially positional - compared to the rarity, low values, and need for full damage type coverage of resistance bonuses, I don't think that any AT is better or worse off than any other regarding this. One consideration to aid the "pure resistance" sets to better utilize defense set bonuses could be adding lethal damage resistance to defense debuff resistance for all sets.

And now this is getting long and rambling, so I'll just stop there.

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it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
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Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
Re: -regen - I think attaching -regen to Assassin's Strike has been brought up before in discussions about Stalker buffs, but just to clarify: the -regen talked about would be on all criticals, or only for AS?
All criticals would probably be best if it's being added to help a stalker's team contribution. Since on a team everyone likes to target bosses first, half the time my target dies while I'm in the middle of doing the AS animation. But then the -regen would really only be useful on tough targets like AVs, where you have plenty of time to AS anyway, so I guess it could work either way.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
Re: resistance vs defense sets - I tried to come up with something that could possibly address this earlier in the thread (adding more defense to hidden status and "drop into hidden" criticals which would effectively provide both extra defense immediately and extra damage on the next hit), but it would likely be completely broken in actual gameplay - among other things, turning Placate into a better version of Shadow Meld. I don't think it would happen due to that, and don't know if it's really how I'd want to go about addressing things. But considering how the combat system works and the ease of using defense set bonuses - especially positional - compared to the rarity, low values, and need for full damage type coverage of resistance bonuses, I don't think that any AT is better or worse off than any other regarding this. One consideration to aid the "pure resistance" sets to better utilize defense set bonuses could be adding lethal damage resistance to defense debuff resistance for all sets.
First of all we didn't need to talk about defensive set bonuses favoring ATs because this is a discussion about it favoring powersets within this particular AT and not about it favoring one AT over another. But if that's something you want to talk about, we can. And I would agree about this on Scrappers, Brutes and Tankers because despite the hitpoint differences, they have enough hitpoints to last it out until their self-heals recharge. It's like all the mobs and their melee damage output have been tweaked with Scrapper hitpoints and resist set values as the bare minimum - oh wait, that's because they have because that AT has been around since the beginning of the game. However, when it comes to Stalkers, resist sets actually make you feel the low hitpoints of the AT all the time because the resist sets are getting hit all the time and faceplanting more than a Blaster. That's also the reason why Night Widows and Bane Spider ATs perform better than Stalker resist sets while playing just like a Stalker (in PvE, this whole thing is about PvE and I hope none of the upcoming Stalker changes translate into PvP because they really don't need that significant a leg up there). It's because they are based on defense and defense doesn't care about low hitpoints until you get hit. Resist sets care about low hit points because hitpoints are resists and if your hitpoints are lower than those of a Scrapper, mob damage and the game isn't designed for you to use a resist set.

As for other ATs being better or worse, other ATs have better mitigation in the form of control (Doms and trollers), or buff/debuff/heals (corrs/defs/trollers/MMs), or just higher hitpoints (Scraps, Brutes, Tankers), or range (Blasters). Stalkers are nowhere in the ballpark in terms of control off of AS and none of the other methods of mitigation factor in. Either Stalkers get something to boost their resists, or they need more controls or buffs/debuffs/faster-recharging-self-heals to deal with the lower hitpoints. The current status-quo of gimped resist sets whose only salvation is Shadow Meld if I don't re-roll into another AT or powerset in frustration before hitting level 44 just isn't working.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
I disagree. The intended use of a Scrapper is crowd control, to take out minions and lts quickly while the Blasters aim for the bosses.
Uh. What? I think you have that exactly backwards.

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Originally Posted by tarrantm View Post
First of all we didn't need to talk about defensive set bonuses favoring ATs because this is a discussion about it favoring powersets within this particular AT and not about it favoring one AT over another.
And the solution probably isn't within an AT-only fix, but would affect all of them - the argument wasn't that "defense works better for this AT but not that one", it was barring extenuating circumstances - like DE quartz, or stacked Nemesis Vengeance - "defense works better for all ATs, not just Stalkers" (just for starters: being able to get 90% mitigation on all ATs via defense but only 75% via resistance unless you're an EAT, Brute, or Tanker). So it's a concern, and one that I tried to put out a couple of things for, but there isn't any "quick fix" that I see.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
And the solution probably isn't within an AT-only fix, but would affect all of them - the argument wasn't that "defense works better for this AT but not that one", it was barring extenuating circumstances - like DE quartz, or stacked Nemesis Vengeance - "defense works better for all ATs, not just Stalkers" (just for starters: being able to get 90% mitigation on all ATs via defense but only 75% via resistance unless you're an EAT, Brute, or Tanker). So it's a concern, and one that I tried to put out a couple of things for, but there isn't any "quick fix" that I see.
That may be a larger concern across the game, but there are quick fixes to make resist sets work for Stalkers while the 2+ year fix to resist in the game is in the works. Giving base resists to Hide for the resist sets for example. Or making Placate auto-recharge the resist set heals, or add a hitpoint boost to the heals in the resist sets. There's plenty of options. And resist caps don't even play into the equation since it's rare to even hit them since significant IO contribution to resists is near non-existant.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
When I was playing my stalker, on teams without a brute, I actually found people wanted my Stalker to lead the way (at least in low levels) for the chance of the AS fearing a massive amount of the targets.

I do like the -regen idea, but I think it would have to be impressive enough to be worth it.
Exactly. There seem to be a fair number of players out there who do expect us to be able to open like Scrappers can, and they'll look at you funny when you suggest that that's not really the best idea. I don't think we need to be able to do that "ghetto tank"-thing, myself... That's just not what Stalkers are for... But the misconception that we should seems to be pretty common.

Also, going in after the Brute won't help the long set-up time issue (Your target is still likely to be a greasy little spot on the map before your AS goes off-) or the interruption problem.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by SkarmoryThePG View Post
Uh. What? I think you have that exactly backwards.
Already discussed why I said that, but thanks for paying attention!

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
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Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
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Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
Re: resistance vs defense sets - I tried to come up with something that could possibly address this earlier in the thread (adding more defense to hidden status and "drop into hidden" criticals which would effectively provide both extra defense immediately and extra damage on the next hit), but it would likely be completely broken in actual gameplay - among other things, turning Placate into a better version of Shadow Meld. I don't think it would happen due to that, and don't know if it's really how I'd want to go about addressing things. But considering how the combat system works and the ease of using defense set bonuses - especially positional - compared to the rarity, low values, and need for full damage type coverage of resistance bonuses, I don't think that any AT is better or worse off than any other regarding this. One consideration to aid the "pure resistance" sets to better utilize defense set bonuses could be adding lethal damage resistance to defense debuff resistance for all sets.
I've been mulling resistance sets over since reading this. Since Scrappers have a hit point cap that's 33% higher than Stalkers - and given that the two resistance sets they share give the same amount of mitigation (25%) per toggle, how much good would it do to give the resistance toggles in DA and EleA 33% more resistance to compensate? This would mean that the resistance toggles for each would provide right at 30% resistance.

Would that be something that would make at least a little bit of difference?

Now the resistance sets in question have to make up a good portion of their mitigation through their respective heals, so if the above isn't enough then perhaps a proportionate recharge bonus could be given to the heals. My original thought was, of course, 33%, but a 20 second recharge on Dark Regeneration seemed a bit too much while 80.4 seconds for Energize brings it below that of Reconstruction, so I won't even speculate on how much recharge - if any - could be given to these two powers and still be balanced.

EDIT - I'm an idiot. Since reducing the recharge seems so out of whack to me, what about increasing the heals by 15% - possibly in combination with a slightly reduced recharge? Eh. That's not completely thought through, but I'll toss it in the mix anyway.

The crux of the suggestion therefore is just the increase to resistance gained from the toggles.

Not really a suggestion that affects stalkers as a whole so much as attempts to at least partially bridge the chasm between stalker secondaries.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Since today's announcement that we're allowed to discuss beta things here, I sent a PM asking for this thread to be moved to a non-beta section of the boards.

Sure, it's probably run through most of the course anyway, but more eyes couldn't hurt.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



More eyes would probably help out a lot. A number of the individual suggestions have varying merits that could stand to be discussed a bit more. If not moved, I figure the thread could easily be restarted.



I've finalized my thoughts after playing my Corr/MM with Brute. I've been thinking why Stalkers aren't that productive on a team (besides not having enough AoE in certain sets):

1. In PvE, they gotta reduce the activation time on AS. 4s is way too long and if you add interrupt, a Stalker may spend 4s doing nothing. Of course sets like Spines and Electricity don't need to open with AS on a team but some sets are better with AS opener like Martial Arts. I think the 4s is there to balance Stalker in PvP but Stalker needs some love in PvE. And Spines/Electricity don't get their big aoe until 32 and this is why you see people abandoning stalkers early.

2. Stalker should get critical team buff regardless of "radius". Some said making the radius larger could cause more lags. Then the easier solution is to get rid of "radius" limit. Stalker gets the benefit of critical chance with more party members on the team. Makes sense to me! If the current 30' radius isn't helping Stalker's population, it is safe to assume having no restraint on effective radius won't "ruin" the AT.

3. Balance some of the secondary sets like Dark Armor and Electricity Armor. Dark Armor has two powers that can get stalkers out of hide. Electricity Armor is an average resistant set with NO healing to backup. The "go go go" mentality fits Brute/Scrapper but not Stalker. I've tried that Repel aura in Energy Aura set. It is really not useful on Stalker. Sure, I can knock things back but I am also draining my endurance too fast! A knockback aura on a melee toon just seems... flawed?! It may have a use in pvp? Who knows. I don't think people like Energy Aura much in pvp?


Let's start with these 3 after GR came out. Pretty please.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
... Dark Armor has two powers that can get stalkers out of hide.
I believe this is being fixed or has been fixed for I18 or shortly thereafter, is it not? Stalker toggles like the two in dark armor and repel from energy aura will NOT effect enemies until hide is broken, if I recall correctly.

Electricity Armor is an average resistant set with NO healing to backup.
I've never played the set, tbh, but I thought Energize was a heal?

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
I believe this is being fixed or has been fixed for I18 or shortly thereafter, is it not? Stalker toggles like the two in dark armor and repel from energy aura will NOT effect enemies until hide is broken, if I recall correctly.

I've never played the set, tbh, but I thought Energize was a heal?
The auras are supposed to suppress while you're in hidden status and pop into effect when it drops on the beta server, but I don't have a /DA Stalker to check that it's working as expected, and yes, Energize is a heal, albeit a slowly-recharging one compared to the ones in other secondaries.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



No time to read the entire thread (really no time), but I want to weigh in.

Firstly, Scrapper Build Up should be lowered to 80% dambuff to bring it in line with other versions; Blasters should be the only AT that gets a 100% dambuff from Build Up. Sorry, but there is no reason balance-wise, cannon-wise, rp-wise, or jimmeny cricket-wise that Scrappers magically get the 100% buff.

As far as actual Stalkers go:

Electric melee is beautiful as is; Spines is also good. IMO Claws and Dual Blades are both good enough as well, though I miss follow up.
The biggest problem for the rest of the sets, as I see it, is the lack of AoE effectiveness.

-The two sword sets should have their current AoE attack (Flashing Steel and Slice) swapped for the more powerful ones that come later in the Scrapper set (Lotus Drop and Whirling Sword). Getting the more powerful attack earlier than Scrappers is balanced by the fact that you still are only able to get one of the two, but this should increase your overall AoE damage output. The attacks are mostly of the same type and slot the same sets, so no problem there. (Also, while not necessary, I would like to see the sword tier 9's crit-from-hidden chance changed to the single target 100%; these are really single target attacks that happen to have a chance to hit multiple enemies, not true AoE's like Jacob's Ladder or Shadow Maul, and as such they should get the single target crit chance).

-Dark Melee: remove Build Up and give the set a copy of Soul Drain tagged to not break hide (like the changes coming for dark armor) or alert enemies (like World of Confusion's damage ticks). This gives the set back a smidge of AoE (actually almost as much as the Scrapper/Brute version) and some of its uniqueness, while it is not overpowered because you cannot spam Soul Drain. Also makes the set more desirable because you could actually get multiple built up Assassin's Eclipse attacks off during the length of Soul Drain, again not over powered because the damagebuff effect is generally lower than an actual Build Up's.

-Martial Arts and Energy Melee: a set with no AoE is ludicrous in PvE. Both of these sets have a stun attack (minor damage) that should be replaced with the AoE attack in other variants of the set (Dragon's Tail and Whirling Hands respectively). A small chance to disorient could be added to either or both so that no one feels they have lost anything, and to make sure stun sets are still slottable with the addition of PBaoe sets. This would give these powersets the same AoE capabilities as Scrapper and Brute versions, while not really losing anything.

Doing all of that would ameliorate the AoE disparity sufficiently, in my opinion. Otherwise, the problem that Scrappers do more damage is generally balanced now by the scaling crit chance on teams (and we are hopefully changing Build Up's buff as well) which makes Stalkers pull ahead. We are left with the problem of hp cap disparity; you cannot say that the Stalker gimmick of Assassin's strike is the balance here because it is usually just that: a gimmick. In most cases (PvE), you will do more damage by just continuing your single target chain than by stopping to Build Up-->Placate-->AS. So it is consigned to being beneficial only against certain problem enemies. That makes it pretty much the same as a good mez. That Sapper over there? Well I can AS it or the dom can hold it, either way it's no longer a problem, but the Dom takes less time to neutralize it. That is not worth a lower hp cap, especially considering some secondaries lose effectiveness because they so easily go over the cap (looking at you, Energy Aura).

Before, I would have said the hp thing was balanced by the fact that Stalkers got things like Shadow Meld, but now that Scrappers are getting that too I cry foul. Stalkers are about to be simply inferior, and I would pretty much only play one for the exception of a set that is Stalker Electric Melee.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



I like the way you think, Siolfir.

Of the other suggestions, AS getting a regen debuff makes some sense to me. The target has just been hit by a precision critical, some effect beyond simple damage seems logical.

Also, what if Placate placed a -Res/-Def debuff on the target? It seems quite within the basic idea of the power that it could 'set up' or distract the target. This would also make it a power worth using in the middle of a big melee or when taking ongoing damage.

I've always liked the idea of Stalkers as opportunists. The idea that not only can the stalker take advantage of opportunities (the crit bonus from nearby teammates) but that they can also create opportunities for their teammates (via debuffs) supports this concept well.

[afterthought] For similar conceptual and practical reasons I'd also be happy with a chance for an AoE confuse linked to AS's 'intimidate' and/or to Placate. "Confuse" seems like the closest game mechanic currently available to get the effect of 'he tried to blast me but hit his buddy instead'.



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
No time to read the entire thread (really no time), but I want to weigh in.

Firstly, Scrapper Build Up should be lowered to 80% dambuff to bring it in line with other versions; Blasters should be the only AT that gets a 100% dambuff from Build Up. Sorry, but there is no reason balance-wise, cannon-wise, rp-wise, or jimmeny cricket-wise that Scrappers magically get the 100% buff.
Possibly true, but since the other melee ATs were looked at and Scrappers were left alone I was using them as the "this is considered balanced" point.

In general, the addition of AoE attacks sounds like it could be a good way to address things, but one thing that you may have missed before this suggestion:
Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
-Martial Arts and Energy Melee: a set with no AoE is ludicrous in PvE. Both of these sets have a stun attack (minor damage) that should be replaced with the AoE attack in other variants of the set (Dragon's Tail and Whirling Hands respectively).
Cobra Strike now does as much damage as Crane Kick, has a 75% chance to stun, and the recharge was halved. So it does more damage than Bone Smasher (EM's hardest hitting "normal" attack that has a full critical), plus has a higher chance for a longer-lasting stun and fits in an attack chain with at the same point Crane Kick would. If a power other than Thunder Kick was going to be replaced, I'd rather keep CS than CK.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
I believe this is being fixed or has been fixed for I18 or shortly thereafter, is it not? Stalker toggles like the two in dark armor and repel from energy aura will NOT effect enemies until hide is broken, if I recall correctly.
Indeed, this has been in issue 18 for a while. Repulse also benefits. You can have your toggles on, but they ahve no effect so long as you have Hidden status, and therefore don't knock you out of hide.

I really should do something about this signature.



Cobra Strike now does as much damage as Crane Kick, has a 75% chance to stun, and the recharge was halved. So it does more damage than Bone Smasher (EM's hardest hitting "normal" attack that has a full critical), plus has a higher chance for a longer-lasting stun and fits in an attack chain with at the same point Crane Kick would. If a power other than Thunder Kick was going to be replaced, I'd rather keep CS than CK.
I did indeed miss that, thanks Siolfir! I guess Energy Melee still would benefit, but for MA it seems CK would be the best thing to replace like you say, though it would also be nice to have a small reordering so you could get the new AoE earlier in the set, now that I think about it.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
I believe this is being fixed or has been fixed for I18 or shortly thereafter, is it not? Stalker toggles like the two in dark armor and repel from energy aura will NOT effect enemies until hide is broken, if I recall correctly.

I've never played the set, tbh, but I thought Energize was a heal?
Oh... . interesting. I just came back. When I made electricity/dark Stalker, I believe it was back in 16 or 17. Cool.

I don't remember Energize either. My friend made an /elec back then but not sure if they changed it later or not?

Mmmm, my memory of stalker is fading...

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.